The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software.

No they haven't.

Your link to the Barr article is just rehashing his notice to the DoJ to go above local prosecutors. It didn't say anything about the FBI and DOJ having found "indications of massive voter fraud."

Trump's tweet claimed that, but Orange Jesus also claimed Obama was born in Kenya and Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination, as well as retweeting a bizarre QAnon conspiracy theory that bin Laden was alive and Seal Team 6 was dead, not to mention about another thousand other bizarre things. So Trump proclaiming it does not make it so.
Yeah, but there's an interview out there, on a trending gossip website, talking to a random yahoo, that totally blows the lid off all this! You'll see!
Who the hell granted Dominion the rights to the election?? I thought it was owned in part by Dem's in Govt??

State governments bid out contracts.

Remember when whining sore Democratic losers made similar claims about Diebold in 2004? Same thing here with the whining sore Trump cult losers about Dominion.

And no, Richard Blum does not own Dominion. The company came out and said that was false. That is #fakenews.

But truth is a casualty amongst cults.
Ill go with the MIT forensics teams evaluation of the machines.. Some of the smartest people in the world.

Yeah, well, this "expert" has been saying the same schtick for 20 years. Here's what he said in 2001.

Dr. Ayyadurai learned that in 2001, a weighted race feature was added to Global Election Systems (GEMS 1.18.1) voting systems. This feature allows elections to be skewed to one candidate or another based on the settings of the software. This is not a hack, but a built-in FEATURE of the software. Why this feature exists in US ballot tabulation machines has never been explained.​
Not only does the software allow for the weighting of election outcomes, but the way votes are stored and counted is also problematic. The systems store the votes as fractional decimals instead of whole numbers. This means the machines can be set to tabulate half a vote, which makes no sense at all, yet that’s how they were designed.​

Did you get that? Fractional votes.

I wonder if other states beside Texas actually had a panel of INDEPENDENT software experts evaluate Dominion Software version 5.5 or did they just rubber stamp approve it to decide their state's election? It would be interesting to have that panel of experts testify in front of the Senate and explain why they REJECTED it because of how vulnerable it was to fraud.
Yeah, well, this "expert" has been saying the same schtick for 20 years. Here's what he said in 2001
This dude has been around for a long time and he’s this weird fringe dude with lots of goofball theories and claims including that he invented email and he will definitely sue if you say otherwise.

He’s smart. He’s accomplished. But he’s not a serious person.
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You idiots are going further and further down to loony toon land and it’s going to fuck up the country for a long time just because Trump is too emotionally fragile to admit he lost.
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You idiots are going further and further down to loony toon land and it’s going to fuck up the country for a long time just because Trump is too emotionally fragile to admit he lost.
You were told to sit down and shut the fuck up you uneducated liar. You’ve been getting your ass added to you all over the place today. Seems it’s you and yours getting fucked by the truth of the fraud that has been committed here coming out. See, you assholes cry and run to court every time you lose. Trump has the right to go to court so STFU. If this was clean you would WELCOME an investigation. Yet you cry and scream about it. Tells us all we need to know.....
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You idiots are going further and further down to loony toon land and it’s going to fuck up the country for a long time just because Trump is too emotionally fragile to admit he lost.

some funny ass shit. you here on thursdays? maybe i'll try the veal.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Did the Pres give us a link?
twitter. :) so the usual. but we've seen verified swaps in several places at this point and a major media NO IT ISN'T happening.

and wow. if we're banning Huawei from the US why do we have chinese components in our election machines?

there seems to be enough to look into at least. if the left can take 3 years on russia we can take a few weeks on this i suppose.
We saw it in two counties in Michigan, if we're talking about the Dominion software. The discrepancies were caught by the people counting and it was investigated. A last minute software update wasn't completed correctly by clerks in two counties. That is the only actual look-sees into that that I've seen.
So the default setting on the software was to swap votes without the update? Nobody sees anything suspicious here?
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You're wrong, and swearing about it isn't going to make you righter.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Did the Pres give us a link?
twitter. :) so the usual. but we've seen verified swaps in several places at this point and a major media NO IT ISN'T happening.

and wow. if we're banning Huawei from the US why do we have chinese components in our election machines?

there seems to be enough to look into at least. if the left can take 3 years on russia we can take a few weeks on this i suppose.
We saw it in two counties in Michigan, if we're talking about the Dominion software. The discrepancies were caught by the people counting and it was investigated. A last minute software update wasn't completed correctly by clerks in two counties. That is the only actual look-sees into that that I've seen.
So the default setting on the software was to swap votes without the update? Nobody sees anything suspicious here?
Have you read the actual blow by blow explanation of what happened with the updates and such? If I were to take the time to hunt back and find it, would you read it and believe a single word the people who examined the problem reported?
Somehow these machines tabulated 70M votes for Trump and delivered 20+ states to him.
Somehow these machines didn't flip the Senate and returned votes that had the Democrats losing seats in the House
Somehow these machines will return 1 or 2 Republican Senators from Georgia.
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
Literally everything you said is lies.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread voting problems.

President Trump on Thursday spread new baseless claims about Dominion Voting Systems, which makes software that local governments around the nation use to help run their elections, fueling a conspiracy theory that Dominion “software glitches” changed vote tallies in Michigan and Georgia last week.
The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had problems in Michigan and Georgia, and in every instance there was a detailed explanation for what had happened. In all of the cases, software did not affect the vote counts.
In the two Michigan counties that had mistakes, the inaccuracies were because of human errors, not software problems, according to the Michigan Department of State, county officials and election-security experts. Only one of the two Michigan counties used Dominion software.
Issues in three Georgia counties had other explanations. In one county, an apparent problem with Dominion software delayed officials’ reporting of the vote tallies, but did not affect the actual vote count. In two other counties, a separate company’s software slowed poll workers’ ability to check-in voters.
“Many of the claims being asserted about Dominion and questionable voting technology is misinformation at best and, in many cases, they’re outright disinformation,” said Edward Perez, an election-technology expert at the OSET Institute, a nonprofit that studies voting infrastructure. “I’m not aware of any evidence of specific things or defects in Dominion software that would lead one to believe that votes had been recorded or counted incorrectly.”
Right-wing voices across the internet this week have claimed incorrectly that Dominion was responsible for mistakes in vote counts, and Mr. Trump shared a Breitbart article on Twitter that incorrectly tied the Michigan issues to separate problems in Georgia.

In other words, more misinformation from the Commander and Chief of Misinformation. The problems did not affect vote tallies.

Last edited:
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You idiots are going further and further down to loony toon land and it’s going to fuck up the country for a long time just because Trump is too emotionally fragile to admit he lost.
You were told to sit down and shut the fuck up you uneducated liar. You’ve been getting your ass added to you all over the place today. Seems it’s you and yours getting fucked by the truth of the fraud that has been committed here coming out. See, you assholes cry and run to court every time you lose. Trump has the right to go to court so STFU. If this was clean you would WELCOME an investigation. Yet you cry and scream about it. Tells us all we need to know.....

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell others what to do. The entire Dominion Software story has been completely debunked and disproven, just like your Hunter Biden's Laptop story. Stop with your phony outrage and defence of the indefensible actions by the President.
you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

What a load of bullshit.

Russian Interference in the 2016 Election has been amply demonstrated and found to have been an issue by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Robert Mueller, Special Prosecutor to the Justice Department, the Senate of the United States of America, and multiple security agencies throughout the world.

When Trump threatened to take his losses to court and tie the election up in the courts "for years", the state election officials just covered their own asses by running the cleanest election in the history of the Republic - and recorded all of the vote counting on camera.

Given the venal and corrupt behaviour of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party throughout the 6 years they held the Senate during the Obama Administration, and their enabling behaviour throughout the Trump Administration, it is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in running the country, other than to line their own pockets.
That is one of the biggest piles of crap ever posted. No surprise from one of the biggest morons here. NO evidence of your Russian collusion idiot. Period. Recorded all vote counting on camera? Fuck off with that pile of shit. Complete fabrication. Dominion software has been checked and there are HUGE discrepancies. Seems the lefties here are scared to have ballots checked. Well, for 20 years you have done nothing but bitch and moan and run to court upon losing. So you can sit down and STFU until SCOTUS slaps you hard.
You idiots are going further and further down to loony toon land and it’s going to fuck up the country for a long time just because Trump is too emotionally fragile to admit he lost.
You were told to sit down and shut the fuck up you uneducated liar. You’ve been getting your ass added to you all over the place today. Seems it’s you and yours getting fucked by the truth of the fraud that has been committed here coming out. See, you assholes cry and run to court every time you lose. Trump has the right to go to court so STFU. If this was clean you would WELCOME an investigation. Yet you cry and scream about it. Tells us all we need to know.....

Who the fuck do you think you are to tell others what to do. The entire Dominion Software story has been completely debunked and disproven, just like your Hunter Biden's Laptop story. Stop with your phony outrage and defence of the indefensible actions by the President.

His tweet Thursday amplified a “report” built on empty claims that originated in anonymous comments on a pro-Trump blog.

Trump and his supporters have launched groundless attacks on one of the most widely used technology firms in the U.S., Dominion Voting Systems, seeking to sow doubt in the results of the 2020 election, despite no evidence of any serious irregularities.

Jan 20th can't come too soon. This guy has got to go. He will say and do anything to discredit our elections. Hopefully, Twitter will ban him for life.

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