V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai (born Vellayappa Ayyadurai Shiva,[2] December 2, 1963)[3] is an Indian-American scientist, engineer, politician, entrepreneur, and promoter of conspiracy theories and unfounded medical claims. He is notable for his widely discredited claim to be the "inventor of email",[4
Dude is smart, but intelligence does not protect one from getting into conspiracy theories.
Many fraudsters are smart. Madoff, Ponzi, Elizabeth Holmes, etc. Corrupt is corrupt and only fools believe a man who has a reputation for lies and deceit.
"Random loon" with a PhD from MIT.


Yes, some random loon with a PHd from MIT. You obviously don't know very many PHd's. They'll sell out just as fast as some drug dealer on the corner if you pay them enough money. Just ask the climate scientists working for Big Oil.
"Random loon" with a PhD from MIT.


Yes, some random loon with a PHd from MIT. You obviously don't know very many PHd's. They'll sell out just as fast as some drug dealer on the corner if you pay them enough money. Just ask the climate scientists working for Big Oil.
I'd be embarrassed to be this stupid.

BTW, there is a growing number of MI state politicians telling the Secretary of State they're going to block any attempt at certification until this is ironed out.

Suck it.
For those who are having real problems with facts...

I find that they left out one very important value and that is time. When were those ballots cast and by what method? I can see the trend where the Republicans voted in person and that would show the X and the Y being high for the Republicans. But as "time" goes by and the Democrats vote by either in person or drop off ballots primarily, the drop off will occur. Leave out the "Time" value and everything else is conjecture to arrive at the preordained conclusion and that is extremely sloppy science.
BTW, there is a growing number of MI state politicians telling the Secretary of State they're going to block any attempt at certification until this is ironed out.
That’s truly embarrassing that their politicians are so captured by fringe conspiracy theories.
"Random loon" with a PhD from MIT.


Yes, some random loon with a PHd from MIT. You obviously don't know very many PHd's. They'll sell out just as fast as some drug dealer on the corner if you pay them enough money. Just ask the climate scientists working for Big Oil.
I'd be embarrassed to be this stupid.

BTW, there is a growing number of MI state politicians telling the Secretary of State they're going to block any attempt at certification until this is ironed out.

Suck it.

You're not at all embarassed to be this stupid. You've been this stupid from the day you signed on here.

Show me a list of ANY Michigan politicians in a position to block certification.

"Random loon" with a PhD from MIT.


Yes, some random loon with a PHd from MIT. You obviously don't know very many PHd's. They'll sell out just as fast as some drug dealer on the corner if you pay them enough money. Just ask the climate scientists working for Big Oil.
I'd be embarrassed to be this stupid.

BTW, there is a growing number of MI state politicians telling the Secretary of State they're going to block any attempt at certification until this is ironed out.

Suck it.

You're not at all embarassed to be this stupid. You've been this stupid from the day you signed on here.

Show me a list of ANY Michigan politicians in a position to block certification.

The letters to the Sec of State from a couple of state Senators are a matter of fact and the record.

Fuck Bllomberg and fuck you, sub-moron.
For those who are having real problems with facts...

I find that they left out one very important value and that is time. When were those ballots cast and by what method? I can see the trend where the Republicans voted in person and that would show the X and the Y being high for the Republicans. But as "time" goes by and the Democrats vote by either in person or drop off ballots primarily, the drop off will occur. Leave out the "Time" value and everything else is conjecture to arrive at the preordained conclusion and that is extremely sloppy science.

That’s a fair enough possibility. Sounds reasonable.
There are explanations that seem plausible on each side.
I’m a Trump supporter. Obviously. But I’ll say that I don’t see the election flipping to trump. But I really want things dissected and any possibility of cheating inspected and ruled out. I do not want either side feeling cheated. It’s unhealthy for our country.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

The link just says Barr authorized an investigation. Where's the "Dominion Software EXPOSED ..." bit? You just making shit up again? You pranksters!
For those who are having real problems with facts...

I find that they left out one very important value and that is time. When were those ballots cast and by what method? I can see the trend where the Republicans voted in person and that would show the X and the Y being high for the Republicans. But as "time" goes by and the Democrats vote by either in person or drop off ballots primarily, the drop off will occur. Leave out the "Time" value and everything else is conjecture to arrive at the preordained conclusion and that is extremely sloppy science.

That’s a fair enough possibility. Sounds reasonable.
There are explanations that seem plausible on each side.
I’m a Trump supporter. Obviously. But I’ll say that I don’t see the election flipping to trump. But I really want things dissected and any possibility of cheating inspected and ruled out. I do not want either side feeling cheated. It’s unhealthy for our country.

The best thing for America right now is to stop this stupid fighting and get on with things. For all practical purposes, the Election is over and a Winner has been chosen by the same methods that has been used for the last 30 years. We can't change that outcome now. But we may be able to make the next one more of a success.
The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software.

No they haven't.

Your link to the Barr article is just rehashing his notice to the DoJ to go above local prosecutors. It didn't say anything about the FBI and DOJ having found "indications of massive voter fraud."

Trump's tweet claimed that, but Orange Jesus also claimed Obama was born in Kenya and Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination, as well as retweeting a bizarre QAnon conspiracy theory that bin Laden was alive and Seal Team 6 was dead, not to mention about another thousand other bizarre things. So Trump proclaiming it does not make it so.

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