you're trying to invalidate someone elses opinion only
Billy Bob's statement about the existence of a report from MIT forensic investigators is not an opinion. It is a factual claim.

This entire thread is based on a claim of fact that has yet to be demonstrated.

What is there to discuss other than wondering if this report even exists in the first place?
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.

it's what people do.

so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.

if biden won fair and square, great. but if cheating happened to the degree it looks like, we must find it and eliminate it AS A PROCESS AND POLICY FOR US ALL.

i mean, if "fair" elections are really a concern to you. but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. winning and only winning does.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

Why haven't they presented this "evidence" to the courts???? Even Twitter doesn't believe Dumb Donald.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

Why haven't they presented this "evidence" to the courts???? Even Twitter doesn't believe Dumb Donald.

Even Twitter doesn't believe Dumb Donald?

Twitter can't find it's overused ass with both hands.

Good fckn grief, you're an ignorant one..... Canadian
and RUSSIA had 3+ years that was never substantiated to any degree at all yet people still COMRADE and shit.
You might have missed the Mueller report:
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.

Pretty much. We're playing a big game of conspiracy whack-a-mole.....where conservatives make up one conspiracy after another, only to abandon them and flee to the next one as it crosses their OAN news feed.

What was it a couple of days ago? That Wisconsin had more ballots cast than registered voters?
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Trump is a lying pos !!!
The virus was programmed to innocuously switch votes in 6,000 blocks. It should have worked but it was so darn close that it did not plus they made the mistake of releasing multiple 6000 vote blocks at 4am negating the large leads Trump had just two hours earlier
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Did the Pres give us a link?
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Trump is a lying pos !!!
man, talk about critical thinking.
The virus was programmed to innocuously switch votes in 6,000 blocks. It should have worked but it was so darn close that it did not plus they made the mistake of releasing multiple 6000 vote blocks at 4am negating the large leads Trump had just two hours earlier
That sounds about right. at certain points in the count, the software will add 6,000 to Biden, or take from Trump. They probably had an error in the code.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Did the Pres give us a link?
twitter. :) so the usual. but we've seen verified swaps in several places at this point and a major media NO IT ISN'T happening.

and wow. if we're banning Huawei from the US why do we have chinese components in our election machines?

there seems to be enough to look into at least. if the left can take 3 years on russia we can take a few weeks on this i suppose.
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Trump is a lying pos !!!
man, talk about critical thinking.
Truth !! no point in sugar coating it
The virus was programmed to innocuously switch votes in 6,000 blocks. It should have worked but it was so darn close that it did not plus they made the mistake of releasing multiple 6000 vote blocks at 4am negating the large leads Trump had just two hours earlier
That sounds about right. at certain points in the count, the software will add 6,000 to Biden, or take from Trump. They probably had an error in the code.
The manipulation allowed for a 12,000 count swing each time implemented. 6000 from Trump to Biden
so no, you're not discussing the possibility cheating in fact occurred, you're simply defending your base by any clever means you think you can drum up.
If there was cheating, it has yet to become apparent. Making up stories about MIT forensics and conspiracies about vote stealing is not helpful to the country.

Someone makes up a story and spreads it on oan, newsmax, parler and all over the internet and they fall in like lemmings. Bunch of goddamn suckers.
That's why I wanted his bitch ass to give me the link showing the FBI debunking I could STOP the bullshit. NOW it looks like it might be true.
trump just tweeted that millions of votes have been found to have been switched by dominion.

all the leftists that just rag on the source - well they got nothing. they're just doing as told.
Trump is a lying pos !!!
man, talk about critical thinking.
Truth !! no point in sugar coating it
pretty sure you couldn't.

The virus was programmed to innocuously switch votes in 6,000 blocks. It should have worked but it was so darn close that it did not plus they made the mistake of releasing multiple 6000 vote blocks at 4am negating the large leads Trump had just two hours earlier
I think we need a little more evidence than OAN and Trump.

If the FBI is looking into it, THAT WILL TELL ME IF THE MIT TEAM EXISTS!!!!

I'm trying to highlight he absurdity of how information is conveyed on the right wing. Information that is contradictory to your narrative needs links, proof etc. Information that is consistent with your narrative does not.

This is a self reinforcing phenomenon.

Billy Bob says MIT forensic teams are proving election fraud. It's clearly a made up claim. No one questions it.
I say that the FBI is investigating people posing as MIT researchers. It's clearly a made up claim. Y'all start demanding to know where I got that information.

The difference between how I am treated vs Billy Bob is treated is so apparent even though we made similarly ridiculous claims.
So you are just making things up and expect to be taken seriously? Wow.

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