Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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He was just as legally elected as the inept incumbent he beat by 7 million votes.

If Trump was 'inept' your organized crime syndicate wouldn't be devoting so much time, years, and money on harassing him, idiot. Again you're just not very bright at all. And they have kept failing, even more evidence of just who is inept, you stupid deviant.
lol yeah. like his 8 year old multi-millionaire niece? Did Uncle Joe pay her taxes too? lol you're too stupid to take seriously; he hasn't paid squat on all the millions hidden overseas his extortion rackets and Red Chinese bribes he rakes in.
President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.
If Trump was 'inept' your organized crime syndicate wouldn't be devoting so much time, years, and money on harassing him, idiot. Again you're just not very bright at all. And they have kept failing, even more evidence of just who is inept, you stupid deviant.
You're trying to defend trump, god knows why, and you believe they're deviants. That's about as big a joke as there is.
lol yeah. like his 8 year old multi-millionaire niece? Did Uncle Joe pay her taxes too? lol you're too stupid to take seriously; he hasn't paid squat on all the millions hidden overseas his extortion rackets and Red Chinese bribes he rakes in.
I would note that there is evidence in support of my post.
Fox lies to, and mocks, the rubes, and the rubes know it and don't care.

That won't change.
This is so profoundly daffy it's Unamerican.That the most disgusting
use of Lies by liars in our well documented " Corrupting "
Mainstream media is now out and about Piling on Fox { their
main target for years } as if Justified.
Like just Forget the Gabillion or more lies about Trump
with Russian Collusion Hoax.The way Trump was Spied on.
Framed by Obama's Deep State.Then historically and perversely
{ Impeached } over Crap.Or Lies by a dirty Press.
Virtual Stalinism.There was No Trump - Quid Pro Quo }
That was Biden on video issuing orders at some World Economic
Forum where he pledged to withold a Billion in aid to Ukraine
if the President of Ukraine at the time Dint Fire the lead
Prosecutor who was Investigating Burisma Holdings where son
Hunter was on the Board.
You can't make this stuff up.
I Dint!
This is so profoundly daffy it's Unamerican.That the most disgusting
use of Lies by liars in our well documented " Corrupting "
Mainstream media is now out and about Piling on Fox { their
main target for years } as if Justified.
Like just Forget the Gabillion or more lies about Trump
with Russian Collusion Hoax.The way Trump was Spied on.
Framed by Obama's Deep State.Then historically and perversely
{ Impeached } over Crap.Or Lies by a dirty Press.
Virtual Stalinism.There was No Trump - Quid Pro Quo }
That was Biden on video issuing orders at some World Economic
Forum where he pledged to withold a Billion in aid to Ukraine
if the President of Ukraine at the time Dint Fire the lead
Prosecutor who was Investigating Burisma Holdings where son
Hunter was on the Board.
You can't make this stuff up.
I Dint!
Deflection noted, and appreciated, as always.
Fox lies to, and mocks, the rubes, and the rubes know it and don't care.

That won't change.
Show one shred of evidence that Fox lied to anyone about anything. USMB ass clowns are claimimg tht Fox lied, without anything to back them up. What a joke.
Deflection noted, and appreciated, as always.
Deflection! Give us a break. Dozens of big mouth Democrats from Jimmy Carter to Hillary Clinton to Jerry Nadler should be sued for all the FALSE & damaging lies they spoke about Russian collusion.

Wouldn't surprise me if Trump's people were lining up the slander & libel artillery right now.
Show one shred of evidence that Fox lied to anyone about anything. USMB ass clowns are claimimg tht Fox lied, without anything to back them up. What a joke.
So either you haven't seen the emails/texts and heard the audio, or you're lying.

MURDOCH HIMSELF said so, under oath.


No proof will work for you. So never mind. Stay hidden in your hole.
So either you haven't seen the emails/texts and heard the audio, or you're lying.

MURDOCH HIMSELF said so, under oath.


No proof will work for you. So never mind. Stay hidden in your hole.
Said "so" ? Yeah ? And what exactly is this "so" you speak of ?
Got a word ? Got a sentence ? Got anything ? If so, let's hear it.

In post 512, I see words from you. I don't see any email. Don't see any 'texts". Don't hear any "audio". You got any of this stuff ?
Or do you just think you do ?
"morons" are people who go arounf talking about things that they know very little about. You think you know much about 2020 election fraud ?
All we need to didn't happen~

Two years of bloviating about it has not convinced anyone sane.
Said "so" ? Yeah ? And what exactly is this "so" you speak of ?
Got a word ? Got a sentence ? Got anything ? If so, let's hear it.

In post 512, I see words from you. I don't see any email. Don't see any 'texts". Don't hear any "audio". You got any of this stuff ?
Or do you just think you do ?
I told you. Never mind. It's not hard to find, but you won't leave your little hole.

Hint: You're on "the internet".

I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything. Enjoy.
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