Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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Dominion did not want the algorithms or the off shore server farm exposed. They go to sell their rigging services around the world.
I can’t believe morons still spread the lies about Dominion

Shows why Fox had to pay out $787 million.
The Dominion lies will just not go away…the damage is done
That's been litigated before judges Trump appointed. Not gonna take any more of these posts seriously enough to respond to them. Change up your schtick maybe.

Frankly I think you guys would have been better off if you all had gone a different route. Instead of lying about voting machines and getting your favorite network and talking heads sued, the GQP could have just gone to their usual bullshit about the media not treating them fairly.

But now you guys have convinced more and more of your voters that the voting is rigged and that it's not worth the effort, so that already puts you all at a disadvantage going into 2024. Not an insurmountable one, but a disadvantage nevertheless.
You are dismissed. Run along and play in traffic. :dance:
Fox lies to, and mocks, the rubes, and the rubes know it and don't care.

That won't change.
Of course you believed every bombshell report you watched on CNN and MSNBC over the last 6 years about Trump was factually correct and thought for sure each one was the one that would mean the end of Trump.

You call people like me “rubes” that listened to Fox say what you were accepting as truth in (for example) the Steele Dossier was just the wet hen Hillary retaliating for the fact that she lost her big chance to be the first female President of our nation.

It seems to me that YOU ARE THE RUBE.

Of course you will continue listening to the liberal media which is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

You are a good little Sheeple.


I think the Dominion Lawsuit has taught Fox a lesson

Not that they should stop spreading lies and misinformation nonstop, but that they will now offer a disclaimer that the views of the guest do not reflect the views of Fox (even though they do)
$787 is a huge amount for Dominion.
Even if they got a billion plus settlement from the jury, there was always the risk of the damages being reduced on appeal

Fox did not want to have their star lineup testify under oath so a settlement was necessary
There is also the other company suing. This will hit a cool billion before its over.
I don’t see why Smartmatic will settle for less
Fox still does not want this going to trial

Unless Murdock is so stupid to think he can win, even with this stunning loss. Smartmatic very much has the upper hand now. DOMINION still has lawsuits against Sidney "The Kracken" Powell and Ghouli. DOMINION smells blood in the water and they are not about to give up.

Th e 787.5M Murdock was forced to Pony Up, that is the starting number for SMARTMATIC. I don't think this is the Come To Jebus moment for Murdock. Between DOMINION and SMARTMATIC, they could financial ruin Fucked Snooze.
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Of course you believed every bombshell report you watched on CNN and MSNBC over the last 6 years about Trump was factually correct and thought for sure each one was the one that would mean the end of Trump.

You call people like me “rubes” that listened to Fox say what you were accepting as truth in (for example) the Steele Dossier was just the wet hen Hillary retaliating for the fact that she lost her big chance to be the first female President of our nation.

It seems to me that YOU ARE THE RUBE.

Of course you will continue listening to the liberal media which is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

You are a good little Sheeple.

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View attachment 777588

YOU believed every lie that Fucked Snooze spoon fed you. Each and every lie YOU believed.

YOU were lied to, but you will still believe every lie you told by Fucked Snooze.
I don’t think Rudy G and Sidney Powell have any assets to be seized
My Pillow Guy will lose his company

And I'm Loving It. Maybe Mike Pillow Guy can get a job as a security guard at the Har Mar Mall, where he started out selling his crappy pillows from stall.
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I can’t believe that after all this, Dominion just took the money without demanding an on air admission of fault by Fox News
sorry….but I do not participate in stolen election fantasies
sorry I do not participate in Russia Gate, J6 insurrection, Grab em by the pussy, Vindman and the call, and a host of other NOTHING BURGERS.
And I sure in the heck do not believe any of the settlement bologna as well. The Government was smart to pay the $$ to settle this one down and sweep it under the rug for a few years.
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