Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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$787 million. Ouch.

Maybe Fox “News” should try posting factual stories instead of baseless conspiracy theories that appeal to their retarded audience.

This was the smart move for both parties. Fox News pays a penalty that hurts, but it won't break them. Dominion gets some degree of vindication, though if I would have pushed a little harder for extras like requiring Murdoch to run ads on all their networks, their websites, and their broadcast affiliates for 30 days retracting specifically the false claims that they made - each of them categorically. And maybe there is a component of that in the settlement that hasn't come out yet - will be interesting to see.
You didn’t provide a link. But here is one that supports your claim in terms of the $$$ amount. Pretty fucking big.

I don't get it... Who settled, and why ? How is any of it settled if the entire alledged election fraud in which included Dominion machine's in the investigation, has yet to reach a definitive conclusion overall yet or had it reached an overall conclusion ?? Without the open court trial that would have put all the evidence or alledged evidence to the test, then how are people settling in the case ?

The justice system seems to be the one that let everyone down, because it didn't go to trial in a case to settle all disputes concerning the 2020 election.
This was the smart move for both parties. Fox News pays a penalty that hurts, but it won't break them. Dominion gets some degree of vindication, though if I would have pushed a little harder for extras like requiring Murdoch to run ads on all their networks, their websites, and their broadcast affiliates for 30 days retracting specifically the false claims that they made - each of them categorically. And maybe there is a component of that in the settlement that hasn't come out yet - will be interesting to see.
Dominion is worth about $80 million dollars. They got a settlement of nearly ten times their worth.

Yeah....keep humping trump and see what you get.
But less than half of what Dominion wanted. The liberals shouldn’t be celebrating as now CNN and MSNBC can be sued for their blatant lies.

It was the move that any smart lawyer would have advised. Defamation suits are hard to win. Getting Fox to agree to $787 million in a defamation suit is a huge legal loss for Fox when you consider how skeptical most courts are of anything that challenges First Amendment protections of free speech and a free press.

Keep in mind that Fox News settled because Dominion was willing to drop the dollar amount, not because they were confident they were going to win. Dominion's asking price put Fox in a position where they felt like they had no choice but to fight. When Dominion dropped it, Fox folded. $787 million is a staggering price tag for a lawsuit in which the defendant has the home field advantage.
I don't get it...

That's obvious. :rolleyes:

Who settled, and why ?

They both settled. You can't have a settlement unless both agree to terms. :rolleyes:

How is any of it settled if the entire alledged election fraud in which included Dominion machine's in the investigation, has yet to reach a definitive conclusion overall yet or had it reached an overall conclusion ??

Based on today's outcome, what do you think?

Without the open court trial that would have put all the evidence or alledged evidence to the test, then how are people settling in the case ?

If Fox agreed to pay $787 million what does that tell you about the level of confidence they had in defending themselves?

The justice system seems to be the one that let everyone down, because it didn't go to trial in a case to settle all disputes concerning the 2020 election.

Maybe you should start reading/watching real news from now on. Fox is not real news. That's what was proven in today's settlement. The system didn't let everyone down; it let you down, because you didn't get the outcome you baselessly believed in. Tough shit.
Smartmatic is next but expect multiple shareholder suits in the next 48 hours.
Strange stuff, because most of the stuff should have expired under the statute of limitations act. The reason for the act is to stop people/person/corporations from being able to cover up their activities, and once that happens otherwise how ever long it took, to then bring an old case forward as if it was fresh, and the evidence was still fresh.

No one can go into a crime scene a year later, and then claim or make up stories about the scene, because the scene can't be used due to it being corrupted by time.

Forensics is the only way to open an old crime scene that had expired under the statute.
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It was the move that any smart lawyer would have advised. Defamation suits are hard to win. Getting Fox to agree to $787 million in a defamation suit is a huge legal loss for Fox when you consider how skeptical most courts are of anything that challenges First Amendment protections of free speech and a free press.

Keep in mind that Fox News settled because Dominion was willing to drop the dollar amount, not because they were confident they were going to win. Dominion's asking price put Fox in a position where they felt like they had no choice but to fight. When Dominion dropped it, Fox folded. $787 million is a staggering price tag for a lawsuit in which the defendant has the home field advantage.
And when the defending company is worth about 80 Million. They settled for a figure nearly 10 times their worth. Not bad. Rupert better get rid of his trump humping liars.
Just came across a feed that says settlement reached. Details not yet known.

Well...I kinda thought this was the way it was going to end..but Dominion is clearly the winner..and FOX and the election deniers are clearly the losers:

The long-anticipated defamation trial in Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuit against Fox News ended before it truly began Tuesday, with a judge announcing the two sides had agreed to a settlement. Dominion says Fox has agreed to pay $787.5 million — nearly half of the $1.6 billion Dominion sought.
At issue in the case were false claims that Fox aired about Dominion related to former president Donald Trump’s false accusations about the 2020 election being stolen. Dominion had to prove not only that the claims weren’t true — which it did — but that Fox’s actions met the legal standard of “actual malice, meaning that it knew better or that it showed a reckless disregard for the truth.

The settlement, the full terms of which weren’t immediately clear and could remain shrouded, will spare Fox a lengthy spectacle delving into those issues. But it came after a series of ugly disclosures about the cable news leader.
Well...I kinda thought this was the way it was going to end..but Dominion is clearly the winner..and FOX and the election deniers are clearly the losers:

The long-anticipated defamation trial in Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuit against Fox News ended before it truly began Tuesday, with a judge announcing the two sides had agreed to a settlement. Dominion says Fox has agreed to pay $787.5 million — nearly half of the $1.6 billion Dominion sought.
At issue in the case were false claims that Fox aired about Dominion related to former president Donald Trump’s false accusations about the 2020 election being stolen. Dominion had to prove not only that the claims weren’t true — which it did — but that Fox’s actions met the legal standard of “actual malice, meaning that it knew better or that it showed a reckless disregard for the truth.

The settlement, the full terms of which weren’t immediately clear and could remain shrouded, will spare Fox a lengthy spectacle delving into those issues. But it came after a series of ugly disclosures about the cable news leader.
So this is how government disputes over election's are settle these days, otherwise let the people implode below while the government rides out on it's black horse.
It was the move that any smart lawyer would have advised. Defamation suits are hard to win. Getting Fox to agree to $787 million in a defamation suit is a huge legal loss for Fox when you consider how skeptical most courts are of anything that challenges First Amendment protections of free speech and a free press.

Keep in mind that Fox News settled because Dominion was willing to drop the dollar amount, not because they were confident they were going to win. Dominion's asking price put Fox in a position where they felt like they had no choice but to fight. When Dominion dropped it, Fox folded. $787 million is a staggering price tag for a lawsuit in which the defendant has the home field advantage.
10 times Dominion's net worth prior to settling---shareholders rejoice!!
Well...I kinda thought this was the way it was going to end..but Dominion is clearly the winner..and FOX and the election deniers are clearly the losers:

The long-anticipated defamation trial in Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuit against Fox News ended before it truly began Tuesday, with a judge announcing the two sides had agreed to a settlement. Dominion says Fox has agreed to pay $787.5 million — nearly half of the $1.6 billion Dominion sought.
At issue in the case were false claims that Fox aired about Dominion related to former president Donald Trump’s false accusations about the 2020 election being stolen. Dominion had to prove not only that the claims weren’t true — which it did — but that Fox’s actions met the legal standard of “actual malice, meaning that it knew better or that it showed a reckless disregard for the truth.

The settlement, the full terms of which weren’t immediately clear and could remain shrouded, will spare Fox a lengthy spectacle delving into those issues. But it came after a series of ugly disclosures about the cable news leader.
I expect that Rudy, Sydney, and MIke are sweating.

Dominion still has pending lawsuits against election deniers such as Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell​

From CNN's Marshall Cohen

Dominion Voting Systems still has pending lawsuits against right-wing networks Newsmax and OAN, as well as against Trump allies Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Mike Lindell.
All of these parties and entities deny wrongdoing and are fighting the lawsuits.
This was the smart move for both parties. Fox News pays a penalty that hurts, but it won't break them. Dominion gets some degree of vindication, though if I would have pushed a little harder for extras like requiring Murdoch to run ads on all their networks, their websites, and their broadcast affiliates for 30 days retracting specifically the false claims that they made - each of them categorically. And maybe there is a component of that in the settlement that hasn't come out yet - will be interesting to see.
It would have been smart for Dominion to say they'd have to pay double the lawsuit claim in order to evade the guilty verdict that would prove them liars with no integrity that would ruin their business entirely. Who wants their news from liars. No one.
YOU believed every lie that Fucked Snooze spoon fed you. Each and every lie YOU believed.

YOU were lied to, but you will still believe every lie you told by Fucked Snooze.
Fox News told me right from the start that the largely fictional Steele Dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

The liberal media also told you false news like in the following articles and you likely bought them lock stock and barrel.

Now I will admit Fox News also lies at times. They also have political bias, For example they agreed with Trump that the last Presidential election was rigged. They settled a law suit today over that reporting.
I can’t believe that after all this, Dominion just took the money without demanding an on air admission of fault by Fox News
Paying someone off to avoid prosecution is an omission of guilt. Any sane person knows this, and who cares about the crazies that don't want to know the truth.
10 times Dominion's net worth prior to settling---shareholders rejoice!!
Shareholder's rejoice ? Why does the citizen's of these United States have a private entity residing over it's government sponsored, supposed to be a private unwavering relationship between government and citizen for it's public election's ?? Isn't that one of the biggest conflicts of interest that we the people are witnessing, and so it is that we the people demand that our government not allow such a thing during our state and national election's ?
Shareholder's rejoice ? Why does the citizen's of these United States have a private entity residing over it's government sponsored, supposed to be a private unwavering relationship between government and citizen for it's public election's ?? Isn't that one of the biggest conflicts of interest that we the people are witnessing, and so it is that we the people demand that our government not allow such a thing during our state and national election's ?
..and you are welcome to do so. However, we the people, include quite a few folk that demand no such thing.
Fox News told me right from the start that the largely fictional Steele Dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

The liberal media also told you false news like in the following articles and you likely bought them lock stock and barrel.

Now I will admit Fox News also lies at times. They also have political bias, For example they agreed with Trump that the last Presidential election was rigged. They settled a law suit today over that reporting.
Just because they settled means nothing. It still could have been rigged, but all the wringing of hands, and the time lapse putting such things beyond the statute of limitations, otherwise giving all parties time to hide or conceal possible evidence, and to change or create new narratives that will blur and muddy the Waters forever now.

The people and half our government lost today, because we the people should have never allowed a private entity to reside or help in our elections. I mean what in the hell do we pay taxes for ? The government should be able to run out election's like we need them too, and want them too .... Nothing more and nothing less.
Now I will admit Fox News also lies at times. They also have political bias, For example they agreed with Trump that the last Presidential election was rigged. They settled a law suit today over that reporting.

Not that you would know their reportage! They did not even mention the settlement amount..mostly spun about the judge..and still snuck in a snippet that they denied the charges! They went from fake news to no news at all!

Dominion sued Fox News for 1.6 billion in defamation case, Fox denied any wrongdoing.
Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against FOX News Media in March 2021.
Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis, who was overseeing the defamation lawsuit, praised both parties for their handling of the case.
"I have been on the bench since 2010. … I think this is the best lawyering I’ve had, ever," Davis said, adding, "I would be proud to be your judge in the future."

The settlement came as a trial was scheduled to launch this week with a jury selected earlier in the day.
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