Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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Not that you would know their reportage! They did not even mention the settlement amount..mostly spun about the judge..and still snuck in a snippet that they denied the charges! They went from fake news to no news at all!

Dominion sued Fox News for 1.6 billion in defamation case, Fox denied any wrongdoing.
Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against FOX News Media in March 2021.
Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis, who was overseeing the defamation lawsuit, praised both parties for their handling of the case.
"I have been on the bench since 2010. … I think this is the best lawyering I’ve had, ever," Davis said, adding, "I would be proud to be your judge in the future."

The settlement came as a trial was scheduled to launch this week with a jury selected earlier in the day.
I haven’t heard it mentioned this evening on Fox News.

Seriously let’s suppose the election had been proven to be rigged. What would we do? Hold another election? Who would have run the nation during the waiting period for another election?

Talk about a serious mess.
Massive win for Dominion itself. A year from now though, FOX will be doing what they’ve done since day one…distributing lies packaged as news. I hope whomever comes next doesn’t settle.

The biggest win though (for America) is that one of the big MSM brands isn’t going to go down the road of voter fraud in 2024. They won’t even consider it.
Just because they settled means nothing. It still could have been rigged, but all the wringing of hands, and the time lapse putting such things beyond the statute of limitations, otherwise giving all parties time to hide or conceal possible evidence, and to change or create new narratives that will blur and muddy the Waters forever now.

The people and half our government lost today, because we the people should have never allowed a private entity to reside or help in our elections. I mean what in the hell do we pay taxes for ? The government should be able to run out election's like we need them too, and want them too .... Nothing more and nothing less.
What would our nation do if there was proof beyond any doubt that the election was rigged. Hold another one? Who would be in charge while we were waiting for the results of the second election?

Perhaps a hundred years from now historians will reveal evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. Of course at the way the Biden administration is going, we will be under Chinese control in a couple decades. Historians will laugh at how stupid and corrupt we were in our last few years as the strongest nation in the world.
Maybe. We’ll see. Either way, the precedent is now set for conservative companies to go after CNN/MSNBC/NPR etc for defamation.

Boomerangs are a bitch.

If they can prove their case as well as Dominion….go for it
Show where CNN/MSNBC ever made a claim against a company as severe as stealing a Presidential Election
Defamation cases are hard to prove, especially against the media
Fox made it easy
They settled for half of what Dominion wanted with no discovery and no admission of guilt. It’s a win for both sides.

Murdoch and Dominion are two sides of the same corrupt penny.

Did you even bother to pay attention to the news at all. Discovery comes before the fucking trial you dolt.

The jury was already seated. The only reason there was not trial was that through discovery, we discovered how deeply and continually Fucked Lies continue spread their lying filth.

Discovery comes before the trial, not after it begins.

We know through depositions that Fucked Snooze lied their fucking asses off.

There was discovery, you just did not like how it went.
What would our nation do if there was proof beyond any doubt that the election was rigged. Hold another one? Who would be in charge while we were waiting for the results of the second election?

Perhaps a hundred years from now historians will reveal evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. Of course at the way the Biden administration is going, we will be under Chinese control in a couple decades. Historians will laugh at how stupid and corrupt we were in our last few years as the strongest nation in the world.
Lies only become faux truth in dictatorships. America is still a democracy despite the last president's attempts to undo that.
Sorry Nut Case, but I already told you I don’t engage in your conspiracy fantasies
He just said he'll never vote again. That's a win-win for US.
You must be certifiable. Fox settled so they didn't have to publicly admit they lied about Dominion. There's no reason to pay out if they told the truth.

The key word being "SETTLED".

We know through discovery that the Talking Heads of Fucked Snooze knew they were lying.

We know through depositions released by the court that the Talking Heads of Fucked Snooze hold the Traitor in great contempt.

We know that the Talking Heads of Fucked Snooze put profit ahead of truth.

We know through discovery that the Talking Heads of Fucked Snooze considered Ghouli dishonest and "The Kraken" was considered to a crazy and not to be trusted.

We know the execs at Fucked Snooze put profits ahead of journalistic integrity.

We know Discovery destroyed Fucked Snooze before the trial even started. The jury was seated the both sides were ready to opening arguments.

There was have been settlement without Discovery. Discovery destroyed Fucked Snooze.

Next for Fucked Snooze is SMARTMATIC. SMARTMATIC will look at the $787.5M that DOMINION and see it as a starting point only. By settling, Fucked Snooze has not ended a damn thing.

DOMINION still has the "The Kraken" and Ghouli to tear apart in court, which will happen. Neither of those F-List Shysters has money DOMINION is looking for, but destroying them in the public arena is both of those idiots deserve.
Did you even bother to pay attention to the news at all. Discovery comes before the fucking trial you dolt.

The jury was already seated. The only reason there was not trial was that through discovery, we discovered how deeply and continually Fucked Lies continue spread their lying filth.

Discovery comes before the trial, not after it begins.

We know through depositions that Fucked Snooze lied their fucking asses off.

There was discovery, you just did not like how it went.
Discovery is pretrial disclosure that will now never see the light of day because the parties settled.

Fox just funneled money to Dominion to continue flipping elections for the Dems. They are controlled opposition, and I guarantee you they’re both celebrating right now.

Why are you so bitter when your side “won”? lol
What would our nation do if there was proof beyond any doubt that the election was rigged. Hold another one? Who would be in charge while we were waiting for the results of the second election?

Perhaps a hundred years from now historians will reveal evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. Of course at the way the Biden administration is going, we will be under Chinese control in a couple decades. Historians will laugh at how stupid and corrupt we were in our last few years as the strongest nation in the world.

IF you have any fucking proof at all to support what is at best a lie filled conspiracy theory, post it now.

See, that is the problem for you people, you have no proof. You have a whole shit load lies, but you do not have any proof.

You will never any proof because that proof does not exist and that proof does not exist because the whole rigged election was and is a lie.

You do not believe in American Democracy, you want a Reich Wing Dictatorship. You will lose.
LOL! I haven't drank a Bud this century. Smoked one or two~
Smoked what ? How old are you anyways ? When most people were children they spoke as children, but when they grew up they put away childish thing's...

Don't know why you want to make ole Goldberg and that ole Elizabeth Warren sad that you won't drink a Bud with them. Ahhh come onnnn Mannnnnn. lol
Discovery is pretrial disclosure that will now never see the light of day because the parties settled.

Fox just funneled money to Dominion to continue flipping elections for the Dems. They are controlled opposition, and I guarantee you they’re both celebrating right now.

Why are you so bitter when your side “won”? lol
Interesting angle.
Discovery is pretrial disclosure that will now never see the light of day because the parties settled.

Fox just funneled money to Dominion to continue flipping elections for the Dems. They are controlled opposition, and I guarantee you they’re both celebrating right now.

Why are you so bitter when your side “won”? lol

Well, discovery is a pretrial disclosure as stated. Through discovery we learned that the Fucked Snooze talking heads knew they were lying.

You do know that right?
IF you have any fucking proof at all to support what is at best a lie filled conspiracy theory, post it now.

See, that is the problem for you people, you have no proof. You have a whole shit load lies, but you do not have any proof.

You will never any proof because that proof does not exist and that proof does not exist because the whole rigged election was and is a lie.

You do not believe in American Democracy, you want a Reich Wing Dictatorship. You will lose.
Panic post alert, panic post alert... ROTFLMBO 🤣
Discovery is pretrial disclosure that will now never see the light of day because the parties settled.

Fox just funneled money to Dominion to continue flipping elections for the Dems. They are controlled opposition, and I guarantee you they’re both celebrating right now.

Why are you so bitter when your side “won”? lol
Fucked Snooze was caught in open lying their fucking asses off. The depositions prove that. The Fucked Snooze Talking Heads admitted they were lying.
Fucked Snooze spoon fed lies to their viewers for nothing more than money.
Fuck them.
I wonder how many of these people have made the connection:

They now know that Fox has been lying to them and mocking them. They know that Fox tells them pretty much the same thing the REST of MAGA media tells them. Therefore, MAGA media is lying to them and mocking them.

Are they so far gone that they can no longer even make such an obvious connection? Or are they so manipulated and angry and paranoid that they just DON'T CARE that they're being lied to and mocked?

And by the way, who the fuck is it that MADE them so manipulated and angry and paranoid in the FIRST place? MAGA media, of course.

It's right there in front of them.
Of course you believed every bombshell report you watched on CNN and MSNBC over the last 6 years about Trump was factually correct and thought for sure each one was the one that would mean the end of Trump.

You call people like me “rubes” that listened to Fox say what you were accepting as truth in (for example) the Steele Dossier was just the wet hen Hillary retaliating for the fact that she lost her big chance to be the first female President of our nation.

It seems to me that YOU ARE THE RUBE.

Of course you will continue listening to the liberal media which is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

You are a good little Sheeple.

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And yet you can't provide any examples of me doing that. You just make it up as you go, like your "media". I'm not like you, thankfully.

Your "media" is lying to you and mocking you. Making a fool of you. It's all there on tape. You're just choosing not to believe it.
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