Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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I know you have to change the subject. If you want to discuss the fact (yes, fact) that the major media leans Left, start a thread and I'll participate.

That doesn't excuse what Fox and its associated media have done. Its massive, destructive overcompensation. And I know you'll deny that.
Yes, I will argue that the liberal media totally failed in its mission to report the truth about Trump and Fox News while far from perfect was far more accurate.

Fox News today is reporting the gathering evidence against the Biden Crime Family while the liberal media sticks its head in the sand and largely ignores it.
Country is already torn apart. I believe it is time for a break up.
I hope the next Presidential election will change the direction our nation is headed under Joe Biden and the FBI and DOJ will no longer be the weaponized enforcement wing of the Democratic Party.

Otherwise you may well be right. Right now this nation is going to hell in a handbag.
So, does this mean fox can now, in turn, sue cnn, msnbc, vox, mother jones, slate, salon, SiriusXM, and many others?

I mean, if defamation is the winner here, then we have a whole slate of “news” sites that defame fox on a daily basis. Every time someone in the media says fox is racists, homophobic, or any other such thing, and doesn’t have any proof, that’s defamation. There are 2 hosts on SiriusXM progress who call tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity racists on a daily basis, hell, one of them has a nickname for tucker, calling him “tucker clansman”. They have zero evidence that any of them are racist, other than they just don’t like what they are reporting. So, by the standard set today, they all should be suing SiriusXM and many of these other organizations, right?

Prepare for double standard in 3..2..1..
The FBI and DoJ are not corrupt but we would expect every corrupt pile of shit to say they are. Hope that helps.
The evidence is growing day by day.

Of course you believed every bombshell report you watched on CNN and MSNBC over the last 6 years about Trump was factually correct and thought for sure each one was the one that would mean the end of Trump.

You call people like me “rubes” that listened to Fox say what you were accepting as truth in (for example) the Steele Dossier was just the wet hen Hillary retaliating for the fact that she lost her big chance to be the first female President of our nation.

It seems to me that YOU ARE THE RUBE.

Of course you will continue listening to the liberal media which is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

You are a good little Sheeple.

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Wow, this post is just an epic level lack of self awareness from you.
So, does this mean fox can now, in turn, sue cnn, msnbc, vox, mother jones, slate, salon, SiriusXM, and many others?

I mean, if defamation is the winner here, then we have a whole slate of “news” sites that defame fox on a daily basis. Every time someone in the media says fox is racists, homophobic, or any other such thing, and doesn’t have any proof, that’s defamation. There are 2 hosts on SiriusXM progress who call tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity racists on a daily basis, hell, one of them has a nickname for tucker, calling him “tucker clansman”. They have zero evidence that any of them are racist, other than they just don’t like what they are reporting. So, by the standard set today, they all should be suing SiriusXM and many of these other organizations, right?

Prepare for double standard in 3..2..1..
SURE................Bring it on, maybe get Trump to sue them too, they called Donnie, a lying asshole, too many times,
and please..................Get the pillow gut to join the suit.

I would pay to see that on pay per view,
I mean, if defamation is the winner here, then we have a whole slate of “news” sites that defame fox on a daily basis

Dominion proved without a doubt that Fox aired lies about them.

Fox cannot do the same about other networks
So, Fox will pay Dominion $787 million and Smartmatic a similar amount.
Newsmax and OAN will also have to pay for spreading lies

Rudy G, Sidney Powell and the My Pillow Guy will lose everything for spreading stolen election lies.

Who doesn’t pay?
Donald Trump
The man who created the lie and demanded that others spread it for him
I wonder how many of these people have made the connection:

They now know that Fox has been lying to them and mocking them. They know that Fox tells them pretty much the same thing the REST of MAGA media tells them. Therefore, MAGA media is lying to them and mocking them.

Are they so far gone that they can no longer even make such an obvious connection? Or are they so manipulated and angry and paranoid that they just DON'T CARE that they're being lied to and mocked?

And by the way, who the fuck is it that MADE them so manipulated and angry and paranoid in the FIRST place? MAGA media, of course.

It's right there in front of them.
In everything there is discernment, so as it is with all media, one is to use one's common sense and values in order to take what is said, and then to use one's discernment to analyze it's meaning that is based upon one's inward core values and common sense.

Fox (according to many subscriber's), alledgedly misbehaved on election night therefore showing that it has a split screen thing going on, so all that did was to make people look a little bit closer at what they are dealing with.

I wonder if it was the leftist side of Fox that caused it's exposure to the left wing juggernaut, otherwise infiltrated Intel used to set Fox up ?

Fox might actually lose conservative talk show host to other station's after capitulating to the left wing cabal or worse putting their conservative careers in danger by playing loose, fast, and careless with the wanting to be so called fair and balanced in the organization.. Came back to bite them hard it appears.
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And yet you can't provide any examples of me doing that. You just make it up as you go, like your "media". I'm not like you, thankfully.

Your "media" is lying to you and mocking you. Making a fool of you. It's all there on tape. You're just choosing not to believe it.
Making stuff up ? All one has to do was to follow your post in order to know your leaning positions on everything.
Fox (according to many subscriber's), alledgedly misbehaved on election night therefore showing that it has a split screen thing going on, so all that did was to make people look a little bit closer at what they are dealing with.
Fox, for one night, tried to act like a legitimate news network reporting elections.
They were the first to call Arizona correctly for Biden.

Trump and their viewers found that unforgivable
Fox lies to, and mocks, the rubes, and the rubes know it and don't care.

That won't change.
Americans call it free speech, yet most of what they say are lies and bollocks. You can do that in the UK, but, be prepared to go to court for libel and/or slander. So say whatever you want, just have the evidence to back you up, and as in Fox's case, they omitted to have the latter. They obviously have more money than sense.
Yes, I will argue that the liberal media totally failed in its mission to report the truth about Trump and Fox News while far from perfect was far more accurate.

Fox News today is reporting the gathering evidence against the Biden Crime Family while the liberal media sticks its head in the sand and largely ignores it.
Another example is this that the media does - A young kid goes to a door to pick up his siblings, and next an old man shoots him through the door. Because a racial component was involved in it (regardless of the facts not being known yet), the media went bonkers over the story. The kid has raised over 2 million dollars so far due to social media etc.

Ok then you think about the kid's shot at the birthday party or celebration (28 shot or wounded, and 4 dead)..... (cricket's).

Then how about all the kid's and deaths in big city hell holes by black on black crime ? ........ (Cricket's)... No racial component's involved ..

See how dishonest and calculated the political game is in this country ?
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