Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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I used to watch Fox news once in a while just to see what the crazies were talking about instead of the real news. It always bothered me that they attempted to define and interpret their news for the viewer instead of just reporting the real news. That's how you distinguish a real news service from a fake one.

lol you never watch news, you watch what you're told to and then parrot it.
SURE................Bring it on, maybe get Trump to sue them too, they called Donnie, a lying asshole, too many times,
and please..................Get the pillow gut to join the suit.

I would pay to see that on pay per view,

Your sarcasm aside, levying accusations against fox of racism, unproven, is that not also defamation? Does that not also damage Fox News in terms of viewership, ad revenue, market share, etc?
Dominion proved without a doubt that Fox aired lies about them.

Fox cannot do the same about other networks

And I’m sure fox can prove, without a doubt, that all these other networks lied about racism on Fox News. Everything everyone said about them is opinion based on twisted words and out of context statements.

So, why doesn’t fox have the same standing as dominion?
The evidence is growing day by day.

Shit sources will tell you what you want to hear.
The Dominion Systems voting machines were manipulated to cause election fraud in 2020.

Now sue me too, assholes. :laughing0301:


You would have to go through discovery, just like Fucked Snooze. You would be required to evidence to support your unfounded/unsupported accusation.

But you have no proof and you know you have no proof. You have to have actual physical evidence of crime and you do not now have shit and you know you do not have shit. You have no proof.
Americans call it free speech, yet most of what they say are lies and bollocks. You can do that in the UK, but, be prepared to go to court for libel and/or slander. So say whatever you want, just have the evidence to back you up, and as in Fox's case, they omitted to have the latter. They obviously have more money than sense.
I don't know if this would necessarily be a good thing, but maybe this is the only way to stop the propaganda. We'd end up needing a whole new layer of courts to deal with the flood of lawsuits. But that may be on the way.
Folks that waste their time watching biased news outlets need to spend their time more constructively. I have many other interests.
Well...I kinda thought this was the way it was going to end..but Dominion is clearly the winner..and FOX and the election deniers are clearly the losers:

The long-anticipated defamation trial in Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuit against Fox News ended before it truly began Tuesday, with a judge announcing the two sides had agreed to a settlement. Dominion says Fox has agreed to pay $787.5 million — nearly half of the $1.6 billion Dominion sought.
At issue in the case were false claims that Fox aired about Dominion related to former president Donald Trump’s false accusations about the 2020 election being stolen. Dominion had to prove not only that the claims weren’t true — which it did — but that Fox’s actions met the legal standard of “actual malice, meaning that it knew better or that it showed a reckless disregard for the truth.

The settlement, the full terms of which weren’t immediately clear and could remain shrouded, will spare Fox a lengthy spectacle delving into those issues. But it came after a series of ugly disclosures about the cable news leader.
Fox did lose in a major sense. But they also had a fair outcome in another sense. They don’t have to have all the presumably ugly testimony dripping into the news day by day. It’s over and maybe they learned a lesson.
Actually, does. The court found that Fox made false statements about Dominion and granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity.

Fox in its statement about the settlement acknowledged that the judge was correct about Fox making false statements about Dominion. Fox admitted it lied.

And while settlements aren't uncommon, this is unprecedented. This is the largest public defamation settlement in the history of the United States. This settlement is 10 times the value of Dominion. This was a massive, massive loss for Fox in so many ways.

Fox was beyond fucked. The judge caught them *repeatedly* lying about evidence in discovery. It was so bad that the judge himself had initiated an investigation. The judge offered summary judgment on falsity. And an ex-producer for Fox had admitted that she was compelled by Fox to lie. And she proved that Fox withheld evidence by producing recordings about Dominion that Fox had claimed didn't exist.

Fox's credibility was dogshit going into the trial because they had lied over and over. And been caught doing so.

And even after this settlement, Fox is still fucked.

There's still the $2.7 BILLION lawsuit from Smartmatic. A suit made SO much easier for Smartmatic by both Fox's settlement, the juicy discovery that Fox has already provided (and is now on record), the summary judgment on falsity that was already found against Fox, and Fox admitting it lied.
No. Settlements are far more common than trials. That’s just a fact.
No. Settlements are far more common than trials. That’s just a fact.

A settlement to the tune of $787 million for a defamation case is utterly unprecedented. This was the single largest public defamation settlement in the history of our nation. Trying to cast it as something 'common' is wildly disingenuous.

That's just a fact.

And the settlement being an indication that Fox admits they lied is EXACTLY what happened. Fox lied, they got caught lying, they paid the largest defamation settlement ever for lying, and admitted they lied.

That's what people think the settlement means. And of course, they're right.
Fox did lose in a major sense. But they also had a fair outcome in another sense. They don’t have to have all the presumably ugly testimony dripping into the news day by day. It’s over and maybe they learned a lesson.

Regarding: "It's over..."

Sorry, Fox News is still exposed to a liability (pun intended). LOL

SmartMatic is coming down the tubes.

I can imaging a couple of moving vans currently being loaded by the Dominion lawyers in Delaware to send all the discovery materials from their case to the SmartMatic lawyers in New York.

Regarding: "It's over..."

Sorry, Fox News is still exposed to a liability (pun intended). LOL

SmartMatic is coming down the tubes.

I can imaging a couple of moving vans currently being loaded by the Dominion lawyers in Delaware to send all the discovery materials from their case to the SmartMatic lawyers in New York.


Smartmatic's case is argueably stronger, as its not even physically possible that Smartmatic could have thrown the election.

And they'll be starting with Fox having settled TWICE for Big Lie defamation, along with admitting lying about it. Plus that sweet, sweet discovery.
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