Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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Settlement isn’t uncommon. It doesn’t always mean what the liberals assume it means in this case.

However, it does seem likely that Fox News felt more of a need to settle than Dominion did. Therefore, it seems probable that Fox News took a fairly big financial hit.

Actually, does. The court found that Fox made false statements about Dominion and granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity.

Fox in its statement about the settlement acknowledged that the judge was correct about Fox making false statements about Dominion. Fox admitted it lied.

And while settlements aren't uncommon, this is unprecedented. This is the largest public defamation settlement in the history of the United States. This settlement is 10 times the value of Dominion. This was a massive, massive loss for Fox in so many ways.

Fox was beyond fucked. The judge caught them *repeatedly* lying about evidence in discovery. It was so bad that the judge himself had initiated an investigation. The judge offered summary judgment on falsity. And an ex-producer for Fox had admitted that she was compelled by Fox to lie. And she proved that Fox withheld evidence by producing recordings about Dominion that Fox had claimed didn't exist.

Fox's credibility was dogshit going into the trial because they had lied over and over. And been caught doing so.

And even after this settlement, Fox is still fucked.

There's still the $2.7 BILLION lawsuit from Smartmatic. A suit made SO much easier for Smartmatic by both Fox's settlement, the juicy discovery that Fox has already provided (and is now on record), the summary judgment on falsity that was already found against Fox, and Fox admitting it lied.
And yet you can't provide any examples of me doing that. You just make it up as you go, like your "media". I'm not like you, thankfully.

Your "media" is lying to you and mocking you. Making a fool of you. It's all there on tape. You're just choosing not to believe it.
You are the guy running around calling people like me “rubes“ for believing Fox News. If you can’t admit the liberal media misled people many times about Trump then at the best you are are a hypocrite.

I might value your opinion more if you admit the simple fact that the liberal media was doing everything it could to bring down Trump. Today the wonderful liberal media is busy ignoring the amazing quantity of evidence about the Biden Crime Family.

You are the guy running around calling people like me “rubes“ for believing Fox News. If you can’t admit the liberal media misled people many times about Trump then at the best you are are a hypocrite.

I might value your opinion more if you admit the simple fact that the liberal media was doing everything it could to bring down Trump. Today the wonderful liberal media is busy ignoring the amazing quantity of evidence about the Biden Crime Family.

I know you have to change the subject. If you want to discuss the fact (yes, fact) that the major media leans Left, start a thread and I'll participate.

That doesn't excuse what Fox and its associated media have done. Its massive, destructive overcompensation. And I know you'll deny that.
IF you have any fucking proof at all to support what is at best a lie filled conspiracy theory, post it now.

See, that is the problem for you people, you have no proof. You have a whole shit load lies, but you do not have any proof.

You will never any proof because that proof does not exist and that proof does not exist because the whole rigged election was and is a lie.

You do not believe in American Democracy, you want a Reich Wing Dictatorship. You will lose.
If there was any proof, it was buried.

I really don’t know if the election was rigged or not. What I am saying is if it was we would have had a BIG problem. It would have been best to let the rigged election stand rather than to try to find some way to redo the election . That would have torn the country apart.

That’s why I posted that perhaps 100 years from now historians will reveal the fact the election was rigged if it indeed was.
Lies only become faux truth in dictatorships. America is still a democracy despite the last president's attempts to undo that.

He just said he'll never vote again. That's a win-win for US.
America was never a democracy but it is also no longer a constitutional republic. The rule of law no longer applies equally to all. The FBI and DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through. Today people are beginning to realize we live in a Yankee banana republic.

The Judge in the case is a Democrat appointee, and is also the Judge in the Smartomatic case. No mystery here as to why Fox chose to settle, since the Judge was going to disallow a lot of evidence re Dominion's activities. Fox is being sued for what hack propaganda outfits like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, DAily Kos, PBS, NPR, the DNC, and others do a hundred times a day. No surprise, since Delaware is Biden's home state and Democrat controlled from top to bottom. Fox forgot to contribute to any Democras from Delaware election treasuries.
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America was never a democracy but it is also no longer a constitutional republic. The rule of law no longer applies equally to all. The FBI and DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through. Today people are beginning to realize we live in a Yankee banana republic.

The FBI and DoJ are not corrupt but we would expect every corrupt pile of shit to say they are. Hope that helps.
If there was any proof, it was buried.

I really don’t know if the election was rigged or not. What I am saying is if it was we would have had a BIG problem. It would have been best to let the rigged election stand rather than to try to find some way to redo the election . That would have torn the country apart.

That’s why I posted that perhaps 100 years from now historians will reveal the fact the election was rigged if it indeed was.
Country is already torn apart. I believe it is time for a break up.
Massive win for Dominion itself. A year from now though, FOX will be doing what they’ve done since day one…distributing lies packaged as news. I hope whomever comes next doesn’t settle.

The biggest win though (for America) is that one of the big MSM brands isn’t going to go down the road of voter fraud in 2024. They won’t even consider it.
But that will not stop them from rigging another one.
sorry I do not participate in Russia Gate, J6 insurrection, Grab em by the pussy, Vindman and the call, and a host of other NOTHING BURGERS.
And I sure in the heck do not believe any of the settlement bologna as well. The Government was smart to pay the $$ to settle this one down and sweep it under the rug for a few years.
That's what you're told, that's for sure. Even though they can't prove it. Even Rudy is recorded telling Fox they can't prove it. And Fox ran with it anyway.

But you don't care. Because you're in a cult.

Claims we're in a cult, but puts a Forward Party banner in everything he posts. :laughing0301:
America was never a democracy but it is also no longer a constitutional republic. The rule of law no longer applies equally to all. The FBI and DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through. Today people are beginning to realize we live in a Yankee banana republic.

This is to remind me of tramps is not in the WH.

FbI is nothing to write home about,
Same with the DA's
IRS is shit!
AG is the real shit.
The Judge in the case is a Democrat appointee, and is also the Judge in the Smartomatic case. No mystery here as to why Fox chose to settle, since the Judge was going to disallow a lot of evidence re Dominion's activities. Fox is being sued for what hack propaganda outfits like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, DAily Kos, PBS, NPR, the DNC, and others do a hundred times a day. No surprise, since Delaware is Biden's home state and Democrat controlled from top to bottom. Fox forgot to contribute to any Democras from Delaware election treasuries.
I used to watch Fox news once in a while just to see what the crazies were talking about instead of the real news. It always bothered me that they attempted to define and interpret their news for the viewer instead of just reporting the real news. That's how you distinguish a real news service from a fake one.
I used to watch Fox news once in a while just to see what the crazies were talking about instead of the real news. It always bothered me that they attempted to define and interpret their news for the viewer instead of just reporting the real news. That's how you distinguish a real news service from a fake one.
You don't know the difference between the NEWS programming and the opinion shows. But then, you're a Biden voter.

In case you don't realize it, your cable news network does the very same thing. The only difference is, they don't have an audience
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