Dominion Voting System examined

It's totally unsecure & can be hacked with a cell phone. It is also internet accessible & can fractionize votes to ensure a specific outcome. It is also majority owned by Diane Feinsteins husband Richard Bloom. It employs Nancy Pelosis former chief of staff. It has ties & funding through the Clinton Global Initiative.
It is used in 30 states, including every swing state.
Poll workers observed it connected to the internet & receiving updates.
Other than that, seems like a totally legit company who can be completely trusted :rolleyes:
The software "hooks" and digital proportional reporting inside the software make it so a ratio can be hidden in the count. 100:5 Its very simple to hide and scrape 5 votes for every hundred from one person and redirect it to another. This doesn't change the full tally but does change individual votes. IT was designed for fraud to take place.

Only a hand recount or a recount by other vendors software and hardware can expose the fraud.
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The software "hooks" and digital proportional reporting inside the software make it so ratio can be hidden in the count. 100:5 Its very simple to hide and scrape 5 votes for every hundred from one person and redirect it to another. This dosen't change the full tally but does change individual votes. IT was designed for fraud to take place.
We will find out in the Georgia hand recount.
The software "hooks" and digital proportional reporting inside the software make it so ratio can be hidden in the count. 100:5 Its very simple to hide and scrape 5 votes for every hundred from one person and redirect it to another. This dosen't change the full tally but does change individual votes. IT was designed for fraud to take place.
We will find out in the Georgia hand recount.
Yes we will...

I wonder if that is why Biden and Democrats are on tv every hour touting COVID NUMBERS and stokinig fear of another lockdown... I had a few democrat friends tell me today they wish they had not voted for Biden... Buyers remorse is already setting in....
It's totally unsecure & can be hacked with a cell phone. It is also internet accessible & can fractionize votes to ensure a specific outcome. It is also majority owned by Diane Feinsteins husband Richard Bloom. It employs Nancy Pelosis former chief of staff. It has ties & funding through the Clinton Global Initiative.
It is used in 30 states, including every swing state.
Poll workers observed it connected to the internet & receiving updates.
Other than that, seems like a totally legit company who can be completely trusted :rolleyes:
The results from any voting device connected to the internet should be audited, if not discarded entirely.
The software "hooks" and digital proportional reporting inside the software make it so ratio can be hidden in the count. 100:5 Its very simple to hide and scrape 5 votes for every hundred from one person and redirect it to another. This dosen't change the full tally but does change individual votes. IT was designed for fraud to take place.
We will find out in the Georgia hand recount.
Yes we will...

I wonder if that is why Biden and Democrats are on tv every hour touting COVID NUMBERS and stokinig fear of another lockdown... I had a few democrat friends tell me today they wish they had not voted for Biden... Buyers remorse is already setting in....
Not just that, but the "president-elect" narrative is getting the full court press....Right down to the whole contrived "Office of the President-elect" stagecraft.

1984 was a grade school reader in comparison to what we're getting IRL.
The software "hooks" and digital proportional reporting inside the software make it so ratio can be hidden in the count. 100:5 Its very simple to hide and scrape 5 votes for every hundred from one person and redirect it to another. This dosen't change the full tally but does change individual votes. IT was designed for fraud to take place.
We will find out in the Georgia hand recount.
Yes we will...

I wonder if that is why Biden and Democrats are on tv every hour touting COVID NUMBERS and stokinig fear of another lockdown... I had a few democrat friends tell me today they wish they had not voted for Biden... Buyers remorse is already setting in....
Not just that, but the "president-elect" narrative is getting the full court press....Right down to the whole contrived "Office of the President-elect" stagecraft.

1984 was a grade school reader in comparison to what we're getting IRL.
The media is trying to make it LOOK legitimate... When this collapses its going to be a real butt hurt situation..
Why do we need software to tell us 1+1 =2?

What in the wide world of fuck is going on? There are reality shows on TV that can tally 5 million votes during a commercial break.

Remember these are the slack-jawed fucktards that can't count how many heads are under a sign.... in a cornfield in Iowa.

They are not to be trusted with anything more complicated than washing the shitstains out of our underwear.
Now that we have no doubts the Left is attempting a coup......

Do we just take an "oh well" attitude while marxism waltzes in?

Most Americans already are. Many diehard conservatives I am personally familiar with have already expressed their desire to "take the high road" and get on with their lives. What they always fail to comprehend is that their lives will never be the same again under a Harris-Biden administration. What most decent Americans require, to be forced to action, is to have their doors kicked in by BLM. This week has been Pearl Harbor and the deeds of John Wilkes Booth all wrapped into one neat little stocking full of coal.
Most Americans already are. Many diehard conservatives I am personally familiar with have already expressed their desire to "take the high road" and get on with their lives. What they always fail to comprehend is that their lives will never be the same again under a Harris-Biden administration. What most decent Americans require, to be forced to action, is to have their doors kicked in by BLM. This week has been Pearl Harbor and the deeds of John Wilkes Booth all wrapped into one neat little stocking full of coal.

Words of wisdom and truth
Good Conservative people.......

You may not be aware of the dangers ahead...but just look through the insanity of the posts by the left and you should easily see they are
capable of anything.

It is imperative you see ahead and not accept the despicables and their cheating and deception.
Good Conservative people.......

You may not be aware of the dangers ahead...but just look through the insanity of the posts by the left and you should easily see they are
capable of anything.

It is imperative you see ahead and not accept the despicables and their cheating and deception.

During the reign of the Nazi military apparatus the primary SOP of the high command was to delegate policies related to the Final Solution to much lower level officers and commandants. This policy came out during the Nuremberg Trials when many of the highest ranking Nazi commanders and politicians used it as their primary defense tactic. See, the men at the top tried to claim plausible deniability; they swore, under oath, that they knew very little or possessed little to no personal knowledge of the genocidal actions take by their sub and deputy commanders. The policies and actions of their subordinates were made independent of high command's knowledge, you see. High commanders were neither present nor did they approve of the sweeping savagery and brutality and mass murder carried out by "rogue" Nazis. Just a few bad apples, you see. How could they possibly be responsible for that? For human nature?

Presently, in our America of today, an identical Standard Operating Procedure is playing out among our state Governors, who are delegating the responsibility for stricter lockdowns and mandates to county, town and city leaders, who are in turn delegating such authorities to school districts. In the end, when and if COVID is ever over, our governors—men who will be accused of being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, will use the same Nazi Nuremberg trial defense strategy: they will claim innocence by ignorance and attempt to wash their hands clean of actions taken by county level politicians which were of course sanctioned by them.

Folks, we're being set up for genocide. And we're on the receiving end. What a great time to be alive!

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