Don Lemon offers snooty non-apology to Trump supporters.

I don't think Lemon should have apologized at all. The panel's laughter was based on how trumpsters speak and act.

They present themselves as dumb people who will believe anything and allow themselves to be cajoled into supporting policies that go against their own interests. Always blaming other people, mindless name-calling, stupid, sometimes dirty t-shirts, swearing, physically attacking reporters, going to Nuremberg rallies so that their Dear Leader can lead them in mindless chants, mindless repeating the sayings of religious charlatans, blaming everything on some ill-defined group that they refer to as "liberals," etc. They've earned their reputation.

How are President Trump's policies record low unemployment rates and record high stock market levels against the people's interests? How is achieving Peace, as well as Prosperity, negative for the people?
I don't think Lemon should have apologized at all. The panel's laughter was based on how trumpsters speak and act.

They present themselves as dumb people who will believe anything and allow themselves to be cajoled into supporting policies that go against their own interests. Always blaming other people, mindless name-calling, stupid, sometimes dirty t-shirts, swearing, physically attacking reporters, going to Nuremberg rallies so that their Dear Leader can lead them in mindless chants, mindless repeating the sayings of religious charlatans, blaming everything on some ill-defined group that they refer to as "liberals," etc. They've earned their reputation.

Got to love how you equate everyone and anyone that vote for Trump or go to his rallies are in a Nazi like cult and then whine about how they describe those like you...
I don't think Lemon should have apologized at all. The panel's laughter was based on how trumpsters speak and act.

They present themselves as dumb people who will believe anything and allow themselves to be cajoled into supporting policies that go against their own interests. Always blaming other people, mindless name-calling, stupid, sometimes dirty t-shirts, swearing, physically attacking reporters, going to Nuremberg rallies so that their Dear Leader can lead them in mindless chants, mindless repeating the sayings of religious charlatans, blaming everything on some ill-defined group that they refer to as "liberals," etc. They've earned their reputation.
It is delusional to believe that President Trump's support is limited to low IQ rednecks. That is like me saying all Democratic support comes from welfare recipients and Antifa.

Then get some articulate leadership out in public; people who can explain their positions on their own merits without just blaming other groups of people or mouthing right-wing prescripted talking points or religious babble. The trumpsters act like they just got out of prison and shouldn't have.

I've never seen the kind of uncivilized barnyard conduct of these trump supporters before from either, both, or all, political parties. My parents sometimes voted for Republicans, sometimes for Democrats, but all people in our community behaved appropriately and nobody really knew how someone voted. This out-of-control behavior is a new, and entirely unwelcome, phenomenon. The trump supporters are stuck with a redneck image of their own making.
how can you not agree with that? Or are you one of them?

You're damn right I'm one of them! I'm a PROUD Trump supporter with more pride than an ass fucking cock sucker wearing a tutu riding on a parade float! :banana:
how can you not agree with that? Or are you one of them?

You're damn right I'm one of them! I'm a PROUD Trump supporter with more pride than an ass fucking cock sucker wearing a tutu riding on a parade float! :banana:
Deplorable wasn’t a term used for all Trump supporters. It was specifically used towards bigots and racists that support Trump. Is that you?
I don't think Lemon should have apologized at all. The panel's laughter was based on how trumpsters speak and act.

They present themselves as dumb people who will believe anything and allow themselves to be cajoled into supporting policies that go against their own interests. Always blaming other people, mindless name-calling, stupid, sometimes dirty t-shirts, swearing, physically attacking reporters, going to Nuremberg rallies so that their Dear Leader can lead them in mindless chants, mindless repeating the sayings of religious charlatans, blaming everything on some ill-defined group that they refer to as "liberals," etc. They've earned their reputation.
It is delusional to believe that President Trump's support is limited to low IQ rednecks. That is like me saying all Democratic support comes from welfare recipients and Antifa.

Then get some articulate leadership out in public; people who can explain their positions on their own merits without just blaming other groups of people or mouthing right-wing prescripted talking points or religious babble. The trumpsters act like they just got out of prison and shouldn't have.

I've never seen the kind of uncivilized barnyard conduct of these trump supporters before from either, both, or all, political parties. My parents sometimes voted for Republicans, sometimes for Democrats, but all people in our community behaved appropriately and nobody really knew how someone voted. This out-of-control behavior is a new, and entirely unwelcome, phenomenon. The trump supporters are stuck with a redneck image of their own making.

( as the poster kept his head in the sand the eight years Obama was President )
I don't think Lemon should have apologized at all. The panel's laughter was based on how trumpsters speak and act.

They present themselves as dumb people who will believe anything and allow themselves to be cajoled into supporting policies that go against their own interests. Always blaming other people, mindless name-calling, stupid, sometimes dirty t-shirts, swearing, physically attacking reporters, going to Nuremberg rallies so that their Dear Leader can lead them in mindless chants, mindless repeating the sayings of religious charlatans, blaming everything on some ill-defined group that they refer to as "liberals," etc. They've earned their reputation.

How are President Trump's policies record low unemployment rates and record high stock market levels against the people's interests? How is achieving Peace, as well as Prosperity, negative for the people?

Neither of these issues excuse his other policies, particularly endangering national security, making love to putin, ignoring the Constitution, ignoring checks and balances, endangering our environment, spending our money on his personal vacations and rallies, his attacks on the rights of Americans, his adoption of overtly discriminatory policies toward whole groups of Americans, his allowing garbage religious cults to run amok in executive-branch agencies. He constantly acts against the interests of the American people.
Democrats should definitely keep talking like that. That's how Trump won in 2016. It's turning New Jersey red for 2020.

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