Don Lemon says out loud: Riots have to stop now because it's showing in the polling and focus groups

Not because its harmful to MANY MANY minority owned businesses or its harming innocent people but because it's bad for the democrats election chances. Sickening.

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Or is the Rtwingers running out of instigators with them being locked up. Especially now that a couple have been shot.
Because Don Lemon is worried about instigators? Not seeing that. Until BLM actively denounces the violence and makes all its protests non-violent, not going to believe it.
Don Lemon can be said to be chauvinist about it, but mostly the BLM protests helped the Democrats--everything critical focused on the Trumped-Up lack of response to anything during the years. BLM was an international success.

Among blacks, BLM is still an international success--and even White voters don't take it out on the Democrats. They take it out on BLM. There are White voters in many Red States, supportive of NRA and "Open Carry." So the recent reports from Kenosha are more about that. The shooter of the two victims put his rifle onto his shoulder, and even walked right past Police!

The next problem is the status of the Kenosha victim--possibly with better news to get as the wounds all start to stabilize! Attention will shift to that. The victim is black, easily seen on 'TV(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nobody even seems to have seen this coming(?): Deut 23: 19-20!)
I hope you are 12... and grow up.
Good lord.

He is 12 his balls have not dropped yet and IF he's a Vegan they NEVER will drop :abgg2q.jpg:
Like most Dem schemes to rig elections this one blew up in their face and hurt them.
Democrats - if we loot and burn our own cities, it will make Trump look bad. Whoops.


Not because its harmful to MANY MANY minority owned businesses or its harming innocent people but because it's bad for the democrats election chances. Sickening.

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I love it when Democrats reveal what callus anti-American cretins they are. Who cares about the innocent people being killed, maimed, their lives and businesses destroyed. OH NO! This is hurting our polling numbers!!!! This is really serious!! :eek:
It's funny this blithering idiot is shocked that America doesn't support the Dimwinger riot platform.
Don Lemon's comments with a reality adjustment...

"Okay so yes Democrats, and liberals within large corporations gave over $100 million to the BlackLivesMatter organization, and wealthy liberals have also clearly funded ANTIFA... so maybe that wasn't such a great idea. BUUUUT.... it is happening while Trump is President, so really it is his fault. Biden should come out and tell them to stop because clearly all this violence and destruction is polling bad for Democrats... he can take office and magically fix everything. So stop the man bad... and Biden can get elected so we can pretend this didn't happen"

Not because its harmful to MANY MANY minority owned businesses or its harming innocent people but because it's bad for the democrats election chances. Sickening.

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Well it's a damn shame no one watches or listens to Don.


Not because its harmful to MANY MANY minority owned businesses or its harming innocent people but because it's bad for the democrats election chances. Sickening.

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Don LeMon and Fredo Cuomo are two terrifyingly stupid assholes.

Not because its harmful to MANY MANY minority owned businesses or its harming innocent people but because it's bad for the democrats election chances. Sickening.

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Don LeMon and Fredo Cuomo are two terrifyingly stupid assholes.


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