Donald J. Trump For Messiah?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
You know, when people start saying that someone has achieved messiah status, I gotta start wondering about both the people and the person they say is the messiah.

Sorry, but blind loyalty has never been my strong suit. One of the things that was written in my evaluations at the beginning of my career was that I questioned authority on occasion. And yeah, I did, but that was only if I knew they were wrong. After a while, when people saw that I knew the regs as good as I did, they started to trust what I said, because when I said it was wrong, I knew where it was in the book, and could show them.

Sorry, but if my leaders are wrong, it is my duty to tell them they are wrong and to show them the right way to do stuff. When I was at the squadron, the pilots loved me because they knew my stuff was always right, and they didn't have to double check me or my work, they just signed off on the documents I gave them. And, because I had that special position of trust by the commands that I was at, I was ALWAYS careful to make sure I was right before telling some officer that they were wrong.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
I don't see Trump as a Messianic figure but I completely agree as to how important it was for America for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. It would have been devastating, the globalist/Socialist wave she would have ushered in. He is literally America's last stand against the wild eyed anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage. No they don't want the country to die, but they want American traditions to die so they can transform America into a Socialist Metro-Euro sanctuary.

No thank you, I'll take another helping of Donald Trump and one of his sons or Ivanka in 2024.
It doesn’t get any more lickspittle than this. How embarrassing for you.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
I don't see Trump as a Messianic figure but I completely agree as to how important it was for America for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. It would have been devastating, the globalist/Socialist wave she would have ushered in. He is literally America's last stand against the wild eyed anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage. No they don't want the country to die, but they want American traditions to die so they can transform America into a Socialist Metro-Euro sanctuary.

No thank you, I'll take another helping of Donald Trump and one of his sons or Ivanka in 2024.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily you crazy right wingers spout the most absurd lies, and often, other crazy right wingers pick those lies up, and start claiming they are truth. "anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage"??? You're one crazy sick RWNJ.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
I don't see Trump as a Messianic figure but I completely agree as to how important it was for America for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. It would have been devastating, the globalist/Socialist wave she would have ushered in. He is literally America's last stand against the wild eyed anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage. No they don't want the country to die, but they want American traditions to die so they can transform America into a Socialist Metro-Euro sanctuary.

No thank you, I'll take another helping of Donald Trump and one of his sons or Ivanka in 2024.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily you crazy right wingers spout the most absurd lies, and often, other crazy right wingers pick those lies up, and start claiming they are truth. "anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage"??? You're one crazy sick RWNJ.
I am neither crazy nor sick. And as I explained I was speaking figuratively that they want American traditions to die. That is what every one of them stands for.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
I don't see Trump as a Messianic figure but I completely agree as to how important it was for America for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. It would have been devastating, the globalist/Socialist wave she would have ushered in. He is literally America's last stand against the wild eyed anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage. No they don't want the country to die, but they want American traditions to die so they can transform America into a Socialist Metro-Euro sanctuary.

No thank you, I'll take another helping of Donald Trump and one of his sons or Ivanka in 2024.

I do not see him that way either, the piece is satirical for the right mind, however one cannot deny DJT's timely arrival in history, as you've illustrated in your reply. Thanks.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
I don't see Trump as a Messianic figure but I completely agree as to how important it was for America for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. It would have been devastating, the globalist/Socialist wave she would have ushered in. He is literally America's last stand against the wild eyed anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage. No they don't want the country to die, but they want American traditions to die so they can transform America into a Socialist Metro-Euro sanctuary.

No thank you, I'll take another helping of Donald Trump and one of his sons or Ivanka in 2024.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily you crazy right wingers spout the most absurd lies, and often, other crazy right wingers pick those lies up, and start claiming they are truth. "anti-Americans we see chanting "death to America" on the Democrats debate stage"??? You're one crazy sick RWNJ.
I am neither crazy nor sick. And as I explained I was speaking figuratively that they want American traditions to die. That is what every one of them stands for.

First you claim Democrats chant "death to America" on the debate stage, and now you claim I want American traditions to die. You can't make remarks like that and then say you were just figuratively speaking. It doesn't work like that Asshole. Stupid crap like that is what appears when you have an obese orange lying president, and his childish/vile remarks become common place. His stupid followers see nothing wrong with crap like that.
I am neither crazy nor sick. And as I explained I was speaking figuratively that they want American traditions to die. That is what every one of them stands for.

After all Trump's bleating about undermining our institutions and intelligence? Trump cares about money not traditions.
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

Got Trump?
Yeah he certainly resembles and acts like Jesus in many ways sarcasm
Like him, love him, hate him our President has stepped into Messianic shoes. Donald J. Trump has become a living divining rod and a rampart dividing line between the preservation of our civilization and the chaos of its collapse into some neo-pantheon of modern communism, USA style. On one side of the "Trump-Line" Americans believe men can bear children, men and women can trade biological sex, human biology is a social construct and the murder by abortion of tens and tens of millions of unborn American children is not such a big deal. On the other side of the Trump-Line Americans believe in personal responsibility, honoring the trust their government has placed in them to follow its laws, preservation of the nuclear family, children raised by present and active fathers and mothers, and in a higher power from which derives an indelible, overarching code of moral behavior.

What's craziest perhaps about the deep, sharp divide between Americans culturally, socially and politically is how on one side of that divide Americans are casually bitching about the economy, jobs and the price of gas; while on the other side they're waking up to a political party which has openly on national television sold out their historic and earned role as citizens, indoctrinated their children's minds into a cult of Cultural Marxism and are gaining ground redefining "normal" and "reality" with every passing moment. Perhaps most people, most voters, simply cannot fathom the un-reality of far left running platforms. Perhaps they believe after Trump is gone none of the postmodernist madness will stick and life will return to normal. Either way, millions of Americans are lost in denial and too busy hiding their eyes from the psycho cultural reforms the left is pushing and winning.

Normal America will never be the same if the left seizes absolute power.

Enter Donald J. Trump, a man who not only stepped into perhaps the biggest, most important political shoes in human history, but has also received more press coverage and veneration than Christ Himself, most of it from his archest enemies in the media. The Man may not be anyone or thing particularly remarkable, however, his presidency has become a living testament and decision for whether or not civilization continues on as we understand it or crumbles into the abyss of a new Dark Age. No other man in history perhaps has so polarized and divided a nation, perhaps an entire planet to be more loved or hated along his meteoric rise to become the most powerful politician on the Earth.

Back to the Trump-Line. Is the man angelic or satanic? For starters, his persona alone has driven otherwise and formerly patriotic, law-abiding and sane Americans to hop aboard the 'sell out your nation' cruise ship so long as the end of America means an America free of his presidency. In that light perhaps Donald Trump has been among the most dangerous men in American History. However, had DJT never been elected, never filled those monolithic messianic shoes, chances are our civilization would have fallen a year or less into a Clinton or Sanders administration.

If the greatest enemy of American Civilization and American Individual Freedom is the ideology which would turn your son into a daughter, advocate you to murder you unborn child, spread LGTBQ mental illness like a biological weapon, lead you to hate our country and stop believing in your God, than like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump was and remains the Man who became the living speedbump those Marxist ideologues never saw coming. While he has not stopped them dead in their goose stepping tracks, he's slowed them down long enough to erect a barrier between the ideology of postmodernism and the survival of America.

I know, I know . . . messiahs are supposed to be saviors, right? While DJT never rose from the dead, the way the press has venerated him these last few years one would think he can at least walk on water. So, which side of Trump-Line do you find yourselves on?

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