Donald McGahn MUST TESTIFY the Ex- White House counsel . MORE PELOSI WINNING! Poor MAGA team.

I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama
Yep, both Barry's and Trump's both used the US dollar.
Other than that, there is no comparison.
During Obama they called it a Mini Depression. The worst since the 30s.
Under Trump it is setting new world standards.
If that were true you would produce a graph disproving my claim. You failed again. You're a loser again.


Where is the new world standard? Exactly, it doesn't exist. You're a liar.
The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?
The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?
Why do you?
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?

He plead guilty not because he was guilty.

He plead guilty because he was broke and could no longer afford to defend himself
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?
Why do you?
Flynn was convicted by law enforcement. How am I supporting criminals? You're asking stupid questions.
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?

He plead guilty not because he was guilty.

He plead guilty because he was broke and could no longer afford to defend himself
Whatever your wild imagination wants you to believe, just knock yourself out. In the mean time, Flynn is a convicted felon. I don't live by wild imaginations.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?
Why do you?
Flynn was convicted by law enforcement. How am I supporting criminals? You're asking stupid questions.

So "law enforcement" never traps, ensnares, accuses or convicts innocent people. Prosecutors never frame people to get a conviction. Judges and juries never make mistakes. I'm sure the prisons full of innocent people will be relieved to know you think that, pinhead.
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Flynn wasn't convicted of a dam thing. He plead guilty to a perjury trap to end the Mueller persecution, he went broke funding his defense.
If he lied in a perjury trap, that just meant his criminal ass got caught. Why do you support lying criminals?
Why do you?
Flynn was convicted by law enforcement. How am I supporting criminals? You're asking stupid questions.

So "law enforcement" never traps, ensnares, accuses or convicts innocent people. Prosecutors never frame people to get a conviction. I'm sure the prisons full of innocent people will be relieved to know you think that, pinhead.
I never said that. The other poster did. That's his version, not mine. I was merely repeating his bs. Get your shit straight.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.

Acquitted people are not felons, moron.

General Flynn sentencing delayed until after IG FISA report released
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.

Acquitted people are not felons, moron.

General Flynn sentencing delayed until after IG FISA report released
Michael Flynn - Wikipedia Flynn plead guilty.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation
Last edited:
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.

Acquitted people are not felons, moron.

General Flynn sentencing delayed until after IG FISA report released
Michael Flynn - Wikipedia Flynn plead guilty.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation

I wonder how many US soldiers plead guilty during the Vietnam War to avoid torture?
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.

Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.

Acquitted people are not felons, moron.

General Flynn sentencing delayed until after IG FISA report released
Michael Flynn - Wikipedia Flynn plead guilty.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation

I wonder how many US soldiers plead guilty during the Vietnam War to avoid torture?
Unrelated topic! You're a coward who can't stick to the script because you got your ass in a knot with this argument. Just because there maybe an acquittal does not mean there was not a guilty plea. You lose again.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama
Yep, both Barry's and Trump's both used the US dollar.
Other than that, there is no comparison.
During Obama they called it a Mini Depression. The worst since the 30s.
Under Trump it is setting new world standards.
If that were true you would produce a graph disproving my claim. You failed again. You're a loser again.


Where is the new world standard? Exactly, it doesn't exist. You're a liar.

Gotta admit: it takes real guts and a lot of itinerant stupidity to present admittedly fake data projected from something someone prognosticates should have happened in an event that never did then say: HERE! YOU are a loser! :auiqs.jpg:
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama
Yep, both Barry's and Trump's both used the US dollar.
Other than that, there is no comparison.
During Obama they called it a Mini Depression. The worst since the 30s.
Under Trump it is setting new world standards.
If that were true you would produce a graph disproving my claim. You failed again. You're a loser again.


Where is the new world standard? Exactly, it doesn't exist. You're a liar.

Gotta admit: it takes real guts and a lot of itinerant stupidity to present admittedly fake data projected from something someone prognosticates should have happened in an event that never did then say: HERE! YOU are a loser! :auiqs.jpg:
"Fake data?" Okay, now you got me, because I haven't the foggiest idea what "fake data" you are talking about? And "if" what you say is fake, present it, then prove it is fake. If you don't, you're just a waste of time. And by way of how you have presented your losing arguments, it's abundantly clear your time with me is getting shorter and shorter for a lack of interest debating someone who can't keep up. I'll be waiting for the proof of the "fake data."
Are we at war with Russia? Is that why they give us lifts to the ISS? You might be a foreign adversary. The FBI trapped Flynn. He will be acquitted.
Russia invaded Crimea and Ukraine during Obama. They occupy 7% of Ukraine and Trump cheer leads for Russia. Obama had sanctions against Russia. They are not our friends.

Flynn will be acquitted because he gave away dirt to law enforcement. He's still a felon.

Acquitted people are not felons, moron.

General Flynn sentencing delayed until after IG FISA report released
Michael Flynn - Wikipedia Flynn plead guilty.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation

I wonder how many US soldiers plead guilty during the Vietnam War to avoid torture?
Unrelated topic! You're a coward who can't stick to the script because you got your ass in a knot with this argument. Just because there maybe an acquittal does not mean there was not a guilty plea. You lose again.

Actually, its very valid. Gen. Flynn saw how Mueller locked Manafort in solitary confinement for a year.

That's a fate that a lot of people would be willing to plead out to avoid.
If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama
Yep, both Barry's and Trump's both used the US dollar.
Other than that, there is no comparison.
During Obama they called it a Mini Depression. The worst since the 30s.
Under Trump it is setting new world standards.
If that were true you would produce a graph disproving my claim. You failed again. You're a loser again.


Where is the new world standard? Exactly, it doesn't exist. You're a liar.

Gotta admit: it takes real guts and a lot of itinerant stupidity to present admittedly fake data projected from something someone prognosticates should have happened in an event that never did then say: HERE! YOU are a loser! :auiqs.jpg:
"Fake data?" Okay, now you got me, because I haven't the foggiest idea what "fake data" you are talking about? And "if" what you say is fake, present it, then prove it is fake. If you don't, you're just a waste of time. And by way of how you have presented your losing arguments, it's abundantly clear your time with me is getting shorter and shorter for a lack of interest debating someone who can't keep up. I'll be waiting for the proof of the "fake data."

Fake Data is showing projections of things that never actually happened. The previous trend DIDN'T continue so it means nothing to say look what if it had!

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