Donald McGahn MUST TESTIFY the Ex- White House counsel . MORE PELOSI WINNING! Poor MAGA team.

Gotta admit: it takes real guts and a lot of itinerant stupidity to present admittedly fake data projected from something someone prognosticates should have happened in an event that never did then say: HERE! YOU are a loser!
What did you expect from liberals? They watch fake news networks like CNN.
Everyone got a tax cut, dummy.

This isn't Obama's economy, dummy. His sucked.
Nope! More lies. Tax cuts were met with increases in goods and services. There was no benefit received.
Increases on goods and services have nothing to do with the FACT everyone got a tax cut. Your claim only the rich got a tax cut is a massive lie.

Even before the Trump tax cuts, the majority of tax filers used the standard deduction. Trump doubled the standard deduction for everyone, so that number will be much higher now. That is the low and middle income folks.
Sure they do. The increase is counter to the good any tax cut could do for the American people. Again, if you can't argue the same Republican tax policy that has been going on for forty years, then you have nothing intelligent to offer; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
You are clearly an economic illiterate who is feebly trying to cover for the fact I busted you in a lie.
You didn't "bust" anything because you have provided nothing to "bust" with. Lol! You're a joke. Debate my link and show us all how it is wrong if you want to "bust" something.
I already showed you how you lied. Lott didn't get to the Senate until 1988. He had nothing to do with your racist party's fight against civil rights.

I busted your lie.
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You are
What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama

And the presidency was stolen, not won; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

You are a nutbag.

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