Donald McGahn MUST TESTIFY the Ex- White House counsel . MORE PELOSI WINNING! Poor MAGA team.

We are experiencing literally the greatest economy in the history of the planet.
He has the power of incumbency.
He has the power to go around the media and talk directly to the people.
He connects to people not living in NYC or LA County like no politician ever.

I will be surprised if it is not similar to the Reagan-Mondale landslide.
The greatest economy on the planet is a roll over of the Obama stimulus minus a wage increase because of the tax cuts going to the wealthy. We are back where we left off with a Republican economy that goes no where. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

And the tariffs? How's that working for us? It isn't. We now support farmers through Socialism.
Everyone got a tax cut, dummy.

This isn't Obama's economy, dummy. His sucked.
Nope! More lies. Tax cuts were met with increases in goods and services. There was no benefit received.
Increases on goods and services have nothing to do with the FACT everyone got a tax cut. Your claim only the rich got a tax cut is a massive lie.

Even before the Trump tax cuts, the majority of tax filers used the standard deduction. Trump doubled the standard deduction for everyone, so that number will be much higher now. That is the low and middle income folks.
Sure they do. The increase is counter to the good any tax cut could do for the American people. Again, if you can't argue the same Republican tax policy that has been going on for forty years, then you have nothing intelligent to offer; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Actually, the D's were in charge of the WH for 17 of the past 40 years.
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....
Yeah liberals are for we the people.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.

Actually, an increasing number of Americans realize this impeachment crapola is all just a load of bullshit.

Further, the Republican Party only has one candidate that can vanquish the Democrats implementation of the New Green Deal in 2021, and his name is Donald J. Trump. Further, Trump has all the campaign money- his campaign war chest is yuge.

Practically speaking, there is no path to destroy the D's in 2020 that doesn't not go through Mar a Lago.

We are experiencing literally the greatest economy in the history of the planet.
He has the power of incumbency.
He has the power to go around the media and talk directly to the people.
He connects to people not living in NYC or LA County like no politician ever.

I will be surprised if it is not similar to the Reagan-Mondale landslide.
The greatest economy on the planet is a roll over of the Obama stimulus minus a wage increase because of the tax cuts going to the wealthy. We are back where we left off with a Republican economy that goes no where. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

And the tariffs? How's that working for us? It isn't. We now support farmers through Socialism.
Everyone got a tax cut, dummy.

This isn't Obama's economy, dummy. His sucked.
Nope! More lies. Tax cuts were met with increases in goods and services. There was no benefit received.

You are a fucking lunatic dude.
What are they appealing? To duck testimony? What are these chicken shit criminals hiding, and why do you support criminals?
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

If the "case is over" , why ask Bolton et al to testify at all?

Let's just have a vote.
Good question. We don't, but Trump is gagging them all any way. As Katyal said, it's gravy but we don't need it.

What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
Explain why it couldn't be appealed to a higher court.

The idiot can't. The Justice Department has ALREADY said it IS appealing! :21:

Impeachment: Donald McGahn must testify on possible obstruction of justice

Another Leftard "victory" over before it even began.
What are they appealing? To duck testimony? What are these chicken shit criminals hiding, and why do you support criminals?
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
The greatest economy on the planet is a roll over of the Obama stimulus minus a wage increase because of the tax cuts going to the wealthy. We are back where we left off with a Republican economy that goes no where. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

And the tariffs? How's that working for us? It isn't. We now support farmers through Socialism.
Everyone got a tax cut, dummy.

This isn't Obama's economy, dummy. His sucked.
Nope! More lies. Tax cuts were met with increases in goods and services. There was no benefit received.
Increases on goods and services have nothing to do with the FACT everyone got a tax cut. Your claim only the rich got a tax cut is a massive lie.

Even before the Trump tax cuts, the majority of tax filers used the standard deduction. Trump doubled the standard deduction for everyone, so that number will be much higher now. That is the low and middle income folks.
Sure they do. The increase is counter to the good any tax cut could do for the American people. Again, if you can't argue the same Republican tax policy that has been going on for forty years, then you have nothing intelligent to offer; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
You are clearly an economic illiterate who is feebly trying to cover for the fact I busted you in a lie.
You didn't "bust" anything because you have provided nothing to "bust" with. Lol! You're a joke. Debate my link and show us all how it is wrong if you want to "bust" something.
They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.

Actually, an increasing number of Americans realize this impeachment crapola is all just a load of bullshit.

Further, the Republican Party only has one candidate that can vanquish the Democrats implementation of the New Green Deal in 2021, and his name is Donald J. Trump. Further, Trump has all the campaign money- his campaign war chest is yuge.

Practically speaking, there is no path to destroy the D's in 2020 that doesn't not go through Mar a Lago.

We are experiencing literally the greatest economy in the history of the planet.
He has the power of incumbency.
He has the power to go around the media and talk directly to the people.
He connects to people not living in NYC or LA County like no politician ever.

I will be surprised if it is not similar to the Reagan-Mondale landslide.
The greatest economy on the planet is a roll over of the Obama stimulus minus a wage increase because of the tax cuts going to the wealthy. We are back where we left off with a Republican economy that goes no where. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

And the tariffs? How's that working for us? It isn't. We now support farmers through Socialism.
Everyone got a tax cut, dummy.

This isn't Obama's economy, dummy. His sucked.
Really? Then so did Trump's; Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama Trump did nothing special. He just threw money at the economy and raised the debt. The same thing you blamed Obama of doing. Your arguments still haven't made any sense. Why? Because you don't have an argument.
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

If the "case is over" , why ask Bolton et al to testify at all?

Let's just have a vote.
Good question. We don't, but Trump is gagging them all any way. As Katyal said, it's gravy but we don't need it.

What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
The idiot can't. The Justice Department has ALREADY said it IS appealing! :21:

Impeachment: Donald McGahn must testify on possible obstruction of justice

Another Leftard "victory" over before it even began.
What are they appealing? To duck testimony? What are these chicken shit criminals hiding, and why do you support criminals?
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

If the "case is over" , why ask Bolton et al to testify at all?

Let's just have a vote.
Good question. We don't, but Trump is gagging them all any way. As Katyal said, it's gravy but we don't need it.

What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?
What are they appealing? To duck testimony? What are these chicken shit criminals hiding, and why do you support criminals?
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
It's the Democrats trying to cover for criminals like Hillary, Obama, McCabe, and Comey.
Yea Sling Blade, sure. Now tell me again how all of Trump's people are in jail and not the one's you speak of?
It will take Trump 8 years to drain the swamp, not just 8 months like we had hoped. The swamp monsters in DC are playing games with justice.
If the "case is over" , why ask Bolton et al to testify at all?

Let's just have a vote.
Good question. We don't, but Trump is gagging them all any way. As Katyal said, it's gravy but we don't need it.

What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
Why do you? What is Schiff hiding by refusing to allow Nunes and the GOP to bring forth the witnesses needed to hear the other side of the story? What's scaring you, afraid that you'll lose again in a free and open forum because your case is that weak, eh?
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Good question. We don't, but Trump is gagging them all any way. As Katyal said, it's gravy but we don't need it.

What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama

And the presidency was stolen, not won; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Last edited:
The case is technically over for Democrats. They have everything they need to impeach. They had that with the Mueller report as well. Trump is trying to gag Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Mcghan. What's he hiding?

The case for Democrats has been over for years. They slipped up and exposed their desire and intent to impeach the day Trump took office! The only hold up was looking for the excuse they thought wasn't shallow enough to not pass muster with their lobotomized zombie base. Can't wait to see you idiots pull the trigger and have impeachment blow up in your fucking faces! Yank on that loose thread and see if it all doesn't unravel on all your democrats!!! :21:
Michael Flynn opened up the impeachment pursuit, even before Trump took office. And Democrats were right. Flynn is a convicted felon.
You mean because he withheld full disclosure to the FBI about some personal foreign affairs far and apart from any of his dealings with Trump that he is now on his way to being acquitted for?
It wasn't personal. Doing bidding with a foreign adversary behind the back of a sitting president, then lying about it is a felony. Get a clue.
Trying to keep your druggie criminal son off the hook isn't personal?
Why were we giving foreign aid if Ukraine is a foreign adversary?
And who knows more about heinous lying than Felony Barack and High Crimes Hillary?

I'd tell you to get a clue but you haven't a clue.
Russia is a foreign adversary. Flynn was negotiating foreign policy with Russia behind the back of Obama. Flynn was convicted.

If Obama and Clinton were committing crimes Republicans would have convicted already. They had nothing. They're losers.
What makes you think that these witnesses won't be called during a Senate trial?
I don't. But the Right isn't going to call witnesses willingly to get the truth. That much everyone knows.
And obviously the Left definitely isn't. That much everyone has seen.
If it were true, they'd be in jail. Lol! You have a Republican president and you can't convict? Wow, what a bunch of failed stooges you have in the WH. Remember the "lock her up" mantra? How's that working out for you loser?

If winning the Senate in 2010
the House in 2014
the Presidency in 2016 and
the Supreme Court in 2018
a better economy
stronger job market
and safer world makes me a "loser,"
I'll gladly take it.
You live in the land of make believe. Trump didn’t transform the economy — it’s mostly the same as it was under Obama
Yep, both Barry's and Trump's both used the US dollar.
Other than that, there is no comparison.
During Obama they called it a Mini Depression. The worst since the 30s.
Under Trump it is setting new world standards.

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