Donald McGahn MUST TESTIFY the Ex- White House counsel . MORE PELOSI WINNING! Poor MAGA team.

You aren't arguing a point though. Yeah, McGhan has to show up. Big deal. So why is it such a whipping for Trump?

Sure, they can make McGahn show up, but they can't make him lie about his President.

So the libs will fight this as part of a pyrrhic battle that will give them nothing.
Sworn testimony shouldn't include lies. Why would McGhan need to lie? You aren't making any sense.

The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
exactly how could democrats FORCE him to lie?

His already given grand jury testimony under oath, would PREVENT him from lying.... losing his LAW LICENSE is not really an option for him....

And what would he say? All he will do is point them to reports and claim presidential privilege and another "impeachment news loop" starts and all the zombies watch.
he already waved executive privilege by testifying before Mueller...and not claiming executive privilege then... is the argument.
Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment
You do realize this has already been appealed, right?

Try to catch up.
Did I forget to mention coward? Lol!
Dunno. Did you forget?

Not sure how you think that would lessen how you exposed your ignorance.
Sworn testimony shouldn't include lies. Why would McGhan need to lie? You aren't making any sense.

The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
they were following Pompeo's state dept direction and mission.... if there mission was not Trump's mission, then blame Pompeo...

they ARE NOT OUT THERE NILLY DILLY, they follow the State dept's stated goals and mission...
No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment
You do realize this has already been appealed, right?

Try to catch up.
Did I forget to mention coward? Lol!
Dunno. Did you forget?

Not sure how you think that would lessen how you exposed your ignorance.
Both are true by the way. Trump didn't win and he can't win. Remember, the election was lost through voter fraud. The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast
The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
Sondland is no hold over. You are a liar.

And none of them said there was no Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had.

The problem with you is that I just don't believe that you are a very intelligent or knowledgeable person.

Sondland specifically stated that President Trump specifically stated when asked an open ended question of - "What do you want-?"
I want nothing, no quid pro quo - I want him to do the right thing.

An intelligent person would know that all foreign aid is tied to expecting something in return.
We give Foreign Aid to Israel with the understanding that they will help keep Democracy alive in the Middle East.
We give Foreign aid to Saudi Arabia with the understanding that they will be an ally against Radical Islam and Iran.
We give Foreign aid to Central and South America in the hopes that they can support their people there so that they don't all come here.
Ukraine is an ally against Russia (though Obama did not seem to see that, or care) and we give them aid to help thwart Russia.
A Presidential request for the new Ukraine president to commit to honoring our treaty to thwart corruption in Ukraine is lawful and just.

The hearings were a disaster, only the Cult of Impeachment by any means necessary -does not see it.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?

So when the Obama Administration refused to let Eric Holder testify about Fast & Furious...did "we the people" have a right to know what was going on in our own government? Or not so much?
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.
Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?

So when the Obama Administration refused to let Eric Holder testify about Fast & Furious...did "we the people" have a right to know what was going on in our own government? Or not so much?
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.
Link to them issuing a blanket waiver of Executive Privilege? They can choose to waive it for any reason in any particular instance. In no way does that mean is no longer exists.

What a moron.
I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment
You do realize this has already been appealed, right?

Try to catch up.
Did I forget to mention coward? Lol!
Dunno. Did you forget?

Not sure how you think that would lessen how you exposed your ignorance.
Both are true by the way. Trump didn't win and he can't win. Remember, the election was lost through voter fraud. The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

That seals the deal - you are a fucking lunatic.
Last edited:
Sworn testimony shouldn't include lies. Why would McGhan need to lie? You aren't making any sense.

The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.
Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?

So when the Obama Administration refused to let Eric Holder testify about Fast & Furious...did "we the people" have a right to know what was going on in our own government? Or not so much?
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.

You are simply not very knowledgeable on this -
They waved executive privilege within the Executive Branch - Who Mueller was working for.
The did not wave executive privilege to any other branch of Govt.
The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
they were following Pompeo's state dept direction and mission.... if there mission was not Trump's mission, then blame Pompeo...

they ARE NOT OUT THERE NILLY DILLY, they follow the State dept's stated goals and mission...

You are so uninformed.
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?

So when the Obama Administration refused to let Eric Holder testify about Fast & Furious...did "we the people" have a right to know what was going on in our own government? Or not so much?
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.

You are simply not very knowledgeable on this -
They waved executive privilege within the Executive Branch - Who Mueller was working for.
The did not wave executive privilege to any other branch of Govt.
You are so ignorant about checks and balances. But then again, you really don't care either;
The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.
Funny how that number didn't go up a single point after all the "evidence" Adumb Schifferbrains brought, huh?:21:
The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.

Actually, an increasing number of Americans realize this impeachment crapola is all just a load of bullshit.

Further, the Republican Party only has one candidate that can vanquish the Democrats implementation of the New Green Deal in 2021, and his name is Donald J. Trump. Further, Trump has all the campaign money- his campaign war chest is yuge.

Practically speaking, there is no path to destroy the D's in 2020 that doesn't not go through Mar a Lago.
So when the Obama Administration refused to let Eric Holder testify about Fast & Furious...did "we the people" have a right to know what was going on in our own government? Or not so much?
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.

You are simply not very knowledgeable on this -
They waved executive privilege within the Executive Branch - Who Mueller was working for.
The did not wave executive privilege to any other branch of Govt.
You are so ignorant about checks and balances. But then again, you really don't care either;

I laugh
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
Sondland is no hold over. You are a liar.

And none of them said there was no Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had.

The problem with you is that I just don't believe that you are a very intelligent or knowledgeable person.

Sondland specifically stated that President Trump specifically stated when asked an open ended question of - "What do you want-?"
I want nothing, no quid pro quo - I want him to do the right thing.

An intelligent person would know that all foreign aid is tied to expecting something in return.
We give Foreign Aid to Israel with the understanding that they will help keep Democracy alive in the Middle East.
We give Foreign aid to Saudi Arabia with the understanding that they will be an ally against Radical Islam and Iran.
We give Foreign aid to Central and South America in the hopes that they can support their people there so that they don't all come here.
Ukraine is an ally against Russia (though Obama did not seem to see that, or care) and we give them aid to help thwart Russia.
A Presidential request for the new Ukraine president to commit to honoring our treaty to thwart corruption in Ukraine is lawful and just.

The hearings were a disaster, only the Cult of Impeachment by any means necessary -does not see it.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: He wanted nothing after Trump got caught you idiot.
Eric Holder showed up... and used executive privilege when the Obama lawyers said he should, and answered questions when he could...

Turns out, ALL THE INFORMATION on Fast and furious, WAS RELEASED due to a suit, in the Courts rulings....

so, it has been litigated previously in the Obama case, and the answer is YES, we the people have a right to know....

When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.

You are simply not very knowledgeable on this -
They waved executive privilege within the Executive Branch - Who Mueller was working for.
The did not wave executive privilege to any other branch of Govt.
You are so ignorant about checks and balances. But then again, you really don't care either;

I laugh
Exactly! What else can you offer? Exactly! Nothing!
If Mcghan lies, then we know Trump and Mcghan are guilty. Why else would the country hold hearings and court? Lol! you're a cheer leader for criminals. Republicans do not believe in the rule of law.

The "country" is not holding hearings-
A few lunatics in the Democrat party are holding hearing in a effort to thwart the Trump Presidency.
Which to this point hasn't worked a bit.
Multiple witnesses testified against Trump and the evidence is against him. The Democrats effort has alerted the country to his confirmed criminality. It worked just fine. The fact that his Sheep don't care comes as no surprise.

They testified that The Trump Doctrine on foreign policy was not what the holdovers from the Obama State Department wanted.
They were unanimous in that assertion.
Good luck getting that past Decent American Citizens on your way to acquittal and devastating embarrassment.
50% want Trump impeached and removed. When the Senate votes no, it's on them and the Republican party to answer for their own complicity in support of criminals. Good luck with that come election time. The cat is officially out of the bag with this party. Elected officials shit on their oath, and the supporters are nothing more than deplorable liars who claimed they once stood for something. Now we know it was all a lie. Republicans stand for nothing more than what they can get themselves. Their love for country is their love for what country can do for "them" and fuck everyone else. Everyone of their policies is a direct reflection of their disgusting self interest to self. "WE THE PEOPLE?" What the hell is that? "THE RULE OF LAW?" Who gives a shit about that, as long as I got mine? This is what your Republican party is all about. A bunch of self centered cowards who will sell the country out, just so they get theirs. What a bunch of disgusting pigs.

Actually, an increasing number of Americans realize this impeachment crapola is all just a load of bullshit.

Further, the Republican Party only has one candidate that can vanquish the Democrats implementation of the New Green Deal in 2021, and his name is Donald J. Trump. Further, Trump has all the campaign money- his campaign war chest is yuge.

Practically speaking, there is no path to destroy the D's in 2020 that doesn't not go through Mar a Lago.

We are experiencing literally the greatest economy in the history of the planet.
He has the power of incumbency.
He has the power to go around the media and talk directly to the people.
He connects to people not living in NYC or LA County like no politician ever.

I will be surprised if it is not similar to the Reagan-Mondale landslide.
When was that evidence released? What year? And you are correct about the holder thing to. Holder answered no questions. He used executive privlage allot and pointed to reports. All this judge did was say McGhan has to do it to pending appeal.
I believe it took 2 to 3 years for the law suit to work it's way thru the courts, before the info was finally released is what I had read on it...

problem with McGahn is he and the whitehouse waved executive privilege already... you can't pick and choose...

and secondly, McGahn's testimony involves several alleged crimes of Obstruction of J, and NOTHING of criminality, ever has executive privilege or attorney client privilege.

You are simply not very knowledgeable on this -
They waved executive privilege within the Executive Branch - Who Mueller was working for.
The did not wave executive privilege to any other branch of Govt.
You are so ignorant about checks and balances. But then again, you really don't care either;

I laugh
Exactly! What else can you offer? Exactly! Nothing!
Pretty much all your idiotic posts deserve..............ridicule.

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