Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.
Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.

Yes, you should be killed if you have just one stick of marijuana, or are trying to sell one stick.

The law is, it's illegal. That doesn't mean, "Its illegal unless you only have one stick".

That wouldn't play well in real life. Your wife cheating on you is wrong, and grounds for divorce..... unless it was only one guy. If it was just one guy, then you should shut up and be happy with it.

Wrong is wrong 100% of the time. There is no, It is entirely wrong to rape... unless you only do it once, and she was high on exctacy, and thus didn't mind at the time.

No, it is wrong 100% of the time. ALL THE TIME.

If you intend to clean up the city, that means you clean out all the criminals, not just the repeat criminals, but ALL THE CRIMINALS. Clean them all out. ALL OF THEM. Not 'all but the few who only did it once'.

Unless you can prove they simply didn't know the law. But my guess is, they all know it's wrong. If they didn't before, they should by now.

It's kind of like that Australian guy that was put to death for carrying pot into Singapore a few years back.

He claimed he didn't know. Never mind the travel passport has in bold bright red letters that carrying drugs in Singapore is a capital punishment offense. Never mind there are signs throughout the Singapore terminal saying carrying drugs is a capital punishment offense. Never mind that the customs agents are instructed to tell people before they come to Singapore that is a death penalty crime to carry drugs into the country.

Then all the Aussies cried and wailed and screamed, and the Singapore government said, no.... he knew the law, he violated the law, he'll pay the price of the law. And they hung him.

So as far as I'm concerned, you live in the Philippines, and you do drugs and/or sell any drugs.... you were warned, you know the penalty, you know the law, and you violated it. You get what you deserve.
Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.

Yes, you should be killed if you have just one stick of marijuana, or are trying to sell one stick.

The law is, it's illegal. That doesn't mean, "Its illegal unless you only have one stick".

That wouldn't play well in real life. Your wife cheating on you is wrong, and grounds for divorce..... unless it was only one guy. If it was just one guy, then you should shut up and be happy with it.

Wrong is wrong 100% of the time. There is no, It is entirely wrong to rape... unless you only do it once, and she was high on exctacy, and thus didn't mind at the time.

No, it is wrong 100% of the time. ALL THE TIME.

If you intend to clean up the city, that means you clean out all the criminals, not just the repeat criminals, but ALL THE CRIMINALS. Clean them all out. ALL OF THEM. Not 'all but the few who only did it once'.

Unless you can prove they simply didn't know the law. But my guess is, they all know it's wrong. If they didn't before, they should by now.

It's kind of like that Australian guy that was put to death for carrying pot into Singapore a few years back.

He claimed he didn't know. Never mind the travel passport has in bold bright red letters that carrying drugs in Singapore is a capital punishment offense. Never mind there are signs throughout the Singapore terminal saying carrying drugs is a capital punishment offense. Never mind that the customs agents are instructed to tell people before they come to Singapore that is a death penalty crime to carry drugs into the country.

Then all the Aussies cried and wailed and screamed, and the Singapore government said, no.... he knew the law, he violated the law, he'll pay the price of the law. And they hung him.

So as far as I'm concerned, you live in the Philippines, and you do drugs and/or sell any drugs.... you were warned, you know the penalty, you know the law, and you violated it. You get what you deserve.

Then Duterte should be shot for being an addict himself. Marijuana have several medicinal benefits and it being adopted world wide.

Your comparison or examples in this thread is way off.
Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.

Yes, you should be killed if you have just one stick of marijuana, or are trying to sell one stick.

The law is, it's illegal. That doesn't mean, "Its illegal unless you only have one stick".

That wouldn't play well in real life. Your wife cheating on you is wrong, and grounds for divorce..... unless it was only one guy. If it was just one guy, then you should shut up and be happy with it.

Wrong is wrong 100% of the time. There is no, It is entirely wrong to rape... unless you only do it once, and she was high on exctacy, and thus didn't mind at the time.

No, it is wrong 100% of the time. ALL THE TIME.

If you intend to clean up the city, that means you clean out all the criminals, not just the repeat criminals, but ALL THE CRIMINALS. Clean them all out. ALL OF THEM. Not 'all but the few who only did it once'.

Unless you can prove they simply didn't know the law. But my guess is, they all know it's wrong. If they didn't before, they should by now.

It's kind of like that Australian guy that was put to death for carrying pot into Singapore a few years back.

He claimed he didn't know. Never mind the travel passport has in bold bright red letters that carrying drugs in Singapore is a capital punishment offense. Never mind there are signs throughout the Singapore terminal saying carrying drugs is a capital punishment offense. Never mind that the customs agents are instructed to tell people before they come to Singapore that is a death penalty crime to carry drugs into the country.

Then all the Aussies cried and wailed and screamed, and the Singapore government said, no.... he knew the law, he violated the law, he'll pay the price of the law. And they hung him.

So as far as I'm concerned, you live in the Philippines, and you do drugs and/or sell any drugs.... you were warned, you know the penalty, you know the law, and you violated it. You get what you deserve.

Then Duterte should be shot for being an addict himself. Marijuana have several medicinal benefits and it being adopted world wide.

Your comparison or examples in this thread is way off.

If that's true, then I agree. I don't know Duterte. I have no idea if he's a good person, bad person, crazy person, smart person... or whatever.

And.... I don't care.

It's the policy that I am in favor of. Shoot the criminals. I'm tired of you people defending people who break the law. A person who breaks the law, is a criminal. Criminals should be shot. The more criminals are shot, the better off the entire world is.

And with all due respect, I don't buy your crap about all these supposed benefits. Human beings existed thousands of years without pot. They existed a hundred years in this country, without being dumb and dumber pot smoking idiots.

They can exist without it now. It's a choice. You choose to break the law. That's all this is about. My example are dead on right. You deny it, that's fine. You have the right to be wrong.
So you're lawful evil. You're not chaotic good. I see.

And you never broke any law for the whole of your life yourself?

What about tax evasion? Loitering? Jay walking? Watching porn? Prostitution? Lying? Criticizing government (which is illegal in so many countries).

Actually I read one of your article Feeling the Bern, in Venezuela

See. Government intervention is bad. Free market is good. That we agree almost completely. And yet you think Government, rather than free market, should regulate or criminalize some drugs? I sense something strange here.

What's the difference between centralized economy saying we need more road and schools because those road and schools are good and it worth the tax dollar. With centralized government saying we need to prohibit ganja because ganja is bad?

Shouldn't customers, instead of some centralized government, decide what's good or bad?

All those stupid laws in Venezuella makes things shitty. So what? Of course you break the fuck out of those laws. You may get caught. You may end up in jail. But there is nothing evil in breaking tyrannical stupid laws.

Imagine if you're a farmer in Venezuela and you sell you food to black market. Should that farmer be killed for violating the damn law? Well, if I were that farmer, I wouldn't farm then. You see what happens when everyone obeys the law. We got mass starvation.

Stupid non meritocratic laws should be despised and if possible broken. Not obeyed or respected.

I've heard a story that a farmer in US grow corn and fed the corn to his own cattle. That is a VERY FAMOUS AND VERY IMPORTANT case. What happens is what he did is illegal. It's against US federal regulation that try to control the price of corn. In fact, most of our food is overpriced. The earth has too much land and automation makes food production extremely cheap. Left to free market farmers would make almost no profit and most countries come up with various ways to artificially improve price of food.

You know why that one case is very important? Because the case go all the way to Supreme court. Your constitution says that the federal government can "regulate commerce". The supreme court decides that feeding corn to your own cows fall to "regulate commerce" clause of US constitution. That is because if he doesn't grow his own corn he has to buy it at government dictated price and what he did is a circumvention of government regulation to keep crop price high.

And that is why you have criminalization of marijuana. It's something that 4 out of 9 supreme court agree. The federal government should not decide whether ganja should be legal or not. It should be up to the state. The federal government can only regulate interstate commerce. From regulating interstate commerce to telling each state you can't sell marijuana is a pretty big leap.

Your own federal government break the supreme law of the land, your constitution, when instituting ganja prohibition (as well as taxing income, forcing its citizen to file tax return, etc.). Why not try your own solution Andi? Kill all federal government officials. He he he he
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Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.

Yes, you should be killed if you have just one stick of marijuana, or are trying to sell one stick.

The law is, it's illegal. That doesn't mean, "Its illegal unless you only have one stick".

That wouldn't play well in real life. Your wife cheating on you is wrong, and grounds for divorce..... unless it was only one guy. If it was just one guy, then you should shut up and be happy with it.

Wrong is wrong 100% of the time. There is no, It is entirely wrong to rape... unless you only do it once, and she was high on exctacy, and thus didn't mind at the time.

No, it is wrong 100% of the time. ALL THE TIME.

If you intend to clean up the city, that means you clean out all the criminals, not just the repeat criminals, but ALL THE CRIMINALS. Clean them all out. ALL OF THEM. Not 'all but the few who only did it once'.

Unless you can prove they simply didn't know the law. But my guess is, they all know it's wrong. If they didn't before, they should by now.

It's kind of like that Australian guy that was put to death for carrying pot into Singapore a few years back.

He claimed he didn't know. Never mind the travel passport has in bold bright red letters that carrying drugs in Singapore is a capital punishment offense. Never mind there are signs throughout the Singapore terminal saying carrying drugs is a capital punishment offense. Never mind that the customs agents are instructed to tell people before they come to Singapore that is a death penalty crime to carry drugs into the country.

Then all the Aussies cried and wailed and screamed, and the Singapore government said, no.... he knew the law, he violated the law, he'll pay the price of the law. And they hung him.

So as far as I'm concerned, you live in the Philippines, and you do drugs and/or sell any drugs.... you were warned, you know the penalty, you know the law, and you violated it. You get what you deserve.

Then Duterte should be shot for being an addict himself. Marijuana have several medicinal benefits and it being adopted world wide.

Your comparison or examples in this thread is way off.

If that's true, then I agree. I don't know Duterte. I have no idea if he's a good person, bad person, crazy person, smart person... or whatever.

And.... I don't care.

It's the policy that I am in favor of. Shoot the criminals. I'm tired of you people defending people who break the law. A person who breaks the law, is a criminal. Criminals should be shot. The more criminals are shot, the better off the entire world is.

And with all due respect, I don't buy your crap about all these supposed benefits. Human beings existed thousands of years without pot. They existed a hundred years in this country, without being dumb and dumber pot smoking idiots.

They can exist without it now. It's a choice. You choose to break the law. That's all this is about. My example are dead on right. You deny it, that's fine. You have the right to be wrong.

Duterte is known to have killed people with machine gun and he is addicted to fentanyl. That is why people are questioning regarding his behavior, decision making and attitude.

As I said previously said. If you can guarantee that these fake vigilantes or crooked policemen are only killing drug user and pusher....... I am behind you.
Keep this in mind........ These fake vigilantes are excons and criminals killed 4,000 double the number killed by policemen. Nobody knows who are the killers......... How do you really know that they only killed drug related criminals? How can you justify that?


I'm pretty sure you don't understand what is real problem here. And if you don't understand the medicinal benefits of marijuana you are well behind.
Andy: Kill all drug dealers hurray for vigilante
Charwin: Kill all drug dealers but legally
Me: Drug dealers are legitimate biz. Eliminate all government intervention in anything. Let customers decide if drugs are bad or not. If a person fails to be productive members of society, let them starve or kill them.
The Aussie who was compelled to take hot baths in 2004 is precisely the symptom of CHS, and the first U.S. case occurred in California in 2008. It is an understudied syndrome, and sooner or later, Duterte will hear of it.

Marijuana-Related Illness Increases in Legalized States
'....The most likely cause is that people using marijuana frequently and in high doses have changes in the receptors in their body, and these receptors become dysregulated in some way and it starts to cause pain.
Naibolee veroiatnoi prichinoi iavliaetsia, chto liudi, izpol'zuiushchie marikhuany, chasto i v vysolokh dozakh izmeneniia v priemnye ustroistva v ikh tle i etiretseptori stali traktat v nekotorom rode, i ona nachinaet prichiniat' bol'. '
None of that danger is fatal. It's far less than dangers of cigarettes.
In terms of treatment, doctors have found that the symptoms of CHS are often relieved with hot showers and baths


You want to say something is dangerous when the symptoms can be eliminated by hot showers?
#151 is information compromised when it comes to medicine: hot water pulsed onto the vagus nerve can cause elderly to fall unconscious in the shower. We will, therefore, be crucifying #151 every time it moves its lips, because those movements are dangerous.
Heat-shock proteins entering the CHS signaling pathway during a hot shower are only a temporary alleviation of the symptoms. The underlying cause remains in place.
Legalization states have a genetic and epigenetic problem, so adding more states will not suffice for the problem of CHS, which is a hot item on the political stage: Russian roulette of the genome.

Raznitsa mezhdu bolee i menee iavliaetsia lozhnoi problemoi poskol'ku argumentov ne vkliuchaet epigenetiki, kotorye dolzhen byt' faktorom dlia symptomov: genom cheloveka nachalas' ne tol'ko v 2004 godu.
The difference between the more and the less is a false problem because the argumernt fails to include epigenetics, which must be a factor for the symptoms: the human genome did not just begin in 2004.
So you're lawful evil. You're not chaotic good. I see.

And you never broke any law for the whole of your life yourself?

What about tax evasion? Loitering? Jay walking? Watching porn? Prostitution? Lying? Criticizing government (which is illegal in so many countries).

Actually I read one of your article Feeling the Bern, in Venezuela

See. Government intervention is bad. Free market is good. That we agree almost completely. And yet you think Government, rather than free market, should regulate or criminalize some drugs? I sense something strange here.

What's the difference between centralized economy saying we need more road and schools because those road and schools are good and it worth the tax dollar. With centralized government saying we need to prohibit ganja because ganja is bad?

Shouldn't customers, instead of some centralized government, decide what's good or bad?

All those stupid laws in Venezuella makes things shitty. So what? Of course you break the fuck out of those laws. You may get caught. You may end up in jail. But there is nothing evil in breaking tyrannical stupid laws.

Imagine if you're a farmer in Venezuela and you sell you food to black market. Should that farmer be killed for violating the damn law? Well, if I were that farmer, I wouldn't farm then. You see what happens when everyone obeys the law. We got mass starvation.

Stupid non meritocratic laws should be despised and if possible broken. Not obeyed or respected.

I've heard a story that a farmer in US grow corn and fed the corn to his own cattle. That is a VERY FAMOUS AND VERY IMPORTANT case. What happens is what he did is illegal. It's against US federal regulation that try to control the price of corn. In fact, most of our food is overpriced. The earth has too much land and automation makes food production extremely cheap. Left to free market farmers would make almost no profit and most countries come up with various ways to artificially improve price of food.

You know why that one case is very important? Because the case go all the way to Supreme court. Your constitution says that the federal government can "regulate commerce". The supreme court decides that feeding corn to your own cows fall to "regulate commerce" clause of US constitution. That is because if he doesn't grow his own corn he has to buy it at government dictated price and what he did is a circumvention of government regulation to keep crop price high.

And that is why you have criminalization of marijuana. It's something that 4 out of 9 supreme court agree. The federal government should not decide whether ganja should be legal or not. It should be up to the state. The federal government can only regulate interstate commerce. From regulating interstate commerce to telling each state you can't sell marijuana is a pretty big leap.

Your own federal government break the supreme law of the land, your constitution, when instituting ganja prohibition (as well as taxing income, forcing its citizen to file tax return, etc.). Why not try your own solution Andi? Kill all federal government officials. He he he he

Yeah, I have broken the law a few times, and I was punished for it, and rightly so. You break the law, you pay the price. I've never stolen. Never vandalized. I don't even have pirated software on my computer. I don't have illegal downloaded music, movies or anything I have not legally and rightfully paid for.

That's evil in your book? Following the law, and paying the price when you don't? Upholding what is right, and punishing what is wrong... that's evil?

Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Once again, the Bible outlines modern civilization.

You are evil. You are an evil, and terrible person, that defends criminals, and calls those who uphold the law, evil. You are burden on society, and if you were removed from society, we would all be better off.
You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army

I don't have a problem applying similar death sentences here in US just like Singapore.
However vigilantes in Mexico against drug cartels are far different from fake vigilantes in the Philippines so I cannot honestly say it's a fair comparison.
Remember they kill if you have just ONE stick of rolled marijuana or trying to sell ONE stick of marijuana.
In the most northern part of the country where a bountiful marijuana plantations was taken over by vigilantes.

Yes, you should be killed if you have just one stick of marijuana, or are trying to sell one stick.

The law is, it's illegal. That doesn't mean, "Its illegal unless you only have one stick".

That wouldn't play well in real life. Your wife cheating on you is wrong, and grounds for divorce..... unless it was only one guy. If it was just one guy, then you should shut up and be happy with it.

Wrong is wrong 100% of the time. There is no, It is entirely wrong to rape... unless you only do it once, and she was high on exctacy, and thus didn't mind at the time.

No, it is wrong 100% of the time. ALL THE TIME.

If you intend to clean up the city, that means you clean out all the criminals, not just the repeat criminals, but ALL THE CRIMINALS. Clean them all out. ALL OF THEM. Not 'all but the few who only did it once'.

Unless you can prove they simply didn't know the law. But my guess is, they all know it's wrong. If they didn't before, they should by now.

It's kind of like that Australian guy that was put to death for carrying pot into Singapore a few years back.

He claimed he didn't know. Never mind the travel passport has in bold bright red letters that carrying drugs in Singapore is a capital punishment offense. Never mind there are signs throughout the Singapore terminal saying carrying drugs is a capital punishment offense. Never mind that the customs agents are instructed to tell people before they come to Singapore that is a death penalty crime to carry drugs into the country.

Then all the Aussies cried and wailed and screamed, and the Singapore government said, no.... he knew the law, he violated the law, he'll pay the price of the law. And they hung him.

So as far as I'm concerned, you live in the Philippines, and you do drugs and/or sell any drugs.... you were warned, you know the penalty, you know the law, and you violated it. You get what you deserve.

Then Duterte should be shot for being an addict himself. Marijuana have several medicinal benefits and it being adopted world wide.

Your comparison or examples in this thread is way off.

If that's true, then I agree. I don't know Duterte. I have no idea if he's a good person, bad person, crazy person, smart person... or whatever.

And.... I don't care.

It's the policy that I am in favor of. Shoot the criminals. I'm tired of you people defending people who break the law. A person who breaks the law, is a criminal. Criminals should be shot. The more criminals are shot, the better off the entire world is.

And with all due respect, I don't buy your crap about all these supposed benefits. Human beings existed thousands of years without pot. They existed a hundred years in this country, without being dumb and dumber pot smoking idiots.

They can exist without it now. It's a choice. You choose to break the law. That's all this is about. My example are dead on right. You deny it, that's fine. You have the right to be wrong.

Duterte is known to have killed people with machine gun and he is addicted to fentanyl. That is why people are questioning regarding his behavior, decision making and attitude.

As I said previously said. If you can guarantee that these fake vigilantes or crooked policemen are only killing drug user and pusher....... I am behind you.
Keep this in mind........ These fake vigilantes are excons and criminals killed 4,000 double the number killed by policemen. Nobody knows who are the killers......... How do you really know that they only killed drug related criminals? How can you justify that?


I'm pretty sure you don't understand what is real problem here. And if you don't understand the medicinal benefits of marijuana you are well behind.

Well again, I go back to the BBC documentary. They couldn't find a single one that was killed, who was not involved in drugs.

Does that mean 100% were guilty? Of course not. It's possible some were not. We don't know for certain.

But then again.... do you know for certain that in the official justice system that 100% are guilty? No. You don't.

So expecting 100% perfection from civilian justice, when you certainly don't expect that from the state run justice, seems rather hypocritical.

That said, the civilians routinely know more about who is involved in criminal activity than the state does. So my expectation is that likely the percentage of accuracy is higher with civilians. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

I knew back in high school, exactly who was involved in drug dealing. The police never caught them then. If we had vigilantes back then, I promise you the schools would have been for less drug and crime infested.

Similarly, even today I have met numerous druggies and dealers, who needed shot, and the police still haven't caught them. If we had a civilian justices, the streets would be far cleaner, and safer.
Sharia "Path to Water" or Islamochristiana Morphing

Biden's True Value Hardware: "Grow up, Donald."

It would be absurd to assume that no ganja hyperemesis had yet to occur, since the Cementer of Friendships has been toked for over 7,000 years.

Gut (Nov 2004) 53: 1566. Cannabis Hyperemesis: Cyclical Hyperemesis in Association with Cannabis Abuse
'....ref. #21. Marijuana Smoking and Puberty Arrest, Journal of Pediatrics (1980) 96: 1097....'
Etot ritual stal patsientov pervichnoi okkupatsii, s nimi chasto prosypat'sia noch'iu, chtoby vypolnit' ego.
This ritual became the patients' primary occupation, with them waking at night to perform it.

Eti patienty ne sdelali vystavku, bred ili galiutsinatsii, kotorye vynudili ikh povedenie, a takzhe zhe oni schitaiut, chto dusha kak irratsional'noe i ne obizhat'sia na eto.
These patients did not exhibit delusions or hallucinations which drove their behaviour, nor did they regard the showering as irrational and did not appear to resent it.'
'Further experiments show that when individuals are able to stimulate their neuronal pleasure centers directly, they do not get caught up in a blind compulsive drive toward excessive pleasure, but provide themselves pleasure only when judge that they have "deserved" it (on account of their everyday acts) -- however, do many of us not do the same with pleasure provided in a "normal" way? What all this indicates is that people who experience directly generated pleasures do not suffer a breakdown of their symbolic universe, but integrate these pleasure experiences smoothly into it, or even rely on them to enhance their experience of sacred meaning. Again, however, the question is: what disavowals do such integrations involve; can I really accept that the industrially fabricated pill I hold in my hand puts me in contact with God?'
(Zizek, Parallax View)
Andy: Kill all drug dealers hurray for vigilante
Charwin: Kill all drug dealers but legally
Me: Drug dealers are legitimate biz. Eliminate all government intervention in anything. Let customers decide if drugs are bad or not. If a person fails to be productive members of society, let them starve or kill them.
Eliminate government interference. Let citizens hunt the druggies down and keep points.

Best idea of all.

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