Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

ROFL...There is also data that shows when you do shit you're not supposed to do during pregnancy that too will cause defects. I don't see you asking to make Tuna, slip and falls, cigarettes and beer illegal.

Again, I don't see people's lives destroyed by tuna.

Now if you want to make the case we should ban alcohol too, go for it. I'm open to it.

But saying that one thing is legal, so everything should be legal... is not an argument. At least not a one worth repeating.

Your argument is idiotic as saying since it's legal for me to smash my face in with a hammer, then it should be legal for anyone to smash anyone's face in with a hammer.

Dumb argument.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.
We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

ROFL...There is also data that shows when you do shit you're not supposed to do during pregnancy that too will cause defects. I don't see you asking to make Tuna, slip and falls, cigarettes and beer illegal.

Again, I don't see people's lives destroyed by tuna.

Just because you don't see mercury harming children then it doesn't count? That's a weird stance to take.

Now if you want to make the case we should ban alcohol too, go for it. I'm open to it.

I don't want to make the case. You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects. You shouldn't be open to it, you should be against it since birth defects are the bar you're using.

But saying that one thing is legal, so everything should be legal... is not an argument. At least not a one worth repeating.

Again you supported weed being illegal citing birth defects. Not me.

Your argument is idiotic as saying since it's legal for me to smash my face in with a hammer, then it should be legal for anyone to smash anyone's face in with a hammer.

Dumb argument.

Nope...sorry, you stated it should be illegal because of birth defects but for some reason you aren't against other things that do the same and far worse. Weird....
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

Dictatorship or Sharia law or abolished the entire constitution.................I can bet you my life that will not or never happen in this country. I can guarantee you 100%.
Freedom in this country is what makes unique and special from different country.
Using your loigic Andy we also need to outlaw soda and fast foods because all that sugar and fast food kills more than pot does. Diabetes, cancer can be linked to poor diets. Look at the studies that show cancer cells going crazy when exposed to man made sugars. If we are going to loom at facts those are facts as well.

So I've been to the women's shelter, and I've been to homeless shelter.

In all the places I've been, and all the stories I've heard, not one..... NOT ONE....... had people saying "yeah, my parent was addicted to Dr.Pepper." Not one has someone there saying "Yeah I ate too many cheese burgers and lost my home".

I have met people who smoked pot, and had broken families due to pot, who are miserable and wrecked.
So have I. Families evicted because the pot smoking breadwinner couldn't get to work. Mothers who got high and forgot the baby in the bathtub, the candle left burning, or something else.

My step granddaughter forgot she took her daughter to the store until the child was hit by a car.

Pot impairs judgment and that is deadly.

Based from you previous post..... You want to kill all the drug user and pusher. Is that right then if vigilantes will go after your families without giving them a chance to rehabilitate or surrender?
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.
We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

ROFL...There is also data that shows when you do shit you're not supposed to do during pregnancy that too will cause defects. I don't see you asking to make Tuna, slip and falls, cigarettes and beer illegal.

Again, I don't see people's lives destroyed by tuna.

Just because you don't see mercury harming children then it doesn't count? That's a weird stance to take.

Now if you want to make the case we should ban alcohol too, go for it. I'm open to it.

I don't want to make the case. You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects. You shouldn't be open to it, you should be against it since birth defects are the bar you're using.

But saying that one thing is legal, so everything should be legal... is not an argument. At least not a one worth repeating.

Again you supported weed being illegal citing birth defects. Not me.

Your argument is idiotic as saying since it's legal for me to smash my face in with a hammer, then it should be legal for anyone to smash anyone's face in with a hammer.

Dumb argument.

Nope...sorry, you stated it should be illegal because of birth defects but for some reason you aren't against other things that do the same and far worse. Weird....

Show me the society destroyed by tuna. Either make the case, or you fail.

"You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects."

False. I never said that. I've made my case numerous times on this thread. Not once have I mentioned "birth defects".
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.

No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
So does alcohol....we tried prohibition and it failed miserably. Nobody forces them to take drugs. Nobody pours booze down their throats. Nobody forces them to eat toxic fast food. Nobody forces them to smoke cancer causing tobacco found legally in cigarettes. Americans love their booze and alcohol. Make them illegal...go for it. Then watch the chaos. It would be entertaining.

The prohibition failed miserable, for the same reason all laws that fail, fail miserably.

We did not have the guts to enforce it.

You go to the middle east, they have a modern day prohibition. It works. Why? Because if you don't follow it, they kill your butt.

You will obey the law.

Any law that you don't enforce, is going to fail.

Again, Singapore doesn't have a drug problem at all. Like 1 or 2 arrest every few years.

Why? Because if you are caught with drugs there, you are hanged. Period, end of story, game over, the law is the law, you will follow it, or you will hang in the breeze.

Saying prohibition didn't work, when we didn't enforce it, is not a valid argument. Any law we don't enforce isn't going to work.

Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.

No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.
*sniff* That was beautiful...

They should kill him first. He is drug addict himself.

Only one thing I agree with Duterte.

He said publicly............. 3 of 5 Americans are stupid.

He's not the only one whose said that. Hillary called half the country deplorable.

Big deal. I know most of the country is stupid..... we almost nominated a avowed communist as a presidential candidate..... Communism which has destroyed every country that has pushed that ideology.

The fact someone like that even had a chance, is proof the public is largely stupid.
We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

ROFL...There is also data that shows when you do shit you're not supposed to do during pregnancy that too will cause defects. I don't see you asking to make Tuna, slip and falls, cigarettes and beer illegal.

Again, I don't see people's lives destroyed by tuna.

Just because you don't see mercury harming children then it doesn't count? That's a weird stance to take.

Now if you want to make the case we should ban alcohol too, go for it. I'm open to it.

I don't want to make the case. You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects. You shouldn't be open to it, you should be against it since birth defects are the bar you're using.

But saying that one thing is legal, so everything should be legal... is not an argument. At least not a one worth repeating.

Again you supported weed being illegal citing birth defects. Not me.

Your argument is idiotic as saying since it's legal for me to smash my face in with a hammer, then it should be legal for anyone to smash anyone's face in with a hammer.

Dumb argument.

Nope...sorry, you stated it should be illegal because of birth defects but for some reason you aren't against other things that do the same and far worse. Weird....

Show me the society destroyed by tuna. Either make the case, or you fail.

"You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects."

False. I never said that. I've made my case numerous times on this thread. Not once have I mentioned "birth defects".

Not once?

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

ROFL...There is also data that shows when you do shit you're not supposed to do during pregnancy that too will cause defects. I don't see you asking to make Tuna, slip and falls, cigarettes and beer illegal.

Again, I don't see people's lives destroyed by tuna.

Just because you don't see mercury harming children then it doesn't count? That's a weird stance to take.

Now if you want to make the case we should ban alcohol too, go for it. I'm open to it.

I don't want to make the case. You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects. You shouldn't be open to it, you should be against it since birth defects are the bar you're using.

But saying that one thing is legal, so everything should be legal... is not an argument. At least not a one worth repeating.

Again you supported weed being illegal citing birth defects. Not me.

Your argument is idiotic as saying since it's legal for me to smash my face in with a hammer, then it should be legal for anyone to smash anyone's face in with a hammer.

Dumb argument.

Nope...sorry, you stated it should be illegal because of birth defects but for some reason you aren't against other things that do the same and far worse. Weird....

Show me the society destroyed by tuna. Either make the case, or you fail.

"You are the one who said that weed should be illegal because of birth defects."

False. I never said that. I've made my case numerous times on this thread. Not once have I mentioned "birth defects".

Not once?

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

HomeMarijuana Addiction › Marijuana and Birth Defects: Smoking Pot can be Very Dangerous to Pregnant Women

As a recreational drug, marijuana is often smoked by many individuals hoping to feel relaxed or get high. When a woman who smokes marijuana often or in high doses becomes pregnant, though, there is a possibility that this activity could become extremely unhealthy for the fetus, especially if the pregnant woman smokes regularly. *Being a marijuana smoker can affect your pregnancy in many ways and may even cause birth defects which can be indicated after the child is born*."

Marijuana and Birth Defects: Smoking Pot can be Very Dangerous to Pregnant Women

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