Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

from page 11
Dec 3, 2016 - Philippines, where since Duterte was "elected" president the death squads alias "vigilantes" have executed XX thousand people without warning in the streets and in their homes.

Reminder from Nov 10, 2016

Clinton lost although she won the popular vote - for dummies
Trump plays classic bomber before his FULL self-detonation, same as Obama

Illuminati suicide bomber Trump in one of his main missions as classic bomber:
"President elect Trump" is about to start the Registry for "detention" alias extermination camps for US citizens, starting with the Muslim registry.
Once completing his classic bombing missions, the "billionaire" will be "arrested" and stripped of his presidential title, to let Hillary Clinton be crowned Miss Universe, as the real 44th president, successor of GW Bush.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries
This explains why Clinton will be declared the real 44th president without ever being inaugurated.

--- As for the genocide agenda:
Brainwashed sh'ia mercenaries, from Iran to Hezbollah, are fighting for the same guys screaming at them ""We'll kill you now!"

From Aug 2014, examples for illuminati screaming "We'll kill you now!" last updated Jul 2016..
MUSLIMS, BLACKS, HISPANICS (same goes for other non-whtes and dissidents, which includes any true christians): Now Illuminati use headines to NON-STOP scream "WE WILL kILL YOU".
Yet nobody hears let alone reacts.
Contrast it with
- what Illuminati Grand Master Adolf Hitler screamed at the Jews 80 years ago
- what the illuminati have been either telling or screaming to the rest during the third millenium.
Humans reduced to beasts fattenable for slaughter: Human cattle: We'll kill you: TELL v SCREAM; KILL v TRY to; AS SOON AS v NOW;;ALL v UNDESIRABLES v MUSLIMS, BLACKS, HISPANICS; illuminati MM variations:

They should kill him first. He is drug addict himself.

Only one thing I agree with Duterte.

He said publicly............. 3 of 5 Americans are stupid.

He's not the only one whose said that. Hillary called half the country deplorable.

Big deal. I know most of the country is stupid..... we almost nominated a avowed communist as a presidential candidate..... Communism which has destroyed every country that has pushed that ideology.

The fact someone like that even had a chance, is proof the public is largely stupid.

That I agree Hillary called Trump supporters are deplorable. You are a good example of that. From supporter of killing civilians and claiming Hillary is a communist.

Do your have a proof that Hillary Is a communist? Prove it.

Yet another example of how drugs make you stupid.

Hey sparky..... Can you READ???

"we almost nominated a avowed communist as a presidential candidate"

What part of "WE ALMOST NOMINATED".... is too hard for you? I was referring to Bernie Sanders, you mental midget.

"Drugs do not make you stupid! And you just called Hillary a communist!"

I can't make this stuff up! You keep proving my claims against druggies right, over and over.

Fake. Yes you are making this shit up. I didn't bring up Hillary to your crap you did and it doesn't matter who are you referring to either sanders or Hillary.
So you don't have any link to prove that you are just a bullshiter.
Your opinion about druggies are nothing but criminality. Most of your samples are either irrelevant or dishonest. I believe in law of the land not lawlessness that you are trying to advocate.

For your information I never took illegal drugs. You on the other hand is an idiot that doesn't have a clue what you are babbling about......... EXCEPT killing. I cannot make up of you except you want to kill people.
You are a defective human being. Go get some help before you hurt somebody. Moron.
Well I'm retired....been so for 17 years. Nothing beats retirement...its the greatest thing ever. I have never done an illegal drug but I love a couple of heinekens. I avoid fast food( should be outlawed in a perfect world) and can still bench press 250 for 8 easy reps. I believe in liberty and freedom. America is a rat race for working folk. ..sadly.

Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
Those kind of prohibitions and culture from foreign nations...... Will NOT OR NEVER work here in America. From freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms......... etc etc etc etc. Unless you are a Muslim. You might as well apply Sharia law.

Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.

No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.

So you support civil war just like other members here waiting for race war. Not only that you are a lunatic but a moron. Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country.

What is going on in the Philippines is not a civil war ............. but it's called extrajudicial killings by so called vigilantes and policemen.

Let me repeat it again. No one in the right mind support criminals they should be all killed including drug user/dealer and pushers.
1. Killing without any proof or justification is a criminal in itself.
2. Can you guarantee me that these so called vigilantes and policemen are only killing drug user, pusher and criminals? If so prove it.
3. Letting the Civilians do the killings are uncivilized and unconstitutional.
Several Filipino businessmen owe me money. Now they can just shoot me then claim I'm a drug dealer so they can easily eliminate their debt. Do YOU eeeeeven understand what I'm talking about? Duterte didn't make feel safe but he made me makes me very nervous visiting Philippines. You tried to claim that you know Davao and Philippines which you don't know nothing about.
4. Mexican vigilantes are only fighting drug cartels which is very limited only to a certain territory. But these Mexican vigilantes are not going around killing people like in the Philippines.
5. Bangladesh..... There are no vigilantes and LEO going around killing people like in the Philippines.

Most or all of your comparison are totally out of wack and dishonest just to prove your justification of killing people wether they are innocent or not.

You are defective human being.

lol.... Says a guy whose defending the criminals and evil people of our society, while I defend the law abiding people.

You are a defective human being.

No, I don't want a civil war, or any war. What I want is people to obey the law.

You do that, we won't have a problem.

You.... *YOU*... want to violate the law, and have nothing bad happen. Well..... "Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country."

1. You haven't proved that there was no evidence or proof. Only that you haven't seen that evidence or proof.

2. No, I don't live there, and neither do you so. I not only do I not have to prove my case, but I don't care what you think either.

Again, the BBC interviewed dozens of people, and they.... the people of that country, supported it. *AND* all the people shot that the BBC investigated during their report.... were in fact drug dealers and users.

3. What you call "Uncivilized" is what was the norm for 4,000 to 6,000 years of human history. What you call "civilized", is today where people get away with crime, and the victims are blamed for leaving their wallet in their car. Where people commit multiple murders, and are left living, eating, and spending the tax payers money, of the victims, for literally 30 years.

The uncivilized system was far more fair and just, than our civilized system.

4. Yes they are. Granted you are right, it's only happening in the areas where the governmental law enforcement has completely failed. However, that is exactly why it's happening across the entire country in the Philippines. If the justice system was failing cross the entire country of Mexico, like it did in the Philippines, then you would see vigilantes across all of Mexico too.

5. Bangladesh, because they don't need to. Their vigilante system is so ingrained into society, that people don't dare screw up. When you have a system of law enforcement that is completely thorough... then you don't need to start killing people, because you don't have a massive crime problem.

Again, Singapore has had many years with zero hangings, even though they have the death penalty for just taking of drugs, let alone murder, kidnapping, and a few others. Why? Because there have been many years they had ZERO drug offenses. And why do they have ZERO drug offenses in a city of five and a half million, that is right next to the drug-triangle of Asia? Because they KILL YOUR BUTT.

Shockingly, if you have a tough law, and you enforce that tough law..... people obey the law.... then you don't need death squads, and vigilantes, and all this other nonsense.

I would love to not need vigilantes. I would love to not need death squads. I would love to not need video cameras across the country, or the NSA search through every online message and phone txt. Unfortunately we don't enforce the law. Unfortunately you people keep breaking the law... or supporting those who break the law.

So thus, we need all this. That doesn't make me a bad person. I don't want any of this. That makes YOU the bad person. YOU make all this necessary.

You are the one with the issue of being an evil person. Not me. I'm the good guy that stands up for the law abiding citizens. You are the one defending the criminals. Not me.

You are a liar.......... You are putting words in my mouth. I am not a defender of criminals and I support death penalty and tough on criminals like Singapore. But I do not support PAID vigilantes and cops roaming around killing people without any clear proof of evidence. That is what I stand for over and over. Moron.
Again Singapore or Bangladesh have very tough sentences BUT they don't go around killing people. That's a big difference what is going in the Philippines. Moron.

You are not a defender of law abiding citizen you are a supporter of criminals. Loud and Clear.
You want to kill people not me...... you do not represent a good guy. You are NOT a good person. YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

I don't live in the Philippines but I have business for over 20 years and I speak 2 local dialects Tagalog and Ilocano also Chinese Mandarin and Vietnamese but im not yet fluent in Japanese. I traveled to Asian countries for many many times but I slowed down when I made my son a CEO. Last time I was in the Phil. was Feb. 2016. So I know a lot about Asian countries.
Yes you do care what I think otherwise you will not be responding that long. If I were you I would not be saying that. Moron.
Again BBC interviews of Filipinos in front of camera........... give me a fucking break even the Supreme Court are afraid of him. Even if you resist arrest or owed money they will kill you. See link as an example of lawlessness. Stupid.

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living - BBC News
There are too many controversies here

1. Should drug be illegal or not?
2. Should safe drugs like LSD, ganja, and XTC be made illegal too?
3. Should we obey the law?
4. Should we let vigilantism against drug users.

It's nice to have very diverse opinions. I guess I will just learn.

I think what happens is most of us "err"

As a libertarian, I err too. I think individuals, rather than government should decide what's good or bad. I may be convinced otherwise, but in the absent of VERY strong evidence, I think market mechanism, rather than government should decide whether something is bad or not.

That is why for number 1 I choose all drug should be legal. I don't even believe government is competent enough to put label on drugs. Should it be legal for kids? I don't know. The parents can choose. What about if the parents are not right in the head? Free market should choose. Women prefer the rich and I don't think it's easy for a man to have many kids if he's not financially successful.

Most of you think that the government is right unless proven wrong. This kind of argument sounds like communism to me. Communists too often say that certain product is good and government should fund it. Communists think that government should pay for schools and decide what kids learn in school.

All commies need to do is to show that somehow certain stuffs have externalities. Hence, subsidies and tax are necessary to properly balance our society to some higher gross domestic product. Okay, we're talking about moderate commie here. Even pro market individuals recoqnize that market do have externalities and government can "correct" it by a bit of intervention.

But what we have here is not a "light" correction to the market. What we have is not "taxing" drugs. We have government instead of customers deciding that something is bad and then criminalizing it. Then we have this blown out of proportion by saying that killing drug dealers is okay because some government officials decide that some drugs are dangerous.

That seems to put too much power on a few government officials.

And I have a hard time understanding why such drastic government intervention is compatible with capitalism in general.

The only positive side I can see with drug prohibition is to see that government too is like a business and you can move out to another country. But really... C'mon....

What would you guys do if ganja is legalized? Do you still think that ganja dealers should be killed? Just curious. Because it's bad.
This link (same link) gives you a good example of what I've been telling you over and over about FAKE and PAID vigilantes. These husband and wife killers are criminal drug dealers killing their *competitors*.
Most of these 6,000+ that were eliminated are drug related......... Big question is why only drugs?

They are *NOT* repeat *NOT* killing the murderers, rapist, child molesters, bag/watch snatchers, gangsters, burglars, car jackers etc. etc. etc........... WHY? That was my question to Filipinos that are here in US but no one no one can give me an answer.

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living - BBC News
Then you need new friends. I've met the working people of this country, and they do not see it the way you do.

Yes, if you sit around smoking pot, your life will be nothing more than a rat race. Because you'll never get ahead, trying to smoke away your problems.

There are three types of people when it comes to the "rat race".

The people make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen. These people are not in a rat race, because they move forward, and aim for a goal, and keep trying until they hit it.

Then you have people who do not want to move forward. These people are not in a rat race either, because by definition, if they do not want to move forward, then they are where they want to be. They achieved their dream.

Then you have the third group of people. They want to move forward. Talk about moving forward. Cry about moving forward, but instead of doing anything to move forward, they stay where they are, smoke pot, and complain how unfair life is, and use pot, alcohol and other things to dampen the pain of their own choices.

These people are in a rat race of their own creation, and will stay there and miserable, until they die. But that isn't even the worst part. The worst thing about rat race people, is that they by their nature, want everyone else to be stuck and miserable like they are, because it makes them feel better seeing other people fail. If other people succeed, then it points out how the problem is their own incompetence, rather than some blame against society.
Oh, I disagree brother. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifes earnings on not only that it would work, but that it will in fact happen.

Now I don't know when, but I know it will happen. I promise you it will.

How do I know? Because when you look throughout history, lawlessness is always followed by authoritarianism and oppression.

The public only supports lawless stupidity when they don't know, or remember what chaos and anarchy is like.

Once the public gets a real taste, not a pre-view like we've seen in New York and Texas, but a real taste of anarchy and chaos, they will look to anyone anywhere, that says they can fix it. That's when you'll see a real Hitler Stalin type take power, and this country WILL be ruled by ruthless enforcement of the law.

And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.

No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.

So you support civil war just like other members here waiting for race war. Not only that you are a lunatic but a moron. Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country.

What is going on in the Philippines is not a civil war ............. but it's called extrajudicial killings by so called vigilantes and policemen.

Let me repeat it again. No one in the right mind support criminals they should be all killed including drug user/dealer and pushers.
1. Killing without any proof or justification is a criminal in itself.
2. Can you guarantee me that these so called vigilantes and policemen are only killing drug user, pusher and criminals? If so prove it.
3. Letting the Civilians do the killings are uncivilized and unconstitutional.
Several Filipino businessmen owe me money. Now they can just shoot me then claim I'm a drug dealer so they can easily eliminate their debt. Do YOU eeeeeven understand what I'm talking about? Duterte didn't make feel safe but he made me makes me very nervous visiting Philippines. You tried to claim that you know Davao and Philippines which you don't know nothing about.
4. Mexican vigilantes are only fighting drug cartels which is very limited only to a certain territory. But these Mexican vigilantes are not going around killing people like in the Philippines.
5. Bangladesh..... There are no vigilantes and LEO going around killing people like in the Philippines.

Most or all of your comparison are totally out of wack and dishonest just to prove your justification of killing people wether they are innocent or not.

You are defective human being.

lol.... Says a guy whose defending the criminals and evil people of our society, while I defend the law abiding people.

You are a defective human being.

No, I don't want a civil war, or any war. What I want is people to obey the law.

You do that, we won't have a problem.

You.... *YOU*... want to violate the law, and have nothing bad happen. Well..... "Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country."

1. You haven't proved that there was no evidence or proof. Only that you haven't seen that evidence or proof.

2. No, I don't live there, and neither do you so. I not only do I not have to prove my case, but I don't care what you think either.

Again, the BBC interviewed dozens of people, and they.... the people of that country, supported it. *AND* all the people shot that the BBC investigated during their report.... were in fact drug dealers and users.

3. What you call "Uncivilized" is what was the norm for 4,000 to 6,000 years of human history. What you call "civilized", is today where people get away with crime, and the victims are blamed for leaving their wallet in their car. Where people commit multiple murders, and are left living, eating, and spending the tax payers money, of the victims, for literally 30 years.

The uncivilized system was far more fair and just, than our civilized system.

4. Yes they are. Granted you are right, it's only happening in the areas where the governmental law enforcement has completely failed. However, that is exactly why it's happening across the entire country in the Philippines. If the justice system was failing cross the entire country of Mexico, like it did in the Philippines, then you would see vigilantes across all of Mexico too.

5. Bangladesh, because they don't need to. Their vigilante system is so ingrained into society, that people don't dare screw up. When you have a system of law enforcement that is completely thorough... then you don't need to start killing people, because you don't have a massive crime problem.

Again, Singapore has had many years with zero hangings, even though they have the death penalty for just taking of drugs, let alone murder, kidnapping, and a few others. Why? Because there have been many years they had ZERO drug offenses. And why do they have ZERO drug offenses in a city of five and a half million, that is right next to the drug-triangle of Asia? Because they KILL YOUR BUTT.

Shockingly, if you have a tough law, and you enforce that tough law..... people obey the law.... then you don't need death squads, and vigilantes, and all this other nonsense.

I would love to not need vigilantes. I would love to not need death squads. I would love to not need video cameras across the country, or the NSA search through every online message and phone txt. Unfortunately we don't enforce the law. Unfortunately you people keep breaking the law... or supporting those who break the law.

So thus, we need all this. That doesn't make me a bad person. I don't want any of this. That makes YOU the bad person. YOU make all this necessary.

You are the one with the issue of being an evil person. Not me. I'm the good guy that stands up for the law abiding citizens. You are the one defending the criminals. Not me.

You are a liar.......... You are putting words in my mouth. I am not a defender of criminals and I support death penalty and tough on criminals like Singapore. But I do not support PAID vigilantes and cops roaming around killing people without any clear proof of evidence. That is what I stand for over and over. Moron.
Again Singapore or Bangladesh have very tough sentences BUT they don't go around killing people. That's a big difference what is going in the Philippines. Moron.

You are not a defender of law abiding citizen you are a supporter of criminals. Loud and Clear.
You want to kill people not me...... you do not represent a good guy. You are NOT a good person. YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

I don't live in the Philippines but I have business for over 20 years and I speak 2 local dialects Tagalog and Ilocano also Chinese Mandarin and Vietnamese but im not yet fluent in Japanese. I traveled to Asian countries for many many times but I slowed down when I made my son a CEO. Last time I was in the Phil. was Feb. 2016. So I know a lot about Asian countries.
Yes you do care what I think otherwise you will not be responding that long. If I were you I would not be saying that. Moron.
Again BBC interviews of Filipinos in front of camera........... give me a fucking break even the Supreme Court are afraid of him. Even if you resist arrest or owed money they will kill you. See link as an example of lawlessness. Stupid.

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living - BBC News

So even your own link, clearly says "dealers".

You post this as something you are against. Yes or no?

So what does that make you? A supporter of criminals.

End of story. You can bicker and whine, and cry, and scream that you are not supporting criminals, but every link you have posted thus far, says otherwise.

You are not posting links of the random killing of law abiding citizens. You are posting links where criminals are killed.


That's all there is to it. You can keep posting a hundred more links, and scream and yell until the end of time.

You support criminals. PERIOD. YOU. Not me. I support the law abiding citizens of that country, putting an end to criminals.

You either support the citizens, like I do... or you support the criminals, as your post suggests. You can keep posting more and more links, that prove I'm right, and good, and you are wrong and evil all you want.

You just keep digging yourself into a deep pit of supporting evil and injustice, which only proves YOU are evil and unjust.
It's not criminal against "good guy"

It's free market vs centralized economy.

Who do you trust will do best for customers? Customers? Or government?

If you think market mechanism and customer self interests will lead to customers' best interest, then government should legalize all drugs.

If not, then yea, let government kill drug dealers just like governments all over the world have been killing anything they declare evil for any reasons. Government have been killing alcohol drinkers, jews, chinese, capitalists, all under pretext that all those are dangerous.

Aren't you curious why US people chose to prohibit alcohol during prohibition? When it's up to referendum, it's alcohol that's prohibited. When it's up to federal government with their unelected officials, suddenly, the harmless ganja is prohibited.

Why did the US population elect to prohibit alcohol during referendum?

The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.

US government kill 10k alcohol drinker during alcohol prohibition by poisoning industrial alcohol. How disgusting.

If you booby trap your house and kill some vermin, you are guilty of murder. But poisoning industrial alcohol is legal. Legal mass murder.

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It's not criminal against "good guy"

It's free market vs centralized economy.

Who do you trust will do best for customers? Customers? Or government?

If you think market mechanism and customer self interests will lead to customers' best interest, then government should legalize all drugs.

If not, then yea, let government kill drug dealers just like governments all over the world have been killing anything they declare evil for any reasons. Government have been killing alcohol drinkers, jews, chinese, capitalists, all under pretext that all those are dangerous.

Aren't you curious why US people chose to prohibit alcohol during prohibition? When it's up to referendum, it's alcohol that's prohibited. When it's up to federal government with their unelected officials, suddenly, the harmless ganja is prohibited.

Why did the US population elect to prohibit alcohol during referendum?

The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.

US government kill 10k alcohol drinker during alcohol prohibition by poisoning industrial alcohol. How disgusting.

If you booby trap your house and kill some vermin, you are guilty of murder. But poisoning industrial alcohol is legal. Legal mass murder.


"US government kill 10k alcohol drinker during alcohol prohibition by poisoning industrial alcohol. How disgusting."

Have you ever read about the people who grow up in alcoholic families during prohibition?

The broken families, the ruined marriages, abused wives, beaten children?

The government did them a favor.

You keep defending the criminals. Every single time you defend the criminals, I'm going to defend the law abiding citizens.

If that's your choice... the choice to defend criminals, fine. But doesn't expect me to respond to your criminal supporting comments, any other way.

Ganja, and whatever other stupid names you have for that crap, is not harmless. I've seen the people whose lives have been ruined by pot. It is NOT harmless.

You keep repeating lies, as if they will magically become true. They are still lies. Repeating a lie, just makes you a pathological liar.

You better figure out which side of morality you are on, and accept it. If you are evil person that supports evil people... fine. But admit it.
There are so many people drinking alcohol now and do just fine.

So what? Kill all alcohol drinker because it MAY lead to broken family?

Yes I know alcohol is legal now. But that is precisely the point. Alcohol by it self is just as dangerous now than what it is during prohibition. You think alcohol drinker should be killed now? And what about at that time? Is your opinion consistent? The same? If not, what's the difference? Legality?

The same substance that's okay to kill for then is not okay to kill now just because some law makers think it should be illegal? You trust your law makers so much do you? Well, I don't.
Have you heard of people that are in broken family because dad don't have over 135+ IQ? The lower income, the lack of video games, the lower grade in school? Guess what? Let's do all those family a favor. Kill their dad....
There are so many people drinking alcohol now and do just fine.

So what? Kill all alcohol drinker because it MAY lead to broken family?

Yes I know alcohol is legal now. But that is precisely the point. Alcohol by it self is just as dangerous now than what it is during prohibition. You think alcohol drinker should be killed now? And what about at that time? Is your opinion consistent? The same? If not, what's the difference? Legality?

The same substance that's okay to kill for then is not okay to kill now just because some law makers think it should be illegal? You trust your law makers so much do you? Well, I don't.

Really? Let's look at the facts about that.

Alcohol, Drugs and Crime

50% of all homicides involve alcohol.

2/3rds of all domestic violence involve alcohol.

40% of all auto accidents involve alcohol.

95% of all violence on college campuses involve alcohol.

90% of all RAPE on campuses involve alcohol.

Nearly half of all child abuse involve alcohol.

Being a routine drinker of alcohol increases your chances of being in poverty, by 85%.

The Relationship Between Neighborhood Poverty and Alcohol Use: Estimation by Marginal Structural Models

and the numbers go on, and on and on and on and on.

Facts, not your opinion. Reality, not "well people drink and do fine".

Now I get it, you wanted to legalize alcohol, and we did. People on your side of the argument said for 10 years, that banning alcohol increased crime, and pointed to Al Capone. You said legalizing it would reduce crime.

Yeah, it reduced one organized mafia group. That's true.

What you were wrong about, is that yes it reduced the super big, in the news papers, sensationalized crime.

What it increased was rape, violence, car fatalities, and domestic violence, broken families, and poverty.

When you cite Alcohol, you are citing the exact reason we should not legalize drugs. You people were 100% wrong about everything you claimed legalizing alcohol would do.

The amount of tax revenue we collect for alcohol is barely $10 Billion a year.

Our society spends almost $224 Billion dealing with the effects of alcohol every year.

Similarly, while I'm sure politicians and libertarians, and pot smoking idiots, would all like to point out all the potential tax revenue from legalizing pot, the reality is the cost of dealing with the fallout from pot will be many times greater.

Sorry, but we bought your lies last time, and it's screwing up our country. I'm not buying that crap again.
What about Jesus? He manufactured wine here

jesus manufacture wine - Google Search

The word is oinos. It means wine or beer. Always alcoholic. Even Yahweh demands shekar to be offered to him. Also the party leader says that people give good wine first and then give better wine after the people are drunk. The word for drunk is methiosin. It's often translated as have drunk freely or have drunk satisfied. It really mean alcoholically intoxicated.

Greek Concordance: μεθυσθῶσιν (methysthōsin) -- 1 Occurrence Only on that bible verse it's translated as something not necessarily means drunk such as "have well drunk" or "have drunk freely". All other combination of methustho means well drunk.


Should we kill every catholic that drink wine to celebrate Passover? I know many protestants would wish so. We have 100 years war with catholic that kill almost every male population that polygamy become mandatory in Christendom.

The relationship between alcohol consumption and earnings. - PubMed - NCBI

Correlation between earning and alcohol is concave. Those who abstain from alcohol and those that drink too much of it earn less money than those who drink moderate amount of alcohol.

Deuteronomy 14:26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice. Here Yahweh command israelites to spend their money to buy whatever they want. Nothing there says that you israelites shouldn't buy alcohol, wine, xtc, weed, or acid? Anything that makes you happy, buy.

You wanna prohibit something Yahweh don't prohibit?
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There is just one thing I have a hard time understanding conservatives. Okay. May be they are correct. Maybe drugs are harmful. Or may be some drugs are harmful.

Why do they think the market won't just take care of it? Free market take care of everything. Are jews useful or a menace? Let the market decide. Are technology awesome or cause jobs problem? Let the market decide. Should we build factory in China or in US? Let the market decide. The market works wondrously on pretty much everything with little if no need of government interference.

And yet when it comes to drugs and sex, somehow conservatives want government to regulate based on what SOME people think is good or bad. Why not let the market decide too?
In the delirious Deuteronomy passage, using the silver to buy whatever you like is the clue to the Boxer Rebellion: China was fined in taels of silver so that capitalist imperialism could continue there after the skirmish. Your silver can now buy whatever you like.
And you are willing vigilantes or anybody to just shoot anyone who commit crime without due process. That will be civil war here Dude. Get real.

No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.

So you support civil war just like other members here waiting for race war. Not only that you are a lunatic but a moron. Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country.

What is going on in the Philippines is not a civil war ............. but it's called extrajudicial killings by so called vigilantes and policemen.

Let me repeat it again. No one in the right mind support criminals they should be all killed including drug user/dealer and pushers.
1. Killing without any proof or justification is a criminal in itself.
2. Can you guarantee me that these so called vigilantes and policemen are only killing drug user, pusher and criminals? If so prove it.
3. Letting the Civilians do the killings are uncivilized and unconstitutional.
Several Filipino businessmen owe me money. Now they can just shoot me then claim I'm a drug dealer so they can easily eliminate their debt. Do YOU eeeeeven understand what I'm talking about? Duterte didn't make feel safe but he made me makes me very nervous visiting Philippines. You tried to claim that you know Davao and Philippines which you don't know nothing about.
4. Mexican vigilantes are only fighting drug cartels which is very limited only to a certain territory. But these Mexican vigilantes are not going around killing people like in the Philippines.
5. Bangladesh..... There are no vigilantes and LEO going around killing people like in the Philippines.

Most or all of your comparison are totally out of wack and dishonest just to prove your justification of killing people wether they are innocent or not.

You are defective human being.

lol.... Says a guy whose defending the criminals and evil people of our society, while I defend the law abiding people.

You are a defective human being.

No, I don't want a civil war, or any war. What I want is people to obey the law.

You do that, we won't have a problem.

You.... *YOU*... want to violate the law, and have nothing bad happen. Well..... "Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country."

1. You haven't proved that there was no evidence or proof. Only that you haven't seen that evidence or proof.

2. No, I don't live there, and neither do you so. I not only do I not have to prove my case, but I don't care what you think either.

Again, the BBC interviewed dozens of people, and they.... the people of that country, supported it. *AND* all the people shot that the BBC investigated during their report.... were in fact drug dealers and users.

3. What you call "Uncivilized" is what was the norm for 4,000 to 6,000 years of human history. What you call "civilized", is today where people get away with crime, and the victims are blamed for leaving their wallet in their car. Where people commit multiple murders, and are left living, eating, and spending the tax payers money, of the victims, for literally 30 years.

The uncivilized system was far more fair and just, than our civilized system.

4. Yes they are. Granted you are right, it's only happening in the areas where the governmental law enforcement has completely failed. However, that is exactly why it's happening across the entire country in the Philippines. If the justice system was failing cross the entire country of Mexico, like it did in the Philippines, then you would see vigilantes across all of Mexico too.

5. Bangladesh, because they don't need to. Their vigilante system is so ingrained into society, that people don't dare screw up. When you have a system of law enforcement that is completely thorough... then you don't need to start killing people, because you don't have a massive crime problem.

Again, Singapore has had many years with zero hangings, even though they have the death penalty for just taking of drugs, let alone murder, kidnapping, and a few others. Why? Because there have been many years they had ZERO drug offenses. And why do they have ZERO drug offenses in a city of five and a half million, that is right next to the drug-triangle of Asia? Because they KILL YOUR BUTT.

Shockingly, if you have a tough law, and you enforce that tough law..... people obey the law.... then you don't need death squads, and vigilantes, and all this other nonsense.

I would love to not need vigilantes. I would love to not need death squads. I would love to not need video cameras across the country, or the NSA search through every online message and phone txt. Unfortunately we don't enforce the law. Unfortunately you people keep breaking the law... or supporting those who break the law.

So thus, we need all this. That doesn't make me a bad person. I don't want any of this. That makes YOU the bad person. YOU make all this necessary.

You are the one with the issue of being an evil person. Not me. I'm the good guy that stands up for the law abiding citizens. You are the one defending the criminals. Not me.

You are a liar.......... You are putting words in my mouth. I am not a defender of criminals and I support death penalty and tough on criminals like Singapore. But I do not support PAID vigilantes and cops roaming around killing people without any clear proof of evidence. That is what I stand for over and over. Moron.
Again Singapore or Bangladesh have very tough sentences BUT they don't go around killing people. That's a big difference what is going in the Philippines. Moron.

You are not a defender of law abiding citizen you are a supporter of criminals. Loud and Clear.
You want to kill people not me...... you do not represent a good guy. You are NOT a good person. YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

I don't live in the Philippines but I have business for over 20 years and I speak 2 local dialects Tagalog and Ilocano also Chinese Mandarin and Vietnamese but im not yet fluent in Japanese. I traveled to Asian countries for many many times but I slowed down when I made my son a CEO. Last time I was in the Phil. was Feb. 2016. So I know a lot about Asian countries.
Yes you do care what I think otherwise you will not be responding that long. If I were you I would not be saying that. Moron.
Again BBC interviews of Filipinos in front of camera........... give me a fucking break even the Supreme Court are afraid of him. Even if you resist arrest or owed money they will kill you. See link as an example of lawlessness. Stupid.

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living - BBC News

So even your own link, clearly says "dealers".

You post this as something you are against. Yes or no?

So what does that make you? A supporter of criminals.

End of story. You can bicker and whine, and cry, and scream that you are not supporting criminals, but every link you have posted thus far, says otherwise.

You are not posting links of the random killing of law abiding citizens. You are posting links where criminals are killed.


That's all there is to it. You can keep posting a hundred more links, and scream and yell until the end of time.

You support criminals. PERIOD. YOU. Not me. I support the law abiding citizens of that country, putting an end to criminals.

You either support the citizens, like I do... or you support the criminals, as your post suggests. You can keep posting more and more links, that prove I'm right, and good, and you are wrong and evil all you want.

You just keep digging yourself into a deep pit of supporting evil and injustice, which only proves YOU are evil and unjust.

What in the world are you talking about Dude? You support killing people without any proof of evidence even if the victims are NOT drug dealers or users YOU are a criminal letting these criminal fake vigilantes going around killing people.

You are putting words in my mouth. You are a dishonest defective human being. Pathetic liar. No one in the right mind support criminals.

No I'm not digging myself into pit ................. I'm just trying to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
There are no links or proof that law abiding citizens going around killing people. You are dumber than I thought.
It could be a quasi-selective genociding, www. for drug bust Indonesia photo of female police wearing a hijab
No that *IS* civil war. A war of the citizens against the criminals. That is exactly what is going on in the Philippines.

And yes, absolutely I am willing. When you give government the job of dealing with crime, and they simply don't do it.... then the only possible solution is for the citizens themselves to stand up and deal with crime themselves.

You realize that for thousands of years of human history, that is how crime was dealt with.

In fact, I have a renter who is from Bangladesh. I asked him about crime, and he said it's really low. Because when someone steals something, the public figure out who it is, and then capture the culprit themselves, and take them before appointed elders in their city, and they are forced to return everything and pay a penalty.

The system is so effective that theft rarely ever happens, because everyone is a police officer. Everyone is.

Just like in Mexico where the cartels moved in, and the police pulled out. The people got tired of being victims, and rose up together, jointly funded weapons and vests, and now half of these towns are all volunteer 'police' vigilantes.

Now crime in these towns where the vigilantes are, is very rare. You do something illegal in town, virtually everyone has guns and will capture you, and you will either be killed, or dragged to the town, locked up with no food or water until the police arrive to pick your sorry criminal butt up.

Vigilante justice used to be how all human towns and villages worked.

We gave that duty over to government, because at the time is was cheaper and better, to have a full time staff of paid law enforcement.

But today, the government is failing that duty. Eventually the duty must fall back to the public, if the government doesn't do proper law enforcement. That's how that works.

In Mexico, the government failed. So the citizens picked up the duty.

In Philippines, the government failed. So the citizens are picking up the duty.

And yes, I fully support that, and if that happened here, I would be the biggest supporter. Criminals should be dead. Kill them. Protect the innocent. Kill the criminals.

So you support civil war just like other members here waiting for race war. Not only that you are a lunatic but a moron. Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country.

What is going on in the Philippines is not a civil war ............. but it's called extrajudicial killings by so called vigilantes and policemen.

Let me repeat it again. No one in the right mind support criminals they should be all killed including drug user/dealer and pushers.
1. Killing without any proof or justification is a criminal in itself.
2. Can you guarantee me that these so called vigilantes and policemen are only killing drug user, pusher and criminals? If so prove it.
3. Letting the Civilians do the killings are uncivilized and unconstitutional.
Several Filipino businessmen owe me money. Now they can just shoot me then claim I'm a drug dealer so they can easily eliminate their debt. Do YOU eeeeeven understand what I'm talking about? Duterte didn't make feel safe but he made me makes me very nervous visiting Philippines. You tried to claim that you know Davao and Philippines which you don't know nothing about.
4. Mexican vigilantes are only fighting drug cartels which is very limited only to a certain territory. But these Mexican vigilantes are not going around killing people like in the Philippines.
5. Bangladesh..... There are no vigilantes and LEO going around killing people like in the Philippines.

Most or all of your comparison are totally out of wack and dishonest just to prove your justification of killing people wether they are innocent or not.

You are defective human being.

lol.... Says a guy whose defending the criminals and evil people of our society, while I defend the law abiding people.

You are a defective human being.

No, I don't want a civil war, or any war. What I want is people to obey the law.

You do that, we won't have a problem.

You.... *YOU*... want to violate the law, and have nothing bad happen. Well..... "Sorry decent Americans is not going to let that happen here in this country."

1. You haven't proved that there was no evidence or proof. Only that you haven't seen that evidence or proof.

2. No, I don't live there, and neither do you so. I not only do I not have to prove my case, but I don't care what you think either.

Again, the BBC interviewed dozens of people, and they.... the people of that country, supported it. *AND* all the people shot that the BBC investigated during their report.... were in fact drug dealers and users.

3. What you call "Uncivilized" is what was the norm for 4,000 to 6,000 years of human history. What you call "civilized", is today where people get away with crime, and the victims are blamed for leaving their wallet in their car. Where people commit multiple murders, and are left living, eating, and spending the tax payers money, of the victims, for literally 30 years.

The uncivilized system was far more fair and just, than our civilized system.

4. Yes they are. Granted you are right, it's only happening in the areas where the governmental law enforcement has completely failed. However, that is exactly why it's happening across the entire country in the Philippines. If the justice system was failing cross the entire country of Mexico, like it did in the Philippines, then you would see vigilantes across all of Mexico too.

5. Bangladesh, because they don't need to. Their vigilante system is so ingrained into society, that people don't dare screw up. When you have a system of law enforcement that is completely thorough... then you don't need to start killing people, because you don't have a massive crime problem.

Again, Singapore has had many years with zero hangings, even though they have the death penalty for just taking of drugs, let alone murder, kidnapping, and a few others. Why? Because there have been many years they had ZERO drug offenses. And why do they have ZERO drug offenses in a city of five and a half million, that is right next to the drug-triangle of Asia? Because they KILL YOUR BUTT.

Shockingly, if you have a tough law, and you enforce that tough law..... people obey the law.... then you don't need death squads, and vigilantes, and all this other nonsense.

I would love to not need vigilantes. I would love to not need death squads. I would love to not need video cameras across the country, or the NSA search through every online message and phone txt. Unfortunately we don't enforce the law. Unfortunately you people keep breaking the law... or supporting those who break the law.

So thus, we need all this. That doesn't make me a bad person. I don't want any of this. That makes YOU the bad person. YOU make all this necessary.

You are the one with the issue of being an evil person. Not me. I'm the good guy that stands up for the law abiding citizens. You are the one defending the criminals. Not me.

You are a liar.......... You are putting words in my mouth. I am not a defender of criminals and I support death penalty and tough on criminals like Singapore. But I do not support PAID vigilantes and cops roaming around killing people without any clear proof of evidence. That is what I stand for over and over. Moron.
Again Singapore or Bangladesh have very tough sentences BUT they don't go around killing people. That's a big difference what is going in the Philippines. Moron.

You are not a defender of law abiding citizen you are a supporter of criminals. Loud and Clear.
You want to kill people not me...... you do not represent a good guy. You are NOT a good person. YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

I don't live in the Philippines but I have business for over 20 years and I speak 2 local dialects Tagalog and Ilocano also Chinese Mandarin and Vietnamese but im not yet fluent in Japanese. I traveled to Asian countries for many many times but I slowed down when I made my son a CEO. Last time I was in the Phil. was Feb. 2016. So I know a lot about Asian countries.
Yes you do care what I think otherwise you will not be responding that long. If I were you I would not be saying that. Moron.
Again BBC interviews of Filipinos in front of camera........... give me a fucking break even the Supreme Court are afraid of him. Even if you resist arrest or owed money they will kill you. See link as an example of lawlessness. Stupid.

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living - BBC News

So even your own link, clearly says "dealers".

You post this as something you are against. Yes or no?

So what does that make you? A supporter of criminals.

End of story. You can bicker and whine, and cry, and scream that you are not supporting criminals, but every link you have posted thus far, says otherwise.

You are not posting links of the random killing of law abiding citizens. You are posting links where criminals are killed.


That's all there is to it. You can keep posting a hundred more links, and scream and yell until the end of time.

You support criminals. PERIOD. YOU. Not me. I support the law abiding citizens of that country, putting an end to criminals.

You either support the citizens, like I do... or you support the criminals, as your post suggests. You can keep posting more and more links, that prove I'm right, and good, and you are wrong and evil all you want.

You just keep digging yourself into a deep pit of supporting evil and injustice, which only proves YOU are evil and unjust.

What in the world are you talking about Dude? You support killing people without any proof of evidence even if the victims are NOT drug dealers or users YOU are a criminal letting these criminal fake vigilantes going around killing people.

You are putting words in my mouth. You are a dishonest defective human being. Pathetic liar. No one in the right mind support criminals.

No I'm not digging myself into pit ................. I'm just trying to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
There are no links or proof that law abiding citizens going around killing people. You are dumber than I thought.

Well you have the right to be wrong. Keep posting links that prove my point, and prove you support the criminals.

Again, you can spew your insults, while proving I'm right.
Claim you don't support criminals, while proving I'm right.
And scream about how bad and terrible I am, while proving I'm right.

Just keep going dude. Feel free to keep making my point. Works for me.
What about Jesus? He manufactured wine here

jesus manufacture wine - Google Search

The word is oinos. It means wine or beer. Always alcoholic. Even Yahweh demands shekar to be offered to him. Also the party leader says that people give good wine first and then give better wine after the people are drunk. The word for drunk is methiosin. It's often translated as have drunk freely or have drunk satisfied. It really mean alcoholically intoxicated.

Greek Concordance: μεθυσθῶσιν (methysthōsin) -- 1 Occurrence Only on that bible verse it's translated as something not necessarily means drunk such as "have well drunk" or "have drunk freely". All other combination of methustho means well drunk.


Should we kill every catholic that drink wine to celebrate Passover? I know many protestants would wish so. We have 100 years war with catholic that kill almost every male population that polygamy become mandatory in Christendom.

The relationship between alcohol consumption and earnings. - PubMed - NCBI

Correlation between earning and alcohol is concave. Those who abstain from alcohol and those that drink too much of it earn less money than those who drink moderate amount of alcohol.

Deuteronomy 14:26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice. Here Yahweh command israelites to spend their money to buy whatever they want. Nothing there says that you israelites shouldn't buy alcohol, wine, xtc, weed, or acid? Anything that makes you happy, buy.

You wanna prohibit something Yahweh don't prohibit?

Does anything you posted, change anything I said?

The Jewish people had a strict law that there is nothing wrong with wine, only being drunk.

If we had similar rules that everyone adhered to, and could drink wine, without getting drunk, and intoxicated.... then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and the 1930s prohibition would have never happened.

The problem isn't alcohol. The problem isn't ganja. The problem isn't Opium. The problem isn't with any of this stuff.

The problem is with the people. The people use this stuff, and screw up their lives, and ruin society.

That's why society has laws governing alcohol, and drugs.

Now if you want to live under an orthodox Jewish law, where if you are found drunk, they beat you with canes, then there is no problem with Jesus making wine.

You are comparing Apples and Oranges.
If we could positively identify the drug liberals are feeding to their offspring (the un-aborted minority) to keep them from seeing reality? Yeah. Then I could get behind a progressive sort of prevention.

First, hanging.
Then Drawing.
Then quartering.
Finally, feeding the dainty bits to rats.
Getting drunk is not an issue. Actually I would argue that the bible doesn't prohibit getting drunk either. Just not getting drunk all the time. The marriage in canae is definitely full with drunk people. Your bible translator would bowdlerize it of course. However, the party leader did say, "After the people are drunk". It suggest, as can be corroborated by pretty much any historians, that typical wedding parties at that time consist of drunk people.

Really. People live with usual genocide, crucifixion, no video game, and very low life expectancy. I would be surprised if Yahweh or any god in any culture would actually prohibit getting drunk. It's like a minor problem compared to the sort of problem people at that time face.

I repeat. Getting drunk is not an issue. Harming others while getting drunk is the issue. And there are TONS of people that drink wine and get drunk occasionally without harming others.

The fact that some people get drunk and beat up their wife is another issue. You don't prohibit porn to stop rape. You don't prohibit gun to stop murder. Fuck. You don't even blame blasphemy for terrorism. You just kill terrorists. The attack on US embassy in Libya is a very coordinated attack to seize weapon made possible by shillary leaking information to terrorist group.

Why prohibit alcohol to stop people beating up each other? There are tons of rich smart responsible alcohol drinker that don't beat each other up. If someone beat up their wife because of alcohol then a judge can penalize him from not drinking alcohol again in addition to jail time. There are criminals that do fucking real harm. Why aim for those who are relatively fine.

Even Jesus manufactures alcohol. What? You want him shot death by vigilantes too for manufacturing narcotic far more dangerous than weed?

And you still don't answer my question. What makes you think free market won't take care of it?

I am sick and tired seeing commies advocating centralized economy. If you allow government to prohibit drugs, what else would government promote and prohibit? Public schools with government curriculum? Not having health insurance? Mandatory health care? Being jewish? Practicing christianity?

Yes you would argue that practicing christianity is NOT dangerous just like I would argue that ganja, xtc, acid, and alcohol is NOT too dangerous. Well guess what? So what? Everything is true or false according to somebody. Humans are subjective. What matters is not whether something is true or not. What matter is who should decide what's good or bad.

Individuals? or some government officials?

If you want to be a christian, whose right should it be? Yours, or some government officials? The same way, if you want to do weed, whose right should it be? Yours? or some government officials?

What right do any government officials have in deciding, oh this substance is dangerous and this one is not? If they can do that with substance, what would stop them from deciding what religions is "safe" and stuff?

Communism and facism goes hand in hand. Somehow some supposedly trustworthy uhuk uhuk politicians know and decide what's best of us. It's as if you're asking for a benevolent dictator. No. All you will have is a dictator that line it's pocket and suck your blood and freedom.
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