Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.

Inpatient Marijuana Rehab Centers – Best Marijuana Rehabilitation Center

Most of the rehab centers have pot programs.

I have no idea what delusion you are living in.

Regardless, I delivered for them in 2004, so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was
Mount Carmel Rehab Services, next to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, on route 40, in down town Columbus.

I know of people who died due to lsd. People kill them selves on weed. Not directly due to the weed, but how it ruins their lives, and they commit suicide.

This is well documented too.
Teens who Smoke Cannabis Daily 'Seven Times More Likely to Commit Suicide'
Teens who Smoke Cannabis Daily 'Seven Times More Likely to Commit Suicide'

Ecstasy can also lead to death.
The health risks of taking ecstasy

The chemical officially known as MDMA has been linked to more than 200 deaths in Britain but there have been few cases where users suffered allergic reactions or took contaminated pills.
Ecstasy use can lead to heatstroke, particularly when users dance vigorously in hot nightclubs for several hours.
But those who try to minimise the risk of over-heating can also fall victim to the side-effects of ecstasy by taking in too much water.
It is thought that the drug can affect the workings of the kidneys, leading to fluids being retained in the body.
If the brain cells absorb too much water, this can lead to breathing shutting down and death.
Why are you so oblivious to well known dangers of these drugs?

You have been arguing passionately for days on this thread, and you don't know pot damages people, the commit suicide, that exstasy has been directly linked to deaths, that lsd has had people jump off ledges thinking they can fly?

Can you die from taking acid? | Addiction Blog

How do you not know this, when you claim to be so informed? I'm confused. You didn't even know that rehab centers have programs for pot addiction?

I'm not trying to be rude, but what exactly do you know about this topic other than "i like it, therefore it must be good"?
One by one. We got facts here. Facts we can verify

You said many county in colorado repell marijuana legallization. The link you said is pretty week. The guy said that it's the right decision but say that other states shouldn't do so too quickly.

The number of people that die due to LSD, MDMA, extacy and ganja is very low. When MDMA is concern, the death happens because of impurity which would not happen if it's legal.

There are rumors about LSD users jumping out of windows. Out of a million tried, I wonder how many did.

These are some graphs you should see

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The graph doesn't show up

File talk:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dependence).svg - Wikipedia

You can quite see that LSD is not addictive. Have you ever seen an LSD addict anywhere in your rehabilitation center?

Also some programmers are using it to improve productivity. Silicon Valley professionals are taking LSD at work to increase productivity

Also the quote
Government figures suggest there have been more than 200 deaths from ecstasy since 1996, although this is a relatively small number given the many thousands who take it every weekend.
The health risks of taking ecstasy

So say 5k use every weekend. We got 250k users per year. Since 1996. So 20 years. We got 5million users and only 200 deaths? And that's government figure. Some may not die due to extacy. They may use extacy with alcohol, which is dangerous.

Also a person need to eat 1000 LSD strips before becoming overdoses.

Tobacco is truly addictive. Extacy is not as addictive as tobacco. Most of drug death is due to heroin

Also this Eight-circuit model of consciousness - Wikipedia is better than maslow. The guy that invented this use LSD

I am not a fully libertarian. Let the people choose whether those drugs should be legal or not, through referendum. What we have is a small number of politicians with hidden agenda pretty much dictating what the rest of us can eat.
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The graph doesn't show up

File talk:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dependence).svg - Wikipedia

You can quite see that LSD is not addictive. Have you ever seen an LSD addict anywhere in your rehabilitation center?

Also some programmers are using it to improve productivity. Silicon Valley professionals are taking LSD at work to increase productivity

Also the quote
Government figures suggest there have been more than 200 deaths from ecstasy since 1996, although this is a relatively small number given the many thousands who take it every weekend.
The health risks of taking ecstasy

So say 5k use every weekend. We got 250k users per year. Since 1996. So 20 years. We got 5million users and only 200 deaths? And that's government figure. Some may not die due to extacy. They may use extacy with alcohol, which is dangerous.

Also a person need to eat 1000 LSD strips before becoming overdoses.

Tobacco is truly addictive. Extacy is not as addictive as tobacco. Most of drug death is due to heroin

Also this Eight-circuit model of consciousness - Wikipedia is better than maslow. The guy that invented this use LSD

I am not a fully libertarian. Let the people choose whether those drugs should be legal or not, through referendum. What we have is a small number of politicians with hidden agenda pretty much dictating what the rest of us can eat.

So I clicked on your link, and that link, was linked to another article.

LSD popular again, expert warns, as inquest hears of Nick Cave's son's acid-induced clifftop plunge

EXPERTS have warned of a resurgence in LSD use as an inquest heard that musician Nick Cave’s son fell to his death from a cliff after taking the drug with a friend.​

Again, exactly what I have been saying.

So even your own link, to support your position, references an article that directly proves my point.

Here you have a professional musician, who uses LSD to be "creative" and his son doing what his father taught him, jumps a fence, plunges to his death.

Tell me, how do you think a father of a dead son is going to live with himself for the rest of the years of his life, knowing he is directly responsible for his son's death?

Actually... you are responsible for his death as well. It's you and those like you, that point to some obscure few people who can take the drug without anything bad happening, that results in kids like Arthur Cave who take it, and kill themselves.

I don't know how people like you can even look at your own image in a mirror without feeling the shame of the blood on your hands.

That's why Donald, and Durterte are right. And you are wrong.
First of all, why everytime we have someone die due to LSD or extacy we know the name?

The number that dies is so small that we know them by name. The number of death compared to the number of use is so small that people want to say it's dangerous name the victim.

People shouldn't be on LSD near some cliffs just like people shouldn't drink alcohol and drive.

If anything, it's people like you that says that all drugs are dangerous, without telling more detail, that confuses kids like this.

Young people shouldn't use drugs anyway. There are risks for anything. The risk is small.
Also the kid doesn't die due to LSD. The kid dies because he is near some cliffs. LSD or not, it is dangerous.

Look religions are also dangerous. How many people die due to religions.

However, I don't shove it down to people and try to prohibit religions.

Why do people feel it's okay to shove down others that there are things too dangerous for them to choose?
Dec 3, 2016 - Philippines, where since Duterte was "elected" president the death squads alias "vigilantes" have executed XX thousand people without warning in the streets and in their homes.
President Duterte says Trump wished his drug crackdown 'success'

Reminder from Nov 10, 2016

Clinton lost although she won the popular vote - for dummies
Hillary's real maiden name is the same as her first cousin once removed Tim Kaine, alias Howard Ronald Stewart Hitler.
"Trump beats Hitlery Clinton" is a script that can be reduced to three words: her father trumped.

Trump plays classic bomber before his FULL self-detonation, same as Obama
Illuminati suicide bomber Trump in one of his main missions as classic bomber:
"President elect Trump" is about to start the Registry for "detention" alias extermination camps for US citizens, starting with the Muslim registry.
Once completing his classic bombing missions, the "billionaire" will be "arrested" and stripped of his presidential title, to let Hillary Clinton be crowned Miss Universe, as the real 44th president, successor of GW Bush.

Reminder from Feb 2016:
Iluminati gassing syrians in Aleppo using agents playing "Ayatollahs" to supply the IV Reich with 110,000 shock troops in Aleppo alone and half a million in Iraq, where world records are set, from fake blood to plunder of national assets.
The same illuminati are about to gass all muslims (also shia) in the USA and the EU.

Trump plays classic bomber before his FULL self-detonation as illuminati suicide bomber, same as Obama

"Moderate" Republican Chris Christie in the pioneer role for the acceptance of Hitler trumped
First "establishment politician" to endorse Trump after the "billionaire" set two genocide related milestones.

Genocidal Trump's two milestones
Trump was the first US or european politician in the IV Reich (since the Red Army put an end to the jewish holocaust by Hitler, 1945):
1. - to call for genocide: "we must kill their (ISIS) families".
Reminder: last one was Hitler, calling for the extermination of the jews in 1935.
2. - to call for a religious or ethnic Registry for citizens in the USA or Europe (starting with muslims).
Reminder: last ones were Hitler (started with jews in Germany) and Roosevelt (started with ethnic japanese in the US).
1945 didn't put only an end to the Holocaust but also to the scripted genocide of non-whites in the US, that would start with ethnic japanese: ALL such US citizens had already been moved from the Registry to "detention" camps.

GREAT TRIBULATION: Endless Deception is one of its features: Trump and Hillary Clinton
The script for the actor playing "billionaire Trump" stands above all for Endless Deception, starting with having americans accept the "election" of Adolf Hitler's oldest daughter as first woman president, years after her half-sister Angela became first woman chancellor of Germany, all explained by Last Prophet in 2007.
What does endless deception mean in this case?
Start with Hillary Clinton disliked by 98% of americans while her missions range from genocide of more than one hundred million americans to the break-up of the United States.

Feb 2016: GREAT TRIBULATION: Endless Deception: From Trump to Homs, Syria
Great Tribulation: Endless Deception one of its key parts: from Homs to Trump

Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Contrast the very last thing Hitler's oldest daughter, "billionaire Trump" and "socialist Sanders" would say:
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries

To get why Kaine/Cain/KEINE is yet another chapter of the illuminati anti-bible, start here:
July 2016 - The 2016 Hitler-Hitler ticket to terminate the USA: Hitler's older daughter and the younger brother of the Illuminati Grand Master.
Kaine alias Stewart Hitler is currently positioned to play Himmler, in a Clinton/Kaine parallel script to Hitler/Himmler, as official organizer of the coming "killed on the spot" chapter of the BIG BANG genocide.
But Kaine may replace Cliinton for a more perfect role as "real BIG BANG Truman":
1945: Ritter von Greim alias NO true man Truman (KEIN wahrer Mann), steps on stage as invisible vice to months later "unexpectedly" become the 33th (Kaine 45th) president.
Reminder: in any case Hitlery Clinton will be proclaimed the real 44th president, successor of GW Bush, after "Obama arrested" and stripped.
End of The USA - Horrible Facts revealed first by Prophet: Tim Kaine's real name same as Hillary Clinton's real maiden name: HITLER.
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.
the guy is using fentanyl....a pain killer....he is an addict himself,no matter how he tries to justify it....
What is Fentanyl? Which guys?

Oh Duterte

Philippines President Duterte claims he “made up” story about abusing fentanyl

Yea. So it's okay to use dangerous addictive drugs if doctors say it's okay. It's not okay to use less dangerous non addictive drugs even if more doctors say it's not okay because some politicians pick some switch.

In fact, if you go to hospital for hips replacement they will put you on morphine. Yes you can get addicted because of it. It's a very dangerous drug. Morphine is heroin. Way on the upper right of the chart. But some doctors say it's necessary than it's okay.

You know what? Sending your kids as soldiers is very dangerous. They can get killed. Well, the state says it's necessary and it's okay. What about if that same state fed the kids meth to keep them awake? Nah. No problem. As long as the state says it's okay right?

Andy, do you trust your politicians?
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As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.
If some thieves burglars and robbers are killed by home owners during the attempt of robbery. It's a cool thing. I too get my stuff stolen. The cops (in US) fine me $250 for saying the last vermin that stole my stuff is crucified.

I wasn't even saying that I will kill the thieves. I was hoping that some justice mechanism, such as court of law, will kill the vermin. Of course I am not in business of having a courtesy explaining to vermin how exactly he may die. Firing squad, lethal injection, electric chair. I was fined for threatening. Some vermin stole my stuff. I am the one punished.

But killing drug dealers? Should we kill all pharmacists? Oh it's dangerous drug. Who decide whether something is dangerous or not? Customers or government?

This is why I like libertarian ism so much. Customers have incentive to protect themselves. If a drug is dangerous and I use it, I will be the one that's death. I have incentive to know the right choice. All I ask is that I have correct information.

Government officials? What incentive does government officials have in declaring dangerous drugs dangerous? They're not the one consuming it. What incentive do they have?

If the drug is really dangerous and sold in fraudulent or even reasonably deceptive ways, and the danger is significant, yea I too don't care if drug dealers are killed.

If customers know they're ordering MDMA and consent to it what harm is done? It's like selling a gun knowing that people will use it to commit suicide. Just ask to make sure that they know what's going on.
Duterte is a thug and a monster like Hitler and stalin...How the fuck can anyone support this?

You are confusing support for the person, with support for the policy.

I don't know Duterte. Maybe he is the monster and thug, you claim he is. I don't know. I don't know him. I haven't followed him.

What I do know, is I hate criminals, and the people of the Philipeans hate criminals... and after years of abuse of the public by criminals... now the criminals are being abused.

I can support that. It is both moral... and just. It's the way it should be.
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Well, Jesus is convicted criminal. So is most of US founding father. They are criminals too for rebelling against their government. So are jews during the nazi era. They are criminal if they do not register to be sent to concentration camp. So is all pro democracy lawyers during Suharto.

Some guy in US commit suicide because the US law make it a crime to claim that income tax is not constitutional. So basically thieves burglars and robbers do not have to confess their crime. In fact, they do not have to confess anything at all out of fear that a slight chance of what they say may implicate them. Yet normal hard working individuals have to confess their wealth. If someone complains about that? Boom. $50k fine for "frivolous" lawsuits.

With that kind of laws, no wonder you are "abused" by criminals. No wonder murder rate in US is 100 times higher than murder rate in Singapore.

My point is, if the law is too unjust, I wouldn't give fuck if people break it. If anything I may side with criminals.

Before, I was a pure libertarian. I don't give fuck what the laws said. If there is no force or fraud in selling most illegal drugs, most prostitution and most gambling. Even if there is it's still up to individuals as long as they are well informed. Hell government even prohibit porn in my country you know. No body gets prosecuted just for watching porn privately. However, 99% of Indonesian population is criminal. It's as Ayn Rand says. Government makes so many things a crime it's impossible not to be criminal.

Now I moderate my position. Okay. Cool. Government with support of lots of people can make laws. We can always move to better government anyway and if we're useful, countries will have incentive to accept us.

Doesn't mean I am going to like any non stupid non libertarian laws that prohibit consensual acts.

Government have right to make any laws they wish. If they do not have the power to enforce it, I don't see why the people should bother respecting those laws. Suharto criminalize those who criticize him. He fell anyway. I am one of the people that help to make that happen in my own small way, when I was a kid.
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I can't understand why people put some sort of sacrosanct value on "the law". The law is man's made by some organization, that we call government. And that's it. Any thugs can make some "laws" and try to enforce it. What is so "good" about the law and what is so bad about being a criminal?

Mafia have laws. Triad have laws. Any thugs can have laws. Even a robber have a rudimentary laws. Give your wallet or be executed for first degree refusal to give wallet.

If someone stole my wallet, that piece of shit is vermin not because it's a crime, but because he stole my wallet. I want all their kind exterminated.

How the fuck some people consensually sell stuff to others be evil?

Captain , is it true?

One day there is silk road. All violence due to drug drop in US. Why? Because people can buy illegal drugs online. So kartel cannot fight one another anymore.

If I were those kartel, I would kill anyone that buy illegal drugs online. Or, if I am a smart kartel, I will ask government to do the exact same thing.

Anti drug laws are just a form of kartel. Somebody in government must be making tons of money by criminalizing so many highly valuable items.

Here is another article showing that

Silk Road Reduced Violence in the Drug Trade, Study Argues

The study also notes that the Silk Road trade focused far more on less addictive and harmful drugs than might have been previously assumed. “Drugs typically associated with drug dependence, harmful use and chaotic lifestyles (heroin, methamphetamine and crack cocaine) do not much appear on Silk Road, and generate very little revenue,” the study reads. It explains that skew by pointing to the waiting period between a Silk Road drug buy and the product’s arrival, vacuum-sealed, in the mail. “The site may therefore have suited purchases by recreational users with the resources and time to place orders and wait for deliveries; dependent users with chaotic lifestyles, in contrast, were likely to have had neither.”

See. Left to free market alone, most people would buy drugs that are SAFE and NON addictive.

The idea that government prohibit drugs because they are addictive and dangerous is oxy moron. As usual, free market works well without government nanny doing any job.
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Well, Jesus is convicted criminal. So is most of US founding father. They are criminals too for rebelling against their government. So are jews during the nazi era. They are criminal if they do not register to be sent to concentration camp. So is all pro democracy lawyers during Suharto.

Some guy in US commit suicide because the US law make it a crime to claim that income tax is not constitutional. So basically thieves burglars and robbers do not have to confess their crime. In fact, they do not have to confess anything at all out of fear that a slight chance of what they say may implicate them. Yet normal hard working individuals have to confess their wealth. If someone complains about that? Boom. $50k fine for "frivolous" lawsuits.

With that kind of laws, no wonder you are "abused" by criminals. No wonder murder rate in US is 100 times higher than murder rate in Singapore.

My point is, if the law is too unjust, I wouldn't give fuck if people break it. If anything I may side with criminals.

Before, I was a pure libertarian. I don't give fuck what the laws said. If there is no force or fraud in selling most illegal drugs, most prostitution and most gambling. Even if there is it's still up to individuals as long as they are well informed. Hell government even prohibit porn in my country you know. No body gets prosecuted just for watching porn privately. However, 99% of Indonesian population is criminal. It's as Ayn Rand says. Government makes so many things a crime it's impossible not to be criminal.

Now I moderate my position. Okay. Cool. Government with support of lots of people can make laws. We can always move to better government anyway and if we're useful, countries will have incentive to accept us.

Doesn't mean I am going to like any non stupid non libertarian laws that prohibit consensual acts.

Government have right to make any laws they wish. If they do not have the power to enforce it, I don't see why the people should bother respecting those laws. Suharto criminalize those who criticize him. He fell anyway. I am one of the people that help to make that happen in my own small way, when I was a kid.

Jesus was not convicted of any crime. Read the Bible. He never was.

The founding fathers were in fact traitors to the crown, that is true. So what.

No, the Jews were not.

Why do you keep bringing up irrelevant topics unrelated to the point at hand?

Please.... don't give me your excuses. A: I don't care. B: no one else does either. C: It's not a valid point.

When you say there are unjust laws, that doesn't mean ok you can violate all the other laws, and sell drugs, and nothing happen to you.

The solution to unjust laws, is to change the laws. Not to be a moron, and start saying "Well I can understand why criminals are criminals".

No. False. Wrong answer. Not a valid response.

The solution to Cliven Bundy in Arizona, is to change the law, not saying "ok well since that law is wrong, Cliven can go sell drugs, steal property, and do whatever he wants".

Similarly, if the law against Jews is wrong, that doesn't mean the Jews can just ignore all the laws, and start raping people.

And in this case, Ayn Rand, doesn't apply. I have never touched an illegal drug in my life. I live perfectly fine. My father and mother haven't, my sister and her family hasn't. My relatives haven't.

Making harmful negative influencing drugs illegal, does not cause everyone in the country to be criminal.

Yes, we have too many laws. Yes many need repealed. I agree with that. But it doesn't apply to this topic. You can live a perfectly health normal, and happy human life, without using drugs, and hundreds of millions do routinely.
I can't understand why people put some sort of sacrosanct value on "the law". The law is man's made by some organization, that we call government. And that's it. Any thugs can make some "laws" and try to enforce it. What is so "good" about the law and what is so bad about being a criminal?

Mafia have laws. Triad have laws. Any thugs can have laws. Even a robber have a rudimentary laws. Give your wallet or be executed for first degree refusal to give wallet.

If someone stole my wallet, that piece of shit is vermin not because it's a crime, but because he stole my wallet. I want all their kind exterminated.

How the fuck some people consensually sell stuff to others be evil?

Captain , is it true?

One day there is silk road. All violence due to drug drop in US. Why? Because people can buy illegal drugs online. So kartel cannot fight one another anymore.

If I were those kartel, I would kill anyone that buy illegal drugs online. Or, if I am a smart kartel, I will ask government to do the exact same thing.

Anti drug laws are just a form of kartel. Somebody in government must be making tons of money by criminalizing so many highly valuable items.

Here is another article showing that

Silk Road Reduced Violence in the Drug Trade, Study Argues

The study also notes that the Silk Road trade focused far more on less addictive and harmful drugs than might have been previously assumed. “Drugs typically associated with drug dependence, harmful use and chaotic lifestyles (heroin, methamphetamine and crack cocaine) do not much appear on Silk Road, and generate very little revenue,” the study reads. It explains that skew by pointing to the waiting period between a Silk Road drug buy and the product’s arrival, vacuum-sealed, in the mail. “The site may therefore have suited purchases by recreational users with the resources and time to place orders and wait for deliveries; dependent users with chaotic lifestyles, in contrast, were likely to have had neither.”

See. Left to free market alone, most people would buy drugs that are SAFE and NON addictive.

The idea that government prohibit drugs because they are addictive and dangerous is oxy moron. As usual, free market works well without government nanny doing any job.

No it doesn't. What are you talking about? The silk road has led milions of people into the drug culture, where later on they end up addicted to the harmful drugs that kill people. Did you miss that right now we're in a Heroin epidemic?

If the silk road was a migrator of that, then why is Ohio leading the country in Heroin deaths? After all, shouldn't they all be on the Silk Road, buying so-called safe drugs?

And where do you think Heroin users come from? You think they wake up one morning "Hey I think I'll try Heroin!".

No, they start off by using safer drugs for "recreational use", and when they find they can use drugs "safely" they try other drugs, and then end up over doused on Heroin, face down in an alley.

You people are responsible for their deaths, by pushing this moronic notion of safe drug use. You convince these people that drugs are safe, and they move up the ladder to stronger and stronger drugs, and end up destroying themselves, their families, and their communities.

This is why we need to get tough on drugs and wipe it out.

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