Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....

Are you telling me, that you have been pro-druggie all this time, and don't even know that pot smoking causes all the same health effects and cigarettes, and has THC that cause damage to brain development?


Colorado doctor notices more babies born with pot in their systems

Good grief you people are stupid.


This Is What Pot Does to the Teenage Brain

These sources and many more, all fit with my own experience meeting pot smokers. All are stupid. Haven't met a smart pot smoking toker yet, on this forum or in real life.

But it's choice, isn't it?
Even if pot makes you stupid, it's a choice.

It's not.

I know some mensa member that smoke pot and still pass mensa tests.

Actually banning pot because it causes stupidity is like banning porn because it causes rape.

If you want to reduce rape you should kill rapists. Not porn stars.

If you (really) wants to reduce stupidity, just kill low IQ people. I am not advocating this of course. I am trying to show how absurd it is to try to do something far from the stated objective. It's usually just a hypocritical bullshit.
I have problem with the people smoking and using, and selling, and buying it. Kill those people, and the weed, is just a harmless weed.

What I want to ban.... is bad people.

Start with yourself. Your opinions show that you are in fact the biggest scum of them all.

By the way, I am not buying your 'holier than thou' routine,


I don't care what you buy, or don't buy. The opinion of criminal supporting stupid people, doesn't matter to me either way.

I'm going to say my opinion on this, and you can take it or leave it. If you don't care what I think, stop talking back like you do.

As to your claim that I'm the biggest scum of them all.... I've been to the homeless shelter. I've worked there. I've helped people harmed by your policies.

Those people, and most people who know me, know that what I am saying is the truth, and what you are saying is complete and total crap.

It's idiots like you that end up ruining people's lives. I'm the one that helps to clean up your mess.

Facts out weight your opinion.
As to your claim that I'm the biggest scum of them all.... I've been to the homeless shelter. I've worked there. I've helped people harmed by your policies.

And now you are demonstrating a lack of humility. More evidence that you are scum of the earth.

My policies are to keep you pathetic nutters out of power. I apologize if opposing dipshits like you has harmed anybody.

It's idiots like you that end up ruining people's lives. I'm the one that helps to clean up your mess.

Right, by supporting democide. Let's see how many lives your mass murdering dictatorship saves, m'kay?
A crime against humanity. Sick.

Legalize pot!!!!

We already have data from Colorado showing an increase in infants born with defects from pot smoking women.

You people are a disgrace. I agree, kill the druggies. They are a burden on society. Either quit, and start being a worth while law abiding human being, or go somewhere else.
im sorry i did not see anything backing that up.....and as with alcohol,cigarettes, and should not do it while pregnant.....its ok to fuck though.....

Are you telling me, that you have been pro-druggie all this time, and don't even know that pot smoking causes all the same health effects and cigarettes, and has THC that cause damage to brain development?


Colorado doctor notices more babies born with pot in their systems

Good grief you people are stupid.


This Is What Pot Does to the Teenage Brain

These sources and many more, all fit with my own experience meeting pot smokers. All are stupid. Haven't met a smart pot smoking toker yet, on this forum or in real life.

But it's choice, isn't it?

When it's a choice on what car I buy.... that has no effect on the rest of society... yeah.

When it's a choice that costs society hundreds of billions a year, in damaged families, ruined lives, and people feeding off the hard working people like myself.... that's not a choice I can allow.

If you want to go down the 'it's a choice route' here is what must happen.

People on drugs can collect zero benefits whatsoever from the government. ZERO. As in not a penny of medicaid, medicare, food stamps, public housing, rehab, subsidies of any kind. Zero education. I'm not paying to educate a pot head, that barely shows up to class, and doesn't learn jack, but how to cheat on exams to get through. No 911, no ambulances, no hospital care, nothing.

If you agree that you can smoke all the pot you want, and you forfeit every single penny of government support in every single form.... ok.

Additionally, every single neighborhood that want to ban druggies, should have that right. Meaning, that if you smoke pot, then you can only live in the drug ridden areas of town. You can't live in my neighborhood. Or any other neighborhood, where the people of that area reject drug users.

You can go anywhere that accepts them.

Why? I don't want your damaging and immoral behavior affecting my kids, or my family. You can go to the neighborhoods that welcome your kind, and you can destroy yourselves all you want.

And we'll see who is vindicated by this. If you are right, then you should be able to achieved the same standard of living as all the rest of us. If you are wrong, and the drug-hoods turn in to crime ridden slums, you'll prove me right.

I would place all the money in the world on that. OF course I already won this bet, given all the high drug areas of this country are already slums.

And Singapore is the safest city in the world, with no druggies.
The Philippines is the latest experiment from the flacaltenn sycophants. They believe in rulers and hate freedom for humanity. These fools need to acknowledge that they are destructive and incompetent dipshits, and show themselves the door.
As to your claim that I'm the biggest scum of them all.... I've been to the homeless shelter. I've worked there. I've helped people harmed by your policies.

And now you are demonstrating a lack of humility. More evidence that you are scum of the earth.

My policies are to keep you pathetic nutters out of power. I apologize if opposing dipshits like you has harmed anybody.

It's idiots like you that end up ruining people's lives. I'm the one that helps to clean up your mess.

Right, by supporting democide. Let's see how many lives your mass murdering dictatorship saves, m'kay?

Yeah, your opinion still doesn't matter to me. It's funny to hear arrogant people, tell others they are not showing humility.

Crime-cide more likely. Yes, I support killing criminals.

Singapore has the same policy, only they always had it.

Besides that, he's already saved lives. Davao City is now the safest city in the country there, because of those exact policies. Everyone is better off. He's already saved thousands of lives
'm'kay'? Why do you think he's so popular? He's cleaning the streets of scum like you, and everyone is happy about it.

Go back and listen to the BBC documentary again. They found supporters of him everywhere they went. Crime is down. Happiness is up. Economy is recovering. Tourism is back. Positives all the way around.
The Philippines is the latest experiment from the flacaltenn sycophants. They believe in rulers and hate freedom for humanity. These fools need to acknowledge that they are destructive and incompetent dipshits, and show themselves the door.

So freedom in your book, is allowing crime and rape, and theft, and vandalism, without any severe consequences.

We've been playing your game in the US for decades, and we're the most violent of the 1st world countries. In the 1800s, that didn't happen. We hanged criminals, which is why for a hundred years, people didn't even lock their doors. For years automobiles didn't even have keys to start them. People had trust, and honesty, and crime was a rare thing, because we KILLED THAT SCUM.

Now, following your rules, people break into your home, break all your stuff, steal everything else, and empty your bank account.... and all you do is insult the victim, and tell them they are sycophants.

That's your system. The immoral, and unjust. You, and those like you, are trash. You need swept into the gutter, and disposed of. Evil people, that support evil people. That's how Hillary a known corrupt fellon, can run for president with support.
Crime-cide more likely. Yes, I support killing criminals.

That's still known as democide. Who decides who is a criminal? If I were in power, I would declare all you human hating scum criminals.

Besides that, he's already saved lives. Davao City is now the safest city in the country there, because of those exact policies.[/quote]

It isn't safe. They just replaced the street gangs with government death squads. Any city where you can be dragged off and shot in the head for having suspected interactions with a drug dealer isn't safe.

Everyone is better off. He's already saved thousands of lives

They found supporters of him everywhere they went.

Obviously. They are brainwashed flacaltenn sycophants. Many totalitarian dictators have had popular support, such as Adolf Hitler and Fidel Castro
So freedom in your book, is allowing crime and rape, and theft, and vandalism, without any severe consequences.

Freedom is not having you ungodly anti-humans threatening a death sentence on all who oppose your arbitrary will.

That's your system. The immoral, and unjust. You, and those like you, are trash. You need swept into the gutter, and disposed of. Evil people, that support evil people

That's quite literally your system. You want sanctimonious pricks driven by profit to rule over everybody and enforce pain and suffering on all their perceived enemies.

Do you understand the stupidity of having the government rape and pillage to stop drug dealers from selling and using? Of course you don't, dipshit.
Crime-cide more likely. Yes, I support killing criminals.

That's still known as democide. Who decides who is a criminal? If I were in power, I would declare all you human hating scum criminals.

Besides that, he's already saved lives. Davao City is now the safest city in the country there, because of those exact policies.

It isn't safe. They just replaced the street gangs with government death squads. Any city where you can be dragged off and shot in the head for having suspected interactions with a drug dealer isn't safe.

Everyone is better off. He's already saved thousands of lives

They found supporters of him everywhere they went.

Obviously. They are brainwashed flacaltenn sycophants. Many totalitarian dictators have had popular support, such as Adolf Hitler and Fidel Castro[/QUOTE]
Somehow you screwed up your quoted text.....

That's why you are not in power. You are an evil person that hates good people who follow the law.

Hopefully you, and those like you, will never be in power. Hopefully we kill criminals, and those who support criminals. That's what capital punishment is for. Getting rid of evil people.... you know.... like you.

Right. No matter how many residence they interview that say the city is safe now, you say they are all wrong?

All the tourists who now visit Davao City, they must be all wrong too. All the foreign government around the world, that no longer tell international travelers that Davao is a "no-go" zone. They are all wrong.

This is the limit of your argument. Everyone on the entire planet, who all say Davao City is now very safe.... everyone.... everywhere... they are all wrong. Captain Forum Poster here, knows better than everyone.

Of course your mindless BS isn't completely untrue. Davao City is extremely dangerous..... to criminals. I don't give crap about criminals. Everywhere should be unsafe for criminals.
Both Onyx and Andy have a point.

Actually I agree with Andy on one thing. Different region should have the right to decide whether drugs are okay or not. I do not think drugs, christianity, being jewish, or being members of falun gong, or being gay, have significant impact to society. If anything technology is replacing jobs and have higher impact. But the overall is more positive than the bad right? But hey, I may be wrong.

It make sense for each society to have a say what's best for it. It's a grey area for me. I do not like islam and communism even though their society decides that it's cool. However, I don't see that as something I should criticize too much. Communism lead to poverty anyway and soon they will change their mind. Islam may lead to war, and soon they'll figure out that perhaps secularism is better. If not, you shouldn't let them to your country too easily.

What I would disagree, in a sense that I wouldn't move to or vote is the idea that government should treat anyone any differently for doing drugs. That is not meritocratic.

Meritocracy means you judge people based on result. Not intent. Not effort. But result. That is the only fair and practical way to judge anything.

If you go to a store and buy a pencil, do you give fuck the intent and effort of the ceo and all the workers that produces the pen? No. You care about the result. Is the pen good? What's the price. That's it.

The CEO of the pencil factory has FREEDOM to do whatever it wants. As long as it got the right RESULT. That is the one and only way to hold people RESPONSIBLE for anything. Judge them by RESULT and only RESULT.

That's free market. That's JUST. That's what God have intended for all of us.

If drugs lower IQ and that's a concern, government should punish low IQ people. The result is the same. They both have low IQ. Why should government give fuck about whether he has low IQ because of weed or because of not taking nootropic or because their parents don't pick smarter mate?

I agree that drug users shouldn't get any benefit. However, why should non drug users get any benefit at all? If they fail to be productive members of society, what differences does it make they use drugs or not? It's people responsibility to productively serve others through market mechanism.

If someone can't code and earn higher programmers' salary or if someone's job is replaced by robots, that is as good as that guy smoking dope all day long. He's as useless as the rest. Why should we have compassion on those people? Not even God have?

If anything, we should just give him dope all day long and let them go extinct childless peacefully.
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I may be wrong again. May be a wise ruler wouldn't think of only the result. Punish people for consuming drugs that lower IQ and they stop using that drug. Punish people for having low IQ and they will have no choice but to rebel.

Of course many illegal drugs improve IQ rather than reducing it. I also do not like some people to declare something illegal virtually for any reason.

Again. It's complex. The way US doing it is great I think. Some states keep it legal, some states do not keep it legal. Let people that like it one way or another go to another place.

Usually better system tend to propagate. Number of states that legalize weed is growing. Legalization works. Enough voters see it's good for them.

As for philiphine, I wouldn't go there anyway.
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I may be wrong again. May be a wise ruler wouldn't think of only the result. Punish people for consuming drugs that lower IQ and they stop using that drug. Punish people for having low IQ and they will have no choice but to rebel.

Of course many illegal drugs improve IQ rather than reducing it. I also do not like some people to declare something illegal virtually for any reason.

Again. It's complex. The way US doing it is great I think. Some states keep it legal, some states do not keep it legal. Let people that like it one way or another go to another place.

Usually better system tend to propagate. Number of states that legalize weed is growing. Legalization works. Enough voters see it's good for them.

As for philiphine, I wouldn't go there anyway.

I don't think there is any evidence that any drug actually improves your IQ.

There is evidence that a stimulant can keep you more focused. Of course getting a freakin good night sleep, will do the same thing.

Moreover, a good night sleep will improve many other physical aspects, and have zero side effects.

If you are a physically healthy individual, there is no reason for you to start popping pills so you can focus on your school exams. That's idiotic. You need to learn how to live life effectively without being moronically dependent on a pill so you can focus.

You will be far better off as a person, to learn how to focus your mind on a task, rather than trying to find some drug that allows you to skip the hard work of learning to focus.

Additionally, only a small fraction of these drugs have been researched, to determine if there is any detrimental long term effects. The last thing you want to do, is spread this trash everywhere like Asbestos, and then find out later it causes cancer.

You say legalization works, but that isn't what I'm hearing out of Colorado. The number of counties in Colorado now pushing to re-ban the drugs, suggests that while the state governments love the tax revenue, it's the counties that are dealing with the mess legalized drugs are causing, and the public is getting tired off it.

Pretty easy to say legalization works, when you are not the one that has to deal with the drugged-driving problems, the rehab costs, and the broken families devastated by drugged up parents that ditch their kids at home, while they go on a 3 day drug induced stupor somewhere in the city.

Pretty easy to say it works when you are not the one cleaning up the mess.
That is exactly the problem. We have no idea if those drugs cause long term problems at all. I know some drug users, like Steve Jobs and Obama is doing fine in their life.

The way libertarian works is government should have a very strong case before prohibiting or even taxing something. For everything else, let the market decide.

The case for prohibiting drug is very weak. There is no evidence that ganja lower IQ or lower income. If anything, high IQ people are more likely to try new things and use soft drugs. Why Kids With High IQs Are More Likely to Take Drugs |

Also Are Stoners Really Dumb, or Do They Just Think They Are? |

That's because they want to "explore" more. Exploration gives experience that high IQ are more likely be able to use.

High IQ people are more likely to read books or go to college. Because education is more useful for high IQ people than for low IQ people. The same for drug uses I think.

I know many extasy users have better relationship with their loved ones.

If cleaning up the mess is expensive, just tax drugs expensively. Extasy cost $1 to produce and cost $30 to users. Most of the money goes to criminals. Just tax it for $29 and see the money going to whoever clean those up. It can be distributed to all voters so they have incentive to appreciate the true costs and benefits of legalization.

But that's just my idea.

Syria used to be a safe country. They used religion to maintain peace. Then what?

Religions are more dangerous than drugs. I know you will say, that's islam. You see how religions work in Europe 300 years ago. Putting prisoners on the wheel, killing people for saying the earth circle the sun. Maybe it's safe too for a while because small criminals like pickpockets are hanged. It doesn't stop major assholes from using religion to line their pockets and kill those who disagree. So war is just natural consequences.

Unjust arrangements lead to political instability.
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That is exactly the problem. We have no idea if those drugs cause long term problems at all. I know some drug users, like Steve Jobs and Obama is doing fine in their life.

I know many extasy users have better relationship with their loved ones.

If cleaning up the mess is expensive, just tax drugs expensively. Extasy cost $1 to produce and cost $30 to users. Most of the money goes to criminals. Just tax it for $29 and see the money going to whoever clean those up. It can be distributed to all voters so they have incentive to appreciate the true costs and benefits of legalization.

But that's just my idea.

Syria used to be a safe country. They used religion to maintain peace. Then what?

Religions are more dangerous than drugs. I know you will say, that's islam. You see how religions work in Europe 300 years ago. Putting prisoners on the wheel, killing people for saying the earth circle the sun. Maybe it's safe too for a while because small criminals like pickpockets are hanged. It doesn't stop major assholes from using religion to line their pockets and kill those who disagree. So war is just natural consequences.

Unjust arrangements lead to political instability.

There is nothing unjust about it. Sorry, but I reject any notion that something that clearly has a long negative history of screwing up society, is somehow bad if you use it. Yes, if you want to forfeit all aspects of a modern society, then you can do all the drugs you want. But when you call 911, we're not coming for you. You need to move to Samoa, and you and destroy yourself until you die. The rest of us are not putting up with it, and its not unjust or immoral. You don't have a "right" to a drug.

First off, in Obama's own book, if you read it, he says that if had kept doing drugs he would have wasted he life, and never gotten to where he is.

You pointing to Obama, is basically making my whole case that drugs should be illegal.

As for Steve Jobs, seriously? Steve Jobs admitted to doing drugs in mid to late 1970s. He used LSD at most 15 times. His pot smoking days were long over before he did anything significant.

Moreover, did you miss what Steve Jobs did during those druggy years? He ditched his family. He ditched his "girl friend" right after she gave birth to his daughter.

If that doesn't prove literally EVERYTHING I've been saying this entire time, I don't know who else would. Both of the people you cite in support of drugs, are actually proof that drugs should remain illegal.

Now, I get it that Steve Jobs claims that drugs allowed him to "broaden his mind" and whatever BS he made up. Funny how all these people who claim drugs helped improve their lives, all quit doing drugs before they did anything important. Or they stopped doing anything significant when they started doing drugs.

Take the Beatles. Classic druggy group, right?

Paul McCartney would slightly disagree. The Beatles did all kinds of drugs when the group first got together. But later, they really laid off the drugs. McCartney himself says he never uses drugs anymore.

Moreover, McCartney said they band itself would make sure not to get wired before writing their songs by the end. Because being on drugs isn't a benefit. McCartney went on to say, people really exaggerate how much drugs 'influenced' their songs.

And go look at the top Beatles songs. How many top songs did they have in the early 60s? Not many. A couple maybe, but most of their big hits were after 1965, when they laid off the drug use, and started making sure they didn't write songs when they were stoned.

Quite a different view from the conventional 'wisdom' of the druggy culture huh?

But I'll even play devils advocate for a minute.

Let us accept that possibly drugs did give Steve Jobs and the Beatles 'inspiration' for their creativity.

Out of all the druggies in this country, all of them.... how many consistent routine users of any of those drugs, ends up like Steve Jobs and the Beatles?

How many? A dozen? Where are they?

Now how many ruin their lives, and destroy themselves? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions even?

See, I delivered medical supplies to rehab centers. Go see what drugs do to the rest of society first. Then tell me how you are just not sure if they are bad for people. Not many Steve Jobs, Beatles, or Obama types at the Rehab center. Same drugs though.
You delivered medical supplies to rehab center. What did you see?

What drugs people use there that they end up in rehab center?

I am not sure if millions of people destroy their life due to drugs. I also see millions of people that don't use drugs never catch their dream. Marriage and divorce also destroy millions of life. So what? It's a choice. Most people that use drugs do not have their life destroyed. At least not the way government want us to believe.

Government say that you try drug once you are hooked for the whole of your life and your whole life is destroyed. Steve Jobs and Obama shows that is not the case. Obama, however, is addicted to cigarette, not weed.

The life of millions and millions of people is not our biz. My responsibility is to make my self rich. If they use drugs and have their life destroyed it's their problem. If joe uses drugs and get rich, it is Joe's right to do so. That's responsible freedom. You are free and then you reap the benefit on how you use that freedom.

Me. I choose not to ever get married. If a girl wants me to be financially responsible I make my own deal. I have little pity to people that chose to get married or follow what governments' say is right.

Did you ever notice that anything that goverment say is good is bad and anything that government say bad is good? Look at affirmative action. The very race that's prevented from going to school is the exact same race that consistently do well. Look at income tax? The very people taxed are the very people that are productive.

What is good about government besides preventing us from killing each other and let the market take care of the rest? Even most crimes, like fraud and rape can be prevented by gossips far more than by government.
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You delivered medical supplies to rehab center. What did you see?

What drugs people use there that they end up in rehab center?

I am not sure if millions of people destroy their life due to drugs. I also see millions of people that don't use drugs never catch their dream. Marriage and divorce also destroy millions of life. So what? It's a choice. Most people that use drugs do not have their life destroyed. At least not the way government want us to believe.

Government say that you try drug once you are hooked for the whole of your life and your whole life is destroyed. Steve Jobs and Obama shows that is not the case. Obama, however, is addicted to cigarette, not weed.

The life of millions and millions of people is not our biz. My responsibility is to make my self rich. If they use drugs and have their life destroyed it's their problem. If joe uses drugs and get rich, it is Joe's right to do so. That's responsible freedom. You are free and then you reap the benefit on how you use that freedom.

Me. I choose not to ever get married. If a girl wants me to be financially responsible I make my own deal. I have little pity to people that chose to get married or follow what governments' say is right.

Did you ever notice that anything that goverment say is good is bad and anything that government say bad is good? Look at affirmative action. The very race that's prevented from going to school is the exact same race that consistently do well. Look at income tax? The very people taxed are the very people that are productive.

What is good about government besides preventing us from killing each other and let the market take care of the rest? Even most crimes, like fraud and rape can be prevented by gossips far more than by government.

I saw dozens of people at the rehab center, using all kinds of drugs. Pretty much every type of drug that I know of, and I'm sure dozens I don't. Some were detoxing from pot. Others were on LSD. There was one guy out front talking to no one, and having a sort of two-way coversation with no one. Bit unnerving to observe honestly.

Saw some guys on the floor. Who knows what that was about. And of course alcoholics.

Are you implying that the only way to catch your dreams is to blow your mind with drugs? That is dumb.

Are you comparing choosing to cheat on your wife, with blowing your mind with drugs? That is also dumb.

I'm not sure what your point is, but it is not logical.

Are you saying that because people smoke cigarettes, that this is the same as drugs? That is also dumb.

I don't see cigarette rehabs, or Cigarettes Anonymous groups. There are for pot, and everything else.

Why? Because cigarettes do not destroy lives, and damage society. Haven't met a person yet that had the wife and kids, and huge career, and the house and car, and everything...... and then started smoking, and lost everything.

I've seen that with pot, and pretty much everything. I know a guy that ended up divorced, lost his kids, lost his friends, lost his job, lost his house, lost absolutely everything of any value in his life.

But he's high. Smoking pot every day. Never a met a more sorry pathetic person in my life.

You call that freedom? He's more enslaved now, than he ever was before. The only difference is, he doesn't ware his chains on his ankles, he burns it between his lips. He's got nothing but that chain.

If you call that freedom, the rest of us don't want it. You can keep it. And stay away from the people I care about too. Don't want you destroying their lives with your "freedom".

It's funny that all those people you have little pity for, routinely are the most happy people in this country. But whatever.

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