Donald Praise Duterte War on Drugs?

As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?
Duterte is a thug and a monster like Hitler and stalin...How the fuck can anyone support this?

You are confusing support for the person, with support for the policy.

I don't know Duterte. Maybe he is the monster and thug, you claim he is. I don't know. I don't know him. I haven't followed him.

What I do know, is I hate criminals, and the people of the Philipeans hate criminals... and after years of abuse of the public by criminals... now the criminals are being abused.

I can support that. It is both moral... and just. It's the way it should be.

No one in the right mind supports criminal activities ........ Just like you I probably want to kill these criminals but giving these wrong vigilantes and death squads the rights to kill just about anybody Is totally totally totally wrong.
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?

That's a claim that has yet to be shown to be true.

Again, the BBC did a documentary of this. They interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people in the Philippines, and they covered dozens of deaths while they were there.

In all the deaths by vigilantes they reported on, which they did with local news agencies, not one.... not even ONE.... was not connected to drugs. All of them, without exception, were dealers and users.

There was only one that wasn't connect with drugs, and it wasn't a vigilante killing. It was a corrupt police official who had a history before this entire thing started.

Well that can happen under any system. Would you like to claim not a single police officer in the US has been corrupt? Or do you want to claim that Duterte has influence over US police?

Moreover, the BBC interviewed the public, and what they found was that rape was down, murder was down, vandalism was down, muggings, pick pocketing, crime at all levels was down.

The people reported they felt safer, and freer.

Now, if what you say is true, if people are just running around "that guy didn't pay me back $10, he's a drug dealer, let's kill him"..... if what you say is true.... if people were slaughtering one another without cause in the name of fighting drugs.....

Then the people would be scared. They would be terrified to go out.

But that isn't happening. The BBC reporter found areas that in years prior had been no-go areas. Areas that after dark, no one would venture out to, because they were afraid of the criminals.

Now those places are open, and hoping with customers, and entertainment at night. Because the criminals are the ones that are scared. The citizens are safe, and feel safe, and go out and watch a movie, go shopping, hang out with friends.

In fact, the BBC reporter even asked a group of people who were at a busy shopping area, right after a drug dealer was shot and killed. The BBC reporter was shocked that the public didn't run. They didn't leave. They barely even noticed. She asked the people.... are you not afraid given a man was just shot here? And they responded, no... of course not. It's only drug dealers that get shot. We're not dealing drugs. Nothing will happen to us.

So apparently the people actually living there, do not see what you claim is happening.

If what you said was true, people would be hiding in their homes. Instead they feel more safe than ever.
As far as I know LSD and weed is not even addictive. Are you fucking sure? Can you tell me the rehab center you are talking about?

My friend died due to cancer due to cigarettes. My uncle died due to alcohol. I know a friend whose bro died due to heroine. I have never heard anyone died due to LSD, weed, or extacy.

I mean I've heard 1 or 2 people die out of millions of users. I know some xtc users that are rich and successful.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?

That's a claim that has yet to be shown to be true.

Again, the BBC did a documentary of this. They interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people in the Philippines, and they covered dozens of deaths while they were there.

In all the deaths by vigilantes they reported on, which they did with local news agencies, not one.... not even ONE.... was not connected to drugs. All of them, without exception, were dealers and users.

There was only one that wasn't connect with drugs, and it wasn't a vigilante killing. It was a corrupt police official who had a history before this entire thing started.

Well that can happen under any system. Would you like to claim not a single police officer in the US has been corrupt? Or do you want to claim that Duterte has influence over US police?

Moreover, the BBC interviewed the public, and what they found was that rape was down, murder was down, vandalism was down, muggings, pick pocketing, crime at all levels was down.

The people reported they felt safer, and freer.

Now, if what you say is true, if people are just running around "that guy didn't pay me back $10, he's a drug dealer, let's kill him"..... if what you say is true.... if people were slaughtering one another without cause in the name of fighting drugs.....

Then the people would be scared. They would be terrified to go out.

But that isn't happening. The BBC reporter found areas that in years prior had been no-go areas. Areas that after dark, no one would venture out to, because they were afraid of the criminals.

Now those places are open, and hoping with customers, and entertainment at night. Because the criminals are the ones that are scared. The citizens are safe, and feel safe, and go out and watch a movie, go shopping, hang out with friends.

In fact, the BBC reporter even asked a group of people who were at a busy shopping area, right after a drug dealer was shot and killed. The BBC reporter was shocked that the public didn't run. They didn't leave. They barely even noticed. She asked the people.... are you not afraid given a man was just shot here? And they responded, no... of course not. It's only drug dealers that get shot. We're not dealing drugs. Nothing will happen to us.

So apparently the people actually living there, do not see what you claim is happening.

If what you said was true, people would be hiding in their homes. Instead they feel more safe than ever.

People are scared to talk about the president especially if they are in front of cameras. Didn't you noticed none of the Philippine news media are not saying anything against Duterte? Why? bc they are afraid. Even the Supreme Court are afraid of him.
Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte? Filipinos feel safe before not bc of Duterte they like western music, cultures and freedom.

Are you saying that death squads or any of these so called fake vigilantes are only killing criminals? How can they even know if a particular person is involved in any crimes by just targeting them?
It will be like you walking around crime areas just shooting anybody that it doesn't look right bc you don't like the way they look. Of the 6,000 killings that was reported 2,000 of those was killed by corrupt police 4,000 of those are from fake vigilantes. Remember that is just what is being reported. If criminals are afraid so why in the world killing didn't stop?
I have business in the Philippines and I speak fluent Tagalog that is how I get my information not from the media that are controlled by Duterte.
There have been many deaths due to ecstacy. That is the reason why rave parties are illegal in Los Angeles. To many x deaths.

Duterte is the only world leader with a sensible drug program. We should adopt the same policies.

If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?

That's a claim that has yet to be shown to be true.

Again, the BBC did a documentary of this. They interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people in the Philippines, and they covered dozens of deaths while they were there.

In all the deaths by vigilantes they reported on, which they did with local news agencies, not one.... not even ONE.... was not connected to drugs. All of them, without exception, were dealers and users.

There was only one that wasn't connect with drugs, and it wasn't a vigilante killing. It was a corrupt police official who had a history before this entire thing started.

Well that can happen under any system. Would you like to claim not a single police officer in the US has been corrupt? Or do you want to claim that Duterte has influence over US police?

Moreover, the BBC interviewed the public, and what they found was that rape was down, murder was down, vandalism was down, muggings, pick pocketing, crime at all levels was down.

The people reported they felt safer, and freer.

Now, if what you say is true, if people are just running around "that guy didn't pay me back $10, he's a drug dealer, let's kill him"..... if what you say is true.... if people were slaughtering one another without cause in the name of fighting drugs.....

Then the people would be scared. They would be terrified to go out.

But that isn't happening. The BBC reporter found areas that in years prior had been no-go areas. Areas that after dark, no one would venture out to, because they were afraid of the criminals.

Now those places are open, and hoping with customers, and entertainment at night. Because the criminals are the ones that are scared. The citizens are safe, and feel safe, and go out and watch a movie, go shopping, hang out with friends.

In fact, the BBC reporter even asked a group of people who were at a busy shopping area, right after a drug dealer was shot and killed. The BBC reporter was shocked that the public didn't run. They didn't leave. They barely even noticed. She asked the people.... are you not afraid given a man was just shot here? And they responded, no... of course not. It's only drug dealers that get shot. We're not dealing drugs. Nothing will happen to us.

So apparently the people actually living there, do not see what you claim is happening.

If what you said was true, people would be hiding in their homes. Instead they feel more safe than ever.

People are scared to talk about the president especially if they are in front of cameras. Didn't you noticed none of the Philippine news media are not saying anything against Duterte? Why? bc they are afraid. Even the Supreme Court are afraid of him.
Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte? Filipinos feel safe before not bc of Duterte they like western music, cultures and freedom.

Are you saying that death squads or any of these so called fake vigilantes are only killing criminals? How can they even know if a particular person is involved in any crimes by just targeting them?
It will be like you walking around crime areas just shooting anybody that it doesn't look right bc you don't like the way they look. Of the 6,000 killings that was reported 2,000 of those was killed by corrupt police 4,000 of those are from fake vigilantes. Remember that is just what is being reported. If criminals are afraid so why in the world killing didn't stop?
I have business in the Philippines and I speak fluent Tagalog that is how I get my information not from the media that are controlled by Duterte.

Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte?

Yes. Davao City was one of the worst cities in the world. Tourist Companies would specifically tell their clients to not go there, because it was simply too dangerous. Government agencies around the world, would tell their citizens not to go to Davao City.

It was one of the most dangerous cities in the world, let alone the Philippines.

After Duterte, it's now one of the safest cities in the country.

The killings don't stop, because there are still criminals. When you kill all the criminals, the killings will stop.

Being afraid, doesn't mean you are not a criminal anymore. A murderer, is still a murderer even if he's fleeing for his life. Until you catch him, and kill him.... he's still a murderer, and the killings won't stop until the criminals are caught and killed.

Again, look at Singapore. They kill their criminals. Thus, they don't have many killings anymore. You commit murder, rape, drug crime.... they kill you. Because they kill them all, there are not many to kill.

They have a about 2 or 3 murders a year at most.
There are tons of extacy and ganja users that are doing fine in their life. Sure government can make any laws they wish. Doesn't mean many will obey and support them.

Make stupid unjust laws and you see all your jail are filled with harmless people instead of burglars and robbers
There are tons of extacy and ganja users that are doing fine in their life. Sure government can make any laws they wish. Doesn't mean many will obey and support them.

Make stupid unjust laws and you see all your jail are filled with harmless people instead of burglars and robbers

Well we already covered this. They do harm society, and their families. There is a reason why it was banned to begin with.

So from the start, your premise is wrong.

Now, if you want to play this game where you can do whatever you want, and you'll just ignore the law.... that's fine. Do whatever you want.

But when this all comes crashing down..... and we get a candidate that is willing to shoot druggies on sight.... don't be surprised with the citizens of this country rise up and vote for that person, and you start getting your butt kicked.

They said the same thing over there, and then suddenly Duterte is highly praised by the public there, and his war against the druggies is extremely popular.

All those people thought "oh I don't like his law, and I can do what I want"... and guess what.... they are now finding out otherwise.

You will too. I promise you, you will find out the hard way if you push this. Right now.... right NOW.... things are going your way. They won't forever. I promise you. So you gotta decide for yourself if you are going to live in disregard for the law, and reap the consequences... or you are going to follow the law, and be fine.

Your choice. Your actions. Your consequences. That's how life works. You can b!tch about it until you die... and.... you'll just die.

There are laws on the books that I disagree with. I still follow them. Everyone had to make a choice on how they live. You do to.
And this is
If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?

That's a claim that has yet to be shown to be true.

Again, the BBC did a documentary of this. They interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people in the Philippines, and they covered dozens of deaths while they were there.

In all the deaths by vigilantes they reported on, which they did with local news agencies, not one.... not even ONE.... was not connected to drugs. All of them, without exception, were dealers and users.

There was only one that wasn't connect with drugs, and it wasn't a vigilante killing. It was a corrupt police official who had a history before this entire thing started.

Well that can happen under any system. Would you like to claim not a single police officer in the US has been corrupt? Or do you want to claim that Duterte has influence over US police?

Moreover, the BBC interviewed the public, and what they found was that rape was down, murder was down, vandalism was down, muggings, pick pocketing, crime at all levels was down.

The people reported they felt safer, and freer.

Now, if what you say is true, if people are just running around "that guy didn't pay me back $10, he's a drug dealer, let's kill him"..... if what you say is true.... if people were slaughtering one another without cause in the name of fighting drugs.....

Then the people would be scared. They would be terrified to go out.

But that isn't happening. The BBC reporter found areas that in years prior had been no-go areas. Areas that after dark, no one would venture out to, because they were afraid of the criminals.

Now those places are open, and hoping with customers, and entertainment at night. Because the criminals are the ones that are scared. The citizens are safe, and feel safe, and go out and watch a movie, go shopping, hang out with friends.

In fact, the BBC reporter even asked a group of people who were at a busy shopping area, right after a drug dealer was shot and killed. The BBC reporter was shocked that the public didn't run. They didn't leave. They barely even noticed. She asked the people.... are you not afraid given a man was just shot here? And they responded, no... of course not. It's only drug dealers that get shot. We're not dealing drugs. Nothing will happen to us.

So apparently the people actually living there, do not see what you claim is happening.

If what you said was true, people would be hiding in their homes. Instead they feel more safe than ever.

People are scared to talk about the president especially if they are in front of cameras. Didn't you noticed none of the Philippine news media are not saying anything against Duterte? Why? bc they are afraid. Even the Supreme Court are afraid of him.
Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte? Filipinos feel safe before not bc of Duterte they like western music, cultures and freedom.

Are you saying that death squads or any of these so called fake vigilantes are only killing criminals? How can they even know if a particular person is involved in any crimes by just targeting them?
It will be like you walking around crime areas just shooting anybody that it doesn't look right bc you don't like the way they look. Of the 6,000 killings that was reported 2,000 of those was killed by corrupt police 4,000 of those are from fake vigilantes. Remember that is just what is being reported. If criminals are afraid so why in the world killing didn't stop?
I have business in the Philippines and I speak fluent Tagalog that is how I get my information not from the media that are controlled by Duterte.

Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte?

Yes. Davao City was one of the worst cities in the world. Tourist Companies would specifically tell their clients to not go there, because it was simply too dangerous. Government agencies around the world, would tell their citizens not to go to Davao City.

It was one of the most dangerous cities in the world, let alone the Philippines.

After Duterte, it's now one of the safest cities in the country.

The killings don't stop, because there are still criminals. When you kill all the criminals, the killings will stop.

Being afraid, doesn't mean you are not a criminal anymore. A murderer, is still a murderer even if he's fleeing for his life. Until you catch him, and kill him.... he's still a murderer, and the killings won't stop until the criminals are caught and killed.

Again, look at Singapore. They kill their criminals. Thus, they don't have many killings anymore. You commit murder, rape, drug crime.... they kill you. Because they kill them all, there are not many to kill.

They have a about 2 or 3 murders a year at most.

If killing drug users actually reduce other real crimes, like robbery, and stuff, something which I don't believe in, then yea, go ahead. Move to such countries. I would move to region that are more libertarians.

The way things work in my country is drug is "allowed" anyway. Every body knows where to get them except "the cops". Oh ha ha ha ha.... Ugh ugh ugh.... We know what happens. The cops get their cut.

Cops would search your car, put stuff in it, and demand bribes.

That's the effect of drug prohibition in my country. The drug is there anyway. What? You think people would spend $100-$1000 a night on night club so they can listen to music? Of course there are drugs and women. Of course.

Then one day one guy died due to xtc. Not really the xtc obviously. He dies because of some sexual stimulant drug (like viagra but stronger), while consuming xtc. The xtc is most likely not the cause at all.

Then what? It's on the news. The governor close the club. I was laughing. What? The governor didn't know that all this time virtually all clubs in the area are selling xtc? Everyone try to act tough on drugs as if they just found out. Of course that one case shows that millions of xtc must have been sold before. Even you know that xtc doesn't kill 1 in a million user. That's a fact. If one guy died due to xtc, there are at least 10 millions tablet sold.

Drug prohibition is just what any kartel wish. Go ahead. Prohibit drugs so the price go up and kartel make more money. Who goes to jail? Competitors that don't bribe cops. The cops make the most money out of drug prohibition. If you legalize and tax it, the people got their money. Simple choice. Really. The money can be used to shoot real robbers.

You know. Perhaps in US it's different. Perhaps, I must admit, you have better government. Guess what? For most countries, prohibiting drugs are like all those Pharisees throwing stone of a sinner woman. Most people in government are far more evil than drug users and you let those psychopaths decide what's best for the rest of us.
And what happens after the cops are addicted of making money out of prohibition? We got government that prohibit anything with high economic value.

You can't create a university in Indonesia without license. You can't import cows from australia. Everybody got to bribe first if government prohibit stuffs.

That's the fact that I saw my self.

Any government intervention in economy will just make things more shitty. Most of them. I mean there could be exception, but most non libertarian strategy is shitty.
If you can guarantee that you will only drug users, pushers and dealers......... Go for it I'm behind you.
But they have death squads roaming around killing people that's a different story. Of the 6,000 deaths since May 3,993 were killed by unknown suspects 2,102 killed by police.
That is just what is being reported deaths from the city but no numbers from provinces.

Duterte's drug war: Death toll goes past 6,000

A drug dealer dead, is a good thing, no matter who killed them.

I don't understand this idea that punishment is only a justified punishment, if the person giving the punishment is deemed right by some 3rd party somewhere.

I remember this man who found his pre-teen daughter was raped, and all the evidence was clear cut including DNA, it was this man. The father absolutely lost it, and attacked this guy almost killing him.

Now I don't know about you.... but if he had succeeded in killing this guy, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. This man was a rapist of pre-teen girls. Justice is..... he dies. I don't care how he dies. Death is justices. Well of course the police arrested this father, and everyone started screaming about how horrible it was.

NO........ This man is absolutely 100% a rapist, it's not in question, it not debatable... it's a fact, and if he's killed.... Joy to World.

Same thing here. As long as the death squads of fed up citizens of Philippines who are sick and tired of being abused by the criminals, and tried of the gangs, and sick of being scared to leave their homes......

As long as they are killing druggies..... I don't care! I understand their hatred and anger!

I had some stuff stolen from my car years back, and a had someone blame me.... blamed me the victim of the criminals, for leaving my own property in my own car that was locked. I'm the victim and it's my fault?

KILL THESE PEOPLE. KILL THEM ALL. So yes, I have no problem with the citizens of the Philippines standing up and saying with one voice "ENOUGH". No more! They can take action to clean up the country with lethal force, and I stand behind them in this noble and moral fight, 100%.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you can guarantee that these crooked pooowlice and death squads are ONLY killing drug dealers, drug pushers and drug user or rapist or criminals ...... Go for it I'm 100% next to you.............
What made you think these bastards are only killing these people?

Reports of killings are only coming from large cities but there are no reports coming from provinces and other smaller cities. Just an example......... If I owe you large amounts of money I can just get someone to eliminate you....... and that solves my debt 100%. Do you understand?

That's a claim that has yet to be shown to be true.

Again, the BBC did a documentary of this. They interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people in the Philippines, and they covered dozens of deaths while they were there.

In all the deaths by vigilantes they reported on, which they did with local news agencies, not one.... not even ONE.... was not connected to drugs. All of them, without exception, were dealers and users.

There was only one that wasn't connect with drugs, and it wasn't a vigilante killing. It was a corrupt police official who had a history before this entire thing started.

Well that can happen under any system. Would you like to claim not a single police officer in the US has been corrupt? Or do you want to claim that Duterte has influence over US police?

Moreover, the BBC interviewed the public, and what they found was that rape was down, murder was down, vandalism was down, muggings, pick pocketing, crime at all levels was down.

The people reported they felt safer, and freer.

Now, if what you say is true, if people are just running around "that guy didn't pay me back $10, he's a drug dealer, let's kill him"..... if what you say is true.... if people were slaughtering one another without cause in the name of fighting drugs.....

Then the people would be scared. They would be terrified to go out.

But that isn't happening. The BBC reporter found areas that in years prior had been no-go areas. Areas that after dark, no one would venture out to, because they were afraid of the criminals.

Now those places are open, and hoping with customers, and entertainment at night. Because the criminals are the ones that are scared. The citizens are safe, and feel safe, and go out and watch a movie, go shopping, hang out with friends.

In fact, the BBC reporter even asked a group of people who were at a busy shopping area, right after a drug dealer was shot and killed. The BBC reporter was shocked that the public didn't run. They didn't leave. They barely even noticed. She asked the people.... are you not afraid given a man was just shot here? And they responded, no... of course not. It's only drug dealers that get shot. We're not dealing drugs. Nothing will happen to us.

So apparently the people actually living there, do not see what you claim is happening.

If what you said was true, people would be hiding in their homes. Instead they feel more safe than ever.

People are scared to talk about the president especially if they are in front of cameras. Didn't you noticed none of the Philippine news media are not saying anything against Duterte? Why? bc they are afraid. Even the Supreme Court are afraid of him.
Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte? Filipinos feel safe before not bc of Duterte they like western music, cultures and freedom.

Are you saying that death squads or any of these so called fake vigilantes are only killing criminals? How can they even know if a particular person is involved in any crimes by just targeting them?
It will be like you walking around crime areas just shooting anybody that it doesn't look right bc you don't like the way they look. Of the 6,000 killings that was reported 2,000 of those was killed by corrupt police 4,000 of those are from fake vigilantes. Remember that is just what is being reported. If criminals are afraid so why in the world killing didn't stop?
I have business in the Philippines and I speak fluent Tagalog that is how I get my information not from the media that are controlled by Duterte.

Are you saying that Filipinos don't go out and have fun before Duterte?

Yes. Davao City was one of the worst cities in the world. Tourist Companies would specifically tell their clients to not go there, because it was simply too dangerous. Government agencies around the world, would tell their citizens not to go to Davao City.

It was one of the most dangerous cities in the world, let alone the Philippines.

After Duterte, it's now one of the safest cities in the country.

The killings don't stop, because there are still criminals. When you kill all the criminals, the killings will stop.

Being afraid, doesn't mean you are not a criminal anymore. A murderer, is still a murderer even if he's fleeing for his life. Until you catch him, and kill him.... he's still a murderer, and the killings won't stop until the criminals are caught and killed.

Again, look at Singapore. They kill their criminals. Thus, they don't have many killings anymore. You commit murder, rape, drug crime.... they kill you. Because they kill them all, there are not many to kill.

They have a about 2 or 3 murders a year at most.

No. Davao city was not one of the most dangerous city in the world or in the Philippines. It's in Manila by the Tondo district area where the BNG ( Bahala Na Gang ) and OXO successfully existed for decades. The way you make it sound Filipinos don't go out before Duterte which is not true.
I've been to Davao city in 2014 and there are places that you cannot just go wonder around. Anywhere in the world Tourist Companies will tell you not to wonder anywhere that is dangerous.
Just Like me if I have visitors from Europe I will tell them not to go in Sta. Ana or section of San Francisco, San Diego, Ca or part of New York, Toronto, Vancouver or Miami. That's normal.

To the southern part of Mindanao where Muslims are trying to gain independence............ that alone will invalidate your claim that Davao was the most dangerous city in the Philippines. See link as an example in Oct 2015 off *Davao city*.
I've been to Singapore couple of times but I am not aware that the government was involved in extrajudicial killings like Duterte. Ive been to several countries around the globe and ALL of the guides and body guards ALWAYS warned me not to wonder anywhere that are dangerous. that's normal.
Cops in the Philippines are no different from cops in Mexico they are crooked and bad. Most of the killings that was reported are coming from the city but few are coming from the provinces. Fake vigilantes are criminals or excons themselves ......... So how can you say these killings are fair and legal?

Philippines Authorities Look For Former Missionary From Italy Kidnapped In Mindanao
Parkinson's disease: Marijuana, before & after

That's the effect of Marijuana. Even your government itself use criteria "Does not have medical use" when putting a drug to schedule 1. How the fuck doesn't have any medical use make a drug more dangerous? The whole criteria, is just fly on common sense. Not even government would admit openly that ganja is more dangerous than cigarette.

They said something fake. Ganja is "dangerous". If 1 guy died out of 1 million, they can say it's dangerous. That is definition that is so fake it can be used for anything. Cigarettes kill 1 out of 2 people that uses it. Ganja kills 1 out of 10 million if any.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You see that. People got beaten up for believing in ahmadiyah movement by sunni muslim. What's the punishment? 3 fucking months. My friend got 4 years for having 7 grams of ganja.

I can understand if some countries do not like ahmadiyah member. I can also understand if some country doesn't want islam at all. That is where I am not libertarian. If some countries do not like islam, so what? Let's see if that country is going to be richer or not.

But punishin ganja user more than that murderer just make me sick in the stomach.
Med student here: Looks more like Huntington. The truth about this whole legalize marijuana is simple: it should be legal just because of decriminalization. This doesn't mean that the consumption shouldn't be controlled. And yes smoking marijuana from time to time is not so dangerous for normal people with a stable mental state. BUT THC has a tendency to induce psychosis in people who are prone to it, sadly enough these people are often the ones who frequently use the stuff. Marijuana enthusiasts are also eager to jump on any rumours around possible health benefits that circulate on the internet or in society like
marijuana cures cancer: THC has shown to kill cancerous cells in a test environment (in a petri dish). This has not been confirmed in life experiments. Also THC kills healthy cells as well. I encourage you all to visit scientific databases (Pubmed or NJM) in stead of google if you want to know more about the dangers and benefits of THC.

So because some people may have adverse effect due to marijuana then the rest of us can't try that?

Most people have adverse effect when they do business or learn math. So what? It's their problem.
Parkinson's disease: Marijuana, before & after

That's the effect of Marijuana. Even your government itself use criteria "Does not have medical use" when putting a drug to schedule 1. How the fuck doesn't have any medical use make a drug more dangerous? The whole criteria, is just fly on common sense. Not even government would admit openly that ganja is more dangerous than cigarette.

They said something fake. Ganja is "dangerous". If 1 guy died out of 1 million, they can say it's dangerous. That is definition that is so fake it can be used for anything. Cigarettes kill 1 out of 2 people that uses it. Ganja kills 1 out of 10 million if any.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You see that. People got beaten up for believing in ahmadiyah movement by sunni muslim. What's the punishment? 3 fucking months. My friend got 4 years for having 7 grams of ganja.

I can understand if some countries do not like ahmadiyah member. I can also understand if some country doesn't want islam at all. That is where I am not libertarian. If some countries do not like islam, so what? Let's see if that country is going to be richer or not.

But punishin ganja user more than that murderer just make me sick in the stomach.

Why do you keep posting random stuff that has nothing to do with the discussion? Where do you see in our system someone punishing a moronic druggie, more than a murderer?

Is this all you can find to support your idiotic position?

Your friend was a druggy. Druggies go to prison, and rightfully so. What's that got to do with this weird video from some distant land?

Tell me about your druggy friend. Tell, what did he do for a living? How was his grade in college? Did he have a wife and family? Not a shack up girlfriend, did he have a family? What did he spend most of his time doing? Where did he live? How old was he?

Let me tell you about three people I know.

I'll tell you about my druggy 'friend' that I haven't seen in 20 years. He was living in an apartment, existing off his parents money. He went to OSU, but rarely passed his classes, because he only showed up "when I feel like it". He got fired from all his jobs, for incompetence, and his buddy (my boss) hired him because no one else would.

He'd blow in... when he 'felt like it' and left when 'he felt like it'. He would come in, tell us all how great pot was, and talk about some random girl he met, that won't return his phone calls anymore. Which of course was a complete and utter shock to all of us, because what a true catch he was.....

The only reason he kept that job, was because we did piece work, so he wasn't paid anything unless he did something, and since he rarely did much, the boss (mr buddy), didn't have to pay him jack.

So what a great member of society. No family. No career. Not much education. Living in mommy's rented basement, fired from every job, blowing what little money he gets on pot, and wondering why the girls can't stand him.

That's guy one.....

Let me tell you about homer. Homer was this guy that I worked with at the auto part store. Homer came in, and would spend more time doing impressions of Homer Simpson, than actually doing work. Homer would come in late, which would get me yelled at by the manager, because stuff needed done, whether he showed up on time or not.

Homer, would then take a smoke break behind the store, and come back just in time to 'zone out' where he would stare at the shelves, pretending to front the shelves, but really just to avoid doing any real work.

Homer didn't have a family.... or at least they refused to talk to homer anymore, because he borrowed money, and never paid them back. On what he spent the money on, no one knows.... oddly, including Homer.

Homer worked for 2 weeks, and called up the assistant manager the day after his drug test..... to ask if he passed. He must have studied very hard, and wanted to know if his hard work paid off.

(yes the company would hire people on, and give them a drug test after a two weeks. I assumed it was to save money because people often quit. I have no idea.... just how it was).

After Homer was there 4 weeks, literally one month... Homer disappeared. No idea where Homer went, or why he never called, or why his phone was disconnected.

Three days later, Homer called in, and said he woke up in a barn. Like... just then. He woke up, and he was in a barn. I'm not making this up. Just saying what happened. He said he was going to the hospital to get checked out. We said bring the hospital report when he comes in. Sadly, between the barn, the hospital, and work, magically no written evidence could be found. Apparently, not only could he not supply us with a report from the hospital, he couldn't even give a note he went to a hospital, and when pressed, could even tell us which hospital he went to. Must have been the one in the barn.

(we offered to call the hospital, and verify they admitted him. Amnesia kicks in really really fast these days).

Sadly, Homer couldn't work with us anymore. But that didn't stop Homer. Nope, Homer showed up for work a week later. Without a Uniform because we confiscated that. But he showed up, and started stocking the shelves. Told us how he missed having work. How he'd had such a hard time since he was fired. And then... told us about the fun night at the barn. Good ol Homer... Amnesia goes away really really fast these days.

Now let me tell you about Tim.

Tim is an idiot. Do not talk to Tim about numbers without a calculator, or history without wikipedia, and anything science related.....ever. Tim dropped out of high school. Tim doesn't even have a GED. Tim learned to drive a fork lift, and works at a distribution center. Tim is healthy and strong. He won a medal at the Arnold Classic here in Ohio.

Tim married his long time sweet heart, and has kids now. Tim got a raise, and works hard at his job. He worked with me as a part time job, while he saved up to buy a house, and pay off his wedding. Tim was able to quit his 2nd job, because they gave him a supervisor position at his main job.

There is one thing Tim doesn't have.... Drugs. Tim thinks drug users and dealers are idiots. That's why Tim, as dumb as he is, is a productive, and wonderful member of society, that is raising a family, and makes the country a better place to live.

So tell me about your druggy friend... assuming I can believe anything you say....
Parkinson's disease: Marijuana, before & after

That's the effect of Marijuana. Even your government itself use criteria "Does not have medical use" when putting a drug to schedule 1. How the fuck doesn't have any medical use make a drug more dangerous? The whole criteria, is just fly on common sense. Not even government would admit openly that ganja is more dangerous than cigarette.

They said something fake. Ganja is "dangerous". If 1 guy died out of 1 million, they can say it's dangerous. That is definition that is so fake it can be used for anything. Cigarettes kill 1 out of 2 people that uses it. Ganja kills 1 out of 10 million if any.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You see that. People got beaten up for believing in ahmadiyah movement by sunni muslim. What's the punishment? 3 fucking months. My friend got 4 years for having 7 grams of ganja.

I can understand if some countries do not like ahmadiyah member. I can also understand if some country doesn't want islam at all. That is where I am not libertarian. If some countries do not like islam, so what? Let's see if that country is going to be richer or not.

But punishin ganja user more than that murderer just make me sick in the stomach.

Not sure where you going with this.
Parkinson's disease: Marijuana, before & after

That's the effect of Marijuana. Even your government itself use criteria "Does not have medical use" when putting a drug to schedule 1. How the fuck doesn't have any medical use make a drug more dangerous? The whole criteria, is just fly on common sense. Not even government would admit openly that ganja is more dangerous than cigarette.

They said something fake. Ganja is "dangerous". If 1 guy died out of 1 million, they can say it's dangerous. That is definition that is so fake it can be used for anything. Cigarettes kill 1 out of 2 people that uses it. Ganja kills 1 out of 10 million if any.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You see that. People got beaten up for believing in ahmadiyah movement by sunni muslim. What's the punishment? 3 fucking months. My friend got 4 years for having 7 grams of ganja.

I can understand if some countries do not like ahmadiyah member. I can also understand if some country doesn't want islam at all. That is where I am not libertarian. If some countries do not like islam, so what? Let's see if that country is going to be richer or not.

But punishin ganja user more than that murderer just make me sick in the stomach.

Why do you keep posting random stuff that has nothing to do with the discussion? Where do you see in our system someone punishing a moronic druggie, more than a murderer?

Is this all you can find to support your idiotic position?

Your friend was a druggy. Druggies go to prison, and rightfully so. What's that got to do with this weird video from some distant land?

Tell me about your druggy friend. Tell, what did he do for a living? How was his grade in college? Did he have a wife and family? Not a shack up girlfriend, did he have a family? What did he spend most of his time doing? Where did he live? How old was he?

Let me tell you about three people I know.

I'll tell you about my druggy 'friend' that I haven't seen in 20 years. He was living in an apartment, existing off his parents money. He went to OSU, but rarely passed his classes, because he only showed up "when I feel like it". He got fired from all his jobs, for incompetence, and his buddy (my boss) hired him because no one else would.

He'd blow in... when he 'felt like it' and left when 'he felt like it'. He would come in, tell us all how great pot was, and talk about some random girl he met, that won't return his phone calls anymore. Which of course was a complete and utter shock to all of us, because what a true catch he was.....

The only reason he kept that job, was because we did piece work, so he wasn't paid anything unless he did something, and since he rarely did much, the boss (mr buddy), didn't have to pay him jack.

So what a great member of society. No family. No career. Not much education. Living in mommy's rented basement, fired from every job, blowing what little money he gets on pot, and wondering why the girls can't stand him.

That's guy one.....

Let me tell you about homer. Homer was this guy that I worked with at the auto part store. Homer came in, and would spend more time doing impressions of Homer Simpson, than actually doing work. Homer would come in late, which would get me yelled at by the manager, because stuff needed done, whether he showed up on time or not.

Homer, would then take a smoke break behind the store, and come back just in time to 'zone out' where he would stare at the shelves, pretending to front the shelves, but really just to avoid doing any real work.

Homer didn't have a family.... or at least they refused to talk to homer anymore, because he borrowed money, and never paid them back. On what he spent the money on, no one knows.... oddly, including Homer.

Homer worked for 2 weeks, and called up the assistant manager the day after his drug test..... to ask if he passed. He must have studied very hard, and wanted to know if his hard work paid off.

(yes the company would hire people on, and give them a drug test after a two weeks. I assumed it was to save money because people often quit. I have no idea.... just how it was).

After Homer was there 4 weeks, literally one month... Homer disappeared. No idea where Homer went, or why he never called, or why his phone was disconnected.

Three days later, Homer called in, and said he woke up in a barn. Like... just then. He woke up, and he was in a barn. I'm not making this up. Just saying what happened. He said he was going to the hospital to get checked out. We said bring the hospital report when he comes in. Sadly, between the barn, the hospital, and work, magically no written evidence could be found. Apparently, not only could he not supply us with a report from the hospital, he couldn't even give a note he went to a hospital, and when pressed, could even tell us which hospital he went to. Must have been the one in the barn.

(we offered to call the hospital, and verify they admitted him. Amnesia kicks in really really fast these days).

Sadly, Homer couldn't work with us anymore. But that didn't stop Homer. Nope, Homer showed up for work a week later. Without a Uniform because we confiscated that. But he showed up, and started stocking the shelves. Told us how he missed having work. How he'd had such a hard time since he was fired. And then... told us about the fun night at the barn. Good ol Homer... Amnesia goes away really really fast these days.

Now let me tell you about Tim.

Tim is an idiot. Do not talk to Tim about numbers without a calculator, or history without wikipedia, and anything science related.....ever. Tim dropped out of high school. Tim doesn't even have a GED. Tim learned to drive a fork lift, and works at a distribution center. Tim is healthy and strong. He won a medal at the Arnold Classic here in Ohio.

Tim married his long time sweet heart, and has kids now. Tim got a raise, and works hard at his job. He worked with me as a part time job, while he saved up to buy a house, and pay off his wedding. Tim was able to quit his 2nd job, because they gave him a supervisor position at his main job.

There is one thing Tim doesn't have.... Drugs. Tim thinks drug users and dealers are idiots. That's why Tim, as dumb as he is, is a productive, and wonderful member of society, that is raising a family, and makes the country a better place to live.

So tell me about your druggy friend... assuming I can believe anything you say....

I'm lost.
I'm on the Dean's list at the college I attended and have 5 trades, received award letters from the military for graduating in the top 10 percent of electronics/electrical class..Ran my own business for 30 years.....Not bad for a guy that has been smoking weed for 37 years...For someone that does not smoke the devils flower, you sure are ignorant about those that do...
So you smoked weed while you were in the military?
Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.
Just for the record. Singapore government are tough with criminals especially their death sentences.......... But as far as I know and from the Singaporeans I know here in US......... they never involved in any kind of extrajudicial killings.

You are correct.

And ideally we would have a justice system that enforced the law, effectively and timely, like the Singapore system.

But unlike in Singapore, we have a system where the public prevents the government from enforcing the laws effectively.

One of the dumbest things I was reading was how people were complaining that crime had dropped because we locked up the criminals, and now we had tons of people in prison.

.... yeah... we have tons of people in prison..... because we locked up the criminals.... which is why crime dropped.

Do you see? That's where the problem lies. If the police shoot some guy that was a known criminal, with a long history of crime, the public attacks the police, instead of the criminal.

The result is we defend and celebrate the criminals, and attack the justice system.

When you do that long enough, at some point the system becomes so corrupt and ineffective, that the only possible solution is to deal with it yourself. Vigilante movement, and the pro-gun lobby is a natural result of this.

If you need another example, look at Mexico. They had such a lenient system, with lax law enforcement, the criminals were in control of entire towns.

Some people point out that the police were corrupt. That's true, but there's a reason for this as well. Not the only reason, but a significant factor.

If you are a good police officer, and you do a bust on a bunch of cartel members... what happens? They get a year or two, and are released. The cartel grows, and now you are a marked man, and both you and your family are marked for death.

So what do you think happens? Most of the officer turn bad. Why should they risk their life, to accomplish nothing, but end up on a death list? Instead they take money from the cartels, and live a pretty easy life with extra cash.

If they were putting these people to death, that would be far less likely.

And what has the public responded with, to this situation?

Mexico's Vigilante Groups Are a Force to Reckon with for Drug Cartels and Army
I was on the phone with at&t customer service today. The guy was in Manila, Philippines. While we were waiting for something I asked him about Duarte. He loves the guy. He says crime was so bad he had to take a taxi to work or else he would be mugged on the way there. But he has no fear of that now. Walks to work everyday he says.
Let me tell you about my druggies "friend"

One is CFA. Has 2 shops. Government paid him 30k a month. He paid doctors 15k a month. Run his business. Keep 15k for himself a month.

Another has internet marketing job. Earns $6k a month. Once earn $26k a month but biz went down. He said xtc helps him to see the positive side on life when things went shitty. Things often went shitty and he blamed everyone else. xtc helps him be optimistic for a while and be understanding of people around him. Often the best way is still to ignore the evil and pursue the good guy. But that's still a skill.

Looks like xtc helps autism a bit. xtc allows autistic people understand compassion. Experience that they see when they're on xtc helps them have some graps of what normal people normally see even when they're no longer on drug.

He keeps working hard when trouble arise. Not giving up anymore.

About drug uses? Well, 1 tablet a month. May be less. He said he wants to quit. But sometimes his friends, many businessmen want to hang out and he likes the socialization. He doesn't like the drug by it self anymore. Tried it. Know it. But hanging with fellow businessmen while on xtc accompanied by beautiful girls we may have children with. What's more beautiful?

The problem is the kind of drugs. I didn't know weed can be that bad. Many drug hatters often say, drugs are bad, but they're not specific.

More meth than once every 6 months is bad. LSD more than once every 2 month is bad. xtc more than once a month is bad. But casual use? C'mon. No research shows any significant long term permanent damage. Most people that use it are not dumb. They won't use something if their brain may get whacked.

In US, "job" is an implicit welfare. American make a lot of money doing "jobs" whose salary are regulated by government. You can be an idiot, but as long as you're white and "have a job" you got large salary by asian standard. That socialism is the real drug. Innovation is punished by socialism.

Say normally, people that do internet marketing deserve higher salary than those who flip burgers. Well, thanks to minimum wage laws, the burger flippers then make more money.

Here, in Asia, if you are not in business you will not make anything. The only rich guys are businessmen. And as businessmen we always have to come up with better and better ways to improve stuffs.

Some drugs, like LSD, are only useful for those in creative industry. Like businessmen and programmers.

And many of those buddies are members of mensa. They are smarter than 98% of population. If drugs are dangerous for the 98% but useful for the mensans, it should still be legal. The fact that most people can't digest milk is not a justification that people shouldn't sell milk.

Are there people that do drugs and fuck up. Yea. One of my friends' bro died due to heroin. My dad's friend is death due to cigarettes. That's the 2 I know off. The problem is not whether people uses drug or not. The problem is which drugs? I am sure you use drugs too. The legal ones at least.

Oh so what's the limit? The legality? Do you think government give any fuck to actual danger when declaring something illegal? I don't think so.

Weed? Once a week. May be even less. No adverse affect at all so far. Leader of Linkedin mensa organization uses weed and still pass mensa tests.

I think cops that shoot vermin and robbers should be decorated. Looters should be mass murdered. But I wouldn't help any cops catching tax evader, or drug dealers. It's against my conscience.
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