Donald Sterling...liberal, who just received NAACP lifetime achievement award...LOL!

I know you like to live in the past, but your version of it is totally ass-backwards.


The Civil War has been over for awhile......I think it's time you moved on....


Simple yes or no would do.

There are all sorts of civil war monuments in the south.

What say you?

Get rid of them?

Stop flying the confederate flag?

Stop with the "State's Rights"?

Come on Mudwhistle.

You can do it.

Three little letters.

Post "Yes".

Show your conservative buddies what you are made of.. :eusa_whistle:

You are one sick individual.....

I don't believe you're right in destroying history just because you're a bigot. This is the sort of thing that the Taliban does, not decent Americans.

I supported the Union and Abe Lincoln. That doesn't mean I want to go through this country and wipe our history from the face of the Earth. The Confederacy is gone, but it still is a part of our history. It is also part of Democratic Party history.

Come to think of it, I guess you'd love to have it disappear.

Disavow it.

Call the Confederacy a traitorous movement.

I'm not the wanting "history" to disappear.

Every single Confederate was a traitor to this nation, whether they were democrats or not.

They got a pretty good deal too.

But their "spirit" still seems to survive.

They got their asses kicked.

And their stink should have died with them.

You agree, right?
Who you talking to Willis????

Dude, you must think that being a Dick makes you acceptable to blacks or something.

Trust me, even Obama admitted that he loved making fun of his white friends behind their backs.

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
Read more at Obama Racism Quotes

Talking to you.

You are mapping the confederacy to democrats.

Okay..Pepsi challenge.

Disavow the Confederacy.

All of it.

The Confederacy was bad.

Happy now???

Nope, because I didn't want to go out on a vendetta like you I'm a supporter.

Dude, when you go to Australia, don't come back. America is a better place with out folks like you.



And I'm coming back.

Sorry that makes you all butthurt.

It's fun being able to travel the world, ace.

But that's what happens when you work for a living.

Simple yes or no would do.

There are all sorts of civil war monuments in the south.

What say you?

Get rid of them?

Stop flying the confederate flag?

Stop with the "State's Rights"?

Come on Mudwhistle.

You can do it.

Three little letters.

Post "Yes".

Show your conservative buddies what you are made of.. :eusa_whistle:

You are one sick individual.....

I don't believe you're right in destroying history just because you're a bigot. This is the sort of thing that the Taliban does, not decent Americans.

I supported the Union and Abe Lincoln. That doesn't mean I want to go through this country and wipe our history from the face of the Earth. The Confederacy is gone, but it still is a part of our history. It is also part of Democratic Party history.

Come to think of it, I guess you'd love to have it disappear.

Disavow it.

Call the Confederacy a traitorous movement.

I'm not the wanting "history" to disappear.

Every single Confederate was a traitor to this nation, whether they were democrats or not.

They got a pretty good deal too.

But their "spirit" still seems to survive.

They got their asses kicked.

And their stink should have died with them.

You agree, right?

1865 was a long time ago bud. You should learn to live and let live because your stink seems to overwhelm theirs.....
Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.
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Talking to you.

You are mapping the confederacy to democrats.

Okay..Pepsi challenge.

Disavow the Confederacy.

All of it.

The Confederacy was bad.

Happy now???

Nope, because I didn't want to go out on a vendetta like you I'm a supporter.

Dude, when you go to Australia, don't come back. America is a better place with out folks like you.



And I'm coming back.

Sorry that makes you all butthurt.

It's fun being able to travel the world, ace.

But that's what happens when you work for a living.

Nope, you can dance the Hullygully for all I care.

I just think this country would be better off with a few less evil fucks like you around.
Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.

Sallow thinks that hating Republicans makes him acceptable to blacks.

He's fooling himself.
1865 was a long time ago bud. You should learn to live and let live because your stink seems to overwhelm theirs.....

You folks are the ones that bring this up, ad nauseam.

But getting you to call the confederacy, bad?

Sallow thinks that hating Republicans makes him acceptable to blacks.

He's fooling himself.

Well you are wrong on 2 counts.

I don't "hate" anyone.

And I don't give a fuck if anyone thinks I'm acceptable.

Next up. Getting you to admit all people are equal in the eyes of the law.
1865 was a long time ago bud. You should learn to live and let live because your stink seems to overwhelm theirs.....

You folks are the ones that bring this up, ad nauseam.

But getting you to call the confederacy, bad?


We didn't bring up the Confederacy. You did.

Jim Crow was after the Civil War idiot. So was the KKK.

Jim Crow, the KKK, the Confederacy, all products of the Democrat Party.

Simple yes or no would do.

There are all sorts of civil war monuments in the south.

What say you?

Get rid of them?

Stop flying the confederate flag?

Stop with the "State's Rights"?

Come on Mudwhistle.

You can do it.

Three little letters.

Post "Yes".

Show your conservative buddies what you are made of.. :eusa_whistle:

You are one sick individual.....

I don't believe you're right in destroying history just because you're a bigot. This is the sort of thing that the Taliban does, not decent Americans.

I supported the Union and Abe Lincoln. That doesn't mean I want to go through this country and wipe our history from the face of the Earth. The Confederacy is gone, but it still is a part of our history. It is also part of Democratic Party history.

Come to think of it, I guess you'd love to have it disappear.

Disavow it.

Call the Confederacy a traitorous movement.

I'm not the wanting "history" to disappear.

Every single Confederate was a traitor to this nation, whether they were democrats or not.

They got a pretty good deal too.

But their "spirit" still seems to survive.

They got their asses kicked.

And their stink should have died with them.

You agree, right?

Sherman should have been let to finish the job.
Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.

Sallow thinks that hating Republicans makes him acceptable to blacks.

He's fooling himself.

Well, we know they do not accept any real facts. They have no clue how they are part of the party that needs to divide races and classes. They are far more concerned about being invited to the popular parties.

They are that simple, and so therefore they follow the bandwagon.

Imagine for one moment, how stupid one has to be, and how brainwashed someone is, to believe tsunamis are caused by CO2 in atmosphere, and how this guy ignores the fact they are used as pawns to divide classes and races.
Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.


I was discussing that with a friend of mine that works at the Woodhull Oceanographic Institution.

He helped with this web page.

We were talking about how global warming was turning the ocean into stew.

Seems that real live scientists think that too..

Global warming may bring tsunami and quakes: scientists | Reuters

That's not Alex Jones..but..
You are one sick individual.....

I don't believe you're right in destroying history just because you're a bigot. This is the sort of thing that the Taliban does, not decent Americans.

I supported the Union and Abe Lincoln. That doesn't mean I want to go through this country and wipe our history from the face of the Earth. The Confederacy is gone, but it still is a part of our history. It is also part of Democratic Party history.

Come to think of it, I guess you'd love to have it disappear.

Disavow it.

Call the Confederacy a traitorous movement.

I'm not the wanting "history" to disappear.

Every single Confederate was a traitor to this nation, whether they were democrats or not.

They got a pretty good deal too.

But their "spirit" still seems to survive.

They got their asses kicked.

And their stink should have died with them.

You agree, right?

Sherman should have been let to finish the job.

I'm related to General Sherman on my Mother's side.

When I say that here in the South some take offense. Course I'm related to Daniel Boone as well, and he's from here. They seem to like that.

Most of them have moved on. Then again there are some who will never accept blacks or mixed marriages. One old fart at the factory was telling everyone not to talk to me because I'm married to a black woman. He said I might as well be black.

I wonder how many lilly white liberals would even dare to bring a black into their home to live with them. They're great at starting shit over it, but ask them to live with them? Fuck you.
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Racism seems to be big in the Democrat Party.

So I take it you are in favor of classifying the KKK and other racist organizations as terrorists?

Or making it illegal to fly the confederate flag in America? Just like say, flying the Nazi flag is in Germany?

Or tearing down all confederate monuments?

Or changing history books to roundly call folks like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, traitors to America?

Right Mudwhistle?

I am in favor of all that.


I know you like to live in the past, but your version of it is totally ass-backwards.


The Civil War has been over for awhile......I think it's time you moved on....

Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Although it is your prerogative to do so, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even waste time arguing over topics like this.

Frankly, it is hilarious how people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment, argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.

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1865 was a long time ago bud. You should learn to live and let live because your stink seems to overwhelm theirs.....

You folks are the ones that bring this up, ad nauseam.

But getting you to call the confederacy, bad?


We didn't bring up the Confederacy. You did.

Jim Crow was after the Civil War idiot. So was the KKK.

Jim Crow, the KKK, the Confederacy, all products of the Democrat Party.

And I am glad you think they are all bad.


Shows you are growing.

You can't tell me they didn't know this guy was a racist before this..He is a true racist..bundy is a choir boy compared to him

that my friends is the how much the NAACP really care about black people and racism

same with Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and the rest of phony race hustlers
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Since a moron like Sallow does not want to answer the question. Let me clue him in (I never really knew how stupid Sallow was) as to how the democrats were able to get blacks to vote democrat. Even though the democrats founded the KKK, blocked desgregation (Al Gore senior etc) and is the party of racists.

They always talk about the "southern strategy."

Here is the democrats strategy. It has worked too.


BTW, yesterday said the reason there were tsunamis is due to man made global warming. Yes, he said that.

Like I said. I knew he was stupid as all fuck, but holy shit.....are liberals fucking dumb.

Remember this doozy from a CNN liberal moron........

She asteroid coming close to earth may have possibly been caused by man made global warming (right wing republicans and oil companies.)

Yes, Sallow stating that tsunamis were caused by man made global warming may actually be dumber. I mean at least as dumb.

That is what we are communicating with mudwhistle.


I was discussing that with a friend of mine that works at the Woodhull Oceanographic Institution.

He helped with this web page.

We were talking about how global warming was turning the ocean into stew.

Seems that real live scientists think that too..

Global warming may bring tsunami and quakes: scientists | Reuters

That's not Alex Jones..but..

Name drop much?

Well, me and my Marine Biologist friend were discussing Global Warming the other day......

Who the fuck does that? Don't you have something better to do?

Bragging about traveling? Dude, I've done my share of traveling. I'm done with it. The only place I really liked was Germany. It was great. I'd rather live there than here. Problem is if I moved there I'd be poor, I'm not even sure they'd let me, unless I married a German national. But have fun in Australia acting like a tourist.
You can't tell me they didn't know this guy was a racist before this..He is a true racist..bundy is a choir boy compared to him

that my friends is the how much the NAACP really care about black people and racism

same with Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and the rest of phony race hustlers

They needed a big race issue to possibly pull all of the blacks out during the mid-terms. I noticed Obama found time to comment on it too, like he knew it was coming. The story is pushed out on Sunday by ESPN, his sports reporting arm, and Obama jumps in with both feet.

This is Trayvon Martin all over again. Expect this kind of thing to happen every two years, and as long as Al Sharpton is around he'll be leading this crapola.
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