Donald Sterling...liberal, who just received NAACP lifetime achievement award...LOL!

We resolved this issue yesterday. Sterling is an ahole...for reasons far beyond racism. LIBTARDS are hypocrites...who knew. The subject is inflammatory and belongs in the badlands...that's how to bury da truf.
Acting like a tourist.....throwing another shrimp on the barbie.....

If I was single I'd go to Australia to meet women, but the men are for the most part pretty decent. Served with one in Somalia. Really nice guy, and their cooks know how to throw together a meal.

There's alot more to Germany than Octoberfest. They do things the right way. They take care of their people and each other. Notice they're the only European nation that isn't broke.

Well I am going with my Girlfriend to a wedding in Daylesford, and we are hitting Tasmania after that. That part of it is I was a big fan of Warner Brothers, I want to see a Tasmanian dev.

I've met a few Australians as well. They are great people.

Sort of surprised you like the German system. They have a lot of very Socialist programs.

They also have some pretty strong regulations on banking and the financial industry.

But I agree with you. Germany is a very solid country.

Nothing wrong with Socialism that is kept in check. Problem is it takes discipline to keep it from eating up the working class.

You must learn to not do too much. Address what is needed, not everything you want. And never do it to buy votes.

Couldn't agree with you more.

I find this issue kinda funny in so many ways. We all grew up racists, those who deny that are either very young, like twelve, or simply acting PC. My father would criticize the major part of his own lineage - kinda funny. Some of us, very few of us, realized we were all just people, humans, so called intelligent (?) beings, at some point along the path to now and gradually lost the stereotyping that Bundy and now Sterling use as the backdrop of their interpretation of life. What I find particularly funny is many of those now calling for their ouster engage in the same patterns of thought. I would make a bet even those who cry foul on usmb are the same. Recently I told a group of people that I had heard everyone of them say something that was a racist stereotype, you would have thought I was condemning them to hell the outcry was so vociferous. I just had to laugh. It's always the other who is the racist, my thoughts are really rational and thought out - sure they are. :lol:

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot
I know you like to live in the past, but your version of it is totally ass-backwards.


The Civil War has been over for awhile......I think it's time you moved on....

Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Although it is your prerogative to do so, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even waste time arguing over topics like this.

Frankly, it is hilarious how people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment, argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


Dude, unless you've lived in the South and talked to Democrat voters you don't know what you're talking about.

Here's a shock, the same people that you claim are Republicans vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their GrandDaddy voted Democrat. They're too set in their ways to change. Besides, they told me that the Repugs are for the rich, so even though they can't bring themselves to support Obama they still support Democrats, because all of that shit can't be true about them. It's just too bizarre to believe.

No shock here "Dude" .My parents marched in the Civil Rights movement in the south and took me with them there in the 60's, probably before you were born.

As far as "who" votes for which party, that is irrelevant and I did not comment on that.

All that I implied is that you need to learn the differences between The Southern and Northern factions of both parties during that era, because you are clueless.

Democrats were not unanimously AGAINST the Civil Rights Bill and Republicans sure as hell were not unanimously FOR IT.

Although I was a kid at the time, I vividly recall the elders discussing who was for and against the passage of it. And public sentiment was widely against it in the southern region.

And the fact is that "southern culture" as it was known, died a slow agonizing death over the passage of it.

Furthermore, I was referring to the Senate and House votes which passed the legislation to bring the Civil Rights Act to fruition.


Didn't you get the memo?
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What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.
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What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.

Maybe you should have watched MSNBC for the past couple days and then you would know that what you just said could not be further from the truth.

Don't make shit up. It's immature and ignorant. Strive for something at least slightly above that condition.
Fox reaction to Bundy...400 mentions a day until "the incident" then no mention, complete silence.

How is that comparable to this exactly?
What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.

Maybe you should have watched MSNBC for the past couple days and then you would know that what you just said could not be further from the truth.

Don't make shit up. It's immature and ignorant. Strive for something at least slightly above that condition.

I don't watch MSNBC. I lose brain cells if I watch MSNBC. Besides, do you let MSNBC speak for you? Typical. It's intellectually lazy, moreover, to sit there and condemn a Republican tirelessly for making racist comments, then remaining rather quiet when it comes to this man.

It would be better hearing it from you, rather than what you consider 'news.' And you are the last person to lecture anyone on immaturity. Ms. 'I am more impartial than all of you.'
Indeed the Civil War has been over for awhile, and some of you Democratic Party bashers in this thread are in need of a "time machine" as well.

How long ago was it that SOUTHERN Democrats stood united with SOUTHERN Republicans and voted against the Civil Rights Act?

How long ago was it that Democrats were associated with the KKK?

How long ago was it that Democrats supported slavery?

The Democratic Party of today is not the same party that it was from the Civil War era up until 1965.

Not that either party is that much better than the other, but the truth is what it is.

Although it is your prerogative to do so, I am puzzled as to why so many of those like you in threads like this even waste time arguing over topics like this.

Frankly, it is hilarious how people who would likely rejoice if Americas black population ceased to exist right this moment, argue endlessly over which party(which is really neither) is more in favor of the interest of the black population.


Dude, unless you've lived in the South and talked to Democrat voters you don't know what you're talking about.

Here's a shock, the same people that you claim are Republicans vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their GrandDaddy voted Democrat. They're too set in their ways to change. Besides, they told me that the Repugs are for the rich, so even though they can't bring themselves to support Obama they still support Democrats, because all of that shit can't be true about them. It's just too bizarre to believe.

No shock here "Dude" .My parents marched in the Civil Rights movement in the south and took me with them there in the 60's, probably before you were born.

As far as "who" votes for which party, that is irrelevant and I did not comment on that.

All that I implied is that you need to learn the differences between The Southern and Northern factions of both parties during that era, because you are clueless.

Democrats were not unanimously AGAINST the Civil Rights Bill and Republicans sure as hell were not unanimously FOR IT.

Although I was a kid at the time, I vividly recall the elders discussing who was for and against the passage of it. And public sentiment was widely against it in the southern region.

And the fact is that "southern culture" as it was known, died a slow agonizing death over the passage of it.

Furthermore, I was referring to the Senate and House votes which passed the legislation to bring the Civil Rights Act to fruition.


Didn't you get the memo?

Probably not. I'm a baby boomer, and my wife was born during the Great Depression.

Btw, you can't really take credit for what your parents did unless you did it on your own. You were basically along for the ride. It's like saying you stormed the black sands of Iwo Jima.

Fyi, who you vote for is suppose to identify which party you support. It doesn't matter if you're a racist, you still voted Democrat. Racism, contrary to Political Correctness, is not exclusive to any particular party.
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Fox reaction to Bundy...400 mentions a day until "the incident" then no mention, complete silence.

How is that comparable to this exactly?
[MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION], I rest my case with this exact post. Don't talk down to me, it's rather childish.
Fox reaction to Bundy...400 mentions a day until "the incident" then no mention, complete silence.

How is that comparable to this exactly?

That's not true. They were reporting it for several days.
What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.

Not my Cliven Bundy moment..nor is it anyone I know of..

Sterling didn't break the law.

And when he said this shit? No one is showing any support of it.
NAACP takes away award honor for Donald Sterling

The NAACP has decided to take away an award honor from Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling after spewing racist remarks. ESPN reports how during an interview on Sunday, April 27 on Meet The Press, NAACP interim president Lorraine Miller told host David Gregory that Sterling will not receive his second lifetime achievement honor that the NAACP's Los Angeles chapter was...

Donald Sterling Rant: NAACP Abandons Plans for Lifetime Achievement Honor - The Hollywood Reporter

Donald Sterling Rant: NAACP Abandons Plans for Lifetime Achievement Honor - The Hollywood Reporter

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, whom commentators have tried to tie to the Republican party after his alleged racist statements, is in fact a Democrat, according to campaign-contribution records.

Sterling's a classic Beverly Hills-Hollywood schmoozer and left-wing philanthropist big shot, and the occasional leftist tight wad, heh.

Again, this is just one more case of leftist racism and bigotry, unfortunately too splashy of a celebrity story for the hopelessly biased leftist press to tamp down.

So, enjoy watching the sick racist Democrats squirm under the news of Sterling's racism. That is, until the next distraction squirrel! runs our from the bushes, lol.


It is fucking hilarious, how the left wing media tries to make this guy out to be a right winger.


being hoisted by his own petard

for supporting the leftists so long


shit happens
Dude, unless you've lived in the South and talked to Democrat voters you don't know what you're talking about.

Here's a shock, the same people that you claim are Republicans vote Democrat because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their GrandDaddy voted Democrat. They're too set in their ways to change. Besides, they told me that the Repugs are for the rich, so even though they can't bring themselves to support Obama they still support Democrats, because all of that shit can't be true about them. It's just too bizarre to believe.

No shock here "Dude" .My parents marched in the Civil Rights movement in the south and took me with them there in the 60's, probably before you were born.

As far as "who" votes for which party, that is irrelevant and I did not comment on that.

All that I implied is that you need to learn the differences between The Southern and Northern factions of both parties during that era, because you are clueless.

Democrats were not unanimously AGAINST the Civil Rights Bill and Republicans sure as hell were not unanimously FOR IT.

Although I was a kid at the time, I vividly recall the elders discussing who was for and against the passage of it. And public sentiment was widely against it in the southern region.

And the fact is that "southern culture" as it was known, died a slow agonizing death over the passage of it.

Furthermore, I was referring to the Senate and House votes which passed the legislation to bring the Civil Rights Act to fruition.


Didn't you get the memo?

Probably not. I'm a baby boomer, and my wife was born during the Great Depression.

Btw, you can't really take credit for what your parents did unless you did it on your own. You were basically along for the ride. It's like saying you stormed the black sands of Iwo Jima.

Fyi, who you vote for is suppose to identify which party you support. It doesn't matter if you're a racist, you still voted Democrat. Racism, contrary to Political Correctness, is not exclusive to any particular party.

You totally missed my point. Of course, I do not "take credit" for my parents marching in the civil rights movement, i used it as a point of reference to make you aware that I do have memories of that era because unlike you, I was physically there.

Furthermore, I already understand that racism is not specific to any political party. Good to see that you are getting it.
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What squirming?

I believe the Clippers and the fans are roundly showing their disapproval of Sterling's rant.

Sure, but from what I can tell, complete and utter silence from the left. You just had your Cliven Bundy moment.

Not my Cliven Bundy moment..nor is it anyone I know of..

Sterling didn't break the law.

And when he said this shit? No one is showing any support of it.

Strange how we sometimes react when we discover that some famous person hates us.

I read Obama's book, so you could say it opened my eyes.

Blacks are in a constant struggle between who they must be and who they should be. Do you want to be called an Uncle Tom, or do you want to be a race-merchant like Al Sharpton? It's easy to be Al Sharpton. It's tough to go it alone.

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