The Basketball World Protests!

What did he say? I heard some in passing and what I got from what I heard was a that he asked his girl friend not to bring her black lovers to his games. He felt it held him up to ridicule. How was that racist? If there is more to it than that, let me know.

I personally think that he should use some of that money of his to buy himself some self respect and tell her to hit the road. And any old man that has a young girl friend should know her interest is his money not him; for the most part anyway there might be some exceptions.

I think I'm one of the most fanatical anti-racists on this board (one of the reasons I haven't posted lately, the virulent racists on this board are just so rage-inducing). I came across a recording I assume was secretly taped by his so-called "girlfriend". She was obviously egging him on trying to get him to say racist shit. His conversation was offensive but I have to say mildly so. No "N" word, nothing really hateful. A older dumb-ass tricked up by a younger gold-digging (got to say it) bitch. So maybe I missed something too.

I suppose in the climate of political correctness enforced these days he'll have to pay some price. I'll agree with you though, he should dump that grubber like yesterday's garbage, asap.
The NBA is investigating. What is there to investigate. There isn't much they can do.

You must specialize in franchise law. What makes you think they cant do something?

No I never did any franchise law but the idea that he could lose the franchise over an opinion doesn't seem strange to you? Can your car be repossessed due to an unpopular opinion?

The man is a major democrat donor. They won't want to lose that. He will apologize, go for some nonsense counseling and all will go on as if nothing happened.

The aforementioned Marge Scott was forced by MLB to sell the Cincinnati Reds following racist remarks.

And no, dumbfuck, he wasn't a major donor. are close to being the most ignorant person on this forum.
Interesting that this Sterling guy seemed more concerned about his girlfriend bringing Magic Johnson to his games than he was worked up about blacks in general. I don't blame him. Magic Johnson is the guy who has Magic Johnson's disease and likely infected and ultimately killed other people by infecting them with Magic Johnson's disease. Just because a biased and bigoted media make Johnson out to be a victim doesn't mean he is and doesn't mean he's not essentially a murderer.
He is just another hateful liberal.

Who are you talking about? If it is me, I am no liberal; there are some moderates. And I can still see nothing racist in what the guy said. Perhaps I am missing something in context.

That or you cant hear. Not to mention this guys past actions.

Yeah, i want blacks to get a good education so they can get a decent job. You want to keep them on welfare all for a vote.
Who are you talking about? If it is me, I am no liberal; there are some moderates. And I can still see nothing racist in what the guy said. Perhaps I am missing something in context.

That or you cant hear. Not to mention this guys past actions.

Yeah, i want blacks to get a good education so they can get a decent job. You want to keep them on welfare all for a vote.

Blacks already get good educations and get good jobs. I want Blacks to get good jobs but be smart enough to know a job just pays the bills. Profits are always better than wages working to make someone else rich. I dont care how they vote. I just want them to vote intelligently.
What did he say? I heard some in passing and what I got from what I heard was a that he asked his girl friend not to bring her black lovers to his games. He felt it held him up to ridicule. How was that racist? If there is more to it than that, let me know.

I personally think that he should use some of that money of his to buy himself some self respect and tell her to hit the road. And any old man that has a young girl friend should know her interest is his money not him; for the most part anyway there might be some exceptions.

I think I'm one of the most fanatical anti-racists on this board (one of the reasons I haven't posted lately, the virulent racists on this board are just so rage-inducing). I came across a recording I assume was secretly taped by his so-called "girlfriend". She was obviously egging him on trying to get him to say racist shit. His conversation was offensive but I have to say mildly so. No "N" word, nothing really hateful. A older dumb-ass tricked up by a younger gold-digging (got to say it) bitch. So maybe I missed something too.

I suppose in the climate of political correctness enforced these days he'll have to pay some price. I'll agree with you though, he should dump that grubber like yesterday's garbage, asap.

Hey don’t let get too worked up over this stuff; don’t let anyone cause you to have a stroke, it is not worth it.
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Who are you talking about? If it is me, I am no liberal; there are some moderates. And I can still see nothing racist in what the guy said. Perhaps I am missing something in context.

That or you cant hear. Not to mention this guys past actions.

Yeah, i want blacks to get a good education so they can get a decent job. You want to keep them on welfare all for a vote.


It's all about turning people against each other for power. Pretty fucked up!:mad:
Who are you talking about? If it is me, I am no liberal; there are some moderates. And I can still see nothing racist in what the guy said. Perhaps I am missing something in context.

That or you cant hear. Not to mention this guys past actions.

Yeah, i want blacks to get a good education so they can get a decent job. You want to keep them on welfare all for a vote.

What are you doing to see that Blacks get a better education and a decent job?
The nba is 80% black. So it doesn't surprise me!!!

If they paid as much attention to their own advancement rather than whining...Well, maybe a larger percentage of blacks would become something.

I've got 30 seconds, why don't you give me a list of your accomplishments. Tell us about how you became such an outstanding pillar of the community.

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