Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives"

Because feelz, and shut up! They hate Trump, that's as deep as it goes. And literally they simply do not care about facts, reality, or what somebody actually says. All they want, and all they see, is a headline from a favored hate merchant and they're off to the races. It's kind of amusing in a way, because it usually takes about 15 seconds to read past the headline and find out they're full of crap.

Boo Hoo ^ It is 2020 - We no longer refer to women as "Housewives".
I see what you did there. The thread is a whine that "Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives", which of course is not even related to the truth. When we pointed that out, you wanted to change the topic to something else, so you pretended we were talking about what to call women who are happy to run the home while their husbands are working outside the home. We weren't.

Pro Tip: Yes, there are a small percentage of women who's husbands make enough money that they don't have to work and can be full time Mom's and even occasional homemakers. They are few and far between in the two thousand thousandsees my clueless friend. Call them Stay at home Moms or maybe Soccer Moms - Not HOUSEWIVES. Jesus!


I know in my neighborhood pretty much all the women are housewives.
Can't make this stuff up folks. The addled loon needs a time machine to take him back to the 50's and keep him there. :rolleyes-41:

*Poster's note: The responses are EPIC!


From her twitter feed it's very clear that she is a lost soul
some can't be helped.
Moving on.
The Marysue is going to tell us all about what Donald Trump thinks. Yeah.. Uh huh.

The Burn Loot Murder crowd is helping the communists eliminate the suburbs by widening the war to include white gentrifiers. White women have more to worry about than Trump Tweets. They and their families will be barricaded in those homes while they are burned to the ground. Those are the lessons of Portland and Seattle.

Kookoo, kookoo ^^^. This comment goes well beyond an Idiot-Gram. Mob Violence is predicated by unmet needs, discrimination and despair. In Seattle and Portland generally peaceful protests were met by vitriolic language from the President, and threats which he has carried out, to wit:

Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!

President Donald Trump used the phrase in a tweet on the evening of May 28–29, 2020, in response to increasingly violent nation-wide and international protests in response to the killing of George Floyd.
He's really going all in for the womens vote!
Does he think that all those suburban moms are gonna love him saying that schools have to reopen while it's too unsafe for anything else to open?

Guaranteed: If Donnie was 17 years old today, there's NO F-ING WAY he would be returning to the military academy for rich pussies. :)

He's really going all in for the womens vote!
Does he think that all those suburban moms are gonna love him saying that schools have to reopen while it's too unsafe for anything else to open?

Reasonable people are for the schools opening safely
Especially women

Ahem ...
He's really going all in for the womens vote!
Does he think that all those suburban moms are gonna love him saying that schools have to reopen while it's too unsafe for anything else to open?

Reasonable people are for the schools opening safely
Especially women

Ahem ...

You are Fake News.
Because feelz, and shut up! They hate Trump, that's as deep as it goes. And literally they simply do not care about facts, reality, or what somebody actually says. All they want, and all they see, is a headline from a favored hate merchant and they're off to the races. It's kind of amusing in a way, because it usually takes about 15 seconds to read past the headline and find out they're full of crap.

Boo Hoo ^ It is 2020 - We no longer refer to women as "Housewives".
I see what you did there. The thread is a whine that "Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives", which of course is not even related to the truth. When we pointed that out, you wanted to change the topic to something else, so you pretended we were talking about what to call women who are happy to run the home while their husbands are working outside the home. We weren't.

Pro Tip: Yes, there are a small percentage of women who's husbands make enough money that they don't have to work and can be full time Mom's and even occasional homemakers. They are few and far between in the two thousand thousandsees my clueless friend. Call them Stay at home Moms or maybe Soccer Moms - Not HOUSEWIVES. Jesus!

And you're still thinking that's what we're talking about.
Because feelz, and shut up! They hate Trump, that's as deep as it goes. And literally they simply do not care about facts, reality, or what somebody actually says. All they want, and all they see, is a headline from a favored hate merchant and they're off to the races. It's kind of amusing in a way, because it usually takes about 15 seconds to read past the headline and find out they're full of crap.

Boo Hoo ^ It is 2020 - We no longer refer to women as "Housewives".
I see what you did there. The thread is a whine that "Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives", which of course is not even related to the truth. When we pointed that out, you wanted to change the topic to something else, so you pretended we were talking about what to call women who are happy to run the home while their husbands are working outside the home. We weren't.

Pro Tip: Yes, there are a small percentage of women who's husbands make enough money that they don't have to work and can be full time Mom's and even occasional homemakers. They are few and far between in the two thousand thousandsees my clueless friend. Call them Stay at home Moms or maybe Soccer Moms - Not HOUSEWIVES. Jesus!

And you're still thinking that's what we're talking about.

I've been reading your arglebargle and have no idea what you are yammering about.
Those were the days! :auiqs.jpg:

I know Archie. You can go with him.
Set that time machine for 1948 and tell the little lady to fetch you a beer! ;)

All In The Family in 1948? There were no TV shows in 1948. If you are going to embark on Trump bashing fantasies at least get your eras correct.

Oh Jesus. In the song, Archie is singing about the good ol' days in the 40s and 50s. Weird that we elected his spitting image in 2016 huh?
Actual Conservative suburban women ARE housewives. That is their proper place and they know it. What DHT forgot is thst real Conservative women don’t vote. Only Liberal and Progressive Hags vote.
Can't make this stuff up folks. The addled loon needs a time machine to take him back to the 50's and keep him there. :rolleyes-41:

*Poster's note: The responses are EPIC!


So what your saying is there are no suburban house wives ?
Because feelz, and shut up! They hate Trump, that's as deep as it goes. And literally they simply do not care about facts, reality, or what somebody actually says. All they want, and all they see, is a headline from a favored hate merchant and they're off to the races. It's kind of amusing in a way, because it usually takes about 15 seconds to read past the headline and find out they're full of crap.

Boo Hoo ^ It is 2020 - We no longer refer to women as "Housewives".
I see what you did there. The thread is a whine that "Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives", which of course is not even related to the truth. When we pointed that out, you wanted to change the topic to something else, so you pretended we were talking about what to call women who are happy to run the home while their husbands are working outside the home. We weren't.

Pro Tip: Yes, there are a small percentage of women who's husbands make enough money that they don't have to work and can be full time Mom's and even occasional homemakers. They are few and far between in the two thousand thousandsees my clueless friend. Call them Stay at home Moms or maybe Soccer Moms - Not HOUSEWIVES. Jesus!

And you're still thinking that's what we're talking about.

I've been reading your arglebargle and have no idea what you are yammering about.
Then why do you keep trying to change the subject? If you quote me and respond to what I say, don't you think it should relate to what I said?
Because feelz, and shut up! They hate Trump, that's as deep as it goes. And literally they simply do not care about facts, reality, or what somebody actually says. All they want, and all they see, is a headline from a favored hate merchant and they're off to the races. It's kind of amusing in a way, because it usually takes about 15 seconds to read past the headline and find out they're full of crap.

Boo Hoo ^ It is 2020 - We no longer refer to women as "Housewives".
I see what you did there. The thread is a whine that "Donald thinks all women who live in the suburbs are "Housewives", which of course is not even related to the truth. When we pointed that out, you wanted to change the topic to something else, so you pretended we were talking about what to call women who are happy to run the home while their husbands are working outside the home. We weren't.

Pro Tip: Yes, there are a small percentage of women who's husbands make enough money that they don't have to work and can be full time Mom's and even occasional homemakers. They are few and far between in the two thousand thousandsees my clueless friend. Call them Stay at home Moms or maybe Soccer Moms - Not HOUSEWIVES. Jesus!

And you're still thinking that's what we're talking about.

I've been reading your arglebargle and have no idea what you are yammering about.
Then why do you keep trying to change the subject? If you quote me and respond to what I say, don't you think it should relate to what I said?

Your first response was off topic, and you've been off topic ever since!
Can't make this stuff up folks. The addled loon needs a time machine to take him back to the 50's and keep him there. :rolleyes-41:

*Poster's note: The responses are EPIC!


I guess it never occured to you IDIOTS that of all the hundreds of people living in America, Donald Trump is the # 1 LEAST LIKELY PERSON to classify women as "Housewives"

The truth (as so often is the case) is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what your IDIOTIC OP is saying. For all you pathetically information-deprived, leftist, airhead victims of liberal OMISSION media, I now provide you with the information you so sorely lack.

In 1983, the fight for gender equality was just beginning. Rare was the case of women being in charge of business endeavors at a top level. At that time one of the first people to initiate the change of the American woman from strictly housewife to working executive, was Donald Trump. He did what almost nobody else was doing at the time. He put a 33 year old woman in charge of the construction of a skyscraper building in midtown Manhattan (the 68 story tall Trump Tower, tallest glass-exterior building in Manhattan at that time).

This was a major innovation of some risk. If the construction had gone bad, Trump would have taken severe criticism in the New York real estate industry. He took a risk, and as a success, this helped propel the hiring of women at the executive level, across many industries. The building helped pioneer the modern-luxury building industry, with a woman at the helm of it. News spread fast.

Since the 70s, Trump has had a reputation of going with hiring women to high-paying jobs, unheard of at the time. If any single person could be credited with pulling women out of the sole category of housewife, it could be Donald Trump.

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