Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Hammurabi has had an influence on JudeoChristian beliefs yes. How much effect we cannot know for certain but given the history of that era, to think there was no influence at all would be a huge stretch.
Parallel evolution---even in the Animal and Plant Kingdoms----
Possible. But far more likely a bit of trade of cultures between the Babylonian and Jewish people during the diaspora.
there are dozens of examples of that which I will graft out
of biology to sociology of PARALLEL SOCIAL and TECHNICAL
developments even between groups of people that never
touched. All humans count to ten. The Babylonian captivity
(538 BC) was not all that LONG AGO and everyone in the world was already making some sort of flat bread thousands of years
before that.
there are dozens of examples of that which I will graft out
of biology to sociology of PARALLEL SOCIAL and TECHNICAL
developments even between groups of people that never
touched. All humans count to ten. The Babylonian captivity
(538 BC) was not all that LONG AGO and everyone in the world was already making some sort of flat bread thousands of years
before that.
Which is irrelevant to the point I made.
Nothing wrong with posting the Magna Carta in the world history or law class either. But to say the Ten Commandments is not historical is to be woefully ignorant of what history is.
It is not historical. You would have a tenuous case saying it's historical for Jews. Torah is considered our history. But for a country? no way.
Well since you choose the make what I found an interesting discussion into a childish insult fest I will wish you a pleasant evening and let it go at that.
wrong again-----in fact---the brain is a rostral blob--ontogenacally. -----the development of the central nervous system fascinates me.
You are just not interested
It is not historical. You would have a tenuous case saying it's historical for Jews. Torah is considered our history. But for a country? no way.

God's law for God's people. Certainly not for KIDS?! As I have said, trying to picture this in an elementary school, for pity's sake. Hey 2nd graders, don't cheat on your spouse. Or covet your friend's wife.

It's just nonsensical.
God's law for God's people. Certainly not for KIDS?! As I have said, trying to picture this in an elementary school, for pity's sake. Hey 2nd graders, don't cheat on your spouse. Or covet your friend's wife.

It's just nonsensical.
So is Drag Queen book reading hour.

You are not required to talk about the 10 Commandments same as you ignore other rules.
So is Drag Queen book reading hour.

You are not required to talk about the 10 Commandments same as you ignore other rules.

Well the Left has been putting Pride Flags everywhere and telling the kids they can just ignore it too.

listen, I'm consistent. Years ago, someone put an Earth Day poster in the hallway that had all these suggestions about how to save the Earth. One was, do not have more than two children. I went to the principal and said hey, we have a lot of children here from big families. Are we telling them they should not have been born?

He took it down.

I DO NOT like using kids and schools to make political points. Either way. Again: in this case, it's using God's words and kids to make a political point.

Just no.
God's law for God's people. Certainly not for KIDS?! As I have said, trying to picture this in an elementary school, for pity's sake. Hey 2nd graders, don't cheat on your spouse. Or covet your friend's wife.

It's just nonsensical.
"God's people" can you define that term, susie?
You're the one that supports posting religious nonsense in Public schools. I'm an atheist.

I'm just asking why you support posting ancient Jewish law, but not the basic principles of Christianity.

Can you answer that?
If I didn't support the posting of Christian teaching in schools why would I advocate for it.
God's law for God's people. Certainly not for KIDS?! As I have said, trying to picture this in an elementary school, for pity's sake. Hey 2nd graders, don't cheat on your spouse. Or covet your friend's wife.

It's just nonsensical.
Which is why I think a mandate is wrong. But neither does the posting do any harm. Pretty useless probably for very young elementary students as you pointed out.

Should it be allowed to be posted if the teacher and parents want it there? Absolutely as it is a symbol of the JudeoChristian influence/law/values/concepts that went into the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, i.e. a historical document in its symbolism. All children should be taught that fact of U.S. history whether or not they embrace the Jewish or Christian faith.

I certainly began learning it as early as First Grade when we were taught that the Mayflower brought the first Pilgrims to a place they had never seen and did not know what to expect because they so wanted to be able to worship God as they believed and not as the Church of England demanded of them. Even a six year old can understand that concept.
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