Donald Trump and the Tainted Presidency


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Herr Drumpf will never be accepted as a legitimate. president other then by the uneducated rubes

The more we learn about Russia’s hacking and the release of its electronic loot during our presidential election, the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump’s victory and his imminent presidency are already tainted beyond redemption.

While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit.

Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic and affixed with an asterisk.

Do not let this be buried in the pundits’ blathering: A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens — this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange. The foreign power then had its desired result achieved on our Election Day.
It is amazing how the Left completely ignored Obama's dark Islamic and communist past...along with a lot other shit, but they are all over Trump with ridiculous claims and fake news.
Has anyone in the government checked out the DNC's servers yet? Last I put up the FBI was relying on CrowdStrikes findings.

You know. The tech company hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking. No one as to this date as far as I know have investigated the servers.

And I am not going to believe a tech company that the DNC hired.
It is amazing how the Left completely ignored Obama's dark Islamic and communist past...along with a lot other shit, but they are all over Trump with ridiculous claims and fake news.
Funny how all the lying fucks like you have already been proven wrong on all their faked contentions concerning President Obama. Whereas, we have seen the orange clown up there at the podium lying through his teeth.
Has anyone in the government checked out the DNC's servers yet? Last I put up the FBI was relying on CrowdStrikes findings.

You know. The tech company hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking. No one as to this date as far as I know have investigated the servers.

And I am not going to believe a tech company that the DNC hired.
No, you are not going to 'believe' anything that shows the true character of the orange clown. And let us look at the big picture. Consider that the Russians hacked a great many computers of both the government and private individuals in the last five years. Now they released the things that would damage Clinton and the Democrats prior to the election. But what is concerning, is that it is reasonable to assume that they have just as much, if not a lot more, on the Republicans and the orange clown. They will use that after 20Jan17. And we will only know what they have if the people they have it on don't dance to the Russians tune.

And the trolls that the Russians are using in the public media and internet, will be cheering for the Russians all the way.
Herr Drumpf will never be accepted as a legitimate. president other then by the uneducated rubes

The more we learn about Russia’s hacking and the release of its electronic loot during our presidential election, the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump’s victory and his imminent presidency are already tainted beyond redemption.

While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit.

Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic and affixed with an asterisk.

Do not let this be buried in the pundits’ blathering: A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens — this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange. The foreign power then had its desired result achieved on our Election Day.

Russian exposure of Hillary's corruption makes Trump illegitimate? DERP!
Herr Drumpf will never be accepted as a legitimate. president other then by the uneducated rubes

The more we learn about Russia’s hacking and the release of its electronic loot during our presidential election, the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump’s victory and his imminent presidency are already tainted beyond redemption.

While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit.

Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic and affixed with an asterisk.

Do not let this be buried in the pundits’ blathering: A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens — this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange. The foreign power then had its desired result achieved on our Election Day.

guno I just put up a thread about this. No government agency has examined the DNC servers. None. Zip. Nada. The reports put out are relying on a third party called CrowdStrikes who was hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking.

In other words, the DNC's employees are putting out that the DNC got hacked by the Russians.


Pardon me if I'm not buying in to this shit.

FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report
By Katie Bo Williams - 01/04/17 07:29 PM EST

FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report
Has anyone in the government checked out the DNC's servers yet? Last I put up the FBI was relying on CrowdStrikes findings.

You know. The tech company hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking. No one as to this date as far as I know have investigated the servers.

And I am not going to believe a tech company that the DNC hired.
No, you are not going to 'believe' anything that shows the true character of the orange clown. And let us look at the big picture. Consider that the Russians hacked a great many computers of both the government and private individuals in the last five years. Now they released the things that would damage Clinton and the Democrats prior to the election. But what is concerning, is that it is reasonable to assume that they have just as much, if not a lot more, on the Republicans and the orange clown. They will use that after 20Jan17. And we will only know what they have if the people they have it on don't dance to the Russians tune.

And the trolls that the Russians are using in the public media and internet, will be cheering for the Russians all the way.

Hacking and spying to on all the time. This does not excuse in any way shape or form the US governmental agencies allowing a third party hired by the DNC to give them a verdict on who hacked the DNC.

This is negligence of the highest order.
Oh and the guy who runs CrowdStrike the tech firm that the DNC hired and the FBI and everyone else is relying on is a former FBI official.

Bwahahahahaha and this is not political?
Herr Drumpf will never be accepted as a legitimate. president other then by the uneducated rubes

The more we learn about Russia’s hacking and the release of its electronic loot during our presidential election, the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump’s victory and his imminent presidency are already tainted beyond redemption.

While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit.

Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic and affixed with an asterisk.

Do not let this be buried in the pundits’ blathering: A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens — this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange. The foreign power then had its desired result achieved on our Election Day.

Russian exposure of Hillary's corruption makes Trump illegitimate? DERP!

She was hacked with items that may have brought her down...But don't try to say Trump won ligit , you know that he was helped.
The orange clown lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. He lost the popular vote by nearly 5%, yet, due to a system designed for the 18th century, he will be President. Not only that, he asked for and got Russian help in the form of hacking the computers of Clinton and the DNC. You can be sure that the Russians did not stop there. They also hacked Trump's and the RNC's computers, and will use that information after 20Jan17. Better get used to dancing to the Russian tune, boys.

Indeed, a very tainted Presidency with the stench of treason associated with it already.
The orange clown lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. He lost the popular vote by nearly 5%, yet, due to a system designed for the 18th century, he will be President. Not only that, he asked for and got Russian help in the form of hacking the computers of Clinton and the DNC. You can be sure that the Russians did not stop there. They also hacked Trump's and the RNC's computers, and will use that information after 20Jan17. Better get used to dancing to the Russian tune, boys.

Indeed, a very tainted Presidency with the stench of treason associated with it already.
Herr Drumpf will never be accepted as a legitimate. president other then by the uneducated rubes

The more we learn about Russia’s hacking and the release of its electronic loot during our presidential election, the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump’s victory and his imminent presidency are already tainted beyond redemption.

While Russian hacks “were not involved in vote tallying,” the publishing of pilfered emails and promulgation of fake news altered the zeitgeist, poisoned the political environment and shifted public opinion, all of which redounded to Trump’s benefit.

Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic and affixed with an asterisk.

Do not let this be buried in the pundits’ blathering: A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens — this is no different than physically breaking into an American office and carting off boxes of written letters — and funneled that stolen material to a willing conspirator, Julian Assange. The foreign power then had its desired result achieved on our Election Day.

Russian exposure of Hillary's corruption makes Trump illegitimate? DERP!

She was hacked with items that may have brought her down...But don't try to say Trump won ligit , you know that he was helped.

Exposing Hillary's corruption helped Trump? Okay. And?

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