Donald Trump Attacked By Whoopi Goldberg On the View Over Obama's Birth Certificate

Obviously there are questions still remaining,or the prob would have gone away by now.
And no he has never shown the original.
And no other presidential candidate has been in a position where his birth place was in question. So saying"but nobody else had to" is a weak ass argument.
Oh and for the record some have had to show there BC in the past,so its not like it's a first.
Did you not read the whole thread?
I feel stupider for watching that video. Whoopie...complete idiot !!!
Donald.....a close second.
But he does make his point without resorting to weak ass accusations.
And as we all know ...if Obama would show his damn birth certificate this would all go away.

He has shown it. And Hawaii has verified they hold the original.
That is how it is done. NO ONE holds the original. The Department of Health holds ALL vital statistic records such as death and birth certificates AS ORIGINALS.
Hell, I am Republican.
Non issue. Old news. He was born in Hawaii. Birth announcement in the damn paper there and the doctor that delivered him was known to state he delivered him.

If the department of health holds the original.......why wouldnt Obama just give them permisson to show the damn thing to put an end to all this crap.
Thats what any sane person would do.
I feel stupider for watching that video. Whoopie...complete idiot !!!
Donald.....a close second.
But he does make his point without resorting to weak ass accusations.
And as we all know ...if Obama would show his damn birth certificate this would all go away.

Pass a law that says every President has to show their birth certificate publically. If not, STFU. There is not one good reason why he should have to, if the 42 before him didn't have to....

Oh and Dr Gramps.....FUCK OFF !!!!!! I figure I owe you that one for the STFU.
Arrrg. Bunch clucking clacking hens all brawwking louder than the other. Made my ears bleed.
Arrrg. Bunch clucking clacking hens all brawwking louder than the other. Made my ears bleed.

Yeah you would have to be a complete moron to watch that show and actually like it.
It's right up there with Jerry Springer but with less intelligent people.
And Obama had to file his too....but neither did it publically...

And thanks for clearning that up about Ike.

And what about JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Raygun, Bush, Clinton, Dumbya..

take your time

At least Donald Trump admits he wasn't the smartest guy in the class. you can say that again....
Seems there are questions going unanswered.

If there is a challenge raised on your citizenship you don't respond with unofficial docs and stonewalling. Produce an original or at least copy with the state seal imprinted on it.

And don't get your friends to pass laws preventing discovery.
Hell, the left wanted to comb John McCain's legally protected medical records from one end to the other. and obie wan can't show his birth certificate? Hypocrites.
Remember when all three major Presidential front runners Passports files were illegally accessed at the State Department?
Candidates' passport files breached - Politics - Decision '08 -
State Department employees snooped through the passport files of three presidential candidates — Sens. Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain — and the department's inspector general is investigating. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the violations of McCain and Clinton's passport files were not discovered until Friday, after officials were made aware of the unauthorized access of Obama's records and a separate search was conducted.
The incidents raise questions as to whether the information was accessed for political purposes and why two contractors involved in the Obama search were dismissed before investigators had a chance to interview them.
And Obama had to file his too....but neither did it publically...

And thanks for clearning that up about Ike.

And what about JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Raygun, Bush, Clinton, Dumbya..

take your time

At least Donald Trump admits he wasn't the smartest guy in the class. you can say that again....

Good fucking point...did Ike have to present his to the public?

Not being the smartest guy in the class at Wharton is not much of a negative reflection IMO.
Ethical question

You're in a liferaft and there's only enough fresh water for you and one other person.

There's Trump and there's Whoppi.

Who do you 86?


Both of them.

Even if you've lots of water, even if your boat is floating on a prestine spring of fresh water, do the world a great big favor and be sure that you're the ONLY survivor.

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