Donald Trump Claims 100 Percent Of His Foundation’s Money Goes To Charity. That’s A Lie.

This is an issue for Trump. Although his "charity" does not provide him with the wealth the Clintonistas enjoy from theirs, he is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He claims to be dissolving the charity to avoid the appearance of impropriety. He should divest himself from his business for the same reason.
You do know the Clinton's tax returns and the financials of the Foundation are all on line? If the Clintons made money from their foundation, even if they only took a salary, it would be all over the news with that amount of scrutiny.

No, they don't take an income from the "charity". It's their personal expense account. They don't pay for travel, meals, clothes, etc. You want access to the SOS? Pay my husband $500k to give a speech and donate $1 million to the charity. There are plenty of ways to skim and profit from a charitable foundation and the Clintons know them all. And it's all online if you want to find it.

According to the bulldyke they were dead broke and in debt when Willie left office. But today-

Hillary Clinton’s net worth – the value of everything you own minus the debts – is around $31.3 million based on her Public Financial Disclosure reports.

Husband Bill has an estimated net worth of $80 million, reported Money This would mean their combined net worth is around $111 million.

Nothing curious in all that to you? I guess we won't hear you bitching about Trumps business interest during his presidency either then.
Do you seriously someone with a hundred million dollars can't pay for their own food?

And so what if they charge for speeches? If I could, I would. It's an honorable way to make money for at least the last hundred years.

The only reason George Bush hasn't made more is because no one wants to listen to him. He's a failure and he damaged the country. Everyone knows it but Republicans.

Now I know you're pulling my leg. Ignorance is bliss and you are the happiest guy on earth, and quite likely the most blind. Cute little fellow.
I love the part where Trump's resort, Mar-a-Lago was sued and lost. So Trump promised to give money to a veterans group as part of the settlement. This is where Trump's genuis comes in. Since Trump hasn't given money to his own charity in nearly a decade, Trump STIFFED poor people to pay a fine that went to help veterans using other people's money.

So Trump was fined for wrong doing and then used money targeted to help a charity to help himself.

What is especially rich, are all the threads Republicans start boasting about their charitable giving.

Ahh Trump. What a "role model" for Republican children.
So? What are you going to do about it? Nothing, so shut up chump. Republicans run this shit now.

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