Donald Trump could have taken AF One to Virginia

Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.

Trump has called racism evil for years and , unlike many dems, actually took action against it years ago. Fuck you and your fake talking points. Trump called groups out by name and said they were evil. Obama has NEVER had the balls to do that with the radical cop killers or terrorists.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.

Trump has called racism evil for years and , unlike many dems, actually took action against it years ago. Fuck you and your fake talking points. Trump called groups out by name and said they were evil. Obama has NEVER had the balls to do that with the radical cop killers or terrorists.



Hillary a long standing racist bigot, Leftists are the racist bigots of racist bigots, they are also hypocrites and pond scum.

Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.

Another gutless lie but that is what the left wing nuts are doing. You want to go that route then Obama wears Bill Ayers and his domestic terrorist wife.
Quit your bullshit. The Nazis cheered when Trump made them equal to the good red-blooded patriotic Americans who rightfully want to kick their asses. You remember this thing we had a few years ago called WWII? That Nazi shit is never going to go unopposed here, you should understand that in no uncertain terms.
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.
obama was one to attend enemy funerals wasn't he. Or send someone to a thug funeral. He went to king satan's funeral, Nelson Mandela, himself, may that demon burn in hell forever.
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.
obama was one to attend enemy funerals wasn't he. Or send someone to a thug funeral. He went to king satan's funeral, Nelson Mandela, himself, may that demon burn in hell forever.

Nelson Mandela was a Race Baiter and a Communist supporter, very like Martin Luther King was.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.

Trump has called racism evil for years and , unlike many dems, actually took action against it years ago. Fuck you and your fake talking points. Trump called groups out by name and said they were evil. Obama has NEVER had the balls to do that with the radical cop killers or terrorists.
Understand this, if Nazis think you are great you are doing something terribly wrong. Maybe he should say he does not like them much louder, much more often and with at least a little bit of sincerity. No one believed he was saying what he actually believed when he finally got around to condemning the nazi scumbags, especially not the nazi scumbags..
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.
obama was one to attend enemy funerals wasn't he. Or send someone to a thug funeral. He went to king satan's funeral, Nelson Mandela, himself, may that demon burn in hell forever.

Nelson Mandela was a Race Baiter and a Communist supporter, very like Martin Luther King was.
Nelson Mandela tortured people to death, black people. That's why he went to prison. Look up Mandela necklace.

Martin Luther King was a reprobate and possibly a criminal.
Trump is the only president to ever publicly condemn nazis.

What democrats want is for Trump to do nothing but try to satisfy the enemy while they continue their outrage. Fake outrage at that.

Okay the Russian story fell apart. We get that.
Trump is the only president to ever publicly condemn nazis.

What democrats want is for Trump to do nothing but try to satisfy the enemy while they continue their outrage. Fake outrage at that.

Okay the Russian story fell apart. We get that.

Really? Are you sure about that? Ever heard of FDR?
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.
oshitscum didn't attend any of the people his minions killed or maimed funerals or give condolences to the people they permanently blind with their pepper spray and firebombs. SO eat shit and die scum. oshit ass and his people are the most vile scum on earth, communist scum like you.
You know, if Obama was still in office and decided to stay on vacation and play golf like Trump has, the conservatives would be screaming bloody murder.

Shoot, when the terror attack happened in Germany at the end of Obama's term while he was on vacation, they were screaming that Obama needed to get back to work because there was bad stuff going on in the world.

Trump's on vacation and playing golf. Not only is there bad stuff going on in the world, but there is a lot of crap going on in this country as well.

Bullshit we were glad to see the sorry sack of dogshit not destroying the country and making attempts to put communisim in place.
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.

Your right. Obama just slept while one of his ambassadors was killed and ignored North Korea while they built nukes. And yes, gamma would have gone to hitlers funeral. They are kindred spirits.

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