Donald Trump Falls Off The Forbes 400 For First Time In 25 Years

you know how to know how much Trump has money? ASK HIM PERSONALLY!

Before and after office

Pres........................before after

DJT 4.5B 3.5B
Oboma 3M 40MPlus
B/H Clinton 480,000 100M

suck on that.
So the Trump cult says that since Trump lost way more money than he grifted -- due to how he badly sucks at business -- he can't be corrupt.

They really are a special type of stupid.
just out of curiosity.....were you ever on that list?....
George Washington initially donated his salary but was convinced not to do that because it would set precedent.

Hoover...did not accept his salary but donated it and used it to supplement his staff's salary.

JFK donated his salary.

and then NOTHING till DJT comes to office. And he donated his entire salary.
you know how to know how much Trump has money? ASK HIM PERSONALLY!

No surprised by this, he knew service to his country was going to cost him. Despite the radical demafascist cults repeated propaganda attempts to claim he was "getting rich" off his office, we knew he was losing money.

Much like other great statesmen, such as Washington, Jefferson, the Roosevelts, Kennedy etc, he gained his wealth outside of Govt, and served his country at his own expense.
Inept. INEPT?? THAT He actually lost money serving this country UNLIKE any democrat and the few rinos since the 90s. And he sure showed them all up and made them squirm like the worms THEY ARE with his Inaugural speech. It was funny but i am sure Glad i was not sitting in their briefs and boxers as he exposed their greed and corruption.. And it was ONLY OBVIOUS!!! If they could have gotten up and ran out of there without incriminating themselves, they'd have done it. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
NO ONE, NOT ONE should be paid for serving this country. NO representative, no senator, no cabinet member, NOT PRESIDENT and NOT family members, NOT is a privilege to serve this country. THey need to keep their damn day jobs is what i'm saying. Our early leaders and I use the term LEADER in the true sense of the word, kept their day jobs. These now are not leaders. Theyre crooks in expensive suits hobknobbing with other fancy rich crooks who are friends with crooked judges they helped put in positions of authority to keep them all safe.

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