Donald Trump Finally Admits His Campaign Is Racist

The country is on a very wrong track, the national debt is approaching a crisis level (so says the DOD)

Hey I know! Let's hire an egomaniac entitled asshole who's never had a job in his life and put his inherited money into a list as long as your arm of bankruptcies and failed businesses! :eusa_dance:

We need someone to start "Grace Commission II" to streamline the Federal Government

Hey I know --- let's hire an egomaniac asshole who specializes in Snark and wouldn't know "Grace" if Billy Graham said it before he chomped down a taco to pander to Mexicans! :eusa_dance:

We need someone to get jobs insourced instead of outsourced

Hey I know --- let's hire an egomaniacal asshole who sells shirts made in China and then wears them while wailing "they're laughing at us!" :eusa_dance:

We need someone to control our defense spending for other countries

Hey I know -- let's hire an edifice complex asshole who oozes around the world kicking people out of their homes so he can put up buildings with his name on them! That's controlled spending right there by crackies! :eusa_dance:

I could keep going with China, Korea, NATO, Iraq, Iran, AFG, Russia, etc., but lets just say we need a lot of things fixed.

I could keep going, let's just say when or where has Donald Rump ever "fixed" anything in his life?
Penn Jillette — After the magician and comedian criticized Trump, he responded on July 16, tweeting: “I hear @pennjillette show on Broadway is terrible. Not surprised, boring guy (Penn). Without The Apprentice, show would have died long ago.” He then followed up with, “I loved firing goofball atheist Penn @pennjillette on The Apprentice. He never had a chance. Wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness.”

Ah the world of self-delusion. The last guy in the world we can imagine "begging for forgiveness" would be Penn Jillette.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — "What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way he has registered zero in the polls,” Trump said, at a campaign speech in Bluffton, S.C., on July 21. “A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn’t get a job. Believe me. Couldn't get a job. He couldn't do what you people did. You're retired as hell and rich. He wouldn't be rich; he'd be poor.”

Quite an ill-considered statement from an entitled rich prick who's never actually held a job in his life at all.

Bill Cosby — Trump said he believed the sexual assault allegations against the comedian, calling him "guilty as hell." “I’ve known him, and I’ve never liked him,” Trump said in a July radio interview. “I think he is a highly overrated guy, both in talent and in many other ways,”


"He has a bigger dick!" :crybaby:
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If Hillary said anything about Blacks the media would totally ignore here. After all, she is the darling of the lying mainstream lame duck leftist media. If Trump were Black it would probably have been ignored also by the lying mainstream media.

If Rump were black he would have never got near the position he's in today, because his father who set him up with all that money wouldn't have been scamming the government out of FHA funding to enable him to built housing communities that kept black people out.

So --- there's that.
If Hillary said anything about Blacks the media would totally ignore here. After all, she is the darling of the lying mainstream lame duck leftist media. If Trump were Black it would probably have been ignored also by the lying mainstream media.

If Rump were black he would have never got near the position he's in today, because his father who set him up with all that money wouldn't have been scamming the government out of FHA funding to enable him to built housing communities that kept black people out.

So --- there's that.

I can only say that thank gawd Trump is not Black. There is one Black already in the White house, and he hasn't done much for America except flood it with more Muslims and illegal Mexicans, and kept America constantly at war. With Trump as President things will get done in a right and proper manner. And Blacks will do better under Trump. :clap:
Can Trump do any worse?

Trump sure can do worse .
..he sucks LARGE

Hillary Clinton laid out a vision for America that should unify every American, who rejects the language and tactics of Trump. Clinton’s message was one of togetherness that was the opposite of what Trump is campaigning on.

America is fed up with Right wing BS

I think that judging by the huge support that Trump is getting every where he goes by the American silent majority shows that they believe in him and what he says and they want Trump as their man for President. It looks like a majority of Americans are bloody fed up left wing leftist Marxist elitist bullshit that you think has and will always be good for America. Has America been any better off since Obamarama became President? Hillary belongs to the elite, and she will continue on with their agendas and programs that have not united Americans but divided them. While Obamarama is allowing more Muslims and illegal Mexicans into the country, and according to Trump, 60.000 American veterans sleep on American streets at night. This is what your hero's will continue to allow happen, fool. What I think you need is a crash course in reality because from what I am getting from you you are way to far out in left field. Anyone who thinks or believes that Hillary will be good for America has to be a total dummy.
Yanno.................with the cultist way that Trump has managed to get followers, I'm kinda wondering when he's going to pass out the Kool Aid.

Jim Jones and Donald Trump have a lot in common.

Hillary Clinton and Obama have a lot in common. They both appear to hate America. America is 19 trillion dollars in debt and you still think that them two losers are great for America? Since Obama came to power Americas debt has risen by 11 trillion dollars. Not bad for eight years of doing nothing except maybe blowing taxpayer's tax dollars.

Wake up, fool, if that is possible for you.
The country is on a very wrong track, the national debt is approaching a crisis level (so says the DOD)

Hey I know! Let's hire an egomaniac entitled asshole who's never had a job in his life and put his inherited money into a list as long as your arm of bankruptcies and failed businesses! :eusa_dance:

We need someone to start "Grace Commission II" to streamline the Federal Government

Hey I know --- let's hire an egomaniac asshole who specializes in Snark and wouldn't know "Grace" if Billy Graham said it before he chomped down a taco to pander to Mexicans! :eusa_dance:

We need someone to get jobs insourced instead of outsourced

Hey I know --- let's hire an egomaniacal asshole who sells shirts made in China and then wears them while wailing "they're laughing at us!" :eusa_dance:

We need someone to control our defense spending for other countries

Hey I know -- let's hire an edifice complex asshole who oozes around the world kicking people out of their homes so he can put up buildings with his name on them! That's controlled spending right there by crackies! :eusa_dance:

I could keep going with China, Korea, NATO, Iraq, Iran, AFG, Russia, etc., but lets just say we need a lot of things fixed.

I could keep going, let's just say when or where has Donald Rump ever "fixed" anything in his life?

Ya, so lets put a real egomaniac asshole in power and let her run the debt up another 10 trillion or so. So far, Trump is doing pretty good for a guy who is suppose to have had many failures. I suggest that you are just a jealous asshole. And as if your hero Hillary doesn't pander to Mexicans as well. So what is your point, comrade?

Keep on listening to the lame duck Marxist corporate media. You know the one that lies to you all the time. Only you are too stunned to see it you poor brainwashed little Marxist tool. Yup, when your hero Hillary becomes President(hopefully not)your life style will not only change but it will get worse. Why would any idiot want to put another asshole Democrat in as President is beyond belief. Has the present President ever done anything good for you or America? Go ahead tell me one great things he has done?
Ya, so lets put a real egomaniac asshole in power
Like the Orange Mound of Dog shit AKA Donald Trump ...this Orange misfit Trump has been sued 3500 times and for a bonus is a rapist......

So says Trump, your hero Hitlery is up on charges in regards to her email fiasco. She is also a liar about Bengazi. Trump calls her a lying crooked corrupt person. And there will be more to come about Hitlery and Billy bobs involvement in other sordid affairs when they debate together. I would rather go with Trump, a guy who tells it like it is rather than a woman who constantly tells lies, and keeps sucking up to the scum that have turned America into poverty, and who supports illegal immigration and warmongering. You need to grow some brain cells. You are sadly lacking in them.
He’s no longer pretending.

Ever since he launched his campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists“ and drug dealers,Donald Trump has insisted that he loves minorities and they love him right back.

“I’m going to do great with the Hispanics,” Trump insisted after tweeting a photo of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinco de Mayo. The image was accompanied by his oft-repeated phrase, “I love Hispanics!”

And despite having strong support from white supremacists, Trump has also reassured everyone that black people like him just as much.

To prove his point, Trump singled out a single African-American supporter at his rally last week in California, telling the crowd to “look at my African-American.”

But the presumptive GOP nominee is now largely dropping this pretense and admitting that yes, his campaign is actually racist against certain groups of people.

Trump has been taking heat for going after the ethnic heritage of a federal judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is handling two lawsuits against Trump University. Former employees have called the for-profit school a “fraudulent scheme“ that “preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

Last week, Curiel ordered the release of embarrassing internal documents, which set off Trump’s anger. Trump called him a “hater” and said he believed the judge was “Mexican.”

Curiel was born in Indiana to parents who emigrated from Mexico.

Trump has stood by his criticism of Curiel, saying that because of his ethnicity, Curiel cannot be impartial.

“He’s a Mexican,” Trump said in a Friday CNN interview. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

In other words, Trump is admitting that he does indeed have a problem with “the Hispanics” — which goes against what he’s been saying in speeches for months.

More: Donald Trump Finally Admits His Campaign Is Racist

Trump is clearly a racist. His campaign rhetoric has been wreaking of racism since the beginning.

Nothing in your op supports your thread title.

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