Donald Trump Gives Free Fast Food to First Responders

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Say what you want about Trump when you aren't speaking politically and you'd more than likely be right. However, he still has a heart and I found this selfless act really heartwarming. ♥️

They deserved MacDonald?

What did they do wrong?

LOL it's the thought that counts not the food choice and McDonald's isn't that bad,.. their burgers are just crappy, but I love their chicken, fries, and shakes and blizzards. :D
Say what you want about Trump when you aren't speaking politically and you'd more than likely be right. However, he still has a heart and I found this selfless act really heartwarming. ♥️

What a guy!
Sneer all you want and yes there was a shameless element of campaigning to it, but it was thoughtfulness, kindness, plus providing much needed bottled water and cleaning supplies and concern to beleaguered residents which is 100% more than they got from the sitting President and/or his cabinet/staff.

From what I've read and heard in testimony from others, Trump does this kind of thing even when he isn't campaigning. He has received almost all negative publicity for it, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't care what the bitter, uncaring left thinks about it.

Buttigieg arrived 3 weeks late after being shamed into going, saw, got a few photo ops, and left leaving East Palestinians with nothing and even less assurance. But gets favorable press.
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At least he stepped up a bit unlike Rand Paul who was awful to 911 first responders.
If you look past his personality and look at what he actually does you'd see a solid president. He has great stats, but most people can't see past his ego and mouth.

Sure "it's just McDonald's" but he didn't even have to do that. There wasn't more favor for him to win by doing it. It didn't make anyone not like him suddenly like him. He went to where there was a problem when no one else in the current administration did and he did something extra for the people there with nothing to really gain for himself.

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