Donald Trump Has Destabilized The Entire Middle East

The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

No, Bush II did that.

Do try and keep up.
And when was the Middle East ever stable?
^ this

The US and UK started right after WWII with a coup in Iran, and it went on since then, and Israel declared itself a state in 1948, and then the Iranian Revolution, and the Iran Contra affair, the sanctions on Iraq, the Iraq war, and
here we are.

The Iraqis and Iranians never did anything, but we interfered in the countries.

our dear penny seems to imagine that world history begins when her
parents tied the knot
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

Good! If they are destabilized they will fight amongst themselves!
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.
/----/ Becuase the Middle East was always stable until Trump came along.
are you a moron.gif
The US and UK started right after WWII with a coup in Iran, and it went on since then, and Israel declared itself a state in 1948, and then the Iranian Revolution, and the Iran Contra affair, the sanctions on Iraq, the Iraq war, and
here we are.
The Iraqis and Iranians never did anything, but we interfered in the countries.
We made oil deals with Iran and Iraq and people in those countries screwed things up.
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Democrats would have. Argued at the time that while Bin Laden was behind many terrorist attacks, his presence was a stabilizing force in The Middle East. Democrats cry the loudest when Republicans take military action because it means Democrats are going to have to fight harder for attention.
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Democrats would have. Argued at the time that while Bin Laden was behind many terrorist attacks, his presence was a stabilizing force in The Middle East. Democrats cry the loudest when Republicans take military action because it means Democrats are going to have to fight harder for attention.

Wrong. It was Democrats that went after bin Laden, and killed him after Republicans let him go.

It was Democrats that argued it was foolish to go into Iraq, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who was a stabilizing force in the middle east at the time, and were proven right because Iran was kept in check by not being able to easily move militia forces into Syria as easily, and the no fly zone policy we had in effect was working perfectly.

And in comes another shit for brains Republican, and blows up the whole region, of which we are still paying for.

In comes Obama, ending the war in Iraq, brokering a deal with 7 other countries including Russia, and China, with Iran, which was also working just fine, with Iran militia forces actually working with American forces killing ISIS in Iraq and Syria, 3 years before dotard shows up, bows before a Muslim dictator in Turkey, abandons our allies the Kurds in Syria, ends the nuclear deal with Iran, and blows the whole region up again.

This is what Republicans call success in foreign policy. You would think Americans would have figured this out after watching Obama clean up 8 years of their fucking disasters in both domestic and foreign policy, but no Americans, a sizeable enough number of them anyway, are to fucking stupid to learn the lessons of the past, so we find ourselves right back in the middle of the Bush administration again.

George Carlin was right. Do not underestimate the stupidity of Americans in large numbers.
The US and UK started right after WWII with a coup in Iran, and it went on since then, and Israel declared itself a state in 1948, and then the Iranian Revolution, and the Iran Contra affair, the sanctions on Iraq, the Iraq war, and
here we are.
The Iraqis and Iranians never did anything, but we interfered in the countries.
We made oil deals with Iran and Iraq and people in those countries screwed things up.

No we did a coup in Iran and also a coup in Iraq, and the people didn't like it.
And when was the Middle East ever stable?

Prior to this:

“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

Have you ever read a book????
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Democrats would have. Argued at the time that while Bin Laden was behind many terrorist attacks, his presence was a stabilizing force in The Middle East. Democrats cry the loudest when Republicans take military action because it means Democrats are going to have to fight harder for attention.

Wrong. It was Democrats that went after bin Laden, and killed him after Republicans let him go.

It was Democrats that argued it was foolish to go into Iraq, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who was a stabilizing force in the middle east at the time, and were proven right because Iran was kept in check by not being able to easily move militia forces into Syria as easily, and the no fly zone policy we had in effect was working perfectly.

And in comes another shit for brains Republican, and blows up the whole region, of which we are still paying for.

In comes Obama, ending the war in Iraq, brokering a deal with 7 other countries including Russia, and China, with Iran, which was also working just fine, with Iran militia forces actually working with American forces killing ISIS in Iraq and Syria, 3 years before dotard shows up, bows before a Muslim dictator in Turkey, abandons our allies the Kurds in Syria, ends the nuclear deal with Iran, and blows the whole region up again.

This is what Republicans call success in foreign policy. You would think Americans would have figured this out after watching Obama clean up 8 years of their fucking disasters in both domestic and foreign policy, but no Americans, a sizeable enough number of them anyway, are to fucking stupid to learn the lessons of the past, so we find ourselves right back in the middle of the Bush administration again.

George Carlin was right. Do not underestimate the stupidity of Americans in large numbers.

Lie much?

  • 29 (58%) of 50 Democratic senators voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution were:
Sens. Baucus (D-MT), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Breaux (D-LA), Cantwell (D-WA), Carnahan (D-MO), Carper (D-DE), Cleland (D-GA), Clinton (D-NY), Daschle (D-SD), Dodd (D-CT), Dorgan (D-ND), Edwards (D-NC), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Hollings (D-SC), Johnson (D-SD), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Landrieu (D-LA), Lieberman (D-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), Miller (D-GA), Nelson (D-FL), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Rockefeller (D-WV), Schumer (D-NY), and Torricelli (D-NJ).}

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

I'm doing a crossword; What is an 8 letter word for "a shameless fucking liar?"

Oh yeah, d e m o c r a t
It was Obama and Hillary who instigated the bombing of Libya for basically no reason. And now the once stable and prosperous country is in total chaos and ruled by brutal warlords. ... :cuckoo:
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

The DailyKOS? An opinion piece from the DailyKOS? Is there a site further to the Left?

I'm sure there are others but it is the only large site I have encountered where other posters have the ability to join together and BAN a poster who expresses opposing views.
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

That an idiotic comment. How can one destabilize that which has never been stable in all of the recorded history of mankind. The only way to stabilize that region is to nuke the entirely of it and turn it into a big black crater of glass.
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Democrats would have. Argued at the time that while Bin Laden was behind many terrorist attacks, his presence was a stabilizing force in The Middle East. Democrats cry the loudest when Republicans take military action because it means Democrats are going to have to fight harder for attention.

Wrong. It was Democrats that went after bin Laden, and killed him after Republicans let him go.

It was Democrats that argued it was foolish to go into Iraq, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who was a stabilizing force in the middle east at the time, and were proven right because Iran was kept in check by not being able to easily move militia forces into Syria as easily, and the no fly zone policy we had in effect was working perfectly.

And in comes another shit for brains Republican, and blows up the whole region, of which we are still paying for.

In comes Obama, ending the war in Iraq, brokering a deal with 7 other countries including Russia, and China, with Iran, which was also working just fine, with Iran militia forces actually working with American forces killing ISIS in Iraq and Syria, 3 years before dotard shows up, bows before a Muslim dictator in Turkey, abandons our allies the Kurds in Syria, ends the nuclear deal with Iran, and blows the whole region up again.

This is what Republicans call success in foreign policy. You would think Americans would have figured this out after watching Obama clean up 8 years of their fucking disasters in both domestic and foreign policy, but no Americans, a sizeable enough number of them anyway, are to fucking stupid to learn the lessons of the past, so we find ourselves right back in the middle of the Bush administration again.

George Carlin was right. Do not underestimate the stupidity of Americans in large numbers.

Lie much?

  • 29 (58%) of 50 Democratic senators voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution were:
Sens. Baucus (D-MT), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Breaux (D-LA), Cantwell (D-WA), Carnahan (D-MO), Carper (D-DE), Cleland (D-GA), Clinton (D-NY), Daschle (D-SD), Dodd (D-CT), Dorgan (D-ND), Edwards (D-NC), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Hollings (D-SC), Johnson (D-SD), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Landrieu (D-LA), Lieberman (D-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), Miller (D-GA), Nelson (D-FL), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Rockefeller (D-WV), Schumer (D-NY), and Torricelli (D-NJ).}

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

I'm doing a crossword; What is an 8 letter word for "a shameless fucking liar?"

Oh yeah, d e m o c r a t

And every one of them admitted they were wrong, and made a bad decision based on Bush's lies. Even most Republicans now admit they were wrong.

Try again dipshit.
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Democrats would have. Argued at the time that while Bin Laden was behind many terrorist attacks, his presence was a stabilizing force in The Middle East. Democrats cry the loudest when Republicans take military action because it means Democrats are going to have to fight harder for attention.

Wrong. It was Democrats that went after bin Laden, and killed him after Republicans let him go.

It was Democrats that argued it was foolish to go into Iraq, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who was a stabilizing force in the middle east at the time, and were proven right because Iran was kept in check by not being able to easily move militia forces into Syria as easily, and the no fly zone policy we had in effect was working perfectly.

And in comes another shit for brains Republican, and blows up the whole region, of which we are still paying for.

In comes Obama, ending the war in Iraq, brokering a deal with 7 other countries including Russia, and China, with Iran, which was also working just fine, with Iran militia forces actually working with American forces killing ISIS in Iraq and Syria, 3 years before dotard shows up, bows before a Muslim dictator in Turkey, abandons our allies the Kurds in Syria, ends the nuclear deal with Iran, and blows the whole region up again.

This is what Republicans call success in foreign policy. You would think Americans would have figured this out after watching Obama clean up 8 years of their fucking disasters in both domestic and foreign policy, but no Americans, a sizeable enough number of them anyway, are to fucking stupid to learn the lessons of the past, so we find ourselves right back in the middle of the Bush administration again.

George Carlin was right. Do not underestimate the stupidity of Americans in large numbers.

Lie much?

  • 29 (58%) of 50 Democratic senators voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution were:
Sens. Baucus (D-MT), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Breaux (D-LA), Cantwell (D-WA), Carnahan (D-MO), Carper (D-DE), Cleland (D-GA), Clinton (D-NY), Daschle (D-SD), Dodd (D-CT), Dorgan (D-ND), Edwards (D-NC), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Hollings (D-SC), Johnson (D-SD), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Landrieu (D-LA), Lieberman (D-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), Miller (D-GA), Nelson (D-FL), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Rockefeller (D-WV), Schumer (D-NY), and Torricelli (D-NJ).}

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 - Wikipedia

I'm doing a crossword; What is an 8 letter word for "a shameless fucking liar?"

Oh yeah, d e m o c r a t

And every one of them admitted they were wrong, and made a bad decision based on Bush's lies. Even most Republicans now admit they were wrong.

Try again dipshit.

The day they started talking about war with Iraq, I said they had the wrong target, the real enemy is to the east, But not Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, or Dick Durban, they were leading the charge against Saddam.

Obama handed Iraq to his masters in Iran, but that certainly didn't end the war. Obama vastly expanded the war into Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, as he unleashed his ISIS hoards on the world.
That an idiotic comment. How can one destabilize that which has never been stable in all of the recorded history of mankind. The only way to stabilize that region is to nuke the entirely of it and turn it into a big black crater of glass.

The problem in the Middle East is Islam. We all know it. Islam is a cancer that destroys cultures and civilizations leaving behind a malignancy.

To make the Middle East into a decent place, one would need to destroy the cancer hat is Islam, but how? It's not like we could kill their god Muhammad or his little pet demon Allah. Or could we? The demon Allah is a djin from the Mesopotamian parthenon. We know where this djin supposedly resides, in an idol called the "black stone" or "phallic stone," which is in the Kaaba in Mecca. .

Here is Allah;


Looks like a clitorus, doesn't he?

The Muzzie Beasts worship the idol and bow to it;


World wide, when Muzzie Beasts pray to Mecca, it is the idol they are worshipping.

So, destroy the idol and you destroy the djin. What sort of god is this Muhammad if he can't even protect his demon Allah and the idol it lives in? One low yield nuke in Mecca to blast the idol out of existence and Islam is over.

Oh, you might get a few stragglers, but kowtowing to an irradiated crater doesn't have the same appeal as praying to an idol that supposedly houses a djin.

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