Donald Trump Has Destabilized The Entire Middle East

The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

Yep, the Bush and Trump* clusterfucks have set us back decades in the Middle East.
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.
The Middle East routinely blows-up, re-congeals, then swells and blows-up again... it's been that way since the founding of Islam.
Duh.......America and Israel working together destabilized the Middle East decades ago. .... :cool:

Muhammed ( Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him ) destabilized the region 1300 years ago... the place has been a tinderbox ever since.
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.
It's a shame for a region that has long been noted for it's peace and stability
The fact some think the Middle East was actually stable at one time is funny as hell.

That's cute. Disconnected, but cute. You know how the sanctions were supposed to turn the Iranian people against the leadership?


In cities across Iran, tens of thousands packed the streets to mourn Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani. Black-clad women and men beat their chests and clutched photos of him. A black flag went up on the golden dome of Imam Reza shrine in the city of Mashhad, one of the holiest sites of Shiite Islam.
Just a few weeks earlier, the streets were filled with protesters angry with their leaders over the flailing economy and the country’s international isolation.

But at least for now, Iran is united — in anger at the United States.

Iranians Close Ranks Behind Leaders After U.S. Kills Popular General
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

The ME has not been 'stable' for many decades. Democrat Presidents have a history of destabilization actions in that area. Now, when Trump takes out the guy most responsible for destabilization and killing, the squawking idiot lefties shit their pants and try to blame Trump for the very same think they themselves have been doing for decades. What a bunch of stinking TDSers. They don't care about anything but their hatred of one man and everyone else be damned. .
The fact some think the Middle East was actually stable at one time is funny as hell.

That's cute. Disconnected, but cute. You know how the sanctions were supposed to turn the Iranian people against the leadership?


In cities across Iran, tens of thousands packed the streets to mourn Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani. Black-clad women and men beat their chests and clutched photos of him. A black flag went up on the golden dome of Imam Reza shrine in the city of Mashhad, one of the holiest sites of Shiite Islam.
Just a few weeks earlier, the streets were filled with protesters angry with their leaders over the flailing economy and the country’s international isolation.

But at least for now, Iran is united — in anger at the United States.

Iranians Close Ranks Behind Leaders After U.S. Kills Popular General

If you think those mourners represent the Iranian population you are a big sucker and an anti-American to boot. I don't understand why they even needed a coffin, his remains could have been put in a teacup....:dunno:
The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

Good! If they are destabilized they will fight amongst themselves!

9/11 said differently.
Bin Laden was very clear about 9-11. Fighting among themselves was not part of it.

Right. Westwall is dreaming.
The fact some think the Middle East was actually stable at one time is funny as hell.

That's cute. Disconnected, but cute. You know how the sanctions were supposed to turn the Iranian people against the leadership?


In cities across Iran, tens of thousands packed the streets to mourn Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani. Black-clad women and men beat their chests and clutched photos of him. A black flag went up on the golden dome of Imam Reza shrine in the city of Mashhad, one of the holiest sites of Shiite Islam.
Just a few weeks earlier, the streets were filled with protesters angry with their leaders over the flailing economy and the country’s international isolation.

But at least for now, Iran is united — in anger at the United States.

Iranians Close Ranks Behind Leaders After U.S. Kills Popular General
You calling someone else disconnected is what's cute you go take your TDS ramblings to someone who cares. Most likely the voices in your head.
Trump* will be wagging the war dog until Election Day. Now he can really play soldier - from the comfort and safety of the White House.

The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.
Trump hasn't that happened with whatever zionist puppet was installed in the White House probably in the 60's or 70's. Johnson sure kissed Israel's ass.
Trump* will be wagging the war dog until Election Day. Now he can really play soldier - from the comfort and safety of the White House.


Trump did the exact right thing, and now will not only win in 2020, but I wouldn't be surprised if the house, and senate had 60 percent majorities of republicans...You guys really screwed up....Now you're gonna pay.
The daily kos? WTF is that?

Why don't you just put up Al-Jazeera's policies?

The only good terrorists are dead terrorists.

Imagine the reaction of the democrats if Bush had killed bin Laden before 9-11.

Oh, you don't have to - look at the democrats reaction to the loss of their man Soleimani.

Junior probably could have killed binny - But he took his eye off the ball and "truly wasn't concerned" ...

We know Billy Blue Balls could have, but had better things to do.

“I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden ... He’s a very smart guy. I spent a lot of time thinking about him. And I nearly got him once,” Clinton said in the audio recording from the meeting, according to a Sky News Australia report this week.

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.”

“And so I didn’t do it,” the former commander in chief says.

Hours after Clinton spoke of his role in the 1998 decision to not attempt to kill Bin Laden, the 2001 terror attack was underway in the United States.}
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998

But if Bush had, y'all Communists would have shit yourselves in anger as you have with Soleimani. Turns out Israel was going to kill Obama's terrorist boi toy but Barry tipped the terrorist off.

{The report says Israel was "on the verge" of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general.}

Report: U.S. gives Israel green light to assassinate Iranian General Soleimani

That's Obama, on the side of terrorism 100% of the time.
Like Trump, his supporters have no idea what they’re talking about.

The narrative of Trump’s foreign policy does not begin or end with Iran. It does not begin or end with his unilateral decision to target Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

When it comes to the US’s involvement in the affairs of the Middle East, there are very few smart choices. Yet Trump has managed to make nearly every single bad one.

Donald Trump Has Destabilized the Entire Middle East

Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh new year, is there? Change is in the air, hope is ascendant, the possibilities seem limitless...of course we all knew President Crotchrot would find a way to fuck everything up before too long, but could he truly not last three fucking days? Fucking of course not, and I was naive to even ask.

It gets easier by the minute to identify hopelessness on the Liberal Left, understand how low you have to go not to see the obvious truth in President Trumps actions on Iran...I just don’t remember there being this many imbeciles after 9/11, where is the source for this stupidity?

It's not stupidity, the democrats are on the other side,

We have to face reality, democrats are the enemy of America.

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