Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity'

Yahooooooooo ^ | 6 hours ago | Business Insider By Maxwell Tani Donald Trump claimed Sunday that Hillary Clinton "killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity" with her decisions as secretary of state, seemingly shocking his interviewer. In a "Fox News Sunday" interview, Trump said Clinton and President Barack Obama's foreign-policy decisions in Africa and the Middle East resulted in the deaths of "hundreds of thousands" of people. "She is the one that caused all this problem with her stupid policies. You look at what she did with Libya, what she did with Syria. Look at Egypt, what happened with Egypt, a total mess." "She was truly — if not.
Trump's the one showing stupidity. He seems to think he's still on reality show where situations have to get more and more outlandish to keep the public interested. Prediction: He "jumps the shark" long before the primaries are over.
You have been gone for almost eight months.

Glad you are back for the campaign.
Hillary Owns The War In Libya (And Its Aftermath)
Oct 22, 2015 - Can Hillary Clinton explain how the Libya intervention was success? ... So beyond any facts surrounding the American deaths in Benghazi, the blatant lying ... There are mass collective punishments as tens of thousands of political ... but she certainly is responsible for America's role in the whole mess
And top ISIL recruiter Jihadi Don Trump wants to make that number look like chump change.
By kicking terrorists' asses and defending American lives...

It's a bad day in "Liberal Land", isn't it????
Jihadi Don Trump is the top ISIL recruiter of terrorists to kill Americans to get his poll numbers up.
A great day in "CON$ervoFascist Land"
Only if the Americans are Muslims that want to sign up with ISIS as bomb-catchers....

So when do you go to work where we can get your worthless ass off welfare and food stamps???
Notice how the Jihadi Trump lovers assume everyone is as lazy as them!

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