Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Lacks 'Mental & Physical' Stamina To Fight ISIS (Silence From Hillary)

Trump doesn't have the mental or physical stamina to fight a crying baby or Megan Kelly. And the fight between him and his hair is a toss up at best.
Doesn't say much either when a spouse won't stand up to her adulterating ass husband either.
Hillary will be to Isis, Russia, BLM, etc, etc, etc.
What FDR was to Stalin.
Look at FDR. Put Hillary in there next.
Makes ya wanna puke that this is what americans want.

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Sharing Information Related to Mental Health

You know you could just have google it or bing it...
i wanted you to answer....and someone has to do the i said i have never had a mental evaluation,has trump?....have you?...

I am sure Trump has had one seeing he has been through divorces and lawsuits in the past, and yes I have had evaluations done on me before...
so if you have had a few divorces and lawsuits you go see a Psychiatrist?...if you say so.....

Try again and stop excusing Donald John Trump and the stupidity of his fucking supporters. I tire of you trying to twist this as something I know nothing about and if you believe Trump has no mental records from being a CEO of his company then you are naive or just trying to play ignorant with me.

You claim you never had a psych evaluation but I bet you have and you do not even want to admit it because you're too ignorant to know it!

So please keep on defending the stupidity of Steve " The fucking racist " McGarrett and asking me questions you can google yourself because all you are attempting to do is play gotcha with me and you should fucking know better you moronic ass!
You must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.
Star Trek: The Voyage Home.
Sharing Information Related to Mental Health

You know you could just have google it or bing it...
i wanted you to answer....and someone has to do the i said i have never had a mental evaluation,has trump?....have you?...

I am sure Trump has had one seeing he has been through divorces and lawsuits in the past, and yes I have had evaluations done on me before...
so if you have had a few divorces and lawsuits you go see a Psychiatrist?...if you say so.....

Try again and stop excusing Donald John Trump and the stupidity of his fucking supporters. I tire of you trying to twist this as something I know nothing about and if you believe Trump has no mental records from being a CEO of his company then you are naive or just trying to play ignorant with me.

You claim you never had a psych evaluation but I bet you have and you do not even want to admit it because you're too ignorant to know it!

So please keep on defending the stupidity of Steve " The fucking racist " McGarrett and asking me questions you can google yourself because all you are attempting to do is play gotcha with me and you should fucking know better you moronic ass!
You must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.

When I take advice from a retard like you is the day I start believing Trump will win!
Sharing Information Related to Mental Health

You know you could just have google it or bing it...
i wanted you to answer....and someone has to do the i said i have never had a mental evaluation,has trump?....have you?...

I am sure Trump has had one seeing he has been through divorces and lawsuits in the past, and yes I have had evaluations done on me before...
so if you have had a few divorces and lawsuits you go see a Psychiatrist?...if you say so.....

Try again and stop excusing Donald John Trump and the stupidity of his fucking supporters. I tire of you trying to twist this as something I know nothing about and if you believe Trump has no mental records from being a CEO of his company then you are naive or just trying to play ignorant with me.

You claim you never had a psych evaluation but I bet you have and you do not even want to admit it because you're too ignorant to know it!

So please keep on defending the stupidity of Steve " The fucking racist " McGarrett and asking me questions you can google yourself because all you are attempting to do is play gotcha with me and you should fucking know better you moronic ass!
whats the matter brucie you cant talk about things without getting pissed?....maybe you do need some help.....go see Dr. Vinnie sure he can help........

Typical nonsense from Trump supporters that believe it is perfectly fine to call into question about Clinton physical and mental health but then get upset when someone request the same thing about your boy Donald John Trump...

Why don't you admit you're a trolling joke that support the nonsense of racists like Steve McGarrett and believe Donald John Trump is the white savior that will lead America back to greatness but let me ask when did America start sucking?

That's right when someone that was not white became President, and you are so typical as the racist whore of OP!

Clinton is younger than Donald John Trump and maybe Donald John Trump need to release his mental health records because from what I have seen so far he is not sane at all!
dayum, did you think that all up by yurself.

Wow, and as you suckle off the OP nonsense let me ask you will you require Donald John Trump to release all of his medical records including the mental health part or will you claim it matter not because he is as sane as you which mean he's a fucking retard?
i wanted you to answer....and someone has to do the i said i have never had a mental evaluation,has trump?....have you?...

I am sure Trump has had one seeing he has been through divorces and lawsuits in the past, and yes I have had evaluations done on me before...
so if you have had a few divorces and lawsuits you go see a Psychiatrist?...if you say so.....

Try again and stop excusing Donald John Trump and the stupidity of his fucking supporters. I tire of you trying to twist this as something I know nothing about and if you believe Trump has no mental records from being a CEO of his company then you are naive or just trying to play ignorant with me.

You claim you never had a psych evaluation but I bet you have and you do not even want to admit it because you're too ignorant to know it!

So please keep on defending the stupidity of Steve " The fucking racist " McGarrett and asking me questions you can google yourself because all you are attempting to do is play gotcha with me and you should fucking know better you moronic ass!
You must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.
Star Trek: The Voyage Home.
Actually it's The Wrath Of Khan when McCoy became unhinged, like Bruce T. Laney.
Donald John Trump and those that are voting for him are pathetic as can be!

Idiots like the op'er and those that support the childish nonsense that Hillary Clinton should release her medical records are now offended that I am requesting that Donald John Trump release his mental health records.

Donald John Trump supporters believe he has never went under any form of evaluation and if he did they will explain that it is none of anyone business when it come to Donald John Trump mental status.

In fact they will mock anyone calling into question Donald John Trump mental state and claim Donald John Trump is sane, but the reality is he's nuts just like the damn OP'er and those that are willing to waste their vote on that loser ( Donald John Trump ).

I mean it is like the same idiots complaining about Bill Clinton adultery while ignoring the damn fact that Donald John Trump has been married three times and sired at least one child out of wedlock!

Then the same individuals will write about Hillary Clinton guilt of crimes while ignoring the reality that Donald John Trump very own company has been sued by the United States Government and lost when it come to discrimination!

These are the same individuals that once whined about how President Obama lacked the dam experience to be President and Donald John Trump has never held an elected office and let be really honest the only thing Donald John Trump has been good for is bankrupting his own companies so he can cheat contractors out of paying them in full what he first agreed on!

Finally, anyone that believe Donald John Trump is sane should remember the vile attacks he committed on Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family. I mean can anyone that is not a racist piece of filth honestly tell me what he called Cruz was not racist?

Canadian Anchor Baby?

Then insulting Ted Cruz mother, father and wife?

So damn right I want Donald John Trump mental health records if those like the OP is demanding Clinton health records because America need to know if the person they're electing is mentally stable but of course those voting for Trump already know he is not and that is why they laugh at the idea of requiring Trump releasing any records that will hurt him even further!

Trump is insane and so are those voting for him and the OP'er is a known racist that would vote for Lucifer as long as Lucifer tell him that Whites will be forever in charge and no Hillary Clinton is not Lucifer but it is rumor she is the bitch hound of the Devil!
Can anyone just picture Hillary laying along side Jabba the Hutt in the same skimpy outfit Princess Lay Her wore?
Hillary will be to Isis, Russia, BLM, etc, etc, etc.
What FDR was to Stalin.
Look at FDR. Put Hillary in there next.
Makes ya wanna puke that this is what americans want.


It is Trump who is buddy/buddy with Putin
Mrs. Clinton doesn't need to respond to Mr. Trump's attacks. It is as one campaign official said, what is normally following crumbs in any other election, is a fire hose with Trump. "He can set himself on fire at breakfast, kill a nun at lunch and waterboard a puppy in the afternoon. And that doesn't even get us to prime time". If I was Mrs. Clinton, I would ignore him, too, and let him feed himself to the piranhas.
Mrs. Clinton doesn't need to respond to Mr. Trump's attacks. It is as one campaign official said, what is normally following crumbs in any other election, is a fire hose with Trump. "He can set himself on fire at breakfast, kill a nun at lunch and waterboard a puppy in the afternoon. And that doesn't even get us to prime time". If I was Mrs. Clinton, I would ignore him, too, and let him feed himself to the piranhas.
She can't...
Mrs. Clinton doesn't need to respond to Mr. Trump's attacks. It is as one campaign official said, what is normally following crumbs in any other election, is a fire hose with Trump. "He can set himself on fire at breakfast, kill a nun at lunch and waterboard a puppy in the afternoon. And that doesn't even get us to prime time". If I was Mrs. Clinton, I would ignore him, too, and let him feed himself to the piranhas.
She can't...

because she is resting


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