Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Lacks 'Mental & Physical' Stamina To Fight ISIS (Silence From Hillary)

i wanted you to answer....and someone has to do the i said i have never had a mental evaluation,has trump?....have you?...

I am sure Trump has had one seeing he has been through divorces and lawsuits in the past, and yes I have had evaluations done on me before...
so if you have had a few divorces and lawsuits you go see a Psychiatrist?...if you say so.....

Try again and stop excusing Donald John Trump and the stupidity of his fucking supporters. I tire of you trying to twist this as something I know nothing about and if you believe Trump has no mental records from being a CEO of his company then you are naive or just trying to play ignorant with me.

You claim you never had a psych evaluation but I bet you have and you do not even want to admit it because you're too ignorant to know it!

So please keep on defending the stupidity of Steve " The fucking racist " McGarrett and asking me questions you can google yourself because all you are attempting to do is play gotcha with me and you should fucking know better you moronic ass!
whats the matter brucie you cant talk about things without getting pissed?....maybe you do need some help.....go see Dr. Vinnie sure he can help........

Typical nonsense from Trump supporters that believe it is perfectly fine to call into question about Clinton physical and mental health but then get upset when someone request the same thing about your boy Donald John Trump...

Why don't you admit you're a trolling joke that support the nonsense of racists like Steve McGarrett and believe Donald John Trump is the white savior that will lead America back to greatness but let me ask when did America start sucking?

That's right when someone that was not white became President, and you are so typical as the racist whore of OP!
oh wait a think i support that dipshit trump.....hold on....
....apparently you dont read any posts about those you have opinions of brucie....and why dont you show me a post of mine were i ever said anything about obama being black,i have 50,000 of them should be easy right?....and you wonder why so many here consider you a dipshit?...
Hillary will be to Isis, Russia, BLM, etc, etc, etc.
What FDR was to Stalin.
Look at FDR. Put Hillary in there next.
Makes ya wanna puke that this is what americans want.


It is Trump who is buddy/buddy with Putin
Romney owned you boy on the cold war with Russia and the reset button makes your post look like a fool
And now we learn obama is giving Russia classified information in it's fight with Syria over the objections of the pentagon.
And you say Trump is the enemy????
Hillary will be to Isis, Russia, BLM, etc, etc, etc.
What FDR was to Stalin.
Look at FDR. Put Hillary in there next.
Makes ya wanna puke that this is what americans want.


It is Trump who is buddy/buddy with Putin
Romney owned you boy on the cold war with Russia and the reset button makes your post look like a fool
And now we learn obama is giving Russia classified information in it's fight with Syria over the objections of the pentagon.
And you say Trump is the enemy????

Trumps right hand man has accepted cash from Putin. Ivanka Trump is currently on vacation with Putins girlfriend. Trump has openly admired Putin and made excuses for him. He has even offered to turn Crimea over to the Russians
Seems Donny Sniffles lacks the stamina as Hillary laughs and mocks him while Donny whines about his mic and unfair moderators
Why does it take Trump so long to get over a case of the sniffles? Usually takes me a day or two, Trump has been sniffling for weeks

Sounds like a bad case of Sniffelitis. I worked with a guy who had it and he died within six months. It would be risky to elect Trump with his acute Sniffelitis
I worked with a guy in the late 90's who developed acute Sniffelitis wasn't pretty

We started to notice his skin took on this odd orange tone
Then the constant sniffling started. He would sniffle every time he lied
Then for some reason, he had an irresistible urge to fondle women against their will
It proceeded to incontinence and explosive diarrhea
Wasn't pretty...the guy was dead in six months

Don't think we can vote for Trump at this time
Donny Sniffles could never last as President

Oldest President ever
Fattest in a hundred years
Acute Sniffelitis

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