Donald Trump: 'I Would Love Sarah Palin In My Cabinet"

I guess that's why moochelle demanded so many lesbians advise her moron.
Yo, the Puppet`s didn`t like Trumps pick? I say get Ann Coulter in there too, she will have those America Haters reeling!!!

Let's see...

Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Vladimir Putin,

Trump will have quite a cabinet
lol, that would be sweet revenge. and many on the lefts HEADS exploding. I'd pay him to do it just for that. KABOOOOOOIOOM
Lol, we'd get to see ^^^^^^would be running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

more than they do now

oh please Donald do it do it do it
After Glen Rice, I doubt Sarah would be interested in Trump's little white dick.
This would be the leftie chickens with their heads cut off:

no no no no no no no no

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