Donald Trump: 'I Would Love Sarah Palin In My Cabinet"

Haahahaha, Palin. The dumbest no-talent in the country.

Here is Trump's cabinet on day one...the part of Palin is played by Slippery Peet.

Not only is Palin a total dumb fuck and whore she's a 1/2 term governor because she's a quitter.
He's got to keep getting more and more outrageous to stay in front.
Trump just fucked himself. He pulled a McCain. Now watch him drop in the polls since he claims he wants Palin.
Palin will sink any new ship fixing to sail. Trumps boat just sunk before it even made it out of the harbor. At least, it did with me.

oh good grief. she can't be ANY worse that career Politician Buffoon Biden. at least she was Governor of a state what has Biden been?
A U.S. Senator from 1973 to 2009....and didn't quit once.

A case of the uncloseted pedophile....just LOOK at that mothers face as Uncle Joe, the pedo, comes nearer and nearer her daughter!

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Palin would be good pick for his cabinet. If he makes it to the WH.

She's more able than most of Barry's cabinet members ever were.

Of course he has to be POTUS for that to happen and only time will tell on that.
Trump is interesting to watch. He has the ding bat far reactionary right in his pocket. I am waiting to see him start moving to the center. He is single payer in matters of health care policy.

Sarah-as-cabinet-member is merely chum to the right wing: would never happen.

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