Donald Trump is a Master Negotiator


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The lesson which most liberals have never learned is that, when negotiating, you always ask for more than you are willing to settle for. That way, you can "compromise" and still get what you want.

Two excellent examples of Trump's brilliance in negotiating are his statements about illegal immigration and the Muslim refugee problem. In the former instance, his initial proposal to deport 10+ million people would allow him to accept a compromise of much stricter border enforcement and screening of these people.

Similarly, his recent statement about banning Muslims from entering the U.S. is a way to call attention to and force a much more rigorous vetting process in order to prevent terrorist sympathizers from entering the country through otherwise legal means.

Compare this approach to that of President Obama's "negotiations" with Iran, where he meekly accepted nearly all of their demands while getting little or nothing in return. Who would you rather have negotiating on behalf of the United States?
The lesson which most liberals have never learned is that, when negotiating, you always ask for more than you are willing to settle for. That way, you can "compromise" and still get what you want

given that you've never been in a position to negotiate anything, that's partially correct. but you cannot ask for so much that you look like an idiot... or push other people's backs against the wall because then you get nothing. there's an old saying, little pigs get fed, big pigs get slaughtered".

you, of course, wouldn't know that and actually take this guy seriously.

btw, how well did trump negotiate when he screwed his vendors by declaring bankruptcy four times. (and yes, we know that it was the corporate entities that declared bankruptcy and not trump personally... but don't you idiots think corporations are people?
The lesson which most liberals have never learned is that, when negotiating, you always ask for more than you are willing to settle for. That way, you can "compromise" and still get what you want

given that you've never been in a position to negotiate anything, that's partially correct. but you cannot ask for so much that you look like an idiot... or push other people's backs against the wall because then you get nothing. there's an old saying, little pigs get fed, big pigs get slaughtered".

you, of course, wouldn't know that and actually take this guy seriously.

btw, how well did trump negotiate when he screwed his vendors by declaring bankruptcy four times. (and yes, we know that it was the corporate entities that declared bankruptcy and not trump personally... but don't you idiots think corporations are people?

First, you should learn how to use the Reply feature.

Secondly, I have negotiated more settlements than you can count to.

Third, bankruptcy is a perfectly legitimate way of disposing of a failed enterprise. (Your faux outrage notwithstanding...)

As for old sayings, how about "nothing ventured, nothing gained" and "when you borrow $1,000, the bank is your creditor; when you borrow $1,000,000, the bank is your partner."

It is YOU who knows nothing about corporate finance (why am I not surprised?). INVESTORS put their money AT RISK in order to obtain a HIGHER RETURN.

Do you have any evidence that Trump defrauded investors in these few instances? If not, please go back and complete your GED before responding.

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