Donald Trump is EASILY the most influential and productive president in modern times.

My issue is that the current court cloaks their judicial activism under the guise of "originalism".
You argue the Constitution can be interpreted however some court feels like interpreting it.
Give that, how is their version of "originalsim" an invalid metric?
But like Heller, this overturning of Roe v. Wade utilizes an extraordinary denial of stare decisis....
1: Heller did not overturn any previous court ruling
2: Alijto's opinion makes it clear stare decisis isn't applicable.
combined with real historical revisionism to claim that the right to an abortion was never a part of American society. To do that they have to totally ignore Colonial America or even the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Instead, they skip to the middle of the 19th century as if that was when the Constitution was written.
And so, as I said:
You just don't like the decisions.
And you will rue the day. That I can promise you. The SCOTUS is not the "Trump court". Now it is the court of the Federalist Society. Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and maybe even Roberts. They are coming for you. Those judges have no allegiance to this country, most certainly not the Constitution. They have an allegiance to the Federalist Society, period.

Long protected rights are going to be shed. Abortion is just the beginning. We will move to a police state as Miranda rights are abolished, search and seizures will become the norm, assumed innocent will fall by the wayside and within a decade criminals will be assumed guilty and will have to "prove" their innocence.

Elections will become a farce. Gerrymandering will become the norm and whole swaths of the population will find their voices silenced. Voting rights will be eliminated, voting rolls will be purged, voter ID laws will become even more strict and in the end, you will have to pay to play.

Life expectancies will continue to decline. For the first time in American history the next generation will be poorer than the previous generation, except for the privileged few. One of the founding concepts of the Federalist society can be found in Proverbs. The wealth of the rich is their fortress, the poverty of the poor their calamity. The fortress will be enhanced, the calamity will become entrenched. Social mobility in this country will all but evaporate.

The American dream is dead. American exceptionalism is officially over. No worries about immigration within a decade, no fool would want to come to what will then be a third world country. The natural beauty that has always been America's calling card will be turned into a cesspool. Whole mountains will be clearcut, sewage will flow freely into our lakes and rivers, and the quality of our air will be worse than China.

When we contemplate the fall of empires & the extinction of the nations of the Ancient World, we see but little to excite our regret than the mouldering ruins of pompous palaces, magnificent museums, lofty pyramids and walls and towers of the most costly workmanship; but when the empire of America shall fall, the subject for contemplative sorrow will be infinitely greater than crumbling brass and marble can inspire. It will not then be said, here stood a temple of vast antiquity; here rose a babel of invisible height; or there a palace of sumptuous extravagance; but here, Ah, painful thought! the noblest work of human wisdom, the grandest scene of human glory, the fair cause of Freedom rose and fell.

Thomas Paine's letter to Washington rings true. You, and the unintelligent totally gullible, and useful idiots like you, bear the burden of destroying this Republic. You have been manipulated, conned, and lied to and for your own selfish reasons you have refused to realize it. But mark my words, one day, in the very near future, you will finally understand. And like I said in the beginning, you will rue the day.
The American dream isn't dead. I'm living it right now.
It may require a bit more effort now but it is still achievable with hard work and determination.
His SCUTUS picks alone are changing the face of our nation for the better and fully exposing the radical left for who they are.
Trump is the best President in my life time and I was born when Harry Truman was President.

That is saying a lot since Reagan is runner up.

The Democrat filth hated him for four reasons:

1. He was successful and undid a lot of the damage they had done

2. He did not advance the left's agenda of making this country a Socialist shithole.

3. He put America's interest first. That really piss off the Democrat scumbags.

4. He wasn't part of the Swamp and couldn't be bought.

They had to get rid of him and when their Russia bullshit and impeachment crap didn't work they outright stole an election.

Now they are having this dishonest committee meeting design to hurt him more because they are afraid of him.

Democrats are pretty much the scum of this country and how they tried to destroy Trump with their coup is absolutely disgusting.
The Democrat filth hated him for four reasons:
You forgot the most important reason of all.

I will admit that Trump's four years met and wildly exceeded the Republicans' hopes for Supreme Court nominations.

I would argue, however, that almost any other Republican in his seat would have nominated the same or similar three Justices. Supreme Court Justices are seated more to luck than anything else, except of course that Mitch McConnell successfully finagled the system to get Gorsuch's seat, then arguably a second time to fast-track Barrett's. Maybe he's the one you should send the thank-you cards to.
No, I believe the founders created a living document in the Constitution. I in no way believe that those founders, in the stifling heat that was the summer of 1787, wearing wigs and long sleeves and sweating like a whore in church, were so self-absorbed that they thought they were creating an immutable document to mandate how society evolved over hundreds of years.

I am educated enough, especially when it comes to American history, to realize that this whole "originalism" movement within the Supreme Court is sheer horseshit. The historical revisionism within many of the court's recent rulings a clear demonstration that "originalism" is merely a cover for extreme judicial activism. These federalist society judges don't respect the rule of law, they don't seek to evaluate legal concepts. They have an agenda and they mold their decisions to fit that agenda, period.
There have been many extremists Prog judges in lower courts that have put their two cents into political decisions. We have lost rights over the last half century. You are blinded by social justice rights.
His SCUTUS picks alone are changing the face of our nation for the better and fully exposing the radical left for who they are.
What is appalling, more than anything else, is their absolute, total, and complete abuse of power in witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt investigations in order to get a person they do not like. That is not a democracy when one party can take a person and purposely do everything in their abuse of power to find any evidence anywhere to destroy that person. They target the person first and then try finding evidence later. It's sort of like Nazi Germany. To hell with the country's laws. We are in power and we have the power to destroy anyone we don't like.
The American dream isn't dead. I'm living it right now.
It may require a bit more effort now but it is still achievable with hard work and determination.
The problem is not you, the problem is your children. Will they be better off than you? Odds are, probably not. Life expectancies are declining, social mobility has all but evaporated, and yes, for the first time in the history of this nation the next generation is not going to be better off than the last. A stunning condemnation of the self-absorbed greedy ass boomers who can't leave this earth soon enough as far as I am concerned.
What is appalling, more than anything else, is their absolute, total, and complete abuse of power in witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt investigations in order to get a person they do not like. That is not a democracy when one party can take a person and purposely do everything in their abuse of power to find any evidence anywhere to destroy that person. They target the person first and then try finding evidence later. It's sort of like Nazi Germany. To hell with the country's laws. We are in power and we have the power to destroy anyone we don't like.
I am sick and tired of you people falling for Trump's victim card. No one is "targeting" Trump. He is not a "victim", he is the one that deals out victims. He has the distinction of being the only president in the history of this country that had a member of his own party vote for his impeachment, and he managed to accomplish that twice. How many millions of dollars has he paid in fines, rather it was his fake ass realty school or his scam of a charity. He is a proven liar, a con artist of the highest degree. I mean this scumbag leaves contractors holding the bag, refusing to pay them by utilizing really tired excuses. I don't see how anyone can respect him because have no doubt, he respects no one.
The problem is not you, the problem is your children. Will they be better off than you? Odds are, probably not. Life expectancies are declining, social mobility has all but evaporated, and yes, for the first time in the history of this nation the next generation is not going to be better off than the last. A stunning condemnation of the self-absorbed greedy ass boomers who can't leave this earth soon enough as far as I am concerned.
My children's success will easily surpass mine if they just continue to apply themselves. My oldest will take over my remodeling business if she chooses and my youngest works in the medical field.
Short of societal collapse or their own stupidity they will both be fine.
I am sick and tired of you people falling for Trump's victim card. No one is "targeting" Trump. He is not a "victim", he is the one that deals out victims. He has the distinction of being the only president in the history of this country that had a member of his own party vote for his impeachment, and he managed to accomplish that twice. How many millions of dollars has he paid in fines, rather it was his fake ass realty school or his scam of a charity. He is a proven liar, a con artist of the highest degree. I mean this scumbag leaves contractors holding the bag, refusing to pay them by utilizing really tired excuses. I don't see how anyone can respect him because have no doubt, he respects no one.
Of course they are targeting Trump. They have been before he was even sworn into office.
Trump's actions make him a target, how hard is that to understand?
Just remember that when Republicans take back the House and do their own investigations of all the times democrats tried to overthrow the 2016 election and a legitimately elected president, including Hillary & Co planting false evidence and lying to courts in order to take down a legitimately elected president. We'll also have investigations of all of the prominent democrats who incited violence and insurrections during the summer riots and against the lives of Supreme Court justices and even Bernie Sanders for inciting one of his followers to go to DC and shoot up Republicans by repeatedly calling for a revolution. These don't even include investigating the Bidens regarding both Ukraine and China. Yes, their actions do make them a target of investigations, now don't they?

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