Donald Trump Jr. Mea Culpa to NYT Investigative Report - LOVE IT!

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919

Buuuut, nothing there still. And what about this guy okay? Why hasn't he single handedly impeached Trump yet?

FBI misses House committee's deadline for providing Comey's Trump memos

Sayy, where's that professor that Comey was leaking through? I've noticed since Reality winner and Comey aren't in the loop, the leaks have all but stopped. :tongue:
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919

Buuuut, nothing there still. And what about this guy okay? Why hasn't he single handedly impeached Trump yet?

FBI misses House committee's deadline for providing Comey's Trump memos

Sayy, where's that professor that Comey was leaking through? I've noticed since Reality winner and Comey aren't in the loop, the leaks have all but stopped. :tongue:

The leaks have stopped? fuckers sure have an odd reality.
Comey's Big Mistake...............
Comey’s Big Mistake:

Let’s go back to July. Comey back then was not a prosecutor. He was head of the FBI. The prosecutor was the attorney general. She had said prior to him making his decision that she would follow whatever he recommended. She had passed the buck to him and he stupidly picked it up.

The lodestar any director of the FBI should look to is J. Edgar Hoover. For all his faults he knew how to act as the person in charge of the FBI. He was in charge of it for 48 years. He protected its reputation as if it were his natural child which to him it was. He would never have acted as Comey did. He would have gone into the Attorney General and made his recommendation. She is the political officer. He would have let her take the heat.

Comey fell into a trap. He thought he was the attorney general. He gave a lengthy public statement about facts discovered during the FBI investigation. At the end he announced he was not going to recommend charges against Hillary. Some believed the evidence showed she violated the law. He put himself in the position of defending a decision he never should have made.

It was clear to me that the decision not to prosecute took into account that Hillary was in line to be the Democratic nominee for president. Some might object that is wrong and you should never look at the person who is alleged to have done the acts but only the acts themselves. That is not the way things are done in America. A prosecutor with the help of the investigators is first supposed to determine if there was a crime; and then decide whether the person who committed it should be prosecuted. It is a long tradition in America that prosecutors do this at least on the state side. That is why they are given the right to enter a nolle prosequi. That the prosecutor has that power means he does not have to charge every person who commits a crime.

Comey knew his decision in Hillary’s case was a highly awaited one. He should simply have said that he reviewed all the evidence and presented its findings to the attorney general. He may have added that it was his recommendation that a prosecution is not warranted.

The attorney general would then have to make the decision whether to prosecute or not. Yes, many would have shouted and screamed, perhaps including me, that the fix was in or something along those lines but so what. Let the attorney general take the heat. Comey and the FBI did its job. It was the attorney general’s job to look at what it did and make a decision.

I would expect and hope there are many federal investigations done where at the end it is decided not to charge a person when it is determined the consequences of bringing a charge will inflict greater punishment than demanded by the crime itself.

Comey embarrassed the FBI because he forgot his job title. We see the mess that has now happened because he did not understand his position.
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
For Trump
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
Intent for what?

As far as Hillary's crime. Intent isn't needed.
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
This is what happens when you share your genetic material with a low IQ model.

I'm pretty sure Trump holds both his elder sons in utter contempt and that's why he dotes on Kushner.....

Trump Teased ‘Major’ News On Clinton Days After Don Jr. Was Contacted About Russian Dirt

“I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”

Donald Trump promised a “major speech” attacking campaign rival Hillary Clinton last June, just days after his son, Donald Trump Jr., was informed that Russia had compromising information on the Democratic candidate.

In a speech on June 7, 2016, first flagged by Washington Post reporter Philip Bump, then-candidate Trump promised vaguely to discuss “all the things that have taken place with the Clintons.”

“I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week, and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons,” Trump said at the time. “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend. Who knows?”

Trump’s promise of big Clinton news came four days after his eldest son was contacted by publicist Rob Goldstone about information obtained by the Russian government that would be damaging to Clinton, according to emails Trump Jr. released Tuesday.

Donald Trump failed to follow through on his campaign promise to reveal dirt on Clinton. He instead focused a June 13 event in New Hampshire on national security issues. The Post noted he pledged to reveal damning information on Clinton at a later date.

A hacker, which U.S. intelligence agencies have linked to Russia, began releasing emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee on June 15, 2016. The intelligence agencies say the Kremlin actively worked to influence the presidential election in favor of Trump under the direction of President Vladimir Putin.

Trump Teased 'Major' News On Clinton Days After Don Jr. Was Contacted About Russian Dirt

Wow, what a coincidence!

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