Donald Trump: Kentucky clerk broke ‘the law of the land’ by blocking gay weddings

How could she have broken a law that the people never passed?

Trump doesn't get it, because he doesn't understand the Constitution; nor does he have much use for it.
I agree with Trump. She has other people that work in her office. If she has legit religious objections, have an assistant do the gay marriage licenses.....Problem solved,no jail time required.

I actually doubt the current dictatorship will be ok with that.


She's only being held because she straight-out refused to let her subordinates issue the licenses.
A captain is responsible for everything that happens on his (or her) ship.

A department head is responsible for everything that happens in her department.

She knows Gay Marriage is an abomination before the eyes of God, Man and Nature, and courageously decided to take a stand, and keep her hand on the wheel to meet the challenge, rather than taking the coward's way out, and allowing her subordinates to engage in the despicable legitimizing of such wickedness on her behalf.

You may or may not agree with her perceptions and her judgment, but she chose to take the heat herself, rather than weaseling-out and dumping the shit-jobs (like issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals) on her underlings when she had the chance.

For that, she gets props for courage --- not brains, perhaps (or maybe so, after all) --- but, courage... yes.
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I mean seriously, how many gays are living in Kentucky?

I find it ironic that the name of the town is Morehead.....:rofl:

AFAIC, she's an attention seeking hypocrite. It's time for her to either do her job, delegate it to someone else, or be fired.

I think it is 'interesting,' her history of several marriages and divorces and having a child by one man while married to another, and then she becomes a Christian and is so intensely self-righteous about her 'religious beliefs.' What BS. She's not a Christian; she's a hypocrite. That’s another religion: self-aggrandizement and hypocrisy.

She could be the town whore, and still have an upright and righteous position on sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality), and decide to take a stand against it.

There is no hypocrisy at work here, that can be either proven nor even assumed with a high degree of probability of being right.

As to experiencing a 'conversion' to Christianity, and then acting differently after the conversion, versus prior to the conversion...

Is there any evidence of adultery, etc., in her history, AFTER her 'conversion'?

If the answer is "no", then, there is no hypocrisy at work in this context.

Hell, even a hypocrite can take a moral stand against something wicked, so, in actuality, her alleged 'hypocrisy' is actually irrelevant, even if it did exist post-conversation (and there is no evidence to support that, insofar as any of us are aware).

Finally, neither you nor I know what is in her heart, and, therefore, neither of us can say, credibly and reliably, whether or not she is a Christian.
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I agree with Trump. She has other people that work in her office. If she has legit religious objections, have an assistant do the gay marriage licenses.....Problem solved,no jail time required.

I actually doubt the current dictatorship will be ok with that.


She's only being held because she straight-out refused to let her subordinates issue the licenses.
A captain is responsible for everything that happens on his (or her) ship.

A department head is responsible for everything that happens in her department.

She knows Gay Marriage is an abomination before the eyes of God, Man and Nature, and courageously decided to take a stand, and keep her hand on the wheel to meet the challenge, rather than taking the coward's way out, and allowing her subordinates to engage in the despicable legitimizing of such wickedness on her behalf.

You may or may not agree with her perceptions and her judgment, but she chose to take the heat herself, rather than weaseling-out when she had the chance.

For that, she gets props for courage --- not brains, perhaps (or maybe so, after all) --- but, courage... yes.

I don't consider this lady a hero; but it did take some courage to stand for her beliefs, nonetheless. But bare in mind she didn't protest simply that it was against her moral code; rather she also tried to act as if we live in a theocracy.

I disagree with a judge putting this lady in jail for not performing a job. When we have that and then we have a presidential candidate (HIllary) doing much worse by actively obstructing justice and creating national security risks (felonies), then there is something clearly wrong; she is not going to jail and will likely not even be indicted.
Trump probably realizes that there isn't much that can be done for this woman since the court has the power to enforce laws in any way they want. That is closer to the truth than saying she legitimately broke the law.

What this woman did was a clear violation of the law. The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license thus preventing the Clerk's Office from fulfilling a statutory duty. The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair. Hell, with all the support she's been getting I think gofundme would have made her a millionaire.

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