Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump has been nothing short of astounding during his first few months. Illegal aliens have been self-deporting because he has shown real leadership. And now, these criminals are ending their own illegal public assistance. President Trump is solving problems even without legislation or Executive Orders. Just his presence solves problems.

Fear of deportation drives people off food stamps in US
Baghdad [S]Bob[/S] Buttplug ... hard at work ...
Faun Over Men continues his obsession with homosexuality :puke:
Claws the poster who's fawning like a homosexual over the [male] president.
Claws the poster who's fawning like a homosexual over the [male] president.
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.
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Claws the poster who's fawning like a homosexual over the [male] president.
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.

The only job Trump is succeeding out is losing...

He currently holds the record for the lowest job approval rating in Gallup's history for a president at this point in their first term...

Truman        82%
Johnson       76%
Kennedy       74%
Eisenhower    74%
Bush41        70%
Carter        63%
Obama         62%
Nixon         62%
Reagan        59%
Bush43        55%
Clinton       49%
Ford          37%
Trump         36%

And if you were truly interested in giving kudos to a president for a job well done, and not merely being Trump's cock holster. then post the link to your post where you congratulated Obama for the unprecedented record of 76 consecutive months of job growth.......

Either post that or post your excuses. What's it gonna be ...?
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.

Trump promised to accomplish dozens of things including repealing obamacare, imposing a muslim ban, and deporting the criminal illegal aliens in his first 100 days.
Maybe you forgot Trump is batting about 10% in accomplishing what he promised to get done. And you call that success?
Claws the poster who's fawning like a homosexual over the [male] president.
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.

The only job Trump is succeeding out is losing...

He currently holds the record for the lowest job approval rating in Gallup's history for a president at this point in their first term...

Truman        82%
Johnson       76%
Kennedy       74%
Eisenhower    74%
Bush41        70%
Carter        63%
Obama         62%
Nixon         62%
Reagan        59%
Bush43        55%
Clinton       49%
Ford          37%
Trump         36%

And if you were truly interested in giving kudos to a president for a job well done, and not merely being Trump's cock holster. then post the link to your post where you congratulated Obama for the unprecedented record of 76 consecutive months of job growth.......

Either post that or post your excuses. What's it gonna be ...?
We call that "rock bottom". And Trump certainly looks like a bottom. A big Orange Crush.
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.

Trump promised to accomplish dozens of things including repealing obamacare, imposing a muslim ban, and deporting the criminal illegal aliens in his first 100 days.
Maybe you forgot Trump is batting about 10% in accomplishing what he promised to get done. And you call that success?
10% of an entire agenda in just 5 months would be exceptional by any standard. Trump accomplished more than 10% his first full day on the job.
Yep, with 60% of this country hating his guts for being a backwards piece of shit...YOu can't go down as the greatest with these numbers. Period.

His policies are dumber then dog shit.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Have you lost your mind?

Richard Dreyfuss represents all liberals?

You conservatives only talk about the constitution.
People who get the job done deserve recognition. President Trump has progressives respecting the U.S. Constitution for the first time ever, he has criminals self-deporting, and he has criminals voluntarily giving up illegal and costly social programs.

Trump promised to accomplish dozens of things including repealing obamacare, imposing a muslim ban, and deporting the criminal illegal aliens in his first 100 days.
Maybe you forgot Trump is batting about 10% in accomplishing what he promised to get done. And you call that success?
10% of an entire agenda in just 5 months would be exceptional by any standard. Trump accomplished more than 10% his first full day on the job.

But he's accomplished nothing.
You conservatives only talk about the constitution.
God forbid! I mean, why talk about the document that ensures rights and liberty? Why talk about the document that is the highest law of the land? Why talk about the document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of government? :eusa_doh:
But he's accomplished nothing.
The facts say otherwise chief....

– Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever.

U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. According to Bloomberg, America’s labor market is getting better “by any measure”.

– Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

Since the day of his inauguration, Trump has wiped $68 billion off the national debt, which had ballooned to $19,947,000,000,000 under Obama.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

The Philly Fed Index, a survey of how well manufacturers are doing, hit its highest level since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time ever days after Trump’s inauguration and hasn’t stopped rising since. The Dow has surged more than 2500 points since Trump was elected – a 12% spike.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

The technology giant will invest $300 million in expanding U.S. production facilities, creating around 500 jobs.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

Exxon will spend $20 billion over 10 years on 11 plants along the Gulf Coast, creating a whopping 45,000 jobs for American workers.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Trump stopped the Indianapolis air conditioning plant from relocating to Mexico, saving hundreds of jobs.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

Fiat Chrysler is set to invest $1 billion in two factories in Toledo and Detroit, an expansion that will create 2,000 jobs.

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

U.S. Hasbro, Inc. is returning to the U.S. and will make the beloved children’s modeling clay in a Massachusetts factory rather than in China or Turkey.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

Obama tried to bankrupt the coal industry, Trump is revitalizing it.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

This would have handed yet more power over to unelected globalists, creating a global regulatory structure detrimental to all Americans.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40% in Trump’s first month.

Border crossings have already dropped by 40%, according to the DHS as Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to build a wall.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

Trump has ordered the DOJ and Homeland Security to withhold federal funds from cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Although Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare replacement is being rightly condemned, Trump has at least set in motion the repeal of this disastrous policy which has seen premiums skyrocket and choice diminished.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch is a strict constitutionalist and will defend fundamental freedoms, protecting Americans from the scourge of judicial activism.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

The long awaited approval of these projects will create jobs and reduce gas prices for all Americans.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

American taxpayers are no longer paying for babies to be aborted by international non-governmental agencies.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

The president ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.”

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 50 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his embryonic administration at every stage.

Trump’s Accomplishments: The First 50 Days
You conservatives only talk about the constitution.
God forbid! I mean, why talk about the document that ensures rights and liberty? Why talk about the document that is the highest law of the land? Why talk about the document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of government? :eusa_doh:

You only talk about it, You know nothing about what you talk about.
You conservatives only talk about the constitution.
God forbid! I mean, why talk about the document that ensures rights and liberty? Why talk about the document that is the highest law of the land? Why talk about the document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of government? :eusa_doh:

You only talk about it, You know nothing about what you talk about.
I know everything that I talk about. Otherwise, I wouldn't talk about it. I'm not an arrogant progressive. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
But he's accomplished nothing.
The facts say otherwise chief....

– Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever.

U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. According to Bloomberg, America’s labor market is getting better “by any measure”.

– Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

Since the day of his inauguration, Trump has wiped $68 billion off the national debt, which had ballooned to $19,947,000,000,000 under Obama.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

The Philly Fed Index, a survey of how well manufacturers are doing, hit its highest level since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time ever days after Trump’s inauguration and hasn’t stopped rising since. The Dow has surged more than 2500 points since Trump was elected – a 12% spike.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

The technology giant will invest $300 million in expanding U.S. production facilities, creating around 500 jobs.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

Exxon will spend $20 billion over 10 years on 11 plants along the Gulf Coast, creating a whopping 45,000 jobs for American workers.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Trump stopped the Indianapolis air conditioning plant from relocating to Mexico, saving hundreds of jobs.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

Fiat Chrysler is set to invest $1 billion in two factories in Toledo and Detroit, an expansion that will create 2,000 jobs.

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

U.S. Hasbro, Inc. is returning to the U.S. and will make the beloved children’s modeling clay in a Massachusetts factory rather than in China or Turkey.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

Obama tried to bankrupt the coal industry, Trump is revitalizing it.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

This would have handed yet more power over to unelected globalists, creating a global regulatory structure detrimental to all Americans.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40% in Trump’s first month.

Border crossings have already dropped by 40%, according to the DHS as Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to build a wall.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

Trump has ordered the DOJ and Homeland Security to withhold federal funds from cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Although Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare replacement is being rightly condemned, Trump has at least set in motion the repeal of this disastrous policy which has seen premiums skyrocket and choice diminished.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch is a strict constitutionalist and will defend fundamental freedoms, protecting Americans from the scourge of judicial activism.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

The long awaited approval of these projects will create jobs and reduce gas prices for all Americans.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

American taxpayers are no longer paying for babies to be aborted by international non-governmental agencies.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

The president ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.”

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 50 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his embryonic administration at every stage.

Trump’s Accomplishments: The First 50 Days

The only thing he has done is get Gorusch appointed to a seat he should not be sitting in.

Talk about going against the constitution..

Trump did not save the Carrier plant. Pence cut a deal with company by making Indiana taxpayers fork over 7 million dollars to pay for 1300 fewer jobs.

Trump has done nothing. His policies created no jobs, because he has not issued a jobs plan.

Manufacturers had already decided to return to the US during Obama's last couple of years.

That includes Samsung.

Sorry bud, but you're giving Trump credit for doing nothing but issuing executive orders that only bind departments in the executive branch. And it looks like a number of them have been declared unconstitutional.
You conservatives only talk about the constitution.
God forbid! I mean, why talk about the document that ensures rights and liberty? Why talk about the document that is the highest law of the land? Why talk about the document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of government? :eusa_doh:

You only talk about it, You know nothing about what you talk about.
I know everything that I talk about. Otherwise, I wouldn't talk about it. I'm not an arrogant progressive. Thanks for playing, snowflake.

I doubt if you do wackjob.
The only thing he has done is get Gorusch appointed to a seat he should not be sitting in.
Ask an adult to read that list to you. He cut the national debt by $68 billion, he rolled back Barack Insane Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders, he approved the Dakota Pipeline, he approved the Keystone Pipeline, he secured the borders, he created jobs, and a whole lot more.
Talk about going against the constitution.
No thank you. We know how you fascists live to talk about going against the U.S. Constitution, but we Americans prefer to go with the U.S. Constitution. Not against it.
Donnie Two scoops Fucks the GOP who voted for his TrumpCare...calls it a "Too Mean "...I love it...the GOP congress folks are going to be brutally attacked for voting for a Bill that even an Orange Monster thinks its mean.. Yes its sweet

House GOP Angry with Trump Over Comment
June 14, 2017

Playbook: “Imagine if you’re a House Republican, and voted for the leadership’s health-care bill in May after being told that you were doing the newly elected president a solid. You listened to the White House’s pleading — perhaps you got a phone call from Vice President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus or even the president himself. The administration was on the Hill nonstop to push their legislation. You explained to your constituents that the late-in-the-game changes made to the bill helped cover more people. You celebrated with him in the Rose Garden after passage.”

“Now you hear the president has gone behind closed doors and told senators the House bill is ‘mean’ and says it doesn’t do enough to cover people. Wouldn’t that anger you? Well, it’s angering a lot of House Republicans, who believe their president put them at political risk with that comment.”

“If you’re a House Republican, are you going to help the White House next time after the president privately just dumped all over you after you cast a vote for him? A lot of GOP lawmakers are buzzing about it, and many are none too pleased with the president right now.

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