Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Forgotten codpiece George's worst recession since the 20s? I get it, it was the Dems.
There may be hope for you yet! It seems like you might actually be open to accepting facts. Kudos.
How's your gas prices? Still under $2?
They were $4 under MaObama. Thankfully, the GOP stepped in and got them cut in half.
Where on earth do you live?
Incredible Obama was Pres but it's always the repubs.
And his job growth quarter better than dons were fake !!!
I guess you don't worry dons first year job growth was the worst in 6 years?
Can you take a course on presenting both sides.
You seem to be awfully biased
White old fart?
Comey didn't release anti trump stuff. He did release anti Clinton stuff which doomed her.
Wait....whuuuut? I thought "Russian Collusion" 'doomed' Hitlery? :lmao:
No, comey.
The orange blob should bless him every morning
You don't remember comey didn't release Don info but hills?
Gawd, talk about a made up mind.
Hope you are sucking off your commie benefits thinking you paid in?
Trump is actually wrong, researchers said they are 95 percent confident that the number of direct and indirect deaths falls between 2,658 and 3,290.
Thanks to Trumps crappy disaster relief.
After 8 years of the most corrupt and least transparent administration in U.S. history, it is so nice to have an administration that demands information be released to the public.
President Donald Trump ordered the declassification and release of documents and text messages related to the probe
Thank you Mr. President for putting the American people (and America) first. MaObama put himself first.

Trump orders public release of classified FBI documents, text messages on Russia investigation
President Trump continues to astound. One of the best economies in U.S. history. Secured the border. Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S. And even deported actual Nazi's. No wonder the left hates him.
Thanks in part to President Trump and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, the last known Nazi living in the United States was deported to Germany early Tuesday morning. Jakiw Palij was partially responsible for the death of roughly 6,000 Jews during the Holocaust in 1943.

Last-known Nazi collaborator from WWII in US, a 95-year-old former camp guard, deported to Germany
While the media continues to lie, President Trump continues to speak the truth.
“It’s painfully obvious that journalists like Acosta haven’t even read the left’s proposal on ‘Medicare for all.’ It is H.R. 676. It has 123 Democrat cosponsors, that’s more than half of the House Democrats, and it reads, ‘It shall be unlawful for a private health insurer to sell health insurance coverage that duplicates the benefits provided under this Act.’ So, CNN, how is the president lying?”
And then the media lies about President Trump speaking the truth.

MSM called for ‘fact check’ on Trump’s Medicare op-ed — they’re not going to like the results
Kurt Russel- had to change his name because of the leftists

Snake Plissken


I dont give a shit if the history books don't say it, i don't care if lib media suppresses it, but Donald Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime, & his fight against fake media makes him one of the greatest of all time. Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Trump..yeah i said it.
9:38 PM · Oct 11, 2018
Thank you, President Trump, for putting America first. After 8 years of the anti-American, globalist MaObama doing everything in his power to undermine the U.S., it has been such a gift to have a president who puts his nation and his people above the needs of foreign interests.
Honduras appeared to act quickly on Tuesday after President Donald Trump threatened to cut humanitarian aid to their country over a caravan of migrants who were travelling towards the U.S.
That’s all it takes. It really is that simple. And that’s all it would take to cause Mexico to drop to their knees.
“The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.
Amazing how quickly Honduras was able to assist us in illegal immigration (and they aren’t even remotely close to our border).
Vice President Mike Pence followed up with his own tweet to explain the actions that were being taken to encourage Honduras to prevent the migrant caravan. “Delivered strong message from [the president]: no more aid if caravan is not stopped,” he added. “Told him U.S. will not tolerate this blatant disregard for our border & sovereignty.”
Everyone is desperate for our money. If they want it, they have to do their part to stop the invasion of the United States.

Honduras takes action against migrant caravan after Trump threatens to cut aid
Thank you, President Trump. You've been nothing short of a godsend.
The Trump administration has issued 65% fewer “significant” rules—with costs exceeding $100 million a year—than the Obama administration and 51% fewer than the Bush administration, in its first 22 months.
And that's just accounting for what he implemented. That doesn't even include the regulations from MaObama and Bush that he removed. The net result would be even larger. Is it any wonder we have record low unemployment and record highs in the market?

Here's How Much Red Tape Trump Has Cut
Thank you, President Trump, for putting America first. After 8 years of the anti-American, globalist MaObama doing everything in his power to undermine the U.S., it has been such a gift to have a president who puts his nation and his people above the needs of foreign interests.
President Donald Trump said Monday the United States will start cutting aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador as a caravan of thousands of mostly Honduran migrants rolled on regardless toward the US border.
Cutting costs while defending U.S. sovereignty.

Trump to cut Central America aid as migrant caravan rolls on
Thank you, President Trump, for restoring sanity to America. The left wants to reject basic science. We cannot allow that to happen.
The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.
Gender is not a state of mind. It is a scientific, biological reality.

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?
San Francisco is a city. It is not entitled to state's rights.

However it is free to become as filthy and disease ridden as it wishes to be.

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