Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Trump is the greatest man of the age, Trumps name will be spoken a thousand years from now. Between now and the end of 2019, 2 million new babies will be named Donald or Melania.
Dayum! :ack-1:

The sycophancy of you Trumpettes is truly scary. Regardless, that doesn't appear to be the case as neither Donald nor Melanie are in the top 50...

100 Most Popular Baby Names of 2019—So Far | Parents
Lol who cares what the left wing propaganda says.. pick up a modern day history book
Trump is the greatest man of the age, Trumps name will be spoken a thousand years from now. Between now and the end of 2019, 2 million new babies will be named Donald or Melania.
Dayum! :ack-1:

The sycophancy of you Trumpettes is truly scary. Regardless, that doesn't appear to be the case as neither Donald nor Melanie are in the top 50...

100 Most Popular Baby Names of 2019—So Far | Parents
Lol who cares what the left wing propaganda says.. pick up a modern day history book

Baby names are now left wing propaganda to the nutty right.
President Trump has been absolutely phenomenal...
In the past year, wage growth was 6.6% for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes. That’s double the 3.3% growth rate for workers at the top of the income distribution.
Creating jobs for everyone, especially minorities. Increasing wages for everyone, especially the lower class.

Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most From Strong Economy
Yea, right.
20c an hour more, gobbled up in gas
You do know Omaha created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2.?
Why don't you ever list that?
Still not worried about him dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Lusting after his daughter?
Going in teen dressing rooms?
5 deferments?
Trump u?
Ah well, patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel?
President Trump has been absolutely phenomenal...
In the past year, wage growth was 6.6% for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes. That’s double the 3.3% growth rate for workers at the top of the income distribution.
Creating jobs for everyone, especially minorities. Increasing wages for everyone, especially the lower class.

Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most From Strong Economy
the rump is a wasted space in American history. The poor are not getting shit from this conman.
The data is undeniable, angry little cross-dresser. President Trump has done more for minorities and the lower class in 2 years than MaObama did in 8 years.
I do not dress as you do in womens clothing. I am a male and dress as such. Work boots and Ben Davies pants. The poor in this nation are being shoved aside for the illegals conservatives want for the cheap labor. You should get out of your outhouse basement more often.
Trump is the greatest man of the age, Trumps name will be spoken a thousand years from now. Between now and the end of 2019, 2 million new babies will be named Donald or Melania.

typical con cult.
Jealous of him dragging his 1 St wife by the hair and raping her?
Stupid, Doesn't even know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Trump u?
Whoops it was fined and closed like his airline, steaks etc
President Trump has been absolutely phenomenal...
In the past year, wage growth was 6.6% for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes. That’s double the 3.3% growth rate for workers at the top of the income distribution.
Creating jobs for everyone, especially minorities. Increasing wages for everyone, especially the lower class.

Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most From Strong Economy
Yea, right.
20c an hour more, gobbled up in gas
You do know Omaha created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2.?
Why don't you ever list that?
Still not worried about him dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Lusting after his daughter?
Going in teen dressing rooms?
5 deferments?
Trump u?
Ah well, patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel?
You forgot to quote "stays stubbornly below"
I thought multimillionaires like me benefited most?
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Yes the greatest and to only serve 1 term ,,,Thank God
Republicans built an incredible economy with conservative policy during the MaObama reign of terror. He did everything he could to prevent it (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline. Now that MaObama is gone and President Trump sits in the White House, we were able to place the finishing touches on a true conservative economy (removing all of MaObama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders). It has resulted in an unprecedented economy.

Wow: 71 percent of ALL voters rate Trump economy 'good' or 'excellent' — highest in almost 18 years
Stormy said he wasn’t that good.
That’s because she was mad that he denied sleeping with her. Incidentally, you’ve been so thoroughly defeated by President Trump that you have to resort to talking about how good Trump is in bed. :laugh:

Donald Trump is what they call a credit snatcher. He takes credit for the hard work of others. Even worse, he’ll get someone to work for him promising to pay them and then he stiffed them.
Yes the greatest and to only serve 1 term ,,,Thank God
Good luck with that!

Republicans built an incredible economy with conservative policy during the MaObama reign of terror, despite the fact that he did everything he could to prevent it (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline). Once MaObama was gone and President Trump took over, we were able to place the finishing touches on a true conservative economy (such removing all of MaObama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders). It has resulted in an unprecedented economy.

Wow: 71 percent of ALL voters rate Trump economy 'good' or 'excellent' — highest in almost 18 years
Donald Trump is what they call a credit snatcher. He takes credit for the hard work of others.
He doesn’t take credit for what the Republicans built. He just gets the credit he deserves for eliminating MaObama’s failed (and unconstitutional) Executive Orders, for approving the Keystone Pipeline, for the tariffs he placed on communist nations who were screwing us, etc.
Republicans built an incredible economy with conservative policy during the MaObama reign of terror. He did everything he could to prevent it (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline. Now that MaObama is gone and President Trump sits in the White House, we were able to place the finishing touches on a true conservative economy (removing all of MaObama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders). It has resulted in an unprecedented economy.

Wow: 71 percent of ALL voters rate Trump economy 'good' or 'excellent' — highest in almost 18 years
Spits the buttplug who actually claimed there were only 1 million jobs gained during Obama's 8 years in office.

Do you really think the forum needs more evidence that you're crazy?
Trump is saving this country and the liberals will benefit from it; ingrates that they are.
Trump is saving this country and the liberals will benefit from it; ingrates that they are.
You're spot-on. But remember - most liberals don't want the U.S. saved. They hate the U.S. They want it to collapse and they want to replace it with a communist state. Hence the reason they hate Trump so much.
President Trump in on track to be the greatest president in U.S. history...
A look at his fiscal year 2020 budget shows that the president has a plan to reduce costs and increase health care choices. His plan would achieve this by redirecting federal premium subsidies and Medicaid expansion money into grants to states. States would be required to use the money to establish consumer-centered programs that make health insurance affordable regardless of income or medical condition.
He put the finishing touches on an incredible economy built by the Republicans. He's taken steps to restore power to the states in accordance with the U.S. Constitution - and he is doing that yet again with his plan for healthcare. The federal government simply has no authority for healthcare. It will be exponentially better handled by the states (at least those not run by the failed liberal ideology).

Trump Really Does Have a Plan That's Better Than Obamacare

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